Publications by Type
43 found
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Edited Books
Gerling, C. (2015). Prehistoric Mobility and Diet in the West Eurasian Steppes 3500 to 300 BC [Book]. In An Isotopic Approach. DE GRUYTER.
Articles in Scholarly Journals
Groot, M., Gerling, C., & Pike, A. W. G. (2025). The economic importance and mobility of horses in the Roman Netherlands. Journal of Roman Archaeology.
Grau-Sologestoa, Idoia, Deschler-Erb, Sabine, & Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences, 16(5).
. (2024). Livestock management during times of transition. Exploring the relationship between animal size and diet from Roman to early medieval Augusta Raurica (Switzerland) [Journal-article]. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 54.
, Eger, Jana, Gak, Evgenii, & Kaiser, Elke. (2024). Isotopic perspectives on pastoral practices in the Eastern European forest-steppe during the Middle Bronze Age. arCHaeo Suisse, 2024(3), 12–17.
, Häberle, Simone, Ismail-Meyer, Kristin, & Vandorpe, Patricia. (2024). Mehr als Erbsenzählerei: die Forschungen zu Pflanzen an der IPNA. Siliézar, A., Pichler, S., Graenert, G., & Jahrbuch Archäologie Schweiz, 107, 165–179.
(2024). Ernährung im frühmittelalterlichen Gurmels – Analysen stabiler Isotope an merowingerzeitlichen Individuen aus dem Dürrenberg, Kanton Freiburg. Antolín, Ferran, Jacomet, Stefanie, Soteras, Raül, The Holocene, 34(2), 239–254.
, Bernasconi, Stefano M, Follmann, Franziska, Hajdas, Irka, Jaggi, Madalina, Jesus, Ana, Martínez-Grau, Héctor, Oms, Francesc Xavier, Röder, Brigitte, Steiner, Bigna L, & van Willigen, Samuel. (2023). An archaeobotanical and stable isotope approach to changing agricultural practices in the NW Mediterranean region around 4000 BC [Journal-article]. Granado, José, Susat, Julian, Scientific Reports, 13(1), 17389.
, Schernig-Mráz, Monika, Schlumbaum, Angela, Deschler-Erb, Sabine, & Krause-Kyora, Ben. (2023). A melting pot of Roman dogs north of the Alps with high phenotypic and genetic diversity and similar diets [Journal-article]. Reinhold, Sabine, Eger, Jana, Benecke, Norbert, Knipper, Corina, Mariaschk, Dirk, Hansen, Svend, Pichler, Sandra L., Quaternary International, 700, 50–67.
, Buzhilova, Aleksandra P., Mishina, Tatyana A., Korobov, Dmitriy S., & Belinskiy, Andrey B. (2023). At the onset of settled pastoralism – Implications of archaeozoological and isotope analyses from Bronze age sites in the North Caucasus [Journal-article]. Depaermentier, Margaux L.C., Krause-Kyora, Ben, Hajdas, Irka, Kempf, Michael, Kuhn, Thomas, Spichtig, Norbert, Schwarz, Peter-Andrew, & iScience, 26(7).
. (2023). Bioarchaeological analyses reveal long-lasting continuity at the periphery of the Late Antique Roman Empire. Anthropozoologica, 58(5), 59–72.
. (2023). Neither fish nor fowl. Isotopic evidence of a plant-based diet in (captive?) brown bears from Roman Augusta Raurica, Switzerland. Zaugg, Céline, Guggisberg, Martin A., Vach, Werner, Cooper, Matthew J., & Environmental Archaeology, null.
. (2023). Mapping Strontium Isotope Geographical Variability as a Basis for Multi-regional Human Mobility: The Sybaris Region (S Italy) in the Early 1st Millennium BC. Ventresca Miller, Alicia R., Johnson, James, Makhortykh, Sergey, PLoS ONE, 16(3), e0245996.
, Litvinova, Ludmilla, Andrukh, Svetlana, Toschev, Gennady, Zech, Jana, le Roux, Petrus, Makarewicz, Cheryl, Boivin, Nicole, & Roberts, Patrick. (2021). Re-evaluating Scythian lifeways: Isotopic analysis of diet and mobility in Iron Age Ukraine. Gutsmiedl-Schümann, D., Praehistorische Zeitschrift, 95(2), 575–605.
, Lapshin, V. A., Moiseyev, V. G., Shirobokov, I. G., Solov’ev, S. L., Uchaneva, E. N., Zubova, A. V., & Meyer, M. (2020). Some insights into the lives of builders of early Saint Petersburg. Knipper, Corina, Reinhold, Sabine, Gresky, Julia, Berezina, Nataliya, PLoS ONE, 15(10), e0239861.
, Pichler, Sandra L., Buzhilova, Alexandra P., Kantorovich, Anatoly R., Maslov, Vladimir E., Petrenko, Vladimira G., Lyakhov, Sergey V., Kalmykov, Alexey A., Belinskiy, Andrey B., Hansen, Svend, & Alt, Kurt W. (2020). Diet and subsistence in Bronze Age pastoral communities from the southern Russian steppes and the North Caucasus. Archäologie in Westfalen-Lippe, 232–236.
, Doppler, Thomas, & Schierhold, Kerstin. (2019). Mobilität und Datierung - sieben neolithische Warburger neu untersucht. Kaiser, Elke, Materials on the Archaeology of the Northern Black Sea Region, 14, 89–111.
, & Riesenberg, Martin. (2019). Маяки в лаборатории. Изотопно-химические анализы комплексного памятника Маяки (Majaki im Labor. Isotopenchemische Untersuchungen des vielschichtigen Bodendenkmals Majaki). Milella, Marco, Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 27, 101926.
, Doppler, Thomas, Kuhn, Thomas, Cooper, Matthew, Mariotti, Valentina, Belcastro, Maria Giovanna, Ponce de León, Marcia S., & Zollikofer, Christoph P. E. (2019). Different in death: Different in life? Diet and mobility correlates of irregular burials in a Roman necropolis from Bologna (Northern Italy, 1st-4th century CE). Wang, Chuan-Chao, Reinhold, Sabine, Kalmykov, Alexey, Wissgott, Antje, Brandt, Guido, Jeong, Choongwon, Cheronet, Olivia, Ferry, Matthew, Harney, Eadaoin, Keating, Denise, Mallick, Swapan, Rohland, Nadin, Stewardson, Kristin, Kantorovich, Anatoly R., Maslov, Vladimir E., Petrenko, Vladimira G., Erlikh, Vladimir R., Atabiev, Biaslan Ch., Magomedov, Rabadan G., et al. (2019). Ancient human genome-wide data from a 3000-year interval in the Caucasus corresponds with eco-geographic regions. Nature Communications, 10(1), 590.
Wang, C.-C., Reinhold, S., Kalmykov, A., Wissgott, A., Brandt, G., Jeong, C., Cheronet, O., Ferry, M., Harney, E., Keating, D., Mallick, S., Rohland, N., Stewardson, K., Kantorovich, A. R., Maslov, V. E., Petrenko, V. G., Erlikh, V. R., Atabiev, B. Ch., Magomedov, R. G., et al. (2018). The genetic prehistory of the Greater Caucasus [Posted-content]. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory.
Quaternary International, 484, 1–2.
, Knipper, Corina, Martin, Lucie, & Doppler, Thomas. (2018). Editorial: Casting a glance over the mountain - multi-proxy approaches to the understanding of vertical mobility. Archäologie in Westfalen-Lippe, 2017, 229–232.
, Maixner, Frank, & Schierhold, Kerstin. (2018). Neue Untersuchungen an Knochenmaterial aus dem Megalithgrab Rheine-Schotthock. Reitmaier, Thomas, Doppler, Thomas, Pike, Alistair W. G., Deschler-Erb, Sabine, Hajdas, Irka, Walser, Christoph, & Quaternary International, 484, 19–31.
. (2018). Alpine cattle management during the Bronze Age at Ramosch- Mottata, Switzerland. Rindlisbacher, Laura, Bernasconi, Marco, Flatscher, Elias, Bulletin Der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft Für Anthropologie, 24(1), 67.
, Graber, Simon, Krause-Kyora, Ben, Roth, Peter, & Pichler, Sandra. (2018). Über Leichen gehen - Das interdisziplinäre Projekt “Frühneuzeitliche Bestattungen im Basler Stadtcasino”. Siliézar, Alicia, Bulletin der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Anthropologie, 24(2), 3–17.
, Knipper, Corina, Reinhold, Sabine, Berezina, Natalia, Kalmykov, Alexej A., Belinski, Andrej, Hansen, Svend, & Pichler, Sandra L. (2018). Analysen stabiler Isotope zur Ernährungsrekonstruktion von bronzezeitlichen Individuen aus Kurgan 2, Ipatovo, Nordkaukasus, Russland. Doppler, Thomas, Quaternary International, 436, 18–28.
, Heyd, Volker, Knipper, Corina, Kuhn, Thomas, Lehmann, Moritz F., Pike, Alistair W. G., & Schibler, Jörg. (2017). Landscape opening and herding strategies: Carbon isotope analyses of herbivore bone collagen from the Neolithic and Bronze Age lakeshore site of Zurich-Mozartstrasse, Switzerland. PLoS ONE, 12(7), e0180164.
, Doppler, Thomas, Heyd, Volker, Knipper, Corina, Kuhn, Thomas, Lehmann, Moritz F., Pike, Alistair W. G., & Schibler, Jörg. (2017). High-resolution isotopic evidence of specialised cattle herding in the European Neolithic. Chimia, 71(12), 860.
, Doppler, Thomas, Pike, Alistair W. G., Knipper, Corina, Heyd, Volker, Kuhn, Thomas, Lehmann, Moritz F., & Schibler, Jorg. (2017). The Beginnings of Alpine Transhumance? Isotopic Insights into Neolithic Cattle Herding. Prahistorische Zeitschrift, 90(1-2), 172–184.
. (2015). A multi-isotopic pilot study of the burial mound of Boyanovo. Doppler, Thomas, PAST : The Newsletter of the Prehistoric Society, 80, 4–5.
, & Schibler, Jörg. (2015). The importance of the hinterland: Multi-isotope analysis on animals from Neolithic lakeshore settlements in the Alpine Foreland. Petrenko, V.V., Eurasia Antiqua, 21(2015), 45–74.
, & Kaiser, E. (2015). Majaki - ein komplexes Denkmal der Usatovo-Kultur: Isotopendaten werfen neue chronologische Fragen auf. Antiquity, 86(334), 1097–1111.
, Banffy, Eszter, Dani, Janos, Kohler, Kitti, Kulcśar, Gabriella, Pike, Alistair W.G., Szeveŕenyi, Vajk, & Heyd, Volker. (2012). Immigration and transhumance in the Early Bronze Age Carpathian Basin: The occupants of a kurgan. Book Contributions
Die mittelneolithische Kreisgrabenanlage von Ippesheim, Kreis Neustadt/Aisch-Bad Windsheim (pp. 347–352). Verlag Marie Leidorf GmbH.
, & Knipper, Corina. (2023). Isotopenuntersuchungen. In Gebhard, Kirsten; Schier, Wolfram (Ed.), Wissensschichten. Festschrift für Wolfram Schier zu seinem 65. Geburtstag (pp. 329–345). Marie Leidorf.
, Bronicki, Andrzej, & Szmyt, Marzena. (2022). A strontium and oxygen isotope perspective on the Globular Culture Amphora mobility in central and eastern Poland. In Kaiser, Elke; Meyer, Michael; Scharl, Silviane; Suhrbier, Stefan (Ed.), Lösch, Sandra, Burgäschisee 5000-3000 v. Chr. - Siedlungsdynamik und Mobilität, Landnutzung und Subsistenz (pp. 327–338). Sidestone Press.
, Siebke, Inga, Arenz, Gabriele, Doppler, Thomas, & Hostettler, Marco. (2022). Anthropologische und biochemische Untersuchung der neolithischen Menschenknochen um den Burgäschisee. In Hafner, Albert; Hostettler, Marco (Ed.), Die Bestattung einer wohlhabenden Frau aus Augusta Raurica: interdisziplinäre Auswertung eines Bleisargs aus dem Nordwestgräberfeld (pp. 99–106). Augusta Raurica.
, & Doppler, Thomas. (2021). Isotopenanalysen am Skelett. In Baumann, Michael (Ed.), Der skythische Fürstenkurgan Alexandropol’ 4. Jh. V.Chr. im Unteren Dnepr-Gebiet (pp. 756–760). Archäologisches Institut der Nationalen Akademie der Wissenschaften der Ukraine.
. (2018). The Alexandropol secondary burials: Reconstructing mobility patterns using strontium and oxygen isotope analyses. In Polin, S. V.; Alekseev, A. Ju. (Ed.), Doppler, Thomas, & Lebensweisen in der Steinzeit. Archäologie in der Schweiz (pp. 21–25). Hier und Jetzt.
. (2017). Atome im Blickfeld der Archäologie. Stabile Isotopenanalysen an Knochen und Zähnen. In Röder, Brigitte; Bolliger Schreyer, Sabine; Schreyer, Stefan (Ed.), Published Talks in Conference Proceedings
Doppler, Thomas, Aufgetau(ch)t - Archäologie zu Seeufersiedlungen, Eisfunden und Klimawandel. Festschrift für Albert Hafner zum 65. Geburtstag (Aufgetau(ch)t - Archäologie Zu Seeufersiedlungen, Eisfunden Und Klimawandel. Festschrift Für Albert Hafner Zum 65. Geburtstag , pp. 161–178) [Data set].
, Jacomet, Stefanie, & Schibler, Jörg. (2024). Wo sind die Hirsche? Jagdmobilität im Jungeneolithikum der Schweiz aus isotopenchemischer Sicht und im Kontext vielfältiger Bewegungen im Raum [Sidestone Press]. In Heitz, Caroline; Stapfer, Regine; Hinz, Martin (Ed.), Analecta Romana Instituti Danici. Supplementum. Edizioni Quasar.
, Zaugg, Céline, Billo-Imbach, Marta, & Guggisberg, Martin. (2021). Between “Local” and “Non-Local”. Basic Considerations and First Results of an Isotopic Baseline Mapping of the Sibaritide. In Mittica, Gloria; Colelli, Carmelo; Larocca, Antonio; Larocca, Felice (Ed.), Billo-Imbach, Marta, Mobilität und Migration im Fokus der Untersuchungen zur eisenzeitlichen Nekropole von Francavilla Marittima (CS).
, Zaugg, Céline, & Guggisberg, Martin A. (2020, January 1). Population Dynamics in Prehistory and Early History.
, Heyd, Volker, Pike, Alistair, Bánffy, Eszter, Dani, János, Köhler, Kitti, Kulcsár, Gabriella, Kaiser, Elke, & Schier, Wolfram. (2012, January 1). Identifying kurgan graves in Eastern Hungary: A burial mound in the light of strontium and oxygen isotope analysis. Categories from other departments / faculties
Other categories and types
Maspoli, Ana Zora, Akeret, Örni, Alder, Cornelia, Brunner, Debora, Deschler-Erb, Sabine, 17. Internationales Kolloquium zum Provinzialrömischen Kunstschaffen (Vol. 64, pp. 547–558). Holzhausen Verlag.
, Schmocker, Natalie, & Stockinger, Ulrich. (2024). Hic sitae sunt. Interdisziplinäre Auswertung der frühkaiserzeitlichen Gräber der Maxsimila Cassia und Heuprosinis im Gräberfeld Brugg/Remigersteig in Vindonissa. In Kremer, Gabriele; Pollhammer, Eduard; Kopf, Julia; Beutler, Franziska; (ed.),