2034 - Membership (FDB import)
Schweizerische Sprachwissenschaftliche Gesellschaft, Regular member
2034 - Membership (FDB import)
Swiss Association of University Teachers of English, Regular member
2034 - Membership (FDB import)
VALS-ASLA: Vereinigung für Angewandten Linguistik in der Schweiz, Regular member
2024 - Invited Presentations (imported)
Plenary: Health Discourse and Interpersonal Pragmatics in (Computer-Mediated) Communication: Some Inroads.” EnTRetextos
2024 - Invited Presentations (imported)
Plenary: Politeness Research and its Theoretical Interface: Insights from Fictional Data and Health communication research.” Paper presented at the Conference of the European Society for the Study of English (ESSE)
2024 - Invited Talks and Presentations
Identity construction online from Facebook to Viki fandom through an interpersonal pragmatics lens. Paper presented at the "Online Selves – Self Online -- Online Lecture Series"
2023 - Membership (FDB import)
Cambridge University Press, Elements in Pragmatics, Editorial board
2023 - Membership (FDB import)
Journal of Pragmatics, Special Issues Editor
2023 - Invited Presentations (imported)
Pragmatics of fiction: applications in the classroom, Colloquium, Mahidol University, Nakhon Pathom, Thailand
2023 - Keynote-Referate
Pragmatics and Politeness. Keynote presented at the Meeting of the Pragmatics Association of Nigeria, Ladoke Akintola University of Technology, Nigeria.
2023 - Conference Papers (Peer-Reviewed)
Andreas Jucker and Miriam Locher: Fiction, speech acts and multimodality: How characters do things with gestures. Paper presented at the 45th Annual Conference of the German Linguistic Society (DGfS), Köln.
2023 - Conference Papers (Peer-Reviewed)
Politeness Discourses from a Lay and Expert Perspective. Paper presented at the Ringvorlesung: Kommuniation linguistisch analysiren: Sprache, Interaction und Medien, University of Basel.
2023 - Conference Papers (Peer-Reviewed)
Thomas Messerli and Miriam Locher: “OMG I ship them like crazy”: Acts of self-positioning through evaluations in Korean TV-drama fan comments. Paper presented at the IPrA, Brussels.
2023 - Conference Papers (Peer-Reviewed)
Thomas Messerli and Miriam Locher: Panel: It’s not what you are like, it’s what you like: Appraisal, stance and evaluation in online fandom. Paper presented at the IPrA, Brussels.
2023 - Invited Talks and Presentations
Pragmatics of Fiction: Applications in the Classroom.
2022 - Invited Presentations (imported)
Pseudo-live comments on K-Drama videos: Fan engagement with the cultural other, Linguistics Colloquium, University of Freiburg, Germany
2022 - Invited Presentations (imported)
Engaging with the cultural other: Fan translations of Korean TV drama on Viki from a pragmatic perspective, Jornada sobre la pragmàtica de la traducció des de la perspectiva del català, University of Leipzig, Germany
2022 - Invited Presentations (imported)
Learning about Korea(n) by engaging with K-drama: Fan translations and timed comments on Viki, Korean program, invited lecture, Oxford University, UK
2022 - Invited Presentations (imported)
"what does hyung mean please?": Moments of teaching and learning about Korean (im)politeness on an online streaming platform of Korean TV drama, Sociolinguistics Symposium, Ghent University, Belgium
2022 - Invited Presentations (imported)
Pragmatics and CMC: Discussing relational work of fictional characters online, Lecture series, KAIST, South Korea
2022 - Invited Presentations (imported)
MA in Digital Humanities - Reflections on the challenges of developing a new study program, Staff Colloquium, Korea University, South Korea
2022 - Invited Presentations (imported)
MA in Digital Humanities - from digital native to skilled expert? Reflections on the challenges of developing a new study program, Staff Colloquium, KAIST, South Korea
2022 - Other Activities
Visiting Professor KU, Korea University
2022 - Invited Talks and Presentations
Digital Humanities Curricula Development.
2022 - other unspecified Contributions
Locher, Miriam und Bollag, Julian: Swiss English or English as a Lingua Franca in Switzerland? Publications on English in Switzerland (Bibliography compiled for the 75th-SAUTE anniversary). https://english.philhist.unibas.ch/en/research/research-projects/english-in-switzerland/
2022 - other unspecified Contributions
Messerli, Thomas C., & Locher, Miriam A. (2022, January 1). Thinking about translation – activities for the English classroom. https://english.philhist.unibas.ch/en/research/research-projects/thinking-about-translation-activities-for-the-english-classroom/
2022 - Membership (FDB import)
Korean Journal of Medical Education, Member of editorial board
2021 - Invited Presentations (imported)
Discussing relational work of fictional characters online, Linguistischen Kolloquium (LingKoll), Bayreuth University, invited talk
2021 - Invited Presentations (imported)
Plenary: "Were they not formal before?": The Pragmatics of fiction in translated relational work scenes of Korean TV drama and its uptake in timed comments, IPrA - International Pragmatics Association Meeting, Winterthur, ZHAW
2021 - Other Activities
Pragmatics of Translation, International Symposium on im/politeness and i-mean
2021 - Invited Presentations (imported)
Relational work negotiations in fiction and their uptake: Communal viewing of K(orean)-Drama on a streaming platform, Linguistics Research Seminar Series, Huddersfield University, UK
2021 - Invited Presentations (imported)
Input and discussion on pragmatics, Round table Swiss Pragmatics: past, present, future, Zoom, UniBe, UniNe, UniFri
2021 - Conference Papers (Peer-Reviewed)
Thomas Messerli and Miriam Locher: Commenting while watching: Synchronous and pseudo-synchronous text-based engagement with and about audiovisual artefacts. Panel convened at IPrA, ZHAW, Winterthur, Switzerland.
2021 - Conference Papers (Peer-Reviewed)
Thomas Messerli and Miriam Locher: Contrastive analysis of English fan and professional subtitles of Korean TV Drama. Paper presented at the Symposium of Im/Politeness and i-mean, University of Basel.
2021 - Conference Papers (Peer-Reviewed)
Thomas Messerli and Miriam Locher: “This is not the place to bother people about BTS”: Interaction within timed comments on the video streaming platform Viki. Paper presented at IPrA, ZHAW, Winterthur, Switzerland.
2021 - Talks in Workshops
Round table Swiss Pragmatics: past, present, future (Input and discussion). Online Workshop organized by Thierry Herman (UNINE & UNIL), Jérôme Jacquin (UNIL), Steve Oswald (UNIFR) & Sandrine Zufferey (UNIBE).
2020 - Invited Presentations (imported)
Politeness and relational work in fiction, a linguistic approach, Themenwoche, Gymnasium Münsterhof
2020 - Invited Presentations (imported)
Interpersonal pragmatics in fiction: Approaching politeness from a lay translation perspective in K-drama, DISCOG (plenary invitation), Yonsei University, Seoul, South Korea
2020 - Other Activities
Subtitling in Action: Pragmatic Processes of Intersemiotic Translation, Korea University, English Department
2020 - Conference Papers (Peer-Reviewed)
Thomas Messerli and Miriam Locher: Joint K-Drama Viewing: Community building through fan subtitling and timed comments on Viki. Paper presented at the Discourses of Fictional (Digital) TV Series, University of Valencia, Spain.
2020 - Conference Papers (Peer-Reviewed)
Thomas Messerli and Miriam Locher: Positioning yourself as a Korean Drama fan online: Korean lexical borrowing in multilingual timed comments. Paper presented at the Applied Linguistics in the Digital Age. Vals-Asla Meeting 2020, University of Neuchâtel.
2019 - Membership (FDB import)
Journal of Pragmatics, Associate editor
2019 - Invited Presentations (imported)
Mehrsprachigkeit in Literatur und Film, Seniorenuniversität, University of Basel
2019 - Invited Presentations (imported)
Politeness in K-drama fiction: From subtitling challenges to fan negotiations of culture (plenary talk), Language in modern discourse practices, RUDN University, Moscow, Russia
2019 - Invited Presentations (imported)
Avenues into pragmatics: From politeness to identity construction, online and offline, Pragmatics Seminar, guest lecture, Korea University, Seoul, South Korea
2019 - Invited Presentations (imported)
The pragmatics of fiction: Making Korean TV drama accessible to an international audience, Semiosis Lecture, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, Seoul, South Korea
2019 - Invited Presentations (imported)
The Pragmatics of Fiction: From the challenges of politeness translations to the negotiation of culture in viewer comments on K-drama, Research in English studies, Guest lecture series, Korea University, Seoul, South Korea
2019 - Invited Presentations (imported)
Weaving voices in online communal TV watching of K-drama: English as a lingua franca, relational work and identity construction, iMean, plenary talk, Wellington, New Zealand
2019 - Other Activities
Subtitling in Action: Pragmatic Processes of Intersemiotic Translation, Korea University, Seoul, South Korea
2019 - Conference Papers (Peer-Reviewed)
Thomas Messerli and Miriam Locher: ‘Lol while you watch’ How participatory viewers do humour in comments on Korean TV drama. Paper presented at the International Pragmatics Association, Hong Kong.
2019 - Conference Papers (Peer-Reviewed)
Viewer meta-comments on relational work in Korean tv drama. Paper presented at the Symposium of Politeness, Cambridge, UK.
2018 - Invited Presentations (imported)
Reflexives Schreiben in medizinischen Zusammenhängen, Reden über Gesundheit und Krankheit, University of Zurich
2018 - Invited Presentations (imported)
Language and health online: Typing yourself healthy, First International Conference on Internet Pragmatics (plenary), Fuzhou, China
2018 - Invited Presentations (imported)
Identity construction, relational work and politeness: Theoretical developments within interpersonal pragmatics, Invited lecture, Xi'an University of Foreign Studies, Xi'an China
2018 - Invited Presentations (imported)
Identity construction, relational work and politeness: Theoretical developments within interpersonal pragmatics, Invited lecture, Beijing Foreign Studies University, Beijing, China
2018 - Invited Presentations (imported)
Identity construction, relational work and politeness: Theoretical developments within interpersonal pragmatics, Invited lecture, Beijing Normal University, Beijing, China
2018 - Invited Presentations (imported)
Reflective writing in medical practice: A linguistic case study, Invited lecture, Beihang University, Beijing, China
2018 - Invited Presentations (imported)
Identity construction, relational work and politeness: Theoretical developments within interpersonal pragmatics, Invited lecture, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China
2018 - Invited Presentations (imported)
Reflective writing in medical practice: A linguistic case study, Invited lecture, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China
2018 - Conference Papers (Peer-Reviewed)
Moments of relational work in English fan translations of Korean tv drama: “Okay, unni. (Unni = sign of respect or ‘older sister’ from a girl)”.
2018 - Conference Papers (Peer-Reviewed)
Participatory watching of telecinematic fiction in an international drama viewing platform.
2018 - Conference Papers (Peer-Reviewed)
Relational work and participation structures in interlingual subtitling from the perspective of pragmatics of fiction.
2018 - Invited Talks and Presentations
Evidence of relational work online: Conflict and (dis)agreement.
2017 - Invited Presentations (imported)
Reflexives Schreiben in medizinischen Zusammenhängen, Sprache im Kontext von Trauer und Lebensende, Göttingen
2017 - Invited Talks and Presentations
Interpersonal pragmatics: a relational lens on online health practices.
2016 - Invited Presentations (imported)
Meta-discussions on Swiss politeness in German speaking online newspaper commentaries, LIAR IV Conference, Manchester UK
2016 - Membership (FDB import)
Swiss Association of University Teachers of English, Board member as secretary, webmaster, ESSU editor and delegate to the SAGW
2016 - Other Activities
Language and health online: Typing yourself healthy, Department of Language and Literatures
2016 - Conference Papers (Peer-Reviewed)
Language and Health Online: Trust, credibility, information- and advice-giving.
2016 - Conference Papers (Peer-Reviewed)
mixed methodology approach for studying interpersonal pragmatics in computer-mediated health practices.
2016 - Invited Talks and Presentations
Interpersonal Pragmatics and Advice in E-Health Contexts.
2016 - Invited Talks and Presentations
Interpersonal pragmatics - Beziehungsarbeit - (Un)Höflichkeit: Synergien und neue Fragen.
2015 - Other Activities
Health communication (China Scholarship Council), Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China
2015 - Other Activities
(Im)politeness in place: constructing private property in a local linguistic landscape (SCIEX exchange), University of Preov, Slovakia
2015 - Other Activities
Healthcare communication (Edinburgh Royal Society Visiting Fellowship), University of Stirling, Scotland
2015 - Conference Papers (Peer-Reviewed)
“How can people be so angry with me when I’m so harmless?” or how language impacts identity construction in email counseling.
2015 - Conference Papers (Peer-Reviewed)
Questions in and about Interpersonal Pragmatics.
2015 - Conference Papers (Peer-Reviewed)
Thurnherr, Franziska, Rudolf von Rohr, Marie-Thérèse, & Locher, Miriam A.: Linguistic expert creation in online health practices
2015 - Invited Talks and Presentations
"beau, me and hubby quit cold turkey too": The functions of 'narratives' in two written online health contexts, presentation.
2015 - Invited Talks and Presentations
Interpersonal Pragmatics – Relational Work – (Im)politeness.
2015 - Invited Talks and Presentations
Typing Yourself Healthy.
2015 - Invited Talks and Presentations
Typing yourself healthy. Online health communication from an interpersonal pragmatics perspective.
2015 - Additional Oral Contributions
Typing yourself healthy. Online health communication from an interpersonal pragmatics perspective. Typing Yourself Healthy.
2015 - Membership (FDB import)
COMET: Communication, Medicine and Ethics Society, www.cometsociety.com
2015 - Membership (FDB import)
International Pragmatics Association, http://ipra.ua.ac.be/
2015 - Membership (FDB import)
Linguistik Online (http://www.linguistik-online.de/), Member on the board of consulting editors
2015 - Membership (FDB import)
The Pragmatics & Beyond New Series (Benjamins) (http://www.benjamins.com/cgi-bin/t_seriesview.cgi?series=P%26bns), Member on the editorial board
2014 - Other Activities
SAEC, Sociosemiotic aspects of electronic communication (SCIEX fellow), University of Preov, Slovakia
2014 - Invited Presentations (imported)
Interpersonal pragmatics: Studying the relational aspect of language, Forschungskolloquium, University of Bielefeld, Germany
2014 - Membership (FDB import)
Journal of Pragmatics, Member of the advisory board
2014 - Other Activities
SWELL Conference 2014, SWELL: Swiss Work in English Linguistics
2014 - Conference Papers (Peer-Reviewed)
Locher, Miriam A., & Jucker, Andreas H. (2014). Space and virtual interaction in second life. Paper presented at the Sociolinguistics Symposium 20, Jyväskylä, Finland.
2014 - Conference Papers (Peer-Reviewed)
Thurnherr, Franziska, Rudolf von Rohr, Marie-Thérèse, & Locher, Miriam A. (2014). Studying identity construction in written health practices with a mixed methodology approach. Paper presented at the 4th ALAPP (Applied Linguistics and Professional Practice) Conference 2014, Geneva.
2014 - Invited Talks and Presentations
Interpersonal pragmatics: Studying the relational aspect of language. Paper presented at the Invited presenation at the University of Bielefeld, Bielefeld, Germany. (invited)
2014 - Invited Talks and Presentations
Interpersonal pragmatics: Studying the relational aspect of language. Paper presented at the Invited presenation at the University of Bielefeld, Bielefeld, Germany. (invited)
2013 - Membership (FDB import)
Multilingua (http://www.degruyter.de/journals/jpr/detailEn.cfm), Member on the advisory board
2013 - Invited Presentations (imported)
Raum und Interaktion im Second Life, Interaktion im virtuellen Raum - Raum in der virtuellen Interaktion, University of Zurich
2013 - Invited Presentations (imported)
The relational aspect of language. Avenues of research, Deutscher Anglistentag 2013, University of Konstanz, Germany
2013 - Invited Presentations (imported)
Relational work and the display of multilingualism in two Facebook groups, Facework and Social Media, University of Hildesheim, Germany
2013 - Other Activities
Symposium: Narrative Matters in Literature, Linguistics, Psychology and Medicine, SNF-Project "'Life beyond writing': Illness Narratives"