Publications by Type
36 found
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Articles in Scholarly Journals
Journal of Imaging Science and Technology, 68(4), 1–8.
, & Chiquet, Vera. (2024). Curiositas 5.0: Real-World Challenges in Data Acquisition, Interoperability, and Storytelling [Journal-article]. Weber, Christian P., Gauvain, Béatrice, Manz, Marian Clemens, & Euromed 2024.
. (2024). Interactive and Immersive City Exploration through Augmented Reality. Chiquet, Vera, & Rundbrief Fotografie, 28(2), 16–24.
. (2021). Fotografie und Kuration im Digitalen. Zeitschrift Für Schweizerische Archäologie Und Kunstgeschichte, 2020 2-3, 111–123.
, & Chiquet, Vera. (2020). Das Digital Humanities Lab der Universität Basel und die interdisziplinäre Zusammenarbeit mit der Kunstgeschichte und der Archäologie. Der Modelle Tugend 2.0, Springer-Link, 391.
. (2019). 3D Objekte in Virtuellen Forschungsumgebungen. Zugang. Arbido Fachzeitschrift für Bibliothek und Dokumentation.ès/zugang-zum-digitalen-archiv
. (2019). Zugang zum digitalen Archiv. In Hunziker-Rodewaldt, Regine, & Journal of Estern Mediterranean Archaeology and Heritage Studies, 7(2), 188–204.
. (2019). RTI Images for Documentation in Archaeology: The Case of the Iron Age Female Terracotta Figurines from Buṣayra, Jordan. Rundbrief Fotografie, 23(1), 14–23.
, Bianco, Andrea, Feldmann, Heidrun, Schellewald, Barbara, & Schmitt, Lothar. (2016). Neue computerbasierte Verfahren zur Wiedergabe von Kunstwerken. Rosenthaler, L., Fornaro, P., & Clivaz, C. (2015). DASCH: Data and service center for the humanities. Digital Scholarship in the Humanities, 30, i43–i49.
Reisdorf, Achim G., Bux, Roman, Wyler, Daniel, Benecke, Mark, Klug, Christian, Maisch, Michael W., Palaeobiodiversity and Paleoenvironments, 92(1), 67–81.
, & Wetzel, Andreas. (2012). Float, explode or sink: postmortem fate of lung-breathing marine vertebrates. Müller, Florian, ACM Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage, 3(1), 2.
, Rosenthaler, Lukas, & Gschwind, Rudolf. (2010). PEVIAR: digital originals. Fornaro, P. R., Gschwind, R., Rosenthaler, L., & Laurenson, P. (2001). Digital slide reproduction using densitometry. Proceedings of SPIE - the International Society for Optical Engineering, 4421, 537–542.
Lang, HP, Baller, MK, Berger, R, Gerber, C, Gimzewski, JK, Battiston, FM, Analytica Chimica Acta, 393(1-3), 59–65.
, Ramseyer, JP, Meyer, E, & Guntherodt, HJ. (1999). An artificial nose based on a micromechanical cantilever array. Book Contributions
Chiquet, V., & Fornaro, P. (2020). Digitale Infrastrukturen in den Geisteswissenschaften. In Digitale Gesellschaft (1 ed., pp. 305–318). transcript Verlag.
Historisches Museum Basel Jahresbericht 2019 (pp. 109–111). Marc Fehlmann FRSA, Direktor Historisches Museum Basel.
. (2020). DIGITALE FOTOGRAFIE IM MUSEUM. In Fehlmann, Marc; Heiniger, Kevin (Ed.), Chiquet, Vera, & Handbuch Kulturmanagement : Recht, Politik & Praxis, Band 72 (pp. 55–67). DUZ Medienhaus.
. (2020). Digitale Erlebnistouren. In Pöllmann, Lorenz; Risch-Kerst, Mandy; Röckrath, Gereon; Scheytt, Oliver (Ed.), Arts in Context - Kunst, Forschung, Gesellschaft (pp. 44–49). transcript.
. (2020). Open Access im Kontext der Digital Humanities. In Gartmann, Thomas; Pauli, Christian (ed.), Der Modelle Tugend 2.0: Digitale 3D-Rekonstruktion als virtueller Raum der architekturhistorischen Forschung (pp. 391–409).
. (2019). 3D Objekte in virtuellen Forschungsumgebungen. In Kuroczynski, Piotr; Pfarr-Harfst, Mieke; Münster, Sander (Ed.), Published Talks in Conference Proceedings
Felsing, Ulrike, Community and Interoperability at the Core of Sustaining Image Archives (Rockenberger, Annika; Gilbert, Sofie; Tiemann, Juliane; Pierfederici, Elisa, ed.; Vol. 5). University of Oslo Library.
, Frischknecht, Max, & Raemy, Julien Antoine. (2023). Manz, Marian Clemens, Raemy, Julien Antoine, & Recommended 3D Workflow for Digital Heritage Practices. 20.
. (2023). Schriftenreihe Zur Kulturgüter-Erhaltung.
. (2021, January 1). Digitale Archivierung. Chancen und Risiken. Artificial Intelligence for content and context metadata retrieval in photographs and image groups.
, & Chiquet, Vera. (2020, January 1). Standardised Reflection Transformation Imaging (RTI) for Documentation and Research. 2019.
, & Bianco, Andrea. (2019). Enhanced Reflectance Transformation Imaging for Research and Interoperability.
, & Chiquet, Vera. (2019, January 1). Fornaro, P., Rosenthaler, L., & Zbinden, E. (2017). TIFF in archives: A survey about existing files in memory institutions. 2017-May, 6–10.
Raemy, Julien A., Implementing a Video Framework based on IIIF: A Customized Approach from Long-Term Preservation Video Formats to Conversion on Demand. 14.
, & Rosenthaler, Lukas. (2017). Rosenthaler, L., Fornaro, P., Bianco, A., & Geer, B. (2017). Simple image presentation interface (SIPI) – an IIIF-based image-server. 2017-May, 28–33.
Schweizer, T., Rosenthaler, L., & Fornaro, P. (2017). Content-based interoperability: Beyond technical specifications of interfaces. 2017-May, 34–38.
Fornaro, P., Bianco, A., & Rosenthaler, L. (2016). Digital materiality with enhanced reflectance transformation imaging. 11–14.
Fornaro, P., & Rosenthaler, L. (2016). Long-term preservation and archival file formats: Concepts and solutions. 87–90.
Rosenthaler, L., & Fornaro, P. (2016). The “International Image Interoperability Framework” and its implication to preservation. 95–99.
Normand, C., Automated digital camera sensor characterization. 6502.
, & Gschwind, R. (2007). Guggisberg, M., An interdisciplinary virtual laboratory on nanoscience. 19, 133–141.
, Gyalog, T., & Burkhart, H. (2003). Lang, H.P., Baller, M.K., Battiston, F.M., Fritz, J., Berger, R., Ramseyer, J.-P., Nanomechanical nose. 9–13.
, Meyer, E., Guntherodt, H.-J., Brugger, J., Drechsler, U., Rothuizen, H., Despont, M., Vettiger, P., Gerber, Ch., & Gimzewski, J.K. (1999). Categories from other departments / faculties
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Chiquet, Vera, & Publikation Des Verbandes Der Lehrerinnen Und Lehrer Für Bildnersiche Gestaltung, 180–187.
. (2021, January 1). Familienfotografie damals und heute. 33: Vol. Arbeitsheft / Regierungspräsidium Stuttgart, Landesamt für Denkmalpflege. Fraunhofer IRB Verlag, Jan Thorbecke Verlag.
, Schmitt, Lothar, & Feldmann, Heidrun. (2017). Reflectance Transformation Imaging (RTI). Eine digitale Reproduktionstechnik zur Dokumentation von Wandmalereien. In Jakobs, Dörthe; Garrecht, Harald (Ed.),