UNIverse - Public Research Portal

Dr. Marwan Kilani

Department of Ancient Civilizations
Profiles & Affiliations

Academic Reputation & Networking

9 found
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2024  - Membership in the Organization Committee of Congresses, listed by Name

Workshop on (the) Afroasiatic Middle t-Morpheme (WAMt)

2023  - Invited Presentations (imported)

Talk like an Egyptian (or not): a sociolinguistic investigation of Egyptian borrowings in the Late Bronze Age Levant

2023  - Membership in the Organization Committee of Congresses, listed by Name

2023 - Current Research in Egyptology Conference (CRE)

2023  - Invited Presentations (imported)

We are Phoenician, not Arabs': Lebanon Between Past and Present

2023  - Membership in the Organization Committee of Congresses, listed by Name

Swiss Workshop on Sociolinguistics, Language Contacts and Historical Linguistics in the Ancient World

2023  - Editor in Chief, listed by Name, with Journal Name

Co-Editor of BASOR

2022  - Invited Presentations (imported)

Beyond the city's walls: exploring the position of Byblos within the geopolitical and sociocultural Late Bronze Age landscape, Byblos: The World's Most Ancient Port, Rijksmuseum van Oudheden, Leiden

2022  - Invited Presentations (imported)

Parlare come un Egizio - lingua e parole come fonti di informazioni storiche e socioculturali, L'egittologia duecento anni dopo la Lettre à M. Dacier, Associazione archeologica Ticinese / Università della Svizzera Italiana, Lugano

2022  - Invited Presentations (imported)

Group Writing in New Kingdom Egypt: exploring the socio-cultural dimension(s) of a new orthography, Hieroglyphs in the XXIth Century - Les hiéroglyphes au XXIe siècle, IFAO / Bibliotheca Alexandrina, Alexandria (Egypt), Alexandria (Egypt)