UNIverse - Public Research Portal
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Prof. Dr. Bianca Prietl

Department of Social Sciences
Profiles & Affiliations

Areas of interest

  • Feminist Science and Technology Studies (especially questions of power in relation to engineering, STEM-fields, digital technologies, AI)
  • Men and Masculinity Studies (especially in relation to technology, work, care)
  • Technology, Work & Gender
  • Critical Data Studies
  • Critical AI Studies
  • Cultural Sociology & Sociology of Knowledge
  • Qualitative Social Research (especially discourse analysis)

Selected Publications

Paulitz, Tanja, Prietl, Bianca, & Winter, Martin. (2022). Technik, Materialität/en, Geschlecht: Eine vergleichende Skizze von Denkstilen der Feministischen Technikforschung. Behemoth, 12–29. https://freidok.uni-freiburg.de/fedora/objects/freidok:229853/datastreams/FILE1/content

Weber, Jutta, & Prietl, Bianca. (2021). AI in the age of technoscience: on the rise of data-driven AI and its epistem-ontological foundations. In Elliott, Anthony (Ed.), The Routledge Social Science Handbook of AI (pp. 58–73). Routledge.