2023 - Habilitation
Askin, Ridvan. "Transcendental Poetics and the Futures of American Romanticism" (Basel, completed 2023)
2023 - Research Colloquia
Research Colloquium of the Department of English
2022 - Doctoral Students
Ortiz, Daniel. “A Brief History of Decay in American Literature” (Basel, first reader)
2022 - Doctoral Students
Tamara Dima Imboden: Structural Entanglements: Urban Experience and Narrative Structure
2022 - Research Colloquia
Research Colloquium of the Department of English
2021 - Promotions Dr. phil. (PhD) at the Phil.-Hist. Faculty, Basel
Albrecht, Maxi. “Speculative Subjects Surviving Somehow: Speculative Survival Narrative and Neoliberal Intelligence Politics in the 21st Century" (FU Berlin, committee member, completed 2021)
2020 - Doctoral Students
Aerni, Anouk. “’And the rain won’t make any difference?’: A Farewell to Anthropocentrism in American Postbellum Prose from 1850-1970” (Basel, first reader)
2020 - Doctoral Students
Kraft, Corin. “Time and Place in Contemporary Literature of the U.S. South” (Basel, first reader)
2020 - Doctoral Students
Lezon, Catherine. “Approches de la connaissance chez une sélection de scientifiques-poètes modernes et contemporains” (Basel, second reader)
2020 - Doctoral Students
Mauruschat, Ania. "Radiophonie, Störung und Erkenntnis: Zur Epistemologie der Radiokunst" (Basel, first reader)
2020 - Doctoral Students
Rapcsak, Balazs. "Beckett's Media System: A Comparative Study in Multimediality" (Basel, first reader)
2020 - Doctoral Students
Sabbioni, Sofie. “Fantasy, Fiction, Fact, and Fascism: A Comparative Literary Analysis of the Contemporary U.S. American and Russian Radical Right’s Speculative Fiction Texts.” (Basel, first reader)
2020 - Doctoral Students
Vögele, Pius. “Ancestral Heart Beats – Hip Hop’s Sonic Fictions from Black Atlantis” (Basel, second reader)
2018 - Promotions Dr. phil. (PhD) at the Phil.-Hist. Faculty, Basel
Osei-Bonsu, Victoria. "Representations of the Other in Selected Works of Joseph Conrad" (Basel, first reader, completed 2018)
2018 - Promotions Dr. phil. (PhD) at the Phil.-Hist. Faculty, Basel
Reichel, A. Elisabeth. "Sounding Primitives, Writing Anthropologists: The Poetry and Scholarship of Edward Sapir, Margaret Mead, and Ruth Benedict" (Basel, first reader, completed 2018)
2017 - Promotions Dr. phil. (PhD) at the Phil.-Hist. Faculty, Basel
Hänggi, Christian. "Pynchon's Sonic Fictions" (Basel, first reader, completed 2017)
2017 - Promotions Dr. phil. (PhD) at the Phil.-Hist. Faculty, Basel
Lobo, Tea. "'A picture held us captive': On Aisthesis and Interiority in Ludwig Wittgenstein, Fyodor M. Dostoevsky, and W. G. Sebald" (Fribourg, second reader, completed 2017)
2017 - Research Colloquia
Literaturwissenschaft: Colloquium of the Doctoral Program "Literary Studies"
2017 - Research Colloquia
Research Colloquium of the Department of English
2016 - Promotions Dr. phil. (PhD) at the Phil.-Hist. Faculty, Basel
Caci, Ursula. "Locating Gender in Space: Emily Dickinson's Conception of Gender." (Basel, second reader, completed 2016)
2016 - Promotions Dr. phil. (PhD) at the Phil.-Hist. Faculty, Basel
Lüthi, Daniel. "Mapping a Sense of Humour – Fictional Geography and the Narrative Imperative in Terry Pratchett’s Discworld Novels." (Basel, second reader, completed 2016).
2016 - Research Colloquia
Research Colloquium of the Department of English
2015 - Promotions Dr. phil. (PhD) at the Phil.-Hist. Faculty, Basel
Hägler, Andreas. "History, Critique, Utopia: Experimental Writing in the Context of Contemporary Anglophone Literature" (Basel, first reader, completed 2015)
2014 - Promotions Dr. phil. (PhD) at the Phil.-Hist. Faculty, Basel
Askin, Ridvan. "Becoming and Narrative: Of Narratonomy" (Basel, first reader, completed 2014)
2014 - Promotions Dr. phil. (PhD) at the Phil.-Hist. Faculty, Basel
Gottlieb, Derek. "Common Nonsense: Community and Skepticism in Shakespearean Comedy." (Basel, second reader, completed 2014)
2014 - Promotions Dr. phil. (PhD) at the Phil.-Hist. Faculty, Basel
Iatsenko, Anna. "Literary Acoustics: The Aural in the Fictions of Toni Morrison" (Geneva, second reader, completed 2014)
2014 - Research Colloquia
Literaturwissenschaft: Colloquium of the Doctoral Program "Literary Studies"
2013 - Promotions Dr. phil. (PhD) at the Phil.-Hist. Faculty, Basel
Hoppeler, Stephanie. "Continuity in Comic Books and Comic Book Continuity - Serialized US-American Comic Books of the 1980s" (Berne, second reader, completed 2013)
2013 - Promotions Dr. phil. (PhD) at the Phil.-Hist. Faculty, Basel
Huber, Irmtraud. "Nomadic Truths: Exploring the Fantastic beyond Postmodernism" (Berne, second reader, completed 2013)
2013 - Promotions Dr. phil. (PhD) at the Phil.-Hist. Faculty, Basel
Loock, Kathleen. "Der Wandel des Kolumbussymbols in den USA: Vom Nationalhelden zur ethnischen Identifikationsfigur, 1892-1929" (Göttingen, second reader, completed 2013)
2012 - Promotions Dr. phil. (PhD) at the Phil.-Hist. Faculty, Basel
Bertoli, Mariacristina Natalia. "The Mirror, the Cup, and the Crystal: Iconic Implications of Disappearance and Representation in the American Tradition of Riddle Poetry" (Fribourg, second reader, completed 2012)
2012 - Promotions Dr. phil. (PhD) at the Phil.-Hist. Faculty, Basel
Rickli, Christina. "Eclipsing Melancholia: American Cultural Trauma Templates Before and After 9/11" (Berne, second reader, completed 2012)
2012 - Promotions Dr. phil. (PhD) at the Phil.-Hist. Faculty, Basel
Starre, Alexander. "Writing Metamedia: Contemporary American Literature and the Matter of the Book, 1998-2010" (Göttingen, second reader, completed 2012)
2012 - Research Colloquia
Research Colloquium of the Department of English
2011 - Research Colloquia
Research Colloquium of the Department of English