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[FG] Schuetz Philipp

Research Unit of Prof. Philipp Schuetz

The research group of Prof. Schuetz is very active in the field of clinical outcome research challenging common (mis-) beliefs in medicine and focusing on important topics such as a more rational planning of ressources for hospitalized patients and best use of nutrition to improve clinical outcomes. Prof. Schuetz is Principal investigator of the Effect of early nutritional therapy on Frailty, Functional Outcomes and Recovery of malnourished medical inpatients Trial (EFFORT) I and II. This largest yet nutritional randomized trials investigate the individualized nutritional therapy in the inpatient and outpatient settings. and has received major funding from the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) over a time period of 9 years with initially a clinical professorship and later a project grant, and a total of > 3.5 Million of funding. In 2019 the EFFORT I trial was published in the LANCET and in 2023, Prof. Schuetz received the Theodor-Näggeli Price for this project.

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