2022/2023 - Courses in the Course Book
American Literature Survey II/IV: American Renaissance to Naturalism
2022/2023 - Regular Courses (e.g. a semestrial course)
American Literature Survey I/IV: Beginnings to Early Republic
2022/2023 - MA-Thesis
Felber, Nicolas Ivan. “Dogs in the Deluge: Canine Companionship in Young Adult Fiction Novels about Hurricane Katrina” (Basel, completed 2023)
2022/2023 - MA-Thesis
Löw, Melanie. “’People who die bad don’t stay in the ground’ – Hauntology and Ghosts in Beloved, Sing, Unburied, Sing and The Others” (Basel, completed 2023)
2021/2022 - MA-Thesis
Gut, Joana. “‘I am a Forest now. An Uprising Forest’: Transformations of the Female Body in Atwood’s The Edible Woman, Han’s The Vegetarian, Garland’s Annihilation, and Langseth’s Love & Anarchy” (Basel, completed 2022)
2020/2021 - MA-Thesis
Kindlimann, Patricia. “‘My visit to England did much for me every way’: Transnationalism and the Slave Narratives Three Years in Europe by William Wells Brown, Life and Times of Frederick Douglass by Frederick Douglass, and William and Ellen Craft’s Running a Thousand Miles for Freedom” (Basel, comp
2020/2021 - MA-Thesis
Vögele, Pius Jonas. “Imaginations Are Star Gates: Yugen Blakrok’s Afrofuturistic Sonic Fictions” (Basel, completed 2021)
2019/2020 - MA-Thesis
Jannetta, Francesco E. A. “All My Literary Relations: Bakhtinian Dialogism and Heteroglossia in Contemporary ‘Minor Literatures’ of Selected North American Aboriginal Authors” (Basel, completed 2020)
2019/2020 - MA-Thesis
Lötscher, Florence. “Mapping the Spaces of Black Women in Nnedi Okorafor’s Binti Trilogy and Who Fears Death” (Basel, completed 2020)
2018/2019 - MA-Thesis
Halili, Fatljume “Fighting for the Whale/Oil: A Call for Environmental Justice. A Literary Analysis of Three Native American Novels by Linda K. Hogan” (Basel, completed 2019)
2018/2019 - MA-Thesis
Martin, Carole. “‘Without Borders, Without a Home of Her Own, a Resident Everywhere and Nowhere’: South Asian American Transnationalisms and Diasporas in Jhumpa Lahiri’s Oeuvre” (Basel, completed 2019)
2018/2019 - MA-Thesis
Marxer, Raphael “‘The Great God Job, he did not love’: Work-Ethics in American Working-Class Literature” (completed 2019)
2017/2018 - MA-Thesis
Cadalbert, Livia. “Fortified Morally by the Luxurious Surroundings”: The Interrelation Between Individualist and Consumerist E(s)th(et)ics in Patricia Highsmith’s Ripliad” (Basel, completed 2018)
2016/2017 - MA-Thesis
Ackermann, Rahel. "Distance, Negation, Negotiation: The Aesthetic Politics in Arundhati Roy’s The God of Small Things and Maxine Hong Kingston’s The Woman Warrior" (Basel, completed 2017)
2016/2017 - MA-Thesis
Aerni, Anouk. "'And the rain won’t make any difference?' An Ecocritical Reading of Ernest Hemingway’s A Farewell To Arms" (Basel, completed 2017)
2015/2016 - MA-Thesis
Bosshart, Lea. "Intermediality in Graphic Narrative Adaptations of American Crime Fiction Texts" (Basel, completed 2016)
2015/2016 - MA-Thesis
Gloor, Nathalie Caroline. “Snow White’s Stepmother and Other Mother Figures in Four Postmodern Revisions of the Tale by Donald Barthelme, Angela Carter, Robert Coover and Anne Sexton" (Basel, completed 2016)
2015/2016 - MA-Thesis
Haas, Heidi. "A Gendered Literature – The Forgotten Male Voices in Canadian Literature" (Basel, completed 2016)¨
2015/2016 - MA-Thesis
Meng, Dorothee. "Female Role Models in Contemporary Young Adult Literature: A Comparative Study of Twilight and The Hunger Games"
2014/2015 - MA-Thesis
Rüst, Axel. “The Flaneur in New York - A Long Stroll through the Centuries from his Beginnings in Paris to New York” (Basel, completed 2015)
2013/2014 - MA-Thesis
Grzonka, Adrian. Babel's Impossible Languages: A Reading of Paul Auster's City of Glass and Jack Spicer's Detective Novel The Tower of Babel through Jacques Derrida and Michel Serres” (Basel, completed 2014)
2013/2014 - MA-Thesis
Pieck, Gabriele. “Jewish Theology after Google: Post-Rabbinic and Post-Denominational Judaisms in a Digitized World” (Basel, completed 2014)
2012/2013 - MA-Thesis
Van den Bergh, Katrien. "The Treatment of Native American Female Identity in Leslie Marmon Silko's Ceremony and Louise Erdrich's Love Medicine" (Basel, completed 2013)
2011/2012 - MA-Thesis
Battilana, Chantal. "Nineteenth-Century Sensational Fiction in the United States" (Basel, completed 2012)
2011/2012 - MA-Thesis
Hottinger, Philipp. "Later Robert Coover: Comic Metafiction and Hypertext Structures." (Basel, completed 2012)
2011/2012 - MA-Thesis
Rutz, Sadhana. "Reappropriating Place and Reconstructing Space in Powwow Highway and Selected North American Indian Literature and Film between 1970-2010" (Basel, completed 2012)
2009/2010 - MA-Thesis
Carlos, Peter. "Gendered Landscapes: Feminized and Masculinized Depictions of Nature in 19th Century American Travel Literature" (Basel, completed 2010)
2008/2009 - MA-Thesis
Springer, Christian. "Representations of Masculinities in Twentieth-century American Drama: Economics, the American Dream, and the Staging of Masculinity" (Göttingen, completed 2009)
2007/2008 - MA-Thesis
Achtert, Christina. "Interkulturalität und Intermedialität in der Chicano-Literatur, 1978-1990" (Göttingen, completed 2008)
2007/2008 - MA-Thesis
Ernst, Christin. "Stereotyping the Italians: The Mafia Mystique in post-World War II American Literary and Popular Culture" (Göttingen, completed 2008)
2007/2008 - MA-Thesis
Fischer, Rebecca. "Identitätskonstruktionen an der Grenze: Gloria Anzaldúas Borderlands/La Frontera" (Göttingen, completed 2008)