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Negotiating early job-insecurity and labour market exclusion in Europe (NEGOTIATE)

Research Project
 - 28.02.2018

NEGOTIATE is a comparative research project that examines the long- and short-term consequences of job insecurity and labour market exclusion of young people in nine European countries (Norway, Germany, United Kingdom, Czech Republic, Switzerland, Spain, Greece, Poland, Bulgaria). It will provide insights as to how the extent and the consequences of early job insecurity vary within and across countries and social groups. The project focuses on how young people's scope for agency interacts with structural conditions and examines the relationship between young people's subjective and objective negotiating positions across economic and social dimensions that affect labour market integration and social inclusion. It is leans upon the trans-disciplinary concepts of resilience, capability, active agency, and negotiation and combines these with methodological innovation (life course interviews and vignette experiments) in order to investigate the consequences of young people's insecure labour market positions at both individual and societal levels. By actively involving national and European stakeholders, as well as young people themselves, the project should contribute to evidence-based and effective policies against the adverse effects of early job insecurity and youth unemployment. Comparative findings from the employer survey are available online at https://negotiate-research.eu/survey-experiment/ Findings from the Swiss employer survey (in German) are available online at https://negotiate-research.eu/survey-experiment/employer-report-switzerland/ A Scientific Use File of the employer data is available at the Norwegian Centre for Research Data (NSD): https://search.nsd.no/study/NSD2644


Negotiating early job-insecurity and labour market exclusion in Europe (NEGOTIATE)

Horizon 2020 (GrantsTool), 03.2015-02.2018 (36)
PI : Bergman, Manfred Max.
CI : Imdorf, Christian,Sacchi, Stefan,Samuel, Robin.


Imdorf, Christian et al. (2019) ‘NEGOTIATE Employer Survey. Scientific Use File. Data Documentation’, Negotiate workin paper. OsloMet, (7.4). Available at: https://doi.org/10.18712/nsd-nsd2644-v1.


Helbling, Laura Alexandra, Sacchi, Stefan and Imdorf, Christian (2019) ‘Comparing long-term scarring effects of unemployment across countries: The impact of graduating during an economic downturn’, in Hvinden, Bjorn; O’Reilly, Jacqueline; Schøyen, Mi A.; Hyggen, Christer (ed.) Negotiating Early Job Insecurity Well-being, Scarring and Resilience of European Youth. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing (Negotiating Early Job Insecurity Well-being, Scarring and Resilience of European Youth), pp. 68–89. Available at: https://doi.org/10.4337/9781788118798.00011.


Imdorf, Christian et al. (2019) ‘Scars of early job insecurity across Europe: Insights from a multi-country employer study’, in Hvinden, Bjorn; Hyggen, Christer; Schøyen, Mi Ah; Sirovátka, Thomas (ed.) Youth Unemployment and Job Insecurity in Europe: Problems, Risk Factors and Policies. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing (Youth Unemployment and Job Insecurity in Europe: Problems, Risk Factors and Policies), pp. 93–116. Available at: https://doi.org/10.4337/9781788118897.00011.


Imdorf, Christian et al. (2018) ‘Arbeitslosigkeit mindert Jobchancen’, Die Volkswirtschaft, 1 January, pp. 43–45. Available at: https://dievolkswirtschaft.ch/de/2018/09/arbeitslosigkeit-imdorf-sacchi-samuel-shi-08-09-2018/.


Shi, Lulu P. et al. (2018) ‘How unemployment scarring affects skilled young workers: evidence from a factorial survey of Swiss recruiters’, Journal for Labour Market Research, 52(7), pp. 1–15. Available at: https://doi.org/10.1186/s12651-018-0239-7.


Helbling, Laura A., Sacchi, Stefan and Imdorf, Christian (2017) ‘Understanding cross-country variation in the long-term consequences of graduating at a bad time: A comparison of five European countries’, NEGOTIATE working paper. NEGOTIATE HiOA (NEGOTIATE working paper). Available at: https://negotiate-research.eu/files/2015/04/NEGOTIATE_working_paper_6.3.pdf.


Imdorf, Christian et al. (2017) ‘Explaining employers” hiring decisions: A comparative study of employers” risk assessment’, NEGOTIATE working paper. NEGOTIATE HiOA (NEGOTIATE working paper). Available at: https://negotiate-research.eu/files/2015/04/NEGOTIATE_working_paper_D7.3.pdf.


Kilchmann, Valentin et al. (2017) ‘Contribution to Deliverable 8.2 (WP 8): Strategies to improve labour market integration of young people: Comparing policy coordination in nine European countries. Country Report Switzerland’. NEGOTIATE HiOA. Available at: https://negotiate-research.eu/files/2015/03/D8.2_Country_Report_Switzerland.pdf.


Negotiate (2017) ‘Employers assessments of young job applicants: Findings from a comparative study’, NEGOTIATE Policy Brief no. 6 - May 2017 (EUROPEAN POLICYBRIEF). Available at: https://negotiate-research.eu/files/2017/06/POLICY_BRIEF_NO6.pdf.


Negotiate (2017) ‘Long term consequences of early job insecurity’, NEGOTIATE Policy Brief no. 5 - March 2017 (EUROPEAN POLICYBRIEF). Available at: https://negotiate-research.eu/publications/policy-brief/.


Abebe, Dawit Shawel et al. (2016) ‘Explaining consequences of employment insecurity: The dynamics of scarring in the United Kingdom, Poland and Norway’, NEGOTIATE working paper. NEGOTIATE HiOA (NEGOTIATE working paper). Available at: https://blogg.hioa.no/negotiate/files/2015/04/NEGOTIATE-working-paper-no-D6.2.pdf.


Helbling, Laura A. et al. (2016) ‘Methodological challenges in the study of scarring effects of early job insecurity’, NEGOTIATE working paper. NEGOTIATE HiOA (NEGOTIATE working paper). Available at: https://negotiate-research.eu/files/2015/04/NEGOTIATE-working-paper-no-D6.1-Methodological-challenges-in-the-study-1.pdf.


Hyggen, Christer et al. (2016) ‘Understanding unemployment scars: A vignette Experiment of employers” decisions in Bulgaria, Greece, Norway and Switzerland’, NEGOTIATE working paper. NEGOTIATE HiOA (NEGOTIATE working paper). Available at: https://negotiate-research.eu/files/2015/04/NEGOTIATE-working-papers-no-D7.2.pdf.


Imdorf, Christian et al. (2016) ‘Contribution to Deliverable 3.4 (D3.4) - Institutional Determinants of Early Job Insecurity in Nine European Countries : Country Report Switzerland’. NEGOTIATE HiOA. Available at: https://negotiate-research.eu/files/2015/03/WP-3.4-Country-Report-Switzerland.pdf.


Shi, Lulu. P. et al. (2016) ‘Impact of insecure employment trajectories on employers” hiring decisions in Switzerland’, in Baslé, Maurice; Beaupère, Nathalie; Guéguen, Chantal; Issehnane, Sabina (ed.) Céreq échanges. Céreq: Céreq (Céreq échanges). Available at: http://www.cereq.fr/content/download/18195/159891/file/Jdl2016_Cereq%20Echanges%201.pdf.


Shi, Lulu P., Imdorf, Christian and Samuel, Robin (2015) ‘Studying employers” risk assessment and the role of institutions: An experimental design’, NEGOTIATE working paper. NEGOTIATE HiOA (NEGOTIATE working paper). Available at: https://blogg.hioa.no/negotiate/files/2015/04/NEGOTIATE-working-paper-no-D7.1.pdf.


Members (6)

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Manfred Max Bergman

Principal Investigator
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Christian Imdorf

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Stefan Sacchi

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Laura Alexandra Helbling

Project Member
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Penghui Shi

Project Member
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Robin Samuel

Project Member