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Prof. Dr. med. dent. Andreas Filippi

Department of Clinical Research
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Blattner, Florence, Saccardin, Fabio, Ortiz, Virginia, & Filippi, Andreas. (2024). Influence of two paraffin wax chewing gums with different con-sistencies on the stimulated salivary flow rate. Swiss Dental Journal, 134(3), 18–34. https://doi.org/10.61872/sdj-2024-03-09


Eggmann, F., Eggmann, F., Filippi, A., & Mukaddam, K. (2024). Endodontic and restorative management of an adult with avulsion of multiple teeth: A case report with 5 years and 9 months of follow-up. Dental Traumatology, 40(3), 345–352. https://doi.org/10.1111/edt.12915


Wieland, Roman, & Filippi, Andreas. (2024). Dental injuries in Swiss children - an analysis of Swiss national health insurance data from the year 2019. Swiss Dental Journal, 134(2), 88–104. https://doi.org/10.61872/sdj-2024-02-06


Bianchetti, Claudio A B, Saccardin, Fabio, & Filippi, Andreas. (2024). Effect of lozenge surface texture, taste and acidity on salivary flow rate: A crossover preclinical trial in healthy subjects [Journal-article]. Swiss Dental Journal, 134(2), 72–87. https://doi.org/10.61872/sdj-2024-02-05


Adé, Désirée Céline, Filippi, Cornelia, & Filippi, Andreas. (2024). A survey on toothbrushing practices and dosing of fluoridated toothpaste 1 among preschool children in the cantons of Basel-Stadt and Berne, 2 Switzerland. Swiss Dental Journal, 133(2), 18–34.

Steiner, Sina R., Saccardin, Fabio, Connert, Thomas, & Filippi, Andreas. (2024). Changes in periapical status of root canal-treated teeth after head and neck IMRT: a retrospective study. Swiss Dental Journal, 134(2), 35–52. https://doi.org/10.61872/sdj-2024-09-01


Lübbers, Heinz-Theo, Bornstein, Michael M., Dagassan-Berndt, Dorothea, Filippi, Andreas, Suter, Valerie G A, & Dula, Karl. (2024). Revised consensus guidelines for the use of cone-beam computed tomography/ digital volume tomography. Swiss Dental Journal, 134, 86–115. https://doi.org/10.61872/sdj-2024-04-07


Züger, Marco, Mukkadam, Khaleed, Filippi, Andreas, & Schmidlin, Patrick R. (2024). Periodontal status after autologous tooth transplantation (ATT) of premolars and wisdom teeth. Swiss Dental Journal, 134, 54–71. https://doi.org/10.61872/sdj-2024-04-05


Schneider C, Simonek M, Eggmann F, & Filippi A. (2023). Dental injuries in Swiss soccer supporters: A comparative study of regular fans, ultras, and hooligans for public health strategies. Clinical and Experimental Dental Research, 9(6), 1214–1222. https://doi.org/10.1002/cre2.783


Cerri N, Saccardin F, Ortiz V, & Filippi A. (2023). The effects of various types of lozenges on halitosis: A crossover clinical trial. Swiss Dental Journal, 133(133), 652–660.

Hauenstein C, Ortiz V, & Filippi A. (2023). A retrospective analysis of patients suffering from halitosis over a 17-year period. Swiss Dental Journal, 134(3).

Sommacal A, Bingisser R, Filippi A, Bethke M, Thieringer FM, Jaquiéry C, & Berg BI. (2023). Dental and Maxillofacial Emergency Algorithms in Swiss Emergency Departments. Journal of Clinical Medicine, 12(8). https://doi.org/10.3390/jcm12082952


Struwe M, Leontiev W, Connert T, Kühl S, Filippi A, Herber V, & Dagassan-Berndt D. (2023). Accuracy of a dynamic navigation system for dental implantation with two different workflows and intraoral markers compared to static-guided implant surgery: An in-vitro study. Clinical Oral Implants Research, 34(3), 196–208. https://doi.org/10.1111/clr.14030


Mählmann NMW, & Filippi A. (2023). Self-reported injuries to oral tissues through resistance training in bodybuilders. Swiss Dental Journal, 133(2), 80–87.

Fuhrer Y, Eggmann F, Reichardt E, & Filippi A. (2023). Head and dental injuries among farriers and hoof care practitioners: A nationwide survey in Switzerland. Dental Traumatology, 39(1), 38–43. https://doi.org/10.1111/edt.12794


Schifferle AK, Eggmann F, Mukaddam K, Kühl S, & Filippi A. (2023). General and dental injuries sustained at concerts: A questionnaire-based study. Dental Traumatology, 39(1), 44–48. https://doi.org/10.1111/edt.12790


Filippi A., & Pohl Y. (2023). Injuries to the Teeth and the Alveolar Process (pp. 317–327). Springer Berlin Heidelberg. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-662-66844-3_10


Momberger N., Mukaddam K., Zitzmann N.U., Bornstein M., Filippi A., & Kuhl S. (2023). Esthetic and functional outcomes of narrow-diameter implants compared in a cohort study to standard diameter implants in the anterior zone of the maxilla. Implantologie, 31, 189–198.

Rinderknecht C, Filippi C, Ritz N, Fritschi N, Simmen U, Filippi A, & Diesch-Furlanetto T. (2022). Associations between salivary cytokines and oral health, age, and sex in healthy children. Scientific Reports, 12(1), 15991. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-022-20475-2


Krastl, Gabriel, Weiger, Roland, Weiger, Roland, Filippi, Andreas, Ebeleseder, Kurt A., & Galler, Kerstin M. (2022). Management of traumatic dental injuries in the permanent dentition: Vol. null (pp. 761–793). John Wiley and Sons Ltd. https://doi.org/10.1002/9781119553939.ch30


Auderset FC, Connert T, Meller C, Filippi A, & Dagassan-Berndt DC. (2022). Evaluation of five methods to identify composite restorations in human teeth on a forensic purpose-an ex vivo comparative study. International Journal of Legal Medicine. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00414-022-02869-z


Momberger, Nicolas, Mukaddam, Khaled, Zitzmann, Nicola Ursula, Bornstein, Michael, Filippi, Andreas, & Kühl, Sebastian. (2022). Esthetic and functional outcomes of narrow-diameter implants compared in a cohort study to standard diameter implants in the anterior zone of the maxilla. Quintessence International, 53(6), 502–509. https://doi.org/10.3290/j.qi.b2887673


Berli C., Reichardt E., & Filippi A. (2022). Survey on the prevalence of occupational injuries to the head and teeth in automotive repair and maintenance in Switzerland. Swiss Dental Journal, 132(5), 334–341.

Pilenza D., Filippi A., Walter C., Zitzmann N.U., Bornstein M.M., & Kuhl S. (2022). Surgical therapy of peri-implantitis with adjunctive hydroxyapatite and enamel matrix derivative: a 1-year retrospective case series. Swiss Dental Journal, 132(4), 238–246.

Unzeitig G, Eggmann F, & Filippi A. (2022). Dental and general injuries among ski and snowboard instructors in Switzerland, Germany, and Austria–A questionnaire-based study. Clinical and Experimental Dental Research, 8(1), 37–44. https://doi.org/10.1002/cre2.518


Ahmed, Z., & Filippi, A. (2022). Accident-related dental injuries in children. Zeitschrift Fur Zahnarztliche Implantologie, 38, 14–20. https://doi.org/10.3238/zzi.2022.00140-0020


Ahmed Z, & Filippi A. (2022). Unfallbedingte Zahnverletzungen bei Kindern. Z Zahnärztl Implantol, 38, 14–20.

Erb J, & Filippi A. (2022). Spätfolgen an Milchzähnen nach Milchzahntrauma. Quintessenz, 73, 606–609.

Filippi A. (2022). Wenn Zähne ausgeschlagen werden. (No. 27; pp. 9–11).

Filippi A, & Ahmed Z. (2022). Palatinale Dislokationsverletzung bleibender Zähne. Quintessenz, 73, 774–778.

Ortiz V, Ahmed Z, & Filippi A. (2022). Fallbericht: Das zusammengesetzte und das komplexe Odontom. (No. 73; pp. 390–396).

Simonek M, Joos M, & Filippi A. (2022). Die Behandlungsmöglichkeiten einer Ostitis circumscripta. (No. 73; pp. 180–186).

Eggmann F, Haschemi AA, Doukoudis D, Filippi A, Verna C, Walter C, Walter C, Weiger R, Zitzmann NU, & Bornstein MM. (2021). Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on urgent dental care delivery in a Swiss university center for dental medicine. Clinical Oral Investigations, 25(10), 5711–5721. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00784-021-03872-1


Roubaty A., Ahmed Z., Connert T., Kuhl S., & Filippi A. (2021). Serious injuries and dental trauma in the line of police duty and their long-term consequences. Swiss Dental Journal, 131(9), 698–704.

European Society of Endodontology (ESE) developed by:, Krastl G, Weiger R, Filippi A, Van Waes H, Ebeleseder K, Ree M, Connert T, Widbiller M, Tjäderhane L, Dummer PMH, & Galler K. (2021). European Society of Endodontology position statement: endodontic management of traumatized permanent teeth. International Endodontic Journal, 54(9), 1473–1481. https://doi.org/10.1111/iej.13543


Joos M, Joos R, Berli C, & Filippi A. (2021). Photographic assessment of simulated dental luxation injuries. Dental Traumatology, 37(4), 601–607. https://doi.org/10.1111/edt.12674


Krastl G, Weiger R, Filippi A, Van Waes H, Ebeleseder K, Ree M, Connert T, Widbiller M, Tjäderhane L, Dummer PMH, & Galler K. (2021). Endodontic management of traumatized permanent teeth: a comprehensive review. International Endodontic Journal, 54(8), 1221–1245. https://doi.org/10.1111/iej.13508


Diesch T, Filippi C, Fritschi N, Filippi A, & Ritz N. (2021). Cytokines in saliva as biomarkers of oral and systemic oncological or infectious diseases: A systematic review. Cytokine, 143, 155506. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cyto.2021.155506


Barucca G., Davi F., Lancioni G., Mengucci P., Montalto L., Natali P.P., Paone N., Rinaldi D., Scalise L., Krusche B., Steinacher M., Liu Z., Liu C., Liu B., Shen X., Sun S., Zhao G., Zhao J., Albrecht M., et al. (2021). PANDA Phase One: PANDA collaboration. European Physical Journal A, 57(6). https://doi.org/10.1140/epja/s10050-021-00475-y


Ineichen J., Connert T, Kühl S, & Filippi A. (2021). Dental trauma and tongue injuries in professional alpine ski racing—A worldwide survey. Dental Traumatology, 37(3), 414–418. https://doi.org/10.1111/edt.12643


Barucca G., Davi F., Lancioni G., Mengucci P., Montalto L., Natali P.P., Paone N., Rinaldi D., Scalise L., Krusche B., Steinacher M., Liu Z., Liu C., Liu B., Shen X., Sun S., Zhao G., Zhao J., Albrecht M., et al. (2021). Study of excited Ξ baryons with the P¯ ANDA detector. European Physical Journal A, 57(4). https://doi.org/10.1140/epja/s10050-021-00444-5


Wieland-Hess A, Eggmann F, & Filippi A. (2021). Dental Injuries on Garden Trampolines. Swiss Dental Journal, 131(10).

Erb J., Harder M., Zitzmann N.U., & Filippi A. (2021). Learning while studying dentistry Lernen im Zahnmedizinstudium. Swiss Dental Journal, 131(2), 147–152.

Erb J, Harder M, Zitzmann NU, & Filippi A. (2021). [Learning while studying dentistry]. Swiss Dental Journal, 131(2), 147–152.

Meier A, Connert T, Dagassan-Berndt D, & Filippi A. (2021). Dental trauma splint color preference of adults. Swiss Dental Journal, 131(4).

Schnyer N, Dagassan D, Storck C, Schaedelin S, & Filippi A. (2021). Influence of surface anesthesia of the nasal cavity on oral tissues in the anterior region - a pilot study. Swiss Dental Journal, 131(4).

Kuster M., Mukaddam K., Zitzmann N.U., Filippi A., & Kuhl S. (2021). Influence of a Novel Drill Design on Heat Generation During Conventional and Guided Implant Osteotomy. International Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Implants, 36(3), 1–11. https://doi.org/10.11607/jomi.8583


Bornstein M, Filippi A, Heinzmann JL, Kühl S, Stadlinger B, & Weiss P. (2020). [Guideline Antibiotics in oral surgery]. Swiss Dental Journal, 130(11), 916–917.

Rohr N, Bertschinger N, Fischer J, Filippi A, & Zitzmann NU. (2020). Influence of material and surface roughness of resin composite cements on fibroblast behavior. Operative Dentistry, 45(5), 528–536. https://doi.org/10.2341/19-113-L


Bruggesser S, Kühl S, Solakoglu Ö, & Filippi A. (2020). The prevalence of orofacial injuries in judo: A cross-sectional study. Dental Traumatology, 36(4), 411–416. https://doi.org/10.1111/edt.12547


Joos M, Sailer I, Filippi A, Mukaddam K, Rosentritt M, & Kühl S. (2020). Stability of screw-retention in two-piece zirconia implants: An in vitro study. Clinical Oral Implants Research, 31(7), 607–614. https://doi.org/10.1111/clr.13597


Rhyn S, Zürcher A, Ortiz V, & Filippi A. (2020). The Efficiency and Acceptance of a Suction Tongue-Cleaning Device in Adults. Swiss Dental Journal, 130(4).

Bernardi S, Karygianni L, Filippi A, Anderson AC, Zürcher A, Hellwig E, Vach K, Macchiarelli G, & Al-Ahmad A. (2020). Combining culture and culture-independent methods reveals new microbial composition of halitosis patients’ tongue biofilm. MicrobiologyOpen, 9(2), e958. https://doi.org/10.1002/mbo3.958


Ortiz V., & Filippi A. (2020). Halitosis. Monographs in Oral Science, 29, 195–200. https://doi.org/10.1159/000510192


Rinderknecht C., & Filippi A. (2019). Dental Legal Cases – Recent Judicial and Extrajudicial Legal Cases Concerning Dental Practice in Switzerland Zahnärztliche Rechtsfälle. Neuere gerichtliche und aussergerichtliche Rechtsfälle im Rahmen der zahnärztlichen Berufstätigkeit in der Schweiz. Swiss Dental Journal, 129(12), 1031–1037.

Rinderknecht C, & Filippi A. (2019). [Dental Legal Cases – Recent Judicial and Extrajudicial Legal Cases Concerning Dental Practice in Switzerland]. Swiss Dental Journal, 129(12), 1031–1037.

Zurcher A., & Filippi A. (2019). Management of avulsed teeth (pp. 177–188). wiley. https://doi.org/10.1002/9781119372684.ch5.2


Solakoglu Ö, & Filippi A. (2019). Regenerative therapy of peri-implantitis: Clinical and radiologic documentation of 16 consecutive patients with a mean follow-up of 3 years. Journal of Oral Implantology, 45(2), 145–153. https://doi.org/10.1563/aaid-joi-d-18-00168


Rickenbacher O, Filippi C, Zürcher A, & Filippi A. (2019). Acceptance of a tongue vacuum cleaner among children and evaluation of tongue cleaning at home. Swiss dental journal, 129(2), 102–107.

Frösch L, Mukaddam K, Filippi A, Zitzmann NU, & Kühl S. (2019). Comparison of heat generation between guided and conventional implant surgery for single and sequential drilling protocols—An in vitro study. Clinical Oral Implants Research, 30(2), 121–130. https://doi.org/10.1111/clr.13398


Bernardi S., Continenza M.A., Al-Ahmad A., Karygianni L., Follo M., Filippi A., & Macchiarelli G. (2019). Streptococcus spp. And Fusobacterium nucleatum in tongue dorsum biofilm from halitosis patients: A fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) and confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM) study. New Microbiologica, 42(2), 108–113.

Bernardi S, Continenza MA, Al-Ahmad A, Karygianni L, Follo M, Filippi A, & Macchiarelli G. (2019). Streptococcus spp. And Fusobacterium nucleatum in tongue dorsum biofilm from halitosis patients: A fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) and confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM) study. New Microbiologica, 42(2), 108–113.

Mercado F., Mukaddam K., Filippi A., Bieri O.P., Lambrecht T.J., & Kuhl S. (2019). Fully digitally guided implant surgery based on magnetic resonance imaging. International Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Implants, 34(2), 529–534. https://doi.org/10.11607/jomi.7076


Saccardin F, Ortiz V, Dettwiler C, Connert T, & Filippi A. (2019). Removal of composite-bonded trauma splints using the Fluorescence-aided Identification Technique (FIT). Quintessence International, 50(6), 456–460. https://doi.org/10.3290/j.qi.a42484


Tong, Haijie, Zhang, Yun, Filippi, Alexander, Wang, Ting, Li, Chenpei, Liu, Fobang, Leppla, Denis, Kourtchev, Ivan, Wang, Kai, Keskinen, Helmi-Marja, Levula, Janne T., Arangio, Andrea M., Shen, Fangxia, Ditas, Florian, Martin, Scot T., Artaxo, Paulo, Godoi, Ricardo H. M., Yamamoto, Carlos I., de Souza, Rodrigo A. F., et al. (2019). Radical Formation by Fine Particulate Matter Associated with Highly Oxygenated Molecules. Environmental Science & Technology, 53(21), 12506–12518. https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.est.9b05149


Forcella L, Filippi C, Waltimo T, & Filippi A. (2018). Measurement of unstimulated salivary flow rate in healthy children aged 6 to 15 years. Swiss dental journal, 128(12), 962–967.

Baschong W, Weiss P, Imholz MS, & Filippi A. (2018). Periodontal ligament on pulp-free root slices – an in vitro model for early tooth (re)integration. An exploratory study. Swiss dental journal, 128(11), 878–886.

Ohla H, Dagassan-Berndt D, Payer M, Filippi A, Schulze RKW, & Kühl S. (2018). Role of ambient light in the detection of contrast elements in digital dental radiography. Oral surgery, oral medicine, oral pathology and oral radiology, 126(5), 439–443. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.oooo.2018.08.003


Dettwiler C, Meller C, Eggmann F, Saccardin F, Kühl S, Filippi A, Krastl G, Weiger R, & Connert T. (2018). Evaluation of a Fluorescence-aided Identification Technique (FIT) for removal of composite bonded trauma splints. Dental traumatology : official publication of International Association for Dental Traumatology, 34(5), 353–359. https://doi.org/10.1111/edt.12425


Schmid M, Schädelin S, Kühl S, & Filippi A. (2018). Head and dental injuries or other dental problems in alpine sports. Clinical and experimental dental research, 4(4), 125–131. https://doi.org/10.1002/cre2.121


Sprenger A, Gutauskas K, Filippi A, Rosentritt M, & Kühl S. (2018). Stability of Implant-Abutment Connection After Using the Rescue Kit: An In Vitro Study. The International journal of oral & maxillofacial implants. https://doi.org/10.11607/jomi.6386


Sommacal, Bruno, Savic, Miodrag, Filippi, Andreas, Kühl, Sebastian, & Thieringer, Florian M. (2018). Evaluation of Two 3D Printers for Guided Implant Surgery. The International Journal of Oral & Maxillofacial Implants, 33(4), 743–746. https://doi.org/10.11607/jomi.6074


Filippi, Andreas, & Kühl, Sebastian. (2018). Atlas der modernen zahnerhaltenden Chirurgie (; Filippi A, Kühl S, Trans.; 1. Auflage). Quintessence Publishing, Germany.

Schumacher MG, Zürcher A, & Filippi A. (2017). Evaluation of a halitosis clinic over a period of eleven years. Swiss Dental Journal, 127(10), 846–851.

Laederach V, Mukaddam K, Payer M, Filippi A, & Kühl S. (2017). Deviations of different systems for guided implant surgery. Clinical Oral Implants Research, 28(9), 1147–1151. https://doi.org/10.1111/clr.12930


Lechner K, Connert T, Kühl S, & Filippi A. (2017). Lip and tooth injuries at public swimming pools in Austria. Dental Traumatology, 33(3), 214–220. https://doi.org/10.1111/edt.12331


Filippi A. (2017). Zahnunfälle bei Kindern und das Verhalten am Unfallort. Praxis, 106(4), 187–193. https://doi.org/10.1024/1661-8157/a002599


Gheorghe R, Zürcher A, & Filippi A. (2017). Dental tourism from Switzerland to Germany. Swiss dental journal, 127(7-8), 618–633.

Kraljevic I, Filippi C, & Filippi A. (2017). Risk indicators of early childhood caries (ECC) in children with high treatment needs. Swiss dental journal, 127(5), 398–410.

Schumacher M.-G., Zürcher A., & Filippi A. (2017). Evaluation of a halitosis clinic over a period of eleven years. Swiss Dental Journal, 127(10), 846–851. https://api.elsevier.com/content/abstract/scopus_id/85044070559


Zeissler-Lajtman A, Connert T, Kühl S, & Filippi A. (2017). Cling film as storage medium for avulsed teeth. An in vitro pilot study. Swiss dental journal, 127(11), 954–959.

Zeissler-Lajtman A, Connert T, Kühl S, & Filippi A. (2017). Frischhaltefolie als Lagerungsmedium für avulsierte Zähne. Eine In-vitro-Pilotstudie. Swiss Dental Journal, 127(11), 960–963.

Tomljenovic B, Herrmann S, Filippi A, & Kühl S. (2016). Life-threatening hemorrhage associated with dental implant surgery: a review of the literature. Clinical Oral Implants Research, 27(9), 1079–1084. https://doi.org/10.1111/clr.12685


Seemann R, Filippi A, Michaelis S, Lauterbach S, John HD, & Huismann J. (2016). Duration of effect of the mouthwash CB12 for the treatment of intra-oral halitosis: A double-blind, randomised, controlled trial. Journal of Breath Research, 10(3), 36002. https://doi.org/10.1088/1752-7155/10/3/036002


Gass M, Kühl S, Connert T, & Filippi A. (2016). Dental trauma in showjumping - A trinational study between Switzerland, France and Germany. Dental Traumatology, 32(3), 174–179. https://doi.org/10.1111/edt.12242


Kühl S, Zürcher S, Zitzmann NU, Filippi A, Payer M, & Dagassan-Berndt D. (2016). Detection of peri-implant bone defects with different radiographic techniques - a human cadaver study. Clinical Oral Implants Research, 27(5), 529–534. https://doi.org/10.1111/clr.12619


Bigler T, & Filippi A. (2016). Importance of halitosis. A survey of adolescents and young adults. Swiss dental journal, 126(4), 347–359.

Feil ND, & Filippi A. (2016). Frequency of fissured tongue (lingua plicata) as a function of age. Swiss dental journal, 126(10), 886–897.

Filippi A, Krastl G, & Lussi A. (2016). [Dilaceration of permanent teeth after primary tooth trauma]. Swiss dental journal, 126(1), 26–27.

Kernen, Florian, Benic, Goran I., Payer, Michael, Schär, Alex, Muller-Gerbl, Magdalena, Filippi, Andreas, & Kühl, Sebastian. (2016). Accuracy of Three-Dimensional Printed Templates for Guided Implant Placement Based on Matching a Surface Scan with CBCT. Clinical Implant Dentistry and Related Research, 18(4), 762–768. https://doi.org/10.1111/cid.12348


Petrović M, Kühl S, Šlaj M, Connert T, & Filippi A. (2016). Dental and General Trauma in Team Handball. Swiss dental journal, 126(7-8), 682–686.

Sekulic M, Kühl S, Connert T, Krastl G, & Filippi A. (2015). Dental and jaw injuries sustained by hooligans. Dental Traumatology, 31(6), 477–481. https://doi.org/10.1111/edt.12205


Ricardi U, Franco P, Munoz F, Levis M, Fiandra C, Guarneri A, Moretto F, Bartoncini S, Arcadipane F, Badellino S, Piva C, Trino E, Ruggieri A, Filippi AR, & Ragona R. (2015). Three-dimensional ultrasound-based image-guided hypofractionated radiotherapy for intermediate-risk prostate cancer: Results of a consecutive case series. Cancer Investigation, 33(2), 23–28. https://doi.org/10.3109/07357907.2014.988343


Hitz Lindenmüller I, Weiss P, Volken M, & Filippi A. (2015). Diagnostics of tongue coating using autofluorescence. Swiss dental journal, 125(10), 1074.

Ifkovits T, Kühl S, Connert T, Krastl G, Dagassan-Berndt1 D, & Filippi A. (2015). Prevention of dental accidents in Swiss boxing clubs. Swiss dental journal, 125(12), 1322–1335.

Kirchhoff J, & Filippi A. (2015). Comparison of oral health behavior among dental students, students of other disciplines, and fashion models in Switzerland. Swiss dental journal, 125(12), 1337–1351.

Kühl S, Payer M, Zitzmann NU, Lambrecht JT, & Filippi A. (2015). Technical accuracy of printed surgical templates for guided implant surgery with the coDiagnostiX™ software. Clinical Implant Dentistry and Related Research, 17(S1), e177–e182. https://doi.org/10.1111/cid.12152


Stillhard A, Buschor C, Krastl G, Kühl S, & Filippi A. (2015). Frequency of injuries, in particular dental injuries, in ski jumping and Nordic combined. Swiss dental journal, 125(7-8), 815–819.

Vidovic-Stesevic,Vesna, Verna,Carlalberta, Krastl,Gabriel, Kuhl,Sebastian, & Filippi,Andreas. (2015). Facial and Dental Injuries Facial and Dental Injuries in Karate. Swiss dental journal, 125(7-8), 810–814.

Zürcher A, & Filippi A. (2015). Verbund-odontom im milchgebiss. Swiss Dental Journal, 125(5), 570–571.