Negotiating early job-insecurity and labour market exclusion in Europe (NEGOTIATE)
Research Project | 01.03.2015 - 28.02.2018
- 28.02.2018
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Negotiating early job-insecurity and labour market exclusion in Europe (NEGOTIATE)
Horizon 2020 (GrantsTool), 03.2015-02.2018 (36)
PI : Bergman, Manfred Max.CI : Imdorf, Christian,Sacchi, Stefan,Samuel, Robin.
Imdorf, Christian et al. (2019) ‘NEGOTIATE Employer Survey. Scientific Use File. Data Documentation’, Negotiate workin paper. OsloMet, (7.4). Available at: https://doi.org/10.18712/nsd-nsd2644-v1.
Imdorf, Christian et al. (2019) ‘NEGOTIATE Employer Survey. Scientific Use File. Data Documentation’, Negotiate workin paper. OsloMet, (7.4). Available at: https://doi.org/10.18712/nsd-nsd2644-v1.
Helbling, Laura Alexandra, Sacchi, Stefan and Imdorf, Christian (2019) ‘Comparing long-term scarring effects of unemployment across countries: The impact of graduating during an economic downturn’, in Hvinden, Bjorn; O’Reilly, Jacqueline; Schøyen, Mi A.; Hyggen, Christer (ed.) Negotiating Early Job Insecurity Well-being, Scarring and Resilience of European Youth. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing (Negotiating Early Job Insecurity Well-being, Scarring and Resilience of European Youth), pp. 68–89. Available at: https://doi.org/10.4337/9781788118798.00011.
Helbling, Laura Alexandra, Sacchi, Stefan and Imdorf, Christian (2019) ‘Comparing long-term scarring effects of unemployment across countries: The impact of graduating during an economic downturn’, in Hvinden, Bjorn; O’Reilly, Jacqueline; Schøyen, Mi A.; Hyggen, Christer (ed.) Negotiating Early Job Insecurity Well-being, Scarring and Resilience of European Youth. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing (Negotiating Early Job Insecurity Well-being, Scarring and Resilience of European Youth), pp. 68–89. Available at: https://doi.org/10.4337/9781788118798.00011.
Imdorf, Christian et al. (2019) ‘Scars of early job insecurity across Europe: Insights from a multi-country employer study’, in Hvinden, Bjorn; Hyggen, Christer; Schøyen, Mi Ah; Sirovátka, Thomas (ed.) Youth Unemployment and Job Insecurity in Europe: Problems, Risk Factors and Policies. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing (Youth Unemployment and Job Insecurity in Europe: Problems, Risk Factors and Policies), pp. 93–116. Available at: https://doi.org/10.4337/9781788118897.00011.
Imdorf, Christian et al. (2019) ‘Scars of early job insecurity across Europe: Insights from a multi-country employer study’, in Hvinden, Bjorn; Hyggen, Christer; Schøyen, Mi Ah; Sirovátka, Thomas (ed.) Youth Unemployment and Job Insecurity in Europe: Problems, Risk Factors and Policies. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing (Youth Unemployment and Job Insecurity in Europe: Problems, Risk Factors and Policies), pp. 93–116. Available at: https://doi.org/10.4337/9781788118897.00011.
Imdorf, Christian et al. (2018) ‘Arbeitslosigkeit mindert Jobchancen’, Die Volkswirtschaft, 1 January, pp. 43–45. Available at: https://dievolkswirtschaft.ch/de/2018/09/arbeitslosigkeit-imdorf-sacchi-samuel-shi-08-09-2018/.
Imdorf, Christian et al. (2018) ‘Arbeitslosigkeit mindert Jobchancen’, Die Volkswirtschaft, 1 January, pp. 43–45. Available at: https://dievolkswirtschaft.ch/de/2018/09/arbeitslosigkeit-imdorf-sacchi-samuel-shi-08-09-2018/.
Shi, Lulu P. et al. (2018) ‘How unemployment scarring affects skilled young workers: evidence from a factorial survey of Swiss recruiters’, Journal for Labour Market Research, 52(7), pp. 1–15. Available at: https://doi.org/10.1186/s12651-018-0239-7.
Shi, Lulu P. et al. (2018) ‘How unemployment scarring affects skilled young workers: evidence from a factorial survey of Swiss recruiters’, Journal for Labour Market Research, 52(7), pp. 1–15. Available at: https://doi.org/10.1186/s12651-018-0239-7.
Helbling, Laura A., Sacchi, Stefan and Imdorf, Christian (2017) ‘Understanding cross-country variation in the long-term consequences of graduating at a bad time: A comparison of five European countries’, NEGOTIATE working paper. NEGOTIATE HiOA (NEGOTIATE working paper). Available at: https://negotiate-research.eu/files/2015/04/NEGOTIATE_working_paper_6.3.pdf.
Helbling, Laura A., Sacchi, Stefan and Imdorf, Christian (2017) ‘Understanding cross-country variation in the long-term consequences of graduating at a bad time: A comparison of five European countries’, NEGOTIATE working paper. NEGOTIATE HiOA (NEGOTIATE working paper). Available at: https://negotiate-research.eu/files/2015/04/NEGOTIATE_working_paper_6.3.pdf.
Imdorf, Christian et al. (2017) ‘Explaining employers” hiring decisions: A comparative study of employers” risk assessment’, NEGOTIATE working paper. NEGOTIATE HiOA (NEGOTIATE working paper). Available at: https://negotiate-research.eu/files/2015/04/NEGOTIATE_working_paper_D7.3.pdf.
Imdorf, Christian et al. (2017) ‘Explaining employers” hiring decisions: A comparative study of employers” risk assessment’, NEGOTIATE working paper. NEGOTIATE HiOA (NEGOTIATE working paper). Available at: https://negotiate-research.eu/files/2015/04/NEGOTIATE_working_paper_D7.3.pdf.
Kilchmann, Valentin et al. (2017) ‘Contribution to Deliverable 8.2 (WP 8): Strategies to improve labour market integration of young people: Comparing policy coordination in nine European countries. Country Report Switzerland’. NEGOTIATE HiOA. Available at: https://negotiate-research.eu/files/2015/03/D8.2_Country_Report_Switzerland.pdf.
Kilchmann, Valentin et al. (2017) ‘Contribution to Deliverable 8.2 (WP 8): Strategies to improve labour market integration of young people: Comparing policy coordination in nine European countries. Country Report Switzerland’. NEGOTIATE HiOA. Available at: https://negotiate-research.eu/files/2015/03/D8.2_Country_Report_Switzerland.pdf.
Negotiate (2017) ‘Employers assessments of young job applicants: Findings from a comparative study’, NEGOTIATE Policy Brief no. 6 - May 2017 (EUROPEAN POLICYBRIEF). Available at: https://negotiate-research.eu/files/2017/06/POLICY_BRIEF_NO6.pdf.
Negotiate (2017) ‘Employers assessments of young job applicants: Findings from a comparative study’, NEGOTIATE Policy Brief no. 6 - May 2017 (EUROPEAN POLICYBRIEF). Available at: https://negotiate-research.eu/files/2017/06/POLICY_BRIEF_NO6.pdf.
Negotiate (2017) ‘Long term consequences of early job insecurity’, NEGOTIATE Policy Brief no. 5 - March 2017 (EUROPEAN POLICYBRIEF). Available at: https://negotiate-research.eu/publications/policy-brief/.
Negotiate (2017) ‘Long term consequences of early job insecurity’, NEGOTIATE Policy Brief no. 5 - March 2017 (EUROPEAN POLICYBRIEF). Available at: https://negotiate-research.eu/publications/policy-brief/.
Abebe, Dawit Shawel et al. (2016) ‘Explaining consequences of employment insecurity: The dynamics of scarring in the United Kingdom, Poland and Norway’, NEGOTIATE working paper. NEGOTIATE HiOA (NEGOTIATE working paper). Available at: https://blogg.hioa.no/negotiate/files/2015/04/NEGOTIATE-working-paper-no-D6.2.pdf.
Abebe, Dawit Shawel et al. (2016) ‘Explaining consequences of employment insecurity: The dynamics of scarring in the United Kingdom, Poland and Norway’, NEGOTIATE working paper. NEGOTIATE HiOA (NEGOTIATE working paper). Available at: https://blogg.hioa.no/negotiate/files/2015/04/NEGOTIATE-working-paper-no-D6.2.pdf.
Helbling, Laura A. et al. (2016) ‘Methodological challenges in the study of scarring effects of early job insecurity’, NEGOTIATE working paper. NEGOTIATE HiOA (NEGOTIATE working paper). Available at: https://negotiate-research.eu/files/2015/04/NEGOTIATE-working-paper-no-D6.1-Methodological-challenges-in-the-study-1.pdf.
Helbling, Laura A. et al. (2016) ‘Methodological challenges in the study of scarring effects of early job insecurity’, NEGOTIATE working paper. NEGOTIATE HiOA (NEGOTIATE working paper). Available at: https://negotiate-research.eu/files/2015/04/NEGOTIATE-working-paper-no-D6.1-Methodological-challenges-in-the-study-1.pdf.
Hyggen, Christer et al. (2016) ‘Understanding unemployment scars: A vignette Experiment of employers” decisions in Bulgaria, Greece, Norway and Switzerland’, NEGOTIATE working paper. NEGOTIATE HiOA (NEGOTIATE working paper). Available at: https://negotiate-research.eu/files/2015/04/NEGOTIATE-working-papers-no-D7.2.pdf.
Hyggen, Christer et al. (2016) ‘Understanding unemployment scars: A vignette Experiment of employers” decisions in Bulgaria, Greece, Norway and Switzerland’, NEGOTIATE working paper. NEGOTIATE HiOA (NEGOTIATE working paper). Available at: https://negotiate-research.eu/files/2015/04/NEGOTIATE-working-papers-no-D7.2.pdf.
Imdorf, Christian et al. (2016) ‘Contribution to Deliverable 3.4 (D3.4) - Institutional Determinants of Early Job Insecurity in Nine European Countries : Country Report Switzerland’. NEGOTIATE HiOA. Available at: https://negotiate-research.eu/files/2015/03/WP-3.4-Country-Report-Switzerland.pdf.
Imdorf, Christian et al. (2016) ‘Contribution to Deliverable 3.4 (D3.4) - Institutional Determinants of Early Job Insecurity in Nine European Countries : Country Report Switzerland’. NEGOTIATE HiOA. Available at: https://negotiate-research.eu/files/2015/03/WP-3.4-Country-Report-Switzerland.pdf.
Shi, Lulu. P. et al. (2016) ‘Impact of insecure employment trajectories on employers” hiring decisions in Switzerland’, in Baslé, Maurice; Beaupère, Nathalie; Guéguen, Chantal; Issehnane, Sabina (ed.) Céreq échanges. Céreq: Céreq (Céreq échanges). Available at: http://www.cereq.fr/content/download/18195/159891/file/Jdl2016_Cereq%20Echanges%201.pdf.
Shi, Lulu. P. et al. (2016) ‘Impact of insecure employment trajectories on employers” hiring decisions in Switzerland’, in Baslé, Maurice; Beaupère, Nathalie; Guéguen, Chantal; Issehnane, Sabina (ed.) Céreq échanges. Céreq: Céreq (Céreq échanges). Available at: http://www.cereq.fr/content/download/18195/159891/file/Jdl2016_Cereq%20Echanges%201.pdf.
Shi, Lulu P., Imdorf, Christian and Samuel, Robin (2015) ‘Studying employers” risk assessment and the role of institutions: An experimental design’, NEGOTIATE working paper. NEGOTIATE HiOA (NEGOTIATE working paper). Available at: https://blogg.hioa.no/negotiate/files/2015/04/NEGOTIATE-working-paper-no-D7.1.pdf.
Shi, Lulu P., Imdorf, Christian and Samuel, Robin (2015) ‘Studying employers” risk assessment and the role of institutions: An experimental design’, NEGOTIATE working paper. NEGOTIATE HiOA (NEGOTIATE working paper). Available at: https://blogg.hioa.no/negotiate/files/2015/04/NEGOTIATE-working-paper-no-D7.1.pdf.