90 found
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, Garrido, Eduardo, Lázaro, Jesús Mateo, Vázquez-Suñé, Enric, Sanchéz Navarro, José Ángel, Huggenberger, Peter, & Marazuela Calvo, Miguel Ángel. (2016). A city scale study on the effects of intensive groundwater heat pump systems on heavy metal contents in groundwater.
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, Garrido, Eduardo, Lázaro, Jesús Mateo, Vázquez-Suñé, Enric, Sanchéz Navarro, José Ángel, Huggenberger, Peter, & Marazuela Calvo, Miguel Ángel. (2016). A city scale study on the effects of intensive groundwater heat pump systems on heavy metal contents in groundwater.
Müller, Matthias H., Grundwassertemperaturen im Stadtgebiet von Basel (Schweiz) - Nutzungskonflikte und Lösungsansätze für urbane Wärmeinseln (Blum, Philipp; Goldscheider, Nico; Göppert, Nadine; Kaufmann-Knoke, Ruth; Klinger, Jochen; Liesch, Tanja; Stober, Ingrid, Ed.). KIT Scientific Publishing.
, Egli, Lukas, & Huggenberger, Peter. (2016).
Müller, Matthias H., Grundwassertemperaturen im Stadtgebiet von Basel (Schweiz) - Nutzungskonflikte und Lösungsansätze für urbane Wärmeinseln (Blum, Philipp; Goldscheider, Nico; Göppert, Nadine; Kaufmann-Knoke, Ruth; Klinger, Jochen; Liesch, Tanja; Stober, Ingrid, Ed.). KIT Scientific Publishing.
, Egli, Lukas, & Huggenberger, Peter. (2016).
Vienken, Thomas, Haendel, Falk, Grundwasser, 21(1), 69–73.
, Dietrich, Peter, Liedl, Rudolf, & Huggenberger, Peter. (2016). Energiewende braucht Wärmewende - Chancen und Limitierungen der intensiven thermischen Nutzung des oberflächennahen Untergrundes in urbanen Gebieten vor dem Hintergrund der aktuellen Energiedebatte in Deutschland.
Vienken, Thomas, Haendel, Falk, Grundwasser, 21(1), 69–73.
, Dietrich, Peter, Liedl, Rudolf, & Huggenberger, Peter. (2016). Energiewende braucht Wärmewende - Chancen und Limitierungen der intensiven thermischen Nutzung des oberflächennahen Untergrundes in urbanen Gebieten vor dem Hintergrund der aktuellen Energiedebatte in Deutschland.
Dresmann , Horst, Huggenberger, Peter, Aqua & Gas, 7/8, 80–87.
, & Wiesmeier, Stefan. (2015). 3D-Modellierung der Felsoberfläche - Methodik zur Erstellung der Felsoberfläche, Beurteilung nach 5 Jahren Erfahrung.
Dresmann , Horst, Huggenberger, Peter, Aqua & Gas, 7/8, 80–87.
, & Wiesmeier, Stefan. (2015). 3D-Modellierung der Felsoberfläche - Methodik zur Erstellung der Felsoberfläche, Beurteilung nach 5 Jahren Erfahrung.
Aqua & Gas, 2015(7/8), 72–79.
, Huggenberger , Peter, Dresmann , Horst, Wiesmeier , Stefan, Zea , Maya, & Auckenthaler , Adrian. (2015). Analyse von Grundwasserkörpern mit GIS: GIS-Tool GSIA - Basis für das Prozessverständnis der Interaktion von Grundwassersystemen.
Aqua & Gas, 2015(7/8), 72–79.
, Huggenberger , Peter, Dresmann , Horst, Wiesmeier , Stefan, Zea , Maya, & Auckenthaler , Adrian. (2015). Analyse von Grundwasserkörpern mit GIS: GIS-Tool GSIA - Basis für das Prozessverständnis der Interaktion von Grundwassersystemen.
García-Gil, Alejandro, Development of concepts for the management of shallow geothermal resources in urban areas - Experience gained from the Basel and Zaragoza case studies. 17.
, Müller, Matthias H., Huggenberger, Peter, & Vázquez-Suñé, Enric. (2015).
García-Gil, Alejandro, Development of concepts for the management of shallow geothermal resources in urban areas - Experience gained from the Basel and Zaragoza case studies. 17.
, Müller, Matthias H., Huggenberger, Peter, & Vázquez-Suñé, Enric. (2015).
Kohler, Mandy, Handel, Falk, Energy procedia, 76, 371–380.
, Binder, Martin, Müller, Matthias H., Huggenberger, Peter, & Liedl, Rudolf. (2015). Numerical evaluation and optimization of depth-oriented temperature measurement for the investigation of thermal influences on groundwater resources.
Kohler, Mandy, Handel, Falk, Energy procedia, 76, 371–380.
, Binder, Martin, Müller, Matthias H., Huggenberger, Peter, & Liedl, Rudolf. (2015). Numerical evaluation and optimization of depth-oriented temperature measurement for the investigation of thermal influences on groundwater resources.
Moeck, Christian, Radny, Dirk, Borer, Paul, Affolter, Annette, Constrained Monte Carlo analysis for flow and transport processes of a highly parameterized model.
, Huggenberger, Peter, Auckenthaler, Adrian, & Schirmer, Mario. (2015, January 1).
Moeck, Christian, Radny, Dirk, Borer, Paul, Affolter, Annette, Constrained Monte Carlo analysis for flow and transport processes of a highly parameterized model.
, Huggenberger, Peter, Auckenthaler, Adrian, & Schirmer, Mario. (2015, January 1).
Müller, Matthias H., Combining approaches of monitoring and modelling groundwater temperatures to investigate the subsurface urban heat island of Basel, Switzerland.
, & Huggenberger, Peter. (2015, January 1).
Müller, Matthias H., Combining approaches of monitoring and modelling groundwater temperatures to investigate the subsurface urban heat island of Basel, Switzerland.
, & Huggenberger, Peter. (2015, January 1).
Müller, Matthias H., Development of monitoring and modelling tools as basis for sustainable thermal management concepts of urban groundwater bodies. 17.
, Köhler, Mandy, Haendel, Falk, & Huggenberger, Peter. (2015).
Müller, Matthias H., Development of monitoring and modelling tools as basis for sustainable thermal management concepts of urban groundwater bodies. 17.
, Köhler, Mandy, Haendel, Falk, & Huggenberger, Peter. (2015).
Popp, Andrea, Moeck, Christian, Radny, Dirk, Borer, Paul, Affolter, Annette, Prediction of Groundwater Flow and Transport Processes in an Urban Area: A Combined Approach of Field Testing and Numerical Modeling. 17.
, Huggenberger, Peter, Auckenthaler, Adrian, & Schirmer, Mario. (2015).
Popp, Andrea, Moeck, Christian, Radny, Dirk, Borer, Paul, Affolter, Annette, Prediction of Groundwater Flow and Transport Processes in an Urban Area: A Combined Approach of Field Testing and Numerical Modeling. 17.
, Huggenberger, Peter, Auckenthaler, Adrian, & Schirmer, Mario. (2015).
Aqua & Gas, 94, H. 7/8(7/8), 34–39.
, & Huggenberger, P. (2014). Energie als Abfall?
Aqua & Gas, 94, H. 7/8(7/8), 34–39.
, & Huggenberger, P. (2014). Energie als Abfall?
Michel, C., Schindler Wildhaber, Y., Freshwater Biology, 59(3), 544–556.
, Thorpe, K. L., Huggenberger, P., Alewell, C., & Burkhardt-Holm, P. (2014). Artificial steps mitigate the effect of fine sediment on the survival of brown trout embryos in a heavily modified river.
Michel, C., Schindler Wildhaber, Y., Freshwater Biology, 59(3), 544–556.
, Thorpe, K. L., Huggenberger, P., Alewell, C., & Burkhardt-Holm, P. (2014). Artificial steps mitigate the effect of fine sediment on the survival of brown trout embryos in a heavily modified river.
Schindler Wildhaber, Y, Michel, C, The Science of the Total Environment, 470-471, 488–500.
, Wildhaber, R A, Huber, E, Huggenberger, P, Burkhardt-Holm, P, & Alewell, C. (2014). Effects of river morphology, hydraulic gradients, and sediment deposition on water exchange and oxygen dynamics in salmonid redds.
Schindler Wildhaber, Y, Michel, C, The Science of the Total Environment, 470-471, 488–500.
, Wildhaber, R A, Huber, E, Huggenberger, P, Burkhardt-Holm, P, & Alewell, C. (2014). Effects of river morphology, hydraulic gradients, and sediment deposition on water exchange and oxygen dynamics in salmonid redds.
Altdorff, Daniel, Environmental Earth Sciences, 69(2), 633–644.
, van der Kruk, Jan, Dietrich, Peter, & Huggenberger, Peter. (2013). Delineation of fluvial sediment architecture of subalpine riverine systems using noninvasive hydrogeophysical methods.
Altdorff, Daniel, Environmental Earth Sciences, 69(2), 633–644.
, van der Kruk, Jan, Dietrich, Peter, & Huggenberger, Peter. (2013). Delineation of fluvial sediment architecture of subalpine riverine systems using noninvasive hydrogeophysical methods.
Journal of Hydrology, 501, 193–204.
, & Huggenberger, Peter. (2013). Unraveling the heat island effect observed in urban groundwater bodies - Definition of a potential natural state.
Journal of Hydrology, 501, 193–204.
, & Huggenberger, Peter. (2013). Unraveling the heat island effect observed in urban groundwater bodies - Definition of a potential natural state.
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 17(5), 1851–1869.
, Haendel, F., & Huggenberger, P. (2013). Thermal management of an unconsolidated shallow urban groundwater body.
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 17(5), 1851–1869.
, Haendel, F., & Huggenberger, P. (2013). Thermal management of an unconsolidated shallow urban groundwater body.
Huber, Emanuel, Huggenberger, Peter, Grundwasser, 18(3), 159–172.
, & Schindler Wildhaber, Yael. (2013). Zeitliche und räumliche Skalen der Fluss-Grundwasser-Interaktion: ein multidimensionaler hydrogeologischer Untersuchungsansatz.
Huber, Emanuel, Huggenberger, Peter, Grundwasser, 18(3), 159–172.
, & Schindler Wildhaber, Yael. (2013). Zeitliche und räumliche Skalen der Fluss-Grundwasser-Interaktion: ein multidimensionaler hydrogeologischer Untersuchungsansatz.
Huggenberger, Peter, Environmental Earth Sciences, 69(2), 645–661.
, & Scheidler, Stefan. (2013). Concepts for the sustainable management of multi-scale flow systems: the groundwater system within the Laufen Basin, Switzerland.
Huggenberger, Peter, Environmental Earth Sciences, 69(2), 645–661.
, & Scheidler, Stefan. (2013). Concepts for the sustainable management of multi-scale flow systems: the groundwater system within the Laufen Basin, Switzerland.
Central European Journal of Geosciences, 4(1), 81–93.
, Wueest, Andreas, & Huggenberger, Peter. (2012). Investigating sediments and rock structures beneath a river using underwater ERT.
Central European Journal of Geosciences, 4(1), 81–93.
, Wueest, Andreas, & Huggenberger, Peter. (2012). Investigating sediments and rock structures beneath a river using underwater ERT.
Hiller, Thomas, Romanov, Douchko, Kaufmann, Georg, Journal of Hydrology, 448, 181–194.
, & Huggenberger, Peter. (2012). Karstification beneath the Birs weir in Basel/Switzerland: A 3D modeling approach.
Hiller, Thomas, Romanov, Douchko, Kaufmann, Georg, Journal of Hydrology, 448, 181–194.
, & Huggenberger, Peter. (2012). Karstification beneath the Birs weir in Basel/Switzerland: A 3D modeling approach.
Page, Rebecca M., Affolter, Annette, Forum Für Hydrologie Und Wasserbewirtschaftung, 31.12, 108–113.
, Huggenberger Peter, Jaggi, Roger, Meier, Karl, Scheidler, Stefan, Waldmann, Daniel, & Wiesmeier, Stefan. (2012). Nachweis und Interpretation von Grundwasserschwankungen in einem flussnahen Trinkwasserfördergebiet mittels multivariater Analyse.
Page, Rebecca M., Affolter, Annette, Forum Für Hydrologie Und Wasserbewirtschaftung, 31.12, 108–113.
, Huggenberger Peter, Jaggi, Roger, Meier, Karl, Scheidler, Stefan, Waldmann, Daniel, & Wiesmeier, Stefan. (2012). Nachweis und Interpretation von Grundwasserschwankungen in einem flussnahen Trinkwasserfördergebiet mittels multivariater Analyse.
Page, Rebecca M., Lischeid, Gunnar, Journal of Hydrology, 432, 137–144.
, & Huggenberger, Peter. (2012). Principal component analysis of time series for identifying indicator variables for riverine groundwater extraction management.
Page, Rebecca M., Lischeid, Gunnar, Journal of Hydrology, 432, 137–144.
, & Huggenberger, Peter. (2012). Principal component analysis of time series for identifying indicator variables for riverine groundwater extraction management.
Romanov, Douchko, Kaufmann, Georg, Hiller, Thomas, Engineering Geology, 141, 9–23.
, & Huggenberger, Peter. (2012). Karstification of an aquifer along the Birs river, Switzerland - a modeling approach.
Romanov, Douchko, Kaufmann, Georg, Hiller, Thomas, Engineering Geology, 141, 9–23.
, & Huggenberger, Peter. (2012). Karstification of an aquifer along the Birs river, Switzerland - a modeling approach.
IAHS publication (Vol. 342). IAHS.
, Huggenberger, Peter, & Butscher, Christoph. (2011). Thermal groundwater use in urban areas - spatiotemporal scales and concepts. In Schirmer, Mario; Hoehn, Eduard; Vogt, Tobias (Ed.),
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, Huggenberger, Peter, & Butscher, Christoph. (2011). Thermal groundwater use in urban areas - spatiotemporal scales and concepts. In Schirmer, Mario; Hoehn, Eduard; Vogt, Tobias (Ed.),
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Huggenberger, Peter, & Urban geology : process-oriented concepts for adaptive and integrated resource management. Springer.
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, & Lischeid, G. (2011). Risk analysis for riverine groundwater extraction. In Schirmer, M.; Hoehn, E.; Vogt, T. (Ed.),
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, & Lischeid, G. (2011). Risk analysis for riverine groundwater extraction. In Schirmer, M.; Hoehn, E.; Vogt, T. (Ed.),
Affolter, A., Huggenberger, P., Scheidler, S., & Grundwasser, 15(3), 147–161.
(2010). Adaptive groundwater management in urban areas Effect of surface water-groundwater interaction using the example of artificial groundwater recharge and in- and exfiltration of the river Birs (Switzerland).
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(2010). Adaptive groundwater management in urban areas Effect of surface water-groundwater interaction using the example of artificial groundwater recharge and in- and exfiltration of the river Birs (Switzerland).
Wüest, Andreas, Geosciences Actuel, 03/2010, 15–19.
, & Huggenberger, Peter. (2010). Anwendung von hydrogeophysikalische Untersuchungsmethoden zur Erkundung von Flussbettstrukturen.
Wüest, Andreas, Geosciences Actuel, 03/2010, 15–19.
, & Huggenberger, Peter. (2010). Anwendung von hydrogeophysikalische Untersuchungsmethoden zur Erkundung von Flussbettstrukturen.
Engineering Geology, 109(3-4), 273–289.
, Huggenberger, Peter, & Glur, Lukas. (2009). A concept for integrated investigations of karst phenomena in urban environments : merging geophysical and hydrometrical investigations with 3D hydrogeological modeling for applied urban hydrogeology within a gypsum karst area.
Engineering Geology, 109(3-4), 273–289.
, Huggenberger, Peter, & Glur, Lukas. (2009). A concept for integrated investigations of karst phenomena in urban environments : merging geophysical and hydrometrical investigations with 3D hydrogeological modeling for applied urban hydrogeology within a gypsum karst area.
Hydrology and earth system sciences, 13(7), 1163–1184.
, Romanov, D., Huggenberger, P., & Kaufmann, G. (2009). Integrating field and numerical modeling methods for applied urban karst hydrogeology.
Hydrology and earth system sciences, 13(7), 1163–1184.
, Romanov, D., Huggenberger, P., & Kaufmann, G. (2009). Integrating field and numerical modeling methods for applied urban karst hydrogeology.
Huggenberger, P., & Wanderung Basel Nord Tangente (p. S. 134–135). Christoph Merian Verlag.
(2009). Gewässerschutz während der Bauzeit. In Tiefbauamt/Bau- und Verkehrsdepartement Basel-Stadt (Ed.),
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(2009). Gewässerschutz während der Bauzeit. In Tiefbauamt/Bau- und Verkehrsdepartement Basel-Stadt (Ed.),
Hydrogeology Journal, 16(3), 575–591.
, Huggenberger, P., & Rauber, M. (2008). Integrated methods and scenario development for urban groundwater management and protection during tunnel road construction : a case study of urban hydrogeology in the city of Basel, Switzerland.
Hydrogeology Journal, 16(3), 575–591.
, Huggenberger, P., & Rauber, M. (2008). Integrated methods and scenario development for urban groundwater management and protection during tunnel road construction : a case study of urban hydrogeology in the city of Basel, Switzerland.
Hydrogeology Journal, 16(3), 575–591.
, Huggenberger, P., & Rauber, M. (2008). Integrated methods and scenario development for urban groundwater management and protection during tunnel road construction: a case study of urban hydrogeology in the city of Basel, Switzerland.
Hydrogeology Journal, 16(3), 575–591.
, Huggenberger, P., & Rauber, M. (2008). Integrated methods and scenario development for urban groundwater management and protection during tunnel road construction: a case study of urban hydrogeology in the city of Basel, Switzerland.
Quantitative information fusion for hydrological sciences : with 7 tables (pp. 183–218). Springer.
, Huggenberger, P., Regli, C., Spoljaric, N., & Kirchhofer, R. (2008). Integrated methods for urban groundwater management considering subsurface heterogeneity. In Cai, X; Yeh, TCJ (Ed.),
Quantitative information fusion for hydrological sciences : with 7 tables (pp. 183–218). Springer.
, Huggenberger, P., Regli, C., Spoljaric, N., & Kirchhofer, R. (2008). Integrated methods for urban groundwater management considering subsurface heterogeneity. In Cai, X; Yeh, TCJ (Ed.),
Adaptive and integrated water management : coping with complexity and uncertainty (pp. 97–123). Springer.
, Regli, C., & Huggenberger, P. (2008). Groundwater protection in urban areas incorporating adaptive groundwater monitoring and management - Reconciliation of water engineering measures along rivers. In Wostl, CP; Kabat, P; Moltgen, J (Ed.),
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, Regli, C., & Huggenberger, P. (2008). Groundwater protection in urban areas incorporating adaptive groundwater monitoring and management - Reconciliation of water engineering measures along rivers. In Wostl, CP; Kabat, P; Moltgen, J (Ed.),
Auckenthaler, Adrian, Seiberth, Christoph, Affolter, Annette, Rüetschi, Daniel, INTERREG III A-Projekt MoNit “Modellierung Der Grundwasserbelastung Durch Nitrat Im Oberrheingraben”, 136.
, Huggenberger, Peter, Heuer, Antje, & Casper, Markus. (2006). Nitratherkunft im Bodenwasser und Grundwasser = Origine des nitrates dans l’eau du sol et les eaux souterraines [LUBW].
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, Huggenberger, Peter, Heuer, Antje, & Casper, Markus. (2006). Nitratherkunft im Bodenwasser und Grundwasser = Origine des nitrates dans l’eau du sol et les eaux souterraines [LUBW].
Huggenberger, Peter, INTERREG III A-Projekt MoNit “Modellierung Der Grundwasserbelastung Durch Nitrat Im Oberrheingraben”, 112.
, Regli, Christian, Spottke Ina, & Zechner, Eric. (2006). Fluss-Grundwasser-Interaktion = Interactions nappe-rivière [LUBW].
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, Regli, Christian, Spottke Ina, & Zechner, Eric. (2006). Fluss-Grundwasser-Interaktion = Interactions nappe-rivière [LUBW].
Huggenberger, P., Regli, C., Regio Basiliensis, 45, H. 3, 195–212.
, & Guldenfels, L. (2004). Revitalisierung von Fliessgewässern in Grundwasserschutzgebieten - ein Oxymoron.
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, & Guldenfels, L. (2004). Revitalisierung von Fliessgewässern in Grundwasserschutzgebieten - ein Oxymoron.