Prof. Dr. Daniel Loss Department of Physics Profiles & Affiliations OverviewResearch Publications Projects & Collaborations Projects & Collaborations OverviewResearch Publications Projects & Collaborations Profiles & Affiliations Projects & Collaborations 20 foundShow per page10 10 20 50 QLSI : Quantum Computing - Large-Scale Integration Research Project | 1 Project MembersWe propose a 4-year project QLSI, Quantum Large Scale Integration in Silicon, which objective is to demonstrate that silicon spin qubits are a compelling platform for scaling to very large numbers of qubits. Our demonstration relies on four ingredients: - Fabrication and operation of 16-qubit quantum processors based on industry-compatible semiconductor technology; - Demonstration of high-fidelity (>99%) single- and two-qubit gates, read-out and initialization; - Demonstration of a quantum computer prototype, with online open-access for the community (up to 8 qubits available online); - Documentation of the detailed requirements to address scalability towards large systems >1000 qubits. To achieve these results, our consortium brings together an unrivalled multidisciplinary team of European groups in academia, RTOs and industry working on silicon-based quantum devices. These groups are committed to playing an active part in developing the industrial ecosystem in silicon-based quantum technologies. QLSI is structured in three enabling toolboxes and one demonstration and scalability activity: - the semiconductor toolbox brings together skills from the semiconductor industry such as fabrication, high throughput test and CAD (computer aided design) with the expertise of the physics community; - the quantum toolbox gathers skills from the physics community on spin and quantum properties of Si based nanostructures and on quantum engineering from theory and experience perspectives; - the control toolbox gathers teams with instrumentation skills ranging from RF signal generation, automation and set up of high throughput characterization at low temperature. The toolboxes will generate stand-alone beyond the state-of-the-art results and will generate inputs to feed the demonstrator and scalability activity, which will integrate devices, hardware and software solutions to create an online open access demonstrator, to perform hybrid computation and to analyze scalability. Quantum theory of condensed matter: spin effects in nanostructures and quantum information Research Project | 4 Project MembersThe proposed research covers and interconnects multiple topics from the fields of quantum computing and quantum condensed-matter theory. It contributes to the long term goal of finding realistic architectures that allow the coherent manipulation of solid state systems at the quantum level. Since this goal necessarily involves the study of complex many-body systems, our research goes across many subfields of modern condensed matter and solid state theory and uses a very broad range of sophisticated technical tools.The strategy we pursue encompasses the refinement of the well-established scheme of spin-based quantum computing, as well as efforts to discover novel and realistic platforms that allow the storage and manipulation of quantum information. In view of the desired industrial feasibility and scalability of the results, we focus on the solid state as the basis of our research. Exciting and promising new materials will be examined and their suitability for quantum information processing will be evaluated. Moreover, we will study intriguing issues that are also of interest in fundamental research, ranging from exotic types of topological quantum phases to non- equilibrium dynamics, with focus on spin effects in semiconducting, superconducting, and insulating magnetic nanostructures. Also these fundamental aspects of our proposal are targeted on the ability to gain access to the quantum world. In particular, we plan to work on the following topics:2.A Quantum information and surface code2.B Spin qubits in Si and Ge nanowires2.C Majorana fermion qubits and hybrid spin qubits2.D Stability of topological excitations and qubits2.E Proximity effect in semiconducting nanostructures2.F Topological magnonics2.G Quantum effects of magnetic Skyrmions G. H. Endress Postdoc-Cluster Research Project | 5 Project MembersDas Departement für Physik der Philosophisch-Naturwissenschaftlichen Fakultät der Universität Basel und das Physikalische Institut der Fakultät für Mathematik und Physik der Albert Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg im Breisgau errichten partnerschaftlich ein neues Exzellenzzentrum mit den Forschungsschwerpunkten "Quantum Science and Quantum Computing" unter dem Dach von Eucor - The European Campus . Als tragende Säule dieses Exzellenzzentrums wird ein grenzüberschreitender Postdoc-Cluster zwischen den Universitäten Basel und Freiburg aufgebaut. Primäre Ziele des zukünftigen Postdoc-Clusters sind die hochwertige Ausbildung der Postdocs für den akademischen als auch wirtschaftlichen Arbeitsmarkt und die Positionierung als führende Forschungseinrichtung auf dem Gebiet "Quantum Science and Quantum Computing", im Speziellen durch die verstärkte grenzüberschreitende Zusammenarbeit im Dreiländereck Deutschland-Frankreich-Schweiz. Das Exzellenzzentrum "Quantum Science and Quantum Computing" wird von der Georg H. Endress Stiftung finanziell unterstützt. Spin-NANO Research Project | 2 Project MembersThis network brings together an exceptionally strong team of world-leading experts in nano-science and technology from 6 European countries in order to achieve breakthroughs in understanding and successful utilization of nanoscale solid-state spin systems in emerging quantum technologies. The proposed innovative science in the supra-disciplinary field of physics and applications of spin nano-systems will underpin breakthrough developments in quantum computing, quantum communications and networks, and nano-imaging. An important innovative step consolidating the joint effort of the whole consortium in the studies of spin nano-systems is the focus on crystalline solids where detrimental magnetic interactions of electron spins with lattice nuclei are negligible and wellcontrolled. We will develop electrically-controlled spin-quantum-bits (qubits) in Si-Ge quantum dots and nanowires; will optically manipulate spin impurities in diamond in applications for quantum computing and networks and in nano-magnetometry; will achieve new understanding of quantum phenomena due to the spinvalley coupling in atomically thin 2D semiconductors, an emerging class of materials with a promise for quantum technologies using a new quantum degree of freedom, the valley index. Such wide material base emphasizes the truly multidisciplinary character of this collaboration opening opportunities for crossing the boundaries between several areas of solid-state physics and technology. The consortium of 14 academic and 7 industrial groups will deliver top international level multidisciplinary training to 15 early stage researchers, offering them an extended program of multinational exchanges and secondments. Network-wide training course in transferable skills will be specially developed and delivered by the Think Ahead (Sheffield), an award winning programme supporting Early Career Researchers (award by the Times Higher Education, 2014). The new network builds on the success of FP7 ITN S3NANO (also coordinated by A Tartakovskii), which has delivered excellent training to 16 researchers as well as state-of-the-art nano-science and technology. The current proposal is designed to advance this multidisciplinary research field significantly beyond the state-of-the-art, and train a new cohort of researchers capable of developing spin-based solid-state quantum technologies towards real-life applications in the next 5 to 10 years. Clean Zigzag and Armchair Graphene Nanoribbons Research Project | 2 Project MembersIn the envisioned experiments, we will develop new fabrication techniques aimed at creating ultra-clean graphene nanoribbons with high-quality zigzag or armchair edge termination. We will perform low-noise electronic transport measurement at low temperatures in magnetic fields in order to investigate novel quantum states of matter such as graphene ballistic 1D modes, edge antiferromagnetism, helical states and Majorana fermions. Coupling and decoherence of multi spin qubit quantum systems in solid state semiconductor nanostructures Research Project | 1 Project MembersTheoretical studies of coupling and decoherence of multi spin qubit quantum systems in solid state semiconductor nanostructures. Electric manipulation of spins in magnetic nanoclusters and quantum dots for quantum information processing Research Project | 1 Project MembersTheoretical studies of Electric manipulation of spins in magnetic nanoclusters and quantum dots for quantum information processing. Quantum theory of condensed matter: spin effects in nanostructures and quantum information Research Project | 1 Project MembersWe investigate theoretically spin effects in nanostructures and quantum information in solid state systems. Silicon Platform for Quantum Spintronics SiSPIN Research Project | 1 Project MembersTheoretical studies of Silicon Platform for Quantum Spintronics. Nanostructure Quantum Transport at Microkelvin Temperatures Research Project | 2 Project MembersWith this PhD thesis project, we propose to significantly advance the nuclear refrigerator (NR) technique in at least two ways: First, in a new generation of network NR, improve material heat leaks (sample holder), microwave filtering and NR design to facilitate cooling of nanosamples below 1 mK, learning from the already running experiment. Also, thermometry needs to be improved, for which we propose to use a SQUID based Johnson-noise thermometer. Then, with a CBT, GaAs quantum dots or other thermometer, ultra-low temperatures need to be demonstrated. Finally, when sufficiently low temperatures have been reached, the nuclear-spin phase transition can be investigated in low-density high mobility 2D electron gases (available to us from Loren Pfeiffer, Princeton) using a quantum point contact as Overhauser field detector. Sample nanofabrication can be done in the SNI clean-rooms in-house. These experiments will be done in close collaboration with the theory group of Daniel Loss. Second, in a technological advance, we propose to use a cryogen-free dilution refrigerator (CFDR) for precooling the NRs. We note that so far, no nuclear cooling whatsoever has been demonstrated on a cryogen-free system. To function efficiently, the CFDR is required to run well below 10 mK, while keeping vibration amplitudes to a very low level. This is a very challenging task, and several stages of vibration damping and decoupling are being investigated in order to reduce the intrinsic coldhead, valve and motor vibrations of the pulsed tube system (in collaboration with BlueFors). The ultimate aim of such a system is to make microkelvin temperatures available without requiring a steady supply of (liquid) Helium - a limited, non-renewable resource - thus significantly reducing the cost of operation and tremendously increasing the space available for experiments at low temperatures. Further, the system needs only electrical power and cooling-water, potentially making microkelvin temperatures widely available to almost any lab in the world. This gives the potential for commercialization of NR systems. 12 12 OverviewResearch Publications Projects & Collaborations
Projects & Collaborations 20 foundShow per page10 10 20 50 QLSI : Quantum Computing - Large-Scale Integration Research Project | 1 Project MembersWe propose a 4-year project QLSI, Quantum Large Scale Integration in Silicon, which objective is to demonstrate that silicon spin qubits are a compelling platform for scaling to very large numbers of qubits. Our demonstration relies on four ingredients: - Fabrication and operation of 16-qubit quantum processors based on industry-compatible semiconductor technology; - Demonstration of high-fidelity (>99%) single- and two-qubit gates, read-out and initialization; - Demonstration of a quantum computer prototype, with online open-access for the community (up to 8 qubits available online); - Documentation of the detailed requirements to address scalability towards large systems >1000 qubits. To achieve these results, our consortium brings together an unrivalled multidisciplinary team of European groups in academia, RTOs and industry working on silicon-based quantum devices. These groups are committed to playing an active part in developing the industrial ecosystem in silicon-based quantum technologies. QLSI is structured in three enabling toolboxes and one demonstration and scalability activity: - the semiconductor toolbox brings together skills from the semiconductor industry such as fabrication, high throughput test and CAD (computer aided design) with the expertise of the physics community; - the quantum toolbox gathers skills from the physics community on spin and quantum properties of Si based nanostructures and on quantum engineering from theory and experience perspectives; - the control toolbox gathers teams with instrumentation skills ranging from RF signal generation, automation and set up of high throughput characterization at low temperature. The toolboxes will generate stand-alone beyond the state-of-the-art results and will generate inputs to feed the demonstrator and scalability activity, which will integrate devices, hardware and software solutions to create an online open access demonstrator, to perform hybrid computation and to analyze scalability. Quantum theory of condensed matter: spin effects in nanostructures and quantum information Research Project | 4 Project MembersThe proposed research covers and interconnects multiple topics from the fields of quantum computing and quantum condensed-matter theory. It contributes to the long term goal of finding realistic architectures that allow the coherent manipulation of solid state systems at the quantum level. Since this goal necessarily involves the study of complex many-body systems, our research goes across many subfields of modern condensed matter and solid state theory and uses a very broad range of sophisticated technical tools.The strategy we pursue encompasses the refinement of the well-established scheme of spin-based quantum computing, as well as efforts to discover novel and realistic platforms that allow the storage and manipulation of quantum information. In view of the desired industrial feasibility and scalability of the results, we focus on the solid state as the basis of our research. Exciting and promising new materials will be examined and their suitability for quantum information processing will be evaluated. Moreover, we will study intriguing issues that are also of interest in fundamental research, ranging from exotic types of topological quantum phases to non- equilibrium dynamics, with focus on spin effects in semiconducting, superconducting, and insulating magnetic nanostructures. Also these fundamental aspects of our proposal are targeted on the ability to gain access to the quantum world. In particular, we plan to work on the following topics:2.A Quantum information and surface code2.B Spin qubits in Si and Ge nanowires2.C Majorana fermion qubits and hybrid spin qubits2.D Stability of topological excitations and qubits2.E Proximity effect in semiconducting nanostructures2.F Topological magnonics2.G Quantum effects of magnetic Skyrmions G. H. Endress Postdoc-Cluster Research Project | 5 Project MembersDas Departement für Physik der Philosophisch-Naturwissenschaftlichen Fakultät der Universität Basel und das Physikalische Institut der Fakultät für Mathematik und Physik der Albert Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg im Breisgau errichten partnerschaftlich ein neues Exzellenzzentrum mit den Forschungsschwerpunkten "Quantum Science and Quantum Computing" unter dem Dach von Eucor - The European Campus . Als tragende Säule dieses Exzellenzzentrums wird ein grenzüberschreitender Postdoc-Cluster zwischen den Universitäten Basel und Freiburg aufgebaut. Primäre Ziele des zukünftigen Postdoc-Clusters sind die hochwertige Ausbildung der Postdocs für den akademischen als auch wirtschaftlichen Arbeitsmarkt und die Positionierung als führende Forschungseinrichtung auf dem Gebiet "Quantum Science and Quantum Computing", im Speziellen durch die verstärkte grenzüberschreitende Zusammenarbeit im Dreiländereck Deutschland-Frankreich-Schweiz. Das Exzellenzzentrum "Quantum Science and Quantum Computing" wird von der Georg H. Endress Stiftung finanziell unterstützt. Spin-NANO Research Project | 2 Project MembersThis network brings together an exceptionally strong team of world-leading experts in nano-science and technology from 6 European countries in order to achieve breakthroughs in understanding and successful utilization of nanoscale solid-state spin systems in emerging quantum technologies. The proposed innovative science in the supra-disciplinary field of physics and applications of spin nano-systems will underpin breakthrough developments in quantum computing, quantum communications and networks, and nano-imaging. An important innovative step consolidating the joint effort of the whole consortium in the studies of spin nano-systems is the focus on crystalline solids where detrimental magnetic interactions of electron spins with lattice nuclei are negligible and wellcontrolled. We will develop electrically-controlled spin-quantum-bits (qubits) in Si-Ge quantum dots and nanowires; will optically manipulate spin impurities in diamond in applications for quantum computing and networks and in nano-magnetometry; will achieve new understanding of quantum phenomena due to the spinvalley coupling in atomically thin 2D semiconductors, an emerging class of materials with a promise for quantum technologies using a new quantum degree of freedom, the valley index. Such wide material base emphasizes the truly multidisciplinary character of this collaboration opening opportunities for crossing the boundaries between several areas of solid-state physics and technology. The consortium of 14 academic and 7 industrial groups will deliver top international level multidisciplinary training to 15 early stage researchers, offering them an extended program of multinational exchanges and secondments. Network-wide training course in transferable skills will be specially developed and delivered by the Think Ahead (Sheffield), an award winning programme supporting Early Career Researchers (award by the Times Higher Education, 2014). The new network builds on the success of FP7 ITN S3NANO (also coordinated by A Tartakovskii), which has delivered excellent training to 16 researchers as well as state-of-the-art nano-science and technology. The current proposal is designed to advance this multidisciplinary research field significantly beyond the state-of-the-art, and train a new cohort of researchers capable of developing spin-based solid-state quantum technologies towards real-life applications in the next 5 to 10 years. Clean Zigzag and Armchair Graphene Nanoribbons Research Project | 2 Project MembersIn the envisioned experiments, we will develop new fabrication techniques aimed at creating ultra-clean graphene nanoribbons with high-quality zigzag or armchair edge termination. We will perform low-noise electronic transport measurement at low temperatures in magnetic fields in order to investigate novel quantum states of matter such as graphene ballistic 1D modes, edge antiferromagnetism, helical states and Majorana fermions. Coupling and decoherence of multi spin qubit quantum systems in solid state semiconductor nanostructures Research Project | 1 Project MembersTheoretical studies of coupling and decoherence of multi spin qubit quantum systems in solid state semiconductor nanostructures. Electric manipulation of spins in magnetic nanoclusters and quantum dots for quantum information processing Research Project | 1 Project MembersTheoretical studies of Electric manipulation of spins in magnetic nanoclusters and quantum dots for quantum information processing. Quantum theory of condensed matter: spin effects in nanostructures and quantum information Research Project | 1 Project MembersWe investigate theoretically spin effects in nanostructures and quantum information in solid state systems. Silicon Platform for Quantum Spintronics SiSPIN Research Project | 1 Project MembersTheoretical studies of Silicon Platform for Quantum Spintronics. Nanostructure Quantum Transport at Microkelvin Temperatures Research Project | 2 Project MembersWith this PhD thesis project, we propose to significantly advance the nuclear refrigerator (NR) technique in at least two ways: First, in a new generation of network NR, improve material heat leaks (sample holder), microwave filtering and NR design to facilitate cooling of nanosamples below 1 mK, learning from the already running experiment. Also, thermometry needs to be improved, for which we propose to use a SQUID based Johnson-noise thermometer. Then, with a CBT, GaAs quantum dots or other thermometer, ultra-low temperatures need to be demonstrated. Finally, when sufficiently low temperatures have been reached, the nuclear-spin phase transition can be investigated in low-density high mobility 2D electron gases (available to us from Loren Pfeiffer, Princeton) using a quantum point contact as Overhauser field detector. Sample nanofabrication can be done in the SNI clean-rooms in-house. These experiments will be done in close collaboration with the theory group of Daniel Loss. Second, in a technological advance, we propose to use a cryogen-free dilution refrigerator (CFDR) for precooling the NRs. We note that so far, no nuclear cooling whatsoever has been demonstrated on a cryogen-free system. To function efficiently, the CFDR is required to run well below 10 mK, while keeping vibration amplitudes to a very low level. This is a very challenging task, and several stages of vibration damping and decoupling are being investigated in order to reduce the intrinsic coldhead, valve and motor vibrations of the pulsed tube system (in collaboration with BlueFors). The ultimate aim of such a system is to make microkelvin temperatures available without requiring a steady supply of (liquid) Helium - a limited, non-renewable resource - thus significantly reducing the cost of operation and tremendously increasing the space available for experiments at low temperatures. Further, the system needs only electrical power and cooling-water, potentially making microkelvin temperatures widely available to almost any lab in the world. This gives the potential for commercialization of NR systems. 12 12
QLSI : Quantum Computing - Large-Scale Integration Research Project | 1 Project MembersWe propose a 4-year project QLSI, Quantum Large Scale Integration in Silicon, which objective is to demonstrate that silicon spin qubits are a compelling platform for scaling to very large numbers of qubits. Our demonstration relies on four ingredients: - Fabrication and operation of 16-qubit quantum processors based on industry-compatible semiconductor technology; - Demonstration of high-fidelity (>99%) single- and two-qubit gates, read-out and initialization; - Demonstration of a quantum computer prototype, with online open-access for the community (up to 8 qubits available online); - Documentation of the detailed requirements to address scalability towards large systems >1000 qubits. To achieve these results, our consortium brings together an unrivalled multidisciplinary team of European groups in academia, RTOs and industry working on silicon-based quantum devices. These groups are committed to playing an active part in developing the industrial ecosystem in silicon-based quantum technologies. QLSI is structured in three enabling toolboxes and one demonstration and scalability activity: - the semiconductor toolbox brings together skills from the semiconductor industry such as fabrication, high throughput test and CAD (computer aided design) with the expertise of the physics community; - the quantum toolbox gathers skills from the physics community on spin and quantum properties of Si based nanostructures and on quantum engineering from theory and experience perspectives; - the control toolbox gathers teams with instrumentation skills ranging from RF signal generation, automation and set up of high throughput characterization at low temperature. The toolboxes will generate stand-alone beyond the state-of-the-art results and will generate inputs to feed the demonstrator and scalability activity, which will integrate devices, hardware and software solutions to create an online open access demonstrator, to perform hybrid computation and to analyze scalability.
Quantum theory of condensed matter: spin effects in nanostructures and quantum information Research Project | 4 Project MembersThe proposed research covers and interconnects multiple topics from the fields of quantum computing and quantum condensed-matter theory. It contributes to the long term goal of finding realistic architectures that allow the coherent manipulation of solid state systems at the quantum level. Since this goal necessarily involves the study of complex many-body systems, our research goes across many subfields of modern condensed matter and solid state theory and uses a very broad range of sophisticated technical tools.The strategy we pursue encompasses the refinement of the well-established scheme of spin-based quantum computing, as well as efforts to discover novel and realistic platforms that allow the storage and manipulation of quantum information. In view of the desired industrial feasibility and scalability of the results, we focus on the solid state as the basis of our research. Exciting and promising new materials will be examined and their suitability for quantum information processing will be evaluated. Moreover, we will study intriguing issues that are also of interest in fundamental research, ranging from exotic types of topological quantum phases to non- equilibrium dynamics, with focus on spin effects in semiconducting, superconducting, and insulating magnetic nanostructures. Also these fundamental aspects of our proposal are targeted on the ability to gain access to the quantum world. In particular, we plan to work on the following topics:2.A Quantum information and surface code2.B Spin qubits in Si and Ge nanowires2.C Majorana fermion qubits and hybrid spin qubits2.D Stability of topological excitations and qubits2.E Proximity effect in semiconducting nanostructures2.F Topological magnonics2.G Quantum effects of magnetic Skyrmions
G. H. Endress Postdoc-Cluster Research Project | 5 Project MembersDas Departement für Physik der Philosophisch-Naturwissenschaftlichen Fakultät der Universität Basel und das Physikalische Institut der Fakultät für Mathematik und Physik der Albert Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg im Breisgau errichten partnerschaftlich ein neues Exzellenzzentrum mit den Forschungsschwerpunkten "Quantum Science and Quantum Computing" unter dem Dach von Eucor - The European Campus . Als tragende Säule dieses Exzellenzzentrums wird ein grenzüberschreitender Postdoc-Cluster zwischen den Universitäten Basel und Freiburg aufgebaut. Primäre Ziele des zukünftigen Postdoc-Clusters sind die hochwertige Ausbildung der Postdocs für den akademischen als auch wirtschaftlichen Arbeitsmarkt und die Positionierung als führende Forschungseinrichtung auf dem Gebiet "Quantum Science and Quantum Computing", im Speziellen durch die verstärkte grenzüberschreitende Zusammenarbeit im Dreiländereck Deutschland-Frankreich-Schweiz. Das Exzellenzzentrum "Quantum Science and Quantum Computing" wird von der Georg H. Endress Stiftung finanziell unterstützt.
Spin-NANO Research Project | 2 Project MembersThis network brings together an exceptionally strong team of world-leading experts in nano-science and technology from 6 European countries in order to achieve breakthroughs in understanding and successful utilization of nanoscale solid-state spin systems in emerging quantum technologies. The proposed innovative science in the supra-disciplinary field of physics and applications of spin nano-systems will underpin breakthrough developments in quantum computing, quantum communications and networks, and nano-imaging. An important innovative step consolidating the joint effort of the whole consortium in the studies of spin nano-systems is the focus on crystalline solids where detrimental magnetic interactions of electron spins with lattice nuclei are negligible and wellcontrolled. We will develop electrically-controlled spin-quantum-bits (qubits) in Si-Ge quantum dots and nanowires; will optically manipulate spin impurities in diamond in applications for quantum computing and networks and in nano-magnetometry; will achieve new understanding of quantum phenomena due to the spinvalley coupling in atomically thin 2D semiconductors, an emerging class of materials with a promise for quantum technologies using a new quantum degree of freedom, the valley index. Such wide material base emphasizes the truly multidisciplinary character of this collaboration opening opportunities for crossing the boundaries between several areas of solid-state physics and technology. The consortium of 14 academic and 7 industrial groups will deliver top international level multidisciplinary training to 15 early stage researchers, offering them an extended program of multinational exchanges and secondments. Network-wide training course in transferable skills will be specially developed and delivered by the Think Ahead (Sheffield), an award winning programme supporting Early Career Researchers (award by the Times Higher Education, 2014). The new network builds on the success of FP7 ITN S3NANO (also coordinated by A Tartakovskii), which has delivered excellent training to 16 researchers as well as state-of-the-art nano-science and technology. The current proposal is designed to advance this multidisciplinary research field significantly beyond the state-of-the-art, and train a new cohort of researchers capable of developing spin-based solid-state quantum technologies towards real-life applications in the next 5 to 10 years.
Clean Zigzag and Armchair Graphene Nanoribbons Research Project | 2 Project MembersIn the envisioned experiments, we will develop new fabrication techniques aimed at creating ultra-clean graphene nanoribbons with high-quality zigzag or armchair edge termination. We will perform low-noise electronic transport measurement at low temperatures in magnetic fields in order to investigate novel quantum states of matter such as graphene ballistic 1D modes, edge antiferromagnetism, helical states and Majorana fermions.
Coupling and decoherence of multi spin qubit quantum systems in solid state semiconductor nanostructures Research Project | 1 Project MembersTheoretical studies of coupling and decoherence of multi spin qubit quantum systems in solid state semiconductor nanostructures.
Electric manipulation of spins in magnetic nanoclusters and quantum dots for quantum information processing Research Project | 1 Project MembersTheoretical studies of Electric manipulation of spins in magnetic nanoclusters and quantum dots for quantum information processing.
Quantum theory of condensed matter: spin effects in nanostructures and quantum information Research Project | 1 Project MembersWe investigate theoretically spin effects in nanostructures and quantum information in solid state systems.
Silicon Platform for Quantum Spintronics SiSPIN Research Project | 1 Project MembersTheoretical studies of Silicon Platform for Quantum Spintronics.
Nanostructure Quantum Transport at Microkelvin Temperatures Research Project | 2 Project MembersWith this PhD thesis project, we propose to significantly advance the nuclear refrigerator (NR) technique in at least two ways: First, in a new generation of network NR, improve material heat leaks (sample holder), microwave filtering and NR design to facilitate cooling of nanosamples below 1 mK, learning from the already running experiment. Also, thermometry needs to be improved, for which we propose to use a SQUID based Johnson-noise thermometer. Then, with a CBT, GaAs quantum dots or other thermometer, ultra-low temperatures need to be demonstrated. Finally, when sufficiently low temperatures have been reached, the nuclear-spin phase transition can be investigated in low-density high mobility 2D electron gases (available to us from Loren Pfeiffer, Princeton) using a quantum point contact as Overhauser field detector. Sample nanofabrication can be done in the SNI clean-rooms in-house. These experiments will be done in close collaboration with the theory group of Daniel Loss. Second, in a technological advance, we propose to use a cryogen-free dilution refrigerator (CFDR) for precooling the NRs. We note that so far, no nuclear cooling whatsoever has been demonstrated on a cryogen-free system. To function efficiently, the CFDR is required to run well below 10 mK, while keeping vibration amplitudes to a very low level. This is a very challenging task, and several stages of vibration damping and decoupling are being investigated in order to reduce the intrinsic coldhead, valve and motor vibrations of the pulsed tube system (in collaboration with BlueFors). The ultimate aim of such a system is to make microkelvin temperatures available without requiring a steady supply of (liquid) Helium - a limited, non-renewable resource - thus significantly reducing the cost of operation and tremendously increasing the space available for experiments at low temperatures. Further, the system needs only electrical power and cooling-water, potentially making microkelvin temperatures widely available to almost any lab in the world. This gives the potential for commercialization of NR systems.