Projects & Collaborations 24 foundShow per page10 10 20 50 Dissertation Jessica Schön: "Essay und Empathie" PhD Project | 2 Project Membersfolgt Dissertation Rehder: "Sound und Geschichte auf der zeitgenössischen Bühne" Research Project | 2 Project Membersfolgt Dissertation Imgrüth: Staunen im Abenteuerroman Research Project | 2 Project Memberswird ergänzt Halb-Wahrheiten. Wahrheit, Fiktion und Konspiration im 'postfaktischen' Zeitalter Research Project | 6 Project MembersDas Projekt, das am 1.9.2019 startet und vier Jahre laufen wird, beschäftigt sich mit der Funktion, Verbreitung und Evolution von Halbwahrheiten im sogenannten 'postfaktischen' Diskurs und allgemeiner mit der Frage, wie dort das Fiktive im Faktualen heimisch wird. Zwei Teilprojekte untersuchen Beispiele aus dem Kontext des gegenwärtigen deutschen Rechtspopulismus: Das Projekt Konspirative Halbwahrheiten. Pegida-Diskurse in den sozialen Netzwerken untersucht die Kommunikation von Pegida-Anhängern auf Facebook und Twitter und legt das Augenmerk insbesondere auf Konspirations- und Katastrophennarrative. Das Projekt Analoge Verschwörungen. Paranoia, Fiktion und Populismus in der Postdemokratie untersucht konspirative Erzählungen in Sachtexten, Belletristik und Veranstaltungen rechtspopulistischer Publikationsorgane. Dissertation Sumpf: Das Phantastische in der Schweizer Literatur der (frühen) Moderne Research Project | 2 Project Membersfolgt Dissertation Sommavilla: Im Fadenkreuz von Mystik, Primitivismus und Psychiatrie. Zum Erzählen bei Kubin, Ball, Einstein, Döblin und Musil Research Project | 2 Project Membersfolgt Dissertation Dinkel: (Ver-)Führung und (sanfte) Gewalt im Werk Adalbert Stifters Research Project | 3 Project Membersfolgt Dissertation Hofmann: Praktiken des Staunens. Zur Dekonstruktion von (Lebens)Form bei Ludwig Wittgenstein Research Project | 2 Project Membersfolgt Sinergia: The Power of Wonder. The Instrumentalization of Admiration, Astonishment and Surprise in Discourses of Knowledge, Power and Art Research Project | 2 Project MembersThis sinergia-project, directed by Mireille Schnyder (Zürich, Leading House) and Nicola Gess, aims to provide groundbreaking insights into the social relevance of aesthetic emotions, by showing that the analysis of the deliberate instrumentalization of wonder (Staunen) in political, scientific, social and artistic contexts casts an innovative light onto the structuring of cultural values, the ordering of knowledge and our practices of governance and domination. Further members of the project are Hugues Marchal (Basel) and Ulrich Bröckling (Freiburg i.Br.). The sinergia-project builds upon the results of a previous Sinergia project, Poetics and Aesthetics of Amazement. As indicated in its title, that first phase of research focused on the fabrication, reflection and function of wonder within literature and the arts, with a significant attention to philosophical thought. However, the new project endeavors to research how these practices and the kinds of wonder they induce are used in the fields of power and knowledge. If aesthetics, rhetoric and poetics investigate and conceptualize the artificial production of wonder in the threefold sense of admiration, astonishment and surprise, these closely related emotions are also put in operation in a much broader range of human activities. They are commonly sought, managed and questioned in, for example, politics, pedagogy and education, polemology, ecological and security issues, (popular) science, advertising and media, when issues of hierarchy, legitimacy and risk assessment, but also persuasion, manipulation and entertainment are at stake. The project aims to study these instrumentalizations of wonder and to assess their massive cultural importance in a strongly interdisciplinary perspective that primarily joins cultural sociology and literary studies, as well as the history of science, but that will also rely on the collaboration of scholars of educational science, history, art and architecture, musicology, and security studies, who are involved in supervising the doctoral candidates. That said, our methodology is based on the hypothesis that literature, literary studies and the sociological approach of cultural analysis are key tools to understand processes in which wonder is instrumentalized. Literature has not only reflected on its own fabrication and use of this affect; it has also constantly depicted, analyzed and/or criticized the broader social and anthropological utilization of wonder that we want to study, and it therefore forms a rich diachronic archive of relevant observations and assumptions. Non-literary strategies of inducing and appropriating wonder heavily rely on linguistic, discursive and aesthetic tools: their analysis therefore calls for instruments of literary studies, such as rhetoric, poetics, aesthetics, that are to be applied to a meta-analysis of public discourses of knowledge and power, their practices and arrangement in the public sphere. Finally, the sociological approach of cultural analysis allows us to research wonder as a specific form of elicited and orchestrated interpersonal behavior. Historically, the project focuses on early modern and modern history and contemporary times. This time frame, ranging from 1600 to the present, allows for examining important discursive and historical shifts, which we consider to be crucial for the topic at hand. Portrait and Poetics (Fellow-Projekt am Käte-Hamburger Kolleg Morphomata Kl Research Project | 1 Project MembersDas Forschungsprojekt zum Thema "Portrait und Poetik", das ich als Fellow am internationalen Kolleg Morphomata der Universität Köln durchführen werde, beschäftigt sich mit der Funktion des Porträts in deutschen und englischen Prosatexten zwischen ca. 1760 und 1830, einer Hochzeit des kulturellen Gebrauchs von Porträts. Geplant sind zu diesem Projekt eine Monographie sowie eine internationale Tagung. 123 123
Dissertation Rehder: "Sound und Geschichte auf der zeitgenössischen Bühne" Research Project | 2 Project Membersfolgt
Halb-Wahrheiten. Wahrheit, Fiktion und Konspiration im 'postfaktischen' Zeitalter Research Project | 6 Project MembersDas Projekt, das am 1.9.2019 startet und vier Jahre laufen wird, beschäftigt sich mit der Funktion, Verbreitung und Evolution von Halbwahrheiten im sogenannten 'postfaktischen' Diskurs und allgemeiner mit der Frage, wie dort das Fiktive im Faktualen heimisch wird. Zwei Teilprojekte untersuchen Beispiele aus dem Kontext des gegenwärtigen deutschen Rechtspopulismus: Das Projekt Konspirative Halbwahrheiten. Pegida-Diskurse in den sozialen Netzwerken untersucht die Kommunikation von Pegida-Anhängern auf Facebook und Twitter und legt das Augenmerk insbesondere auf Konspirations- und Katastrophennarrative. Das Projekt Analoge Verschwörungen. Paranoia, Fiktion und Populismus in der Postdemokratie untersucht konspirative Erzählungen in Sachtexten, Belletristik und Veranstaltungen rechtspopulistischer Publikationsorgane.
Dissertation Sumpf: Das Phantastische in der Schweizer Literatur der (frühen) Moderne Research Project | 2 Project Membersfolgt
Dissertation Sommavilla: Im Fadenkreuz von Mystik, Primitivismus und Psychiatrie. Zum Erzählen bei Kubin, Ball, Einstein, Döblin und Musil Research Project | 2 Project Membersfolgt
Dissertation Dinkel: (Ver-)Führung und (sanfte) Gewalt im Werk Adalbert Stifters Research Project | 3 Project Membersfolgt
Dissertation Hofmann: Praktiken des Staunens. Zur Dekonstruktion von (Lebens)Form bei Ludwig Wittgenstein Research Project | 2 Project Membersfolgt
Sinergia: The Power of Wonder. The Instrumentalization of Admiration, Astonishment and Surprise in Discourses of Knowledge, Power and Art Research Project | 2 Project MembersThis sinergia-project, directed by Mireille Schnyder (Zürich, Leading House) and Nicola Gess, aims to provide groundbreaking insights into the social relevance of aesthetic emotions, by showing that the analysis of the deliberate instrumentalization of wonder (Staunen) in political, scientific, social and artistic contexts casts an innovative light onto the structuring of cultural values, the ordering of knowledge and our practices of governance and domination. Further members of the project are Hugues Marchal (Basel) and Ulrich Bröckling (Freiburg i.Br.). The sinergia-project builds upon the results of a previous Sinergia project, Poetics and Aesthetics of Amazement. As indicated in its title, that first phase of research focused on the fabrication, reflection and function of wonder within literature and the arts, with a significant attention to philosophical thought. However, the new project endeavors to research how these practices and the kinds of wonder they induce are used in the fields of power and knowledge. If aesthetics, rhetoric and poetics investigate and conceptualize the artificial production of wonder in the threefold sense of admiration, astonishment and surprise, these closely related emotions are also put in operation in a much broader range of human activities. They are commonly sought, managed and questioned in, for example, politics, pedagogy and education, polemology, ecological and security issues, (popular) science, advertising and media, when issues of hierarchy, legitimacy and risk assessment, but also persuasion, manipulation and entertainment are at stake. The project aims to study these instrumentalizations of wonder and to assess their massive cultural importance in a strongly interdisciplinary perspective that primarily joins cultural sociology and literary studies, as well as the history of science, but that will also rely on the collaboration of scholars of educational science, history, art and architecture, musicology, and security studies, who are involved in supervising the doctoral candidates. That said, our methodology is based on the hypothesis that literature, literary studies and the sociological approach of cultural analysis are key tools to understand processes in which wonder is instrumentalized. Literature has not only reflected on its own fabrication and use of this affect; it has also constantly depicted, analyzed and/or criticized the broader social and anthropological utilization of wonder that we want to study, and it therefore forms a rich diachronic archive of relevant observations and assumptions. Non-literary strategies of inducing and appropriating wonder heavily rely on linguistic, discursive and aesthetic tools: their analysis therefore calls for instruments of literary studies, such as rhetoric, poetics, aesthetics, that are to be applied to a meta-analysis of public discourses of knowledge and power, their practices and arrangement in the public sphere. Finally, the sociological approach of cultural analysis allows us to research wonder as a specific form of elicited and orchestrated interpersonal behavior. Historically, the project focuses on early modern and modern history and contemporary times. This time frame, ranging from 1600 to the present, allows for examining important discursive and historical shifts, which we consider to be crucial for the topic at hand.
Portrait and Poetics (Fellow-Projekt am Käte-Hamburger Kolleg Morphomata Kl Research Project | 1 Project MembersDas Forschungsprojekt zum Thema "Portrait und Poetik", das ich als Fellow am internationalen Kolleg Morphomata der Universität Köln durchführen werde, beschäftigt sich mit der Funktion des Porträts in deutschen und englischen Prosatexten zwischen ca. 1760 und 1830, einer Hochzeit des kulturellen Gebrauchs von Porträts. Geplant sind zu diesem Projekt eine Monographie sowie eine internationale Tagung.