Julian Arnold Department of Physics Profiles & Affiliations OverviewResearch Publications Publications by Type Projects & Collaborations Academic Activities Academic Self-Administration Junior Development, Doctorate and Advanced Studies Academic Reputation & Networking Teaching Bachelor/Master Overview OverviewResearch Publications Publications by Type Projects & Collaborations Academic Activities Academic Self-Administration Junior Development, Doctorate and Advanced Studies Academic Reputation & Networking Teaching Bachelor/Master Profiles & AffiliationsMachine learningEstimation theoryStochastic processesQuantum information theoryMany-body physicsChemical reaction networksNonlinear dynamicsFollow this link for more information OverviewResearch Publications Publications by Type Projects & Collaborations Academic Activities Academic Self-Administration Junior Development, Doctorate and Advanced Studies Academic Reputation & Networking Teaching Bachelor/Master
Machine learningEstimation theoryStochastic processesQuantum information theoryMany-body physicsChemical reaction networksNonlinear dynamics