Food coalitions beyond the local scale: spaces for a democratic sustainability transformation
Research Project | 5 Project Members
Food production and consumption have a significant impact on the environment and often promote social inequalities. Globalization has led to a concentration of economic and political power that makes the food system vulnerable to crises.
Despite these challenges, there is an increasing recognition of the importance of international trade and new technologies that connect people worldwide. New ways to engage in international trade emerge, focusing on environmental protection, social welfare, transparency, and democratic decision-making in economic activities. However, it is still unclear whether these alternative approaches actually contribute to a more democratic and sustainable global economy or simply promote new forms of ‘green growth’. This knowledge gap is addressed by the project.
Content and objectives
The project investigates alternative forms of globalized commodity chains. It focuses on Trans-Local Food Coalitions (TLFCs), organizations of different forms (cooperatives, companies, etc.) that strengthen relationships between producers and consumers in different geographical areas. Examples include Teikei Coffee, an organization practicing international community supported agriculture that sources fair trade coffee directly from farmers in Mexico, and Choba Choba Chocolate, a company that empowers cocoa farmers. Using TLFCs as an example, the project will identify opportunities and limitations of alternative forms of governance to support democratic and sustainable transformations of food chains.
Research approach
The research project combines mapping, a survey, and qualitative case studies in a comparative perspective. To enable comparisons, the focus of the empirical analysis is on TLFCs that start (production) or end (consumption) in the German-Swiss-Austrian (GSA) region. Based on a transdisciplinary approach, this empirical study will provide a typology of TLFCs in the GSA region and a consolidated conceptual framework of governance, democracy, and sustainability. As a result of a comparative analysis of selected TLFCs, practical individual and comparative case study reports will be generated and recommendations for optimized governance co-created.
Project consortium
The project is a collaborative effort between the University of Basel, the Technical University of Berlin, and the BOKU Vienna. It is funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF), the German Research Foundation (DFG), and the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) (total funding amount: CHF 993.000).