I trained as a physician and health research methodologist. In my research, I am exploring new ways to improve the quality of health research. Starting in February 2025, I will lead an international consortium to develop STandards for developing ResEArch Methods guidance (STREAM) funded by an SNSF Ambizione grant. Previously, I founded the Library of Guidance for Health Scientists (LIGHTS, www.lights.science) to support searchability and dissemination of methods guidance. To improve the interpretation of subgroup analyses in randomized trials and meta-analyses, I developed the Instrument to assess the Credibility of Effect Modification ANalyses (ICEMAN, www.iceman.help). My areas of expertise include clinical trials, meta-analyses, clinical practice guidelines, meta-research, methods research, and qualitative research. I teach research methods to medical students, PhD students, and postgraduates at the University Basel and the University College Cork and mentor doctoral students Nikita Sass, Marta Moreno-Sole, and Malena Chiaborelli.
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