UNIverse - Public Research Portal

Prof. Dr. med. Markus H. Heim

Department of Biomedicine
Profiles & Affiliations

Teaching Bachelor/Master

158 found
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2024/2025  - Lecture

Hepatozelluläres Karzinom

2024/2025  - Lecture

Zirrhose / Portale Hypertension

2024/2025  - Co-Management

Themenblock Co-Leitung: Baupläne des Lebens

2023/2024  - Lecture

Hepatozelluläres Karzinom

2023/2024  - Lecture

Zirrhose / Portale Hypertension

2023/2024  - Co-Management

Themenblock Co-Leitung: Baupläne des Lebens

2022/2023  - Lecture

Hepatozelluläres Karzinom

2022/2023  - Lecture

Zirrhose / Portale Hypertension

2022/2023  - Co-Management

Themenblock Co-Leitung: Baupläne des Lebens

2021/2022  - Lecture

Hepatozelluläres Karzinom

2021/2022  - Lecture

Zirrhose / Portale Hypertension

2021/2022  - Co-Management

Themenblock Co-Leitung: Baupläne des Lebens

2020/2021  - Lecture

Zirrhose / Portale Hypertension

2020/2021  - Lecture

Hepatozelluläres Karzinom

2020/2021  - Co-Management

Themenblock Co-Leitung: Baupläne des Lebens

2019/2020  - Lecture

Autoimmunerkrankungen der Leber

2019/2020  - Lecture

Zirrhose / Portale Hypertension

2019/2020  - Lecture

Hepatozelluläres Karzinom

2019/2020  - Co-Management

Themenblock Co-Leitung: Baupläne des Lebens

2019/2020  - Lecture

Pathophysiologie der Leber

2018/2019  - Lecture

Autoimmunerkrankungen der Leber

2018/2019  - Lecture

Zirrhose / Portale Hypertension

2018/2019  - Lecture

Hepatozelluläres Karzinom

2018/2019  - Co-Management


2018/2019  - Co-Management


2018/2019  - Co-Management


2018/2019  - Co-Management


2018/2019  - Co-Management


2018/2019  - Lecture

Pathophysiologie der Leber

2017/2018  - Lecture

Autoimmunerkrankungen der Leber

2017/2018  - Lecture

Zirrhose / Portale Hypertension

2017/2018  - Lecture

Hepatozelluläres Karzinom

2017/2018  - Master Thesis Supervision

Meier Marie-Anne, , Hepatitis B virus covalently closed circular DNA homeostasis is independent of the lymphotoxin pathway during chronic HBV infection

2017/2018  - Co-Management


2017/2018  - Co-Management


2017/2018  - Co-Management


2017/2018  - Co-Management


2017/2018  - Co-Management


2017/2018  - Lecture

Pathophysiologie der Leber

2016/2017  - Lecture

Autoimmunerkrankungen der Leber

2016/2017  - Lecture

Hepatitis und Fibrose

2016/2017  - Lecture

Zirrhose / Portale Hypertension

2016/2017  - Co-Management


2016/2017  - Co-Management


2016/2017  - Co-Management


2016/2017  - Co-Management


2016/2017  - Co-Management


2016/2017  - Lecture

Pathophysiologie der Leber

2015/2016  - Lecture

Autoimmunerkrankungen der Leber

2015/2016  - Lecture

Zirrhose / Portale Hypertension

2015/2016  - Lecture

NASH (non alcoholic Steatohepatitis) und ASH (alcoholic Steatohepatitis)

2015/2016  - Lecture

Virushepatitis l

2015/2016  - Lecture

Virushepatitis ll

2015/2016  - Master Thesis Supervision

Frey Rahel; ; Ultrasound surveillance for hepatocellular carcinoma: real-life performance in a hepatology outpatient clinic

2015/2016  - Co-Management


2015/2016  - Co-Management


2015/2016  - Co-Management


2015/2016  - Co-Management


2015/2016  - Co-Management


2015/2016  - Lecture

Pathophysiologie der Leber

2014/2015  - Lecture

Autoimmunerkrankungen der Leber

2014/2015  - Lecture

Zirrhose / Portale Hypertension

2014/2015  - Lecture

NASH (non alcoholic Steatohepatitis) und ASH (alcoholic Steatohepatitis)

2014/2015  - Lecture

Virushepatitis l

2014/2015  - Lecture

Virushepatitis ll

2014/2015  - Courses

Kurs: Chronische Lebererkrankungen

2014/2015  - Courses

Kurs: Chronische Lebererkrankungen

2014/2015  - Co-Management


2014/2015  - Co-Management


2014/2015  - Co-Management


2014/2015  - Co-Management


2014/2015  - Co-Management


2014/2015  - Lecture

Pathophysiologie der Leber

2013/2014  - Lecture According to Old Calculation Key

Autoimmunerkrankungen der Leber

2013/2014  - Lecture According to Old Calculation Key

Virushepatitis l

2013/2014  - Lecture According to Old Calculation Key

Virushepatitis ll

2013/2014  - Lecture According to Old Calculation Key

Zirrhose / Portale Hypertension

2013/2014  - Lecture According to Old Calculation Key

NASH (non alcoholic Steatohepatitis) und ASH (alcoholic Steatohepatitis)

2013/2014  - Lecture According to Old Calculation Key

Pathophysiologie der Leber

2012/2013  - Lecture According to Old Calculation Key

NASH (non alcoholic Steatohepatitis) und ASH (alcoholic Steatohepatitis)

2012/2013  - Lecture According to Old Calculation Key

Zirrhose / Portale Hypertension

2012/2013  - Lecture According to Old Calculation Key

Virushepatitis l

2012/2013  - Lecture According to Old Calculation Key

Virushepatitis ll

2012/2013  - Lecture According to Old Calculation Key

Pathophysiologie der Leber

2011/2012  - Lecture According to Old Calculation Key

NASH (non alcoholic Steatohepatitis) und ASH (alcoholic Steatohepatitis)

2011/2012  - Lecture According to Old Calculation Key

Zirrhose / Portale Hypertension

2011/2012  - Lecture According to Old Calculation Key

Virushepatitis l

2011/2012  - Lecture According to Old Calculation Key

Virushepatitis ll

2011/2012  - Master Thesis Supervision

Merkofer Franzisca; ; Zelluläre Co-Lokalisation von Immunzellen und aktiviertem Interferonsystem in der Leber von Patienten mit Hepatitis C

2011/2012  - Lecture According to Old Calculation Key

Pathophysiologie der Leber

2010/2011  - Lecture According to Old Calculation Key

NASH (non alcoholic Steatohepatitis) und ASH (alcoholic Steatohepatitis)

2010/2011  - Lecture According to Old Calculation Key

Zirrhose / Portale Hypertension

2010/2011  - Lecture According to Old Calculation Key

Virushepatitis l

2010/2011  - Lecture According to Old Calculation Key

Virushepatitis ll

2010/2011  - Lecture According to Old Calculation Key

Innere Medizin Repetitorium

2010/2011  - Lecture According to Old Calculation Key

Pathophysiologie der Leber

2009/2010  - Lecture According to Old Calculation Key

Virushepatitis l

2009/2010  - Lecture According to Old Calculation Key

Virushepatitis ll

2009/2010  - Lecture According to Old Calculation Key

NASH (non alcoholic Steatohepatitis) und ASH (alcoholic Steatohepatitis)

2009/2010  - Lecture According to Old Calculation Key

Zirrhose / Portale Hypertension