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Prof. Dr. Sandra Schlumpf-Thurnherr

Department of Languages and Literatures
Profiles & Affiliations

Research interests

  • Critial Sociolinguistics
  • Postcolonial Linguistics
  • Glottopolitics
  • Language Ideologies
  • Dialectology
  • Spanish in Africa
  • Judeo-Spanish
  • Language and Variety Contacts
  • Language and Migration
  • History of Spanish
  • Morphosyntax
  • Teaching Spanish as a Foreign Language


Selected Publications

Schlumpf, Sandra, & Carreira, Sara. (2024). Presentación de un corpus para el estudio del español actual en Guinea Ecuatorial. Boletín de Filología, 1(59), 403–436. https://boletinfilologia.uchile.cl/index.php/BDF/article/view/75046/76420

Schlumpf, Sandra. (2024). Asymmetrical power relations between languages of Equatorial Guinea: Views from the migration context in Madrid. In Global and local perspectives on language contact (pp. 215–241). Language Science Press. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.10438503

Schlumpf-Thurnherr, Sandra. (2022). Voces de una comunidad africana poco visible. Los guineoecuatorianos en Madrid. Diwan-Mayrit.

Schlumpf, Sandra. (2021). Spanisch in Afrika/Afrika in Spanien. Sprachliche Charakteristika von Spanischsprecherinnen und Spanischsprechern aus Äquatorialguinea in Madrid. Romanistisches Jahrbuch, 72(1), 339–387. https://doi.org/10.1515/roja-2021-0016


Schlumpf, Sandra. (2015). Condicionalidad y concesividad en judeoespañol moderno escrito : teoría y análisis de corpus. In Hispanica helvetica (Vol. 27). Sociedad Suiza de Estudios Hispánicos. https://doi.org/10.5169/seals-840897


Selected Projects & Collaborations

Project cover

Improving the visibility of Equatorial Guinea as a Spanish-speaking country

Research Project  | 2 Project Members

Background: Equatorial Guinea presents an exceptional research field within the studies of the Spanish language. Geographically located in southern Africa, on the equator, in the Gulf of Guinea, it is today the only Hispanophone country in Africa (except for the politically sensitive case of Western Sahara) and thus offers a completely unique view of the world language Spanish, complementary to Europe and America. Despite this outstanding position, Equatorial Guinea still occupies a marginal status in studies on the dialectology, history, sociolinguistics and language contacts of Spanish. Although some important authors in the field of Spanish linguistics, such as De Granda, Quilis, Casado-Fresnillo or Lipski, have dedicated part of their work to Equatorial Guinea, modern publications are rare, which is why knowledge of the Equatoguinean variety of Spanish is still fragmentary. Its invisibility in studies about Spanish is intensified by a widespread lack of knowledge and consciousness about this only Hispanophone country in southern Africa and a still dominantly European view on African realities based on (post)colonial stereotypes, evaluations and hierarchizations. In fact, the general knowledge about Equatorial Guinea within the Spanish-speaking world is very incomplete, which is particularly surprising in the case of Spain, since Equatorial Guinea only gained its independence from Spain just over 50 years ago (1968).

Overall aim of the project: This research project aims at filling the existing research gap about Equatorial Guinea and at improving its visibility as part of the global Hispanophone world. Modern research data will be provided and critical questions answered, to show its relevance for Hispanic studies and to overcome traditional images about Equatorial Guinea and its Spanish, often perceived as a "peripheric", "incomplete", "incorrect", "exceptional" or "non-standard" variety.

Objectives, methods and expected results: The main part of this research project focuses on dialectological and sociolinguistic data collection in Equatorial Guinea (both on the island of Bioko and on mainland Río Muni). Its objective is to generate modern dialectological and sociolinguistic descriptions of Spanish in Equatorial Guinea through the collection and analysis of sociolinguistic guideline interviews and linguistic tests and questionnaires. The interview transcripts will constitute the first modern and digital corpus of spoken Equatoguinean Spanish. Sociolinguistic analyses on language perception, attitudes and ideologies will be possible; and the digital analyses of specific linguistic features combined with the results from the tests and questionnaires will allow to elaborate modern dialectological descriptions on different linguistic levels. Classical summaries about Equatoguinean Spanish in linguistic manuals can be revised and completed, and an answer can be given to the important question about the internal (diatopic, diastratic, diaphasic, ethnic) homogeneity or diversity of Equatoguinean Spanish. Furthermore, this Equatoguinean corpus can be compared with existing interviews with Equatoguineans in Madrid, Spain (habilitation project S. Schlumpf-Thurnherr).

Impact: The proposed project offers multiple and diverse views on Equatorial Guinea, raises awareness about its importance within the linguistic research community and in Equatorial Guinea itself, and contributes considerably to the knowledge about and the visibilization of this unique Hispanophone country in Africa.

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Dialect contacts in contexts of migration. The case of the Equatoguinean immigrants in Madrid, Spain

Research Project  | 1 Project Members

The studies about language and migration constitute a recent approach in the field of linguistics and aim to analyse language contacts resulting from human migrations. Such contacts activate sociolinguistic accommodation processes, which shape the language use of the immigrants and their linguistic attitudes towards the involved languages and dialects. The sociolinguistic integration of the immigrants is considered a fundamental part of their integration in the receiving society. In Spain, Madrid is one of the areas with the highest immigration rate in the last decades. Spanish-speaking immigrants as well as immigrants with different linguistic backgrounds enter in contact with the Madrilenian society, and their languages and dialects play an important role in the overall integration process. Most of the Spanish-speaking immigrants, who have to adapt to a society in which dominates another variety of Spanish, come from Latin American countries (e.g. Ecuador, Colombia, Dominican Republic, etc.). Another Spanish-speaking group, which so far has not yet been considered in studies about the immigrant population in the Autonomous Community of Madrid, are the immigrants from Equatorial Guinea. Despite the fact that Equatorial Guinea is the only Spanish-speaking country in Central Africa - and constitutes, therefore, a singular case in the Spanish-speaking world -, it has very little visibility in studies about the Spanish language. In a similar way, the Equatoguinean immigrants have never been subject of any research on language and migration. This research project aims to study the sociolinguistic situation of the Equatoguineans in Madrid, with a special focus on language attitudes, language ideologies and some selected dialectal features of Equatoguinean Spanish. The primary research methodology are semi-directed interviews composed of life stories that include the following topics: the arrival of the immigrants to Spain, the past in their country of origin, the adaptation to the life in Madrid and differences to their country of origin, their labour situation, their family and their expectations for the future.

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Condicionalidad y concesividad en judeoespañol moderno escrito. Teoría y análisis de corpus

PhD Project  | 2 Project Members

El objeto de investigación lo constituyen una serie de oraciones complejas que pertenecen a un sector de la sintaxis que hasta ahora apenas ha sido estudiado para el caso del judeoespañol. La base textual es el Corpus MemTet, que incluye textos de distintos géneros, publicados entre 1880 y 1930 en diferentes ciudades de la región mediterránea oriental.

El interés principal reside en el análisis de las oraciones condicionales y concesivas en judeoespañol moderno escrito. Aparte de las construcciones prototípicas, también se consideran ejemplos que se acercan –tanto por su forma como por su semántica– a otras clases oracionales, tales como las oraciones causales, finales y adversativas. Todas ellas comparten la característica de expresar una implicación lógico-causal entre la cláusula principal y la subordinada.

El objetivo del proyecto es la identificación y descripción de las diferentes estructuras sintácticas que se hallan en los textos estudiados para expresar las categorías oracionales mencionadas. Asimismo, se describen sus características semánticas y sus funciones pragmáticas y discursivas. En primer lugar, el estudio se centra en las construcciones más frecuentes y se ocupa de aspectos como, por ejemplo, el empleo de los tiempos y modos verbales en la frase principal y la subordinada, las conjunciones y locuciones conjuntivas empleadas, el orden de las dos cláusulas, etc. Además, se tienen en cuenta cuestiones diacrónicas, por ejemplo para identificar posibles influencias de parte de las lenguas de contacto, y se llevan a cabo comparaciones entre el judeoespañol y el castellano peninsular.

Desde un punto de vista teórico, el enfoque principal reside en la definición y descripción de conceptos como los de la condicionalidad, la concesividad y otros ámbitos relacionados, así como en la cuestión sobre posibles delimitaciones, por un lado, e interferencias, por otro, entre los diferentes tipos de oraciones estudiados.