Prof. Dr. Patrick Maletinsky Department of Physics Profiles & Affiliations OverviewResearch Publications Projects & Collaborations Projects & Collaborations OverviewResearch Publications Projects & Collaborations Profiles & Affiliations Projects & Collaborations 19 foundShow per page10 10 20 50 Potential of quantum sensing for precision metrology at METAS Research Project | 2 Project MembersIn the field of quantum sensing, new techniques have been developed that exploit quantum systems and their peculiar properties to enable new functionality and enhance accuracy and precision in a great variety of sensing applications. Researchers at the Department of Physics of the University of Basel have made important contributions to this field. The goal of this collaboration project is to evaluate the potential of quantum sensing techniques for metrology at METAS, the Swiss national metrology institute. Ultra high precision electron beam lithography system for nanodevice and nanostructures definition Research Project | 6 Project MembersIn the last decades nano- and quantum-science have been steadily growing in large part also thanks to the availability of ever more advanced processing, manipulation, and imaging tech-niques. Specifically, nanofabrication has been the leading enabler of experiments and devices, in which quantum mechanics play a key role. The University of Basel is nationally and internationally recognized as a leader innanoscience and nanotechnology. It was the leading house of the National Center in Competence and Re-search (NCCR) on Nanoscience, which later became the Swiss Nanoscience Institute (SNI). The University of Basel is leading the NCCR SPIN for the realization of spin qubits in Silicon and is also co-leading the NCCR QSIT on Quantum Science and Technology (with ETHZ as Leading House). The present proposal to the SNF R'Equip scheme is a joint effort of six principal investigators (PIs) in the physics department of the University of Basel, who work on current topics in quantum- and nano-science. The PIs, who submit this proposal together, do research that relies on the availability of state-of-the-art fabrication tools, such as an electron beam lithography (EBL) system. The proposal makes the case for the purchase of an ultra-high precision EBL system that combines high resolution, tunable acceleration voltages, different write-field size, ultra-high precision alignment, proximity correction, and mechanical stability. This combination is unique and crucial for the University of Basel to stay at the forefront of nano-science and technology. The system will be installed in the new clean room shared between the University of Basel and the Department of Biosystem Science and Engineering of the ETH. Therefore, the purchased system will be available for the users of the clean-room. ASTERIQS Research Project | 1 Project MembersASTERIQS will exploit quantum sensing based on the NV centre in ultrapure diamond to bring solutions to societal and economical needs for which no solution exists yet. Its objectives are to develop: 1) Advanced applications based on magnetic field measurement: fully integrated scanning diamond magnetometer instrument for nanometer scale measurements, high dynamics range magnetic field sensor to control advanced batteries used in electrical car industry, labonChip Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) detector for early diagnosis of disease, magnetic field imaging camera for biology or robotics, instantaneous spectrum analyser for wireless communications management; 2) New sensing applications to sense temperature within a cell, to monitor new states of matter under high pressure, to sense electric field with ultimate sensitivity; 3) New measurement tools to elucidate the chemical structure of single molecules by NMR for pharmaceutical industry or the structure of spintronics devices at the nanoscale for new generation spin-based electronic devices. ASTERIQS will develop enabling tools to achieve these goals: highest grade diamond material with ultralow impurity level, advanced protocols to overcome residual noise in sensing schemes, optimized engineering for miniaturized and efficient devices. ASTERIQS will disseminate its results towards academia and industry and educate next generation physicists and engineers. It will contribute to the strategic objectives of the Quantum Flagship to expand European leadership in quantum technologies, deliver scientific breakthroughs, make available European technological platforms and develop synergetic collaborations with them, and finally kick-start a competitive European quantum industry. The ASTERIQS consortium federates world leading European academic and industrial partners to bring quantum sensing from the laboratory to applications for the benefit of European citizens. NanoMAGIQ Research Project | 1 Project MembersMagnetic imaging is a tool widely used in a large variety of applications ranging from basic material science, to electronic device testing, to medical diagnostic. But classical technologies fail to provide good enough resolution to address the nanometer scale. Yet today, this corresponds to the process size in the semiconductor industry: the new generations of transistors and memory cells all have features in the 10 nm range. Therefore, there is a critical demand for solutions going beyond current capabilities. Qnami develops sensors for magnetic imaging based on a quantum technology. This brings unique sensitivity and unique resolution. Our quantum sensors operate under ambient conditions, which simplifies use and maintains operation costs at a low level. Qnami's ambition is to provide the semiconductor industry with analytical tools for design testing and failure analysis, and to help researchers exploring new avenues in material and life sciences. Our first product is a magnetic sensor with optical read-out, which combines nanometer resolution with a sensitivity to just a hundred atoms, limited by quantum noise. It is carved out of ultra-pure diamond, which brings two further advantages: robustness and bio-compatibility. The goal of this proposal is to evaluate the business potential of our innovation and prepare for investment rounds. The three main objectives of this proposal are 1) to deploy our technology and address a short list of >10 customers from a first market of expert academic users, 2) to evaluate the potential of the semiconductor segment and to engage with a first customer 3) to rationalize production costs and optimize the revenue model in order to ensure a sustainable and profitable business, and attract private investment. Exploring nanoscale magnetic phenomena using a quantum microscope Research Project | 2 Project MembersQuantum sensors harness quantum phenomena, such as superposition or entanglement to yield powerful sensors for quantities such as electric and magnetic fields, strain fields or temperature. Over the last years, such quantum sensors and in particular magnetometers based on individual spins in diamond have seen remarkable progress, in part based on the successful research and technological developments by the applicant's group at the University of Basel. Todays state-of-the art quantum magnetometers, such as the ones we currently operate in Basel, offer spatial resolutions ~10 nm, magnetic field sensitivities up to 20 nT/Hz^0.5 and operate from cryogenic to ambient conditions. In this project, we will build on the outstanding performance of our existing magnetometers to address interesting and pressing questions in condensed matter and mesoscopic physics. The performance of our instruments are ideally suited to address these topics in a way impossible with other existing technologies. Our project will on one hand focus on open problems in spintronics and nano-magnetism and on the other hand address challenges in mesoscopic physics of superconductors and low-dimensional electronic systems. Our powerful new technology and the scientific insights it will generate will have far-reaching impact in physics and material sciences and will offer new views on magnetism on the nanoscale. Specifically, we will employ our magnetometers to study high-frequency dynamics in nanoscale magnetic systems. Examples include ferromagnetic resonance and spin-wave propagation that we will both study on the nanoscale. These phenomena are central to spintronics and quantum information processing and our results will thereby contribute to progress in both these fields. In a second line of experiments, we will address mesoscopic, condensed matter systems at cryogenic temperatures. A particular focus will lie on the imaging of current-distributions in superconductors and low-dimensional electronic systems, such as graphene. A broad range of open questions exist in these domains - questions that our NV magnetometers will allow us to address for the first time. We will thereby bring significant new understanding to these diverse aspects of condensed matter physics at the nanoscale. A diamond quantum fibre pigtail Research Project | 2 Project MembersIndividual, optically active quantum systems form central building blocks for many attractive schemes in quantum communication and precision sensing. However, efficient photon extraction from these systems remains a major challenge, currently hindering the practical implementation of a variety of proposed applications in quantum sensing, communication and information processing. Efficient and robust optical interfacing of a single photon source or an optically active single spin is therefore highly desired and relevant to many emerging quantum technologies, which are currently pursued worldwide. Quantum sensing and imaging of core-shell magnetic nanotubes Research Project | 2 Project MembersNanoscale magnetic structures with non-trivial spin-textures are of great practical interest for applications in compact classical data storage or in quantum-technologies such as spin-qubits or quantum sensors. Recent cantilever and nanoSQUID magnetometry experiments on ferromagnetic nanotubes (NTs) carried out by the Poggio group suggest the existence of non-trivial magnetic vortex states. Despite their potential usefulness, these magnetic configurations remain underexplored due to limitations in conventional sensing and imaging approaches. Here, we propose to gain further insight into these nanometer-scale magnetic structures using scanning quantum sensors based on nitrogen vacancy (NV) centers in diamond recently developed in the Maletinsky lab 4 . On the one hand, our study will benchmark these quantum sensing tools against state-of-the-art, classical imaging approaches. On the other hand, the experiments will shed new light on magnetic configurations and reversal in nanometer-scale magnets. These insights may, in turn, have an impact on quantum-technologies, either in the application of strong nanomagnets for spin-manipulation and magnetic resonance force microscopy, or in the resonant enhancement of weak magnetic fields for quantum sensing. Cooling and control of a nanomechanical membrane with cold atoms Research Project | 2 Project MembersThe goal of this PhD project is to realize a hybrid optomechanical system in which ultracold neutral atoms are strongly coupled to the vibrations of a nanomechanical membrane inside an optical cavity. Laser light will provide a long-distance coupling between the two systems, enabling a modular setup where the membrane-cavity system is placed in a cryostat while the atoms are prepared in a separate room-temperature vacuum chamber. This system will be used to explore cooling and quantum control of the nanomechanical membrane with the atoms. Mechanical oscillators in the quantum regime offer new perspectives for precision force sensing, the realization of quantum transducers, and tests of quantum mechanics in massive systems. Single spin imaging of strongly correlated electron systems Research Project | 1 Project MembersStrongly correlated electron systems form a vibrant research field at the heart of condensed matter physics. They are of fundamental interest and highly promising for a broad range of applications from high temperature superconductivity to novel solid-state memory devices. However, despite significant efforts, full understanding of these fascinating materials remains an outstanding challenge. A central bottleneck for further progress is the lack of suitable tools to directly assess microscopic origins and manifestations of electronic correlations down to the level of single electrons. Here, I propose to apply a completely novel approach based on quantum-coherent sensing technologies to explore strongly correlated electron systems on the nanoscale and thereby promote our understanding of quantum matter to a new level. My group will engineer and apply an ultralow temperature scanning probe apparatus that uses single electrons as highly sensitive magnetometers. This approach combines nanometric imaging resolution, single electron spin sensitivity, and quantitative magnetic imaging - performance-characteristics that no existing method offers. My project focuses on the study of unexplored local magnetic phenomena, which emerge as Hallmarks of electronic correlations. Examples include spontaneous symmetry-breaking in quantum Hall states, fractional vortices in superconductors and magnetism in oxide interfaces. Our nanoscale studies of these phenomena will offer unprecedented insight into these complex states and my proposal thus has the potential to revolutionise our understanding of exotic quantum matter. This project combines key technological innovations with experiments of far-reaching scientific impact. It is highly interdisciplinary as it combines quantum-control and quantum-engineering with fundamental questions in condensed matter physics. This challenging project goes well beyond the state-of-the-art and could define the beginning of a new era in the field of quantum-sensing. I will thereby further strengthen Switzerland's position at the forefront of this vibrant research area. My project requires a several year commitment, significant investment in instrumentation and a team of two graduate students plus one postdoctoral fellow. NCCR QSIT: Quantum Information and Communication Research Project | 3 Project MembersA central theme in Project 3 is the development of small-scale coupled quantum systems for applications in quantum information processing and quantum communication. The proposed activities range from trapped ion and Josephson-junction based quantum information processing, through hybrid systems interfacing solid-state qubits with photons, atoms or ions, to the development of new single-photon detectors. 12 12 OverviewResearch Publications Projects & Collaborations
Projects & Collaborations 19 foundShow per page10 10 20 50 Potential of quantum sensing for precision metrology at METAS Research Project | 2 Project MembersIn the field of quantum sensing, new techniques have been developed that exploit quantum systems and their peculiar properties to enable new functionality and enhance accuracy and precision in a great variety of sensing applications. Researchers at the Department of Physics of the University of Basel have made important contributions to this field. The goal of this collaboration project is to evaluate the potential of quantum sensing techniques for metrology at METAS, the Swiss national metrology institute. Ultra high precision electron beam lithography system for nanodevice and nanostructures definition Research Project | 6 Project MembersIn the last decades nano- and quantum-science have been steadily growing in large part also thanks to the availability of ever more advanced processing, manipulation, and imaging tech-niques. Specifically, nanofabrication has been the leading enabler of experiments and devices, in which quantum mechanics play a key role. The University of Basel is nationally and internationally recognized as a leader innanoscience and nanotechnology. It was the leading house of the National Center in Competence and Re-search (NCCR) on Nanoscience, which later became the Swiss Nanoscience Institute (SNI). The University of Basel is leading the NCCR SPIN for the realization of spin qubits in Silicon and is also co-leading the NCCR QSIT on Quantum Science and Technology (with ETHZ as Leading House). The present proposal to the SNF R'Equip scheme is a joint effort of six principal investigators (PIs) in the physics department of the University of Basel, who work on current topics in quantum- and nano-science. The PIs, who submit this proposal together, do research that relies on the availability of state-of-the-art fabrication tools, such as an electron beam lithography (EBL) system. The proposal makes the case for the purchase of an ultra-high precision EBL system that combines high resolution, tunable acceleration voltages, different write-field size, ultra-high precision alignment, proximity correction, and mechanical stability. This combination is unique and crucial for the University of Basel to stay at the forefront of nano-science and technology. The system will be installed in the new clean room shared between the University of Basel and the Department of Biosystem Science and Engineering of the ETH. Therefore, the purchased system will be available for the users of the clean-room. ASTERIQS Research Project | 1 Project MembersASTERIQS will exploit quantum sensing based on the NV centre in ultrapure diamond to bring solutions to societal and economical needs for which no solution exists yet. Its objectives are to develop: 1) Advanced applications based on magnetic field measurement: fully integrated scanning diamond magnetometer instrument for nanometer scale measurements, high dynamics range magnetic field sensor to control advanced batteries used in electrical car industry, labonChip Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) detector for early diagnosis of disease, magnetic field imaging camera for biology or robotics, instantaneous spectrum analyser for wireless communications management; 2) New sensing applications to sense temperature within a cell, to monitor new states of matter under high pressure, to sense electric field with ultimate sensitivity; 3) New measurement tools to elucidate the chemical structure of single molecules by NMR for pharmaceutical industry or the structure of spintronics devices at the nanoscale for new generation spin-based electronic devices. ASTERIQS will develop enabling tools to achieve these goals: highest grade diamond material with ultralow impurity level, advanced protocols to overcome residual noise in sensing schemes, optimized engineering for miniaturized and efficient devices. ASTERIQS will disseminate its results towards academia and industry and educate next generation physicists and engineers. It will contribute to the strategic objectives of the Quantum Flagship to expand European leadership in quantum technologies, deliver scientific breakthroughs, make available European technological platforms and develop synergetic collaborations with them, and finally kick-start a competitive European quantum industry. The ASTERIQS consortium federates world leading European academic and industrial partners to bring quantum sensing from the laboratory to applications for the benefit of European citizens. NanoMAGIQ Research Project | 1 Project MembersMagnetic imaging is a tool widely used in a large variety of applications ranging from basic material science, to electronic device testing, to medical diagnostic. But classical technologies fail to provide good enough resolution to address the nanometer scale. Yet today, this corresponds to the process size in the semiconductor industry: the new generations of transistors and memory cells all have features in the 10 nm range. Therefore, there is a critical demand for solutions going beyond current capabilities. Qnami develops sensors for magnetic imaging based on a quantum technology. This brings unique sensitivity and unique resolution. Our quantum sensors operate under ambient conditions, which simplifies use and maintains operation costs at a low level. Qnami's ambition is to provide the semiconductor industry with analytical tools for design testing and failure analysis, and to help researchers exploring new avenues in material and life sciences. Our first product is a magnetic sensor with optical read-out, which combines nanometer resolution with a sensitivity to just a hundred atoms, limited by quantum noise. It is carved out of ultra-pure diamond, which brings two further advantages: robustness and bio-compatibility. The goal of this proposal is to evaluate the business potential of our innovation and prepare for investment rounds. The three main objectives of this proposal are 1) to deploy our technology and address a short list of >10 customers from a first market of expert academic users, 2) to evaluate the potential of the semiconductor segment and to engage with a first customer 3) to rationalize production costs and optimize the revenue model in order to ensure a sustainable and profitable business, and attract private investment. Exploring nanoscale magnetic phenomena using a quantum microscope Research Project | 2 Project MembersQuantum sensors harness quantum phenomena, such as superposition or entanglement to yield powerful sensors for quantities such as electric and magnetic fields, strain fields or temperature. Over the last years, such quantum sensors and in particular magnetometers based on individual spins in diamond have seen remarkable progress, in part based on the successful research and technological developments by the applicant's group at the University of Basel. Todays state-of-the art quantum magnetometers, such as the ones we currently operate in Basel, offer spatial resolutions ~10 nm, magnetic field sensitivities up to 20 nT/Hz^0.5 and operate from cryogenic to ambient conditions. In this project, we will build on the outstanding performance of our existing magnetometers to address interesting and pressing questions in condensed matter and mesoscopic physics. The performance of our instruments are ideally suited to address these topics in a way impossible with other existing technologies. Our project will on one hand focus on open problems in spintronics and nano-magnetism and on the other hand address challenges in mesoscopic physics of superconductors and low-dimensional electronic systems. Our powerful new technology and the scientific insights it will generate will have far-reaching impact in physics and material sciences and will offer new views on magnetism on the nanoscale. Specifically, we will employ our magnetometers to study high-frequency dynamics in nanoscale magnetic systems. Examples include ferromagnetic resonance and spin-wave propagation that we will both study on the nanoscale. These phenomena are central to spintronics and quantum information processing and our results will thereby contribute to progress in both these fields. In a second line of experiments, we will address mesoscopic, condensed matter systems at cryogenic temperatures. A particular focus will lie on the imaging of current-distributions in superconductors and low-dimensional electronic systems, such as graphene. A broad range of open questions exist in these domains - questions that our NV magnetometers will allow us to address for the first time. We will thereby bring significant new understanding to these diverse aspects of condensed matter physics at the nanoscale. A diamond quantum fibre pigtail Research Project | 2 Project MembersIndividual, optically active quantum systems form central building blocks for many attractive schemes in quantum communication and precision sensing. However, efficient photon extraction from these systems remains a major challenge, currently hindering the practical implementation of a variety of proposed applications in quantum sensing, communication and information processing. Efficient and robust optical interfacing of a single photon source or an optically active single spin is therefore highly desired and relevant to many emerging quantum technologies, which are currently pursued worldwide. Quantum sensing and imaging of core-shell magnetic nanotubes Research Project | 2 Project MembersNanoscale magnetic structures with non-trivial spin-textures are of great practical interest for applications in compact classical data storage or in quantum-technologies such as spin-qubits or quantum sensors. Recent cantilever and nanoSQUID magnetometry experiments on ferromagnetic nanotubes (NTs) carried out by the Poggio group suggest the existence of non-trivial magnetic vortex states. Despite their potential usefulness, these magnetic configurations remain underexplored due to limitations in conventional sensing and imaging approaches. Here, we propose to gain further insight into these nanometer-scale magnetic structures using scanning quantum sensors based on nitrogen vacancy (NV) centers in diamond recently developed in the Maletinsky lab 4 . On the one hand, our study will benchmark these quantum sensing tools against state-of-the-art, classical imaging approaches. On the other hand, the experiments will shed new light on magnetic configurations and reversal in nanometer-scale magnets. These insights may, in turn, have an impact on quantum-technologies, either in the application of strong nanomagnets for spin-manipulation and magnetic resonance force microscopy, or in the resonant enhancement of weak magnetic fields for quantum sensing. Cooling and control of a nanomechanical membrane with cold atoms Research Project | 2 Project MembersThe goal of this PhD project is to realize a hybrid optomechanical system in which ultracold neutral atoms are strongly coupled to the vibrations of a nanomechanical membrane inside an optical cavity. Laser light will provide a long-distance coupling between the two systems, enabling a modular setup where the membrane-cavity system is placed in a cryostat while the atoms are prepared in a separate room-temperature vacuum chamber. This system will be used to explore cooling and quantum control of the nanomechanical membrane with the atoms. Mechanical oscillators in the quantum regime offer new perspectives for precision force sensing, the realization of quantum transducers, and tests of quantum mechanics in massive systems. Single spin imaging of strongly correlated electron systems Research Project | 1 Project MembersStrongly correlated electron systems form a vibrant research field at the heart of condensed matter physics. They are of fundamental interest and highly promising for a broad range of applications from high temperature superconductivity to novel solid-state memory devices. However, despite significant efforts, full understanding of these fascinating materials remains an outstanding challenge. A central bottleneck for further progress is the lack of suitable tools to directly assess microscopic origins and manifestations of electronic correlations down to the level of single electrons. Here, I propose to apply a completely novel approach based on quantum-coherent sensing technologies to explore strongly correlated electron systems on the nanoscale and thereby promote our understanding of quantum matter to a new level. My group will engineer and apply an ultralow temperature scanning probe apparatus that uses single electrons as highly sensitive magnetometers. This approach combines nanometric imaging resolution, single electron spin sensitivity, and quantitative magnetic imaging - performance-characteristics that no existing method offers. My project focuses on the study of unexplored local magnetic phenomena, which emerge as Hallmarks of electronic correlations. Examples include spontaneous symmetry-breaking in quantum Hall states, fractional vortices in superconductors and magnetism in oxide interfaces. Our nanoscale studies of these phenomena will offer unprecedented insight into these complex states and my proposal thus has the potential to revolutionise our understanding of exotic quantum matter. This project combines key technological innovations with experiments of far-reaching scientific impact. It is highly interdisciplinary as it combines quantum-control and quantum-engineering with fundamental questions in condensed matter physics. This challenging project goes well beyond the state-of-the-art and could define the beginning of a new era in the field of quantum-sensing. I will thereby further strengthen Switzerland's position at the forefront of this vibrant research area. My project requires a several year commitment, significant investment in instrumentation and a team of two graduate students plus one postdoctoral fellow. NCCR QSIT: Quantum Information and Communication Research Project | 3 Project MembersA central theme in Project 3 is the development of small-scale coupled quantum systems for applications in quantum information processing and quantum communication. The proposed activities range from trapped ion and Josephson-junction based quantum information processing, through hybrid systems interfacing solid-state qubits with photons, atoms or ions, to the development of new single-photon detectors. 12 12
Potential of quantum sensing for precision metrology at METAS Research Project | 2 Project MembersIn the field of quantum sensing, new techniques have been developed that exploit quantum systems and their peculiar properties to enable new functionality and enhance accuracy and precision in a great variety of sensing applications. Researchers at the Department of Physics of the University of Basel have made important contributions to this field. The goal of this collaboration project is to evaluate the potential of quantum sensing techniques for metrology at METAS, the Swiss national metrology institute.
Ultra high precision electron beam lithography system for nanodevice and nanostructures definition Research Project | 6 Project MembersIn the last decades nano- and quantum-science have been steadily growing in large part also thanks to the availability of ever more advanced processing, manipulation, and imaging tech-niques. Specifically, nanofabrication has been the leading enabler of experiments and devices, in which quantum mechanics play a key role. The University of Basel is nationally and internationally recognized as a leader innanoscience and nanotechnology. It was the leading house of the National Center in Competence and Re-search (NCCR) on Nanoscience, which later became the Swiss Nanoscience Institute (SNI). The University of Basel is leading the NCCR SPIN for the realization of spin qubits in Silicon and is also co-leading the NCCR QSIT on Quantum Science and Technology (with ETHZ as Leading House). The present proposal to the SNF R'Equip scheme is a joint effort of six principal investigators (PIs) in the physics department of the University of Basel, who work on current topics in quantum- and nano-science. The PIs, who submit this proposal together, do research that relies on the availability of state-of-the-art fabrication tools, such as an electron beam lithography (EBL) system. The proposal makes the case for the purchase of an ultra-high precision EBL system that combines high resolution, tunable acceleration voltages, different write-field size, ultra-high precision alignment, proximity correction, and mechanical stability. This combination is unique and crucial for the University of Basel to stay at the forefront of nano-science and technology. The system will be installed in the new clean room shared between the University of Basel and the Department of Biosystem Science and Engineering of the ETH. Therefore, the purchased system will be available for the users of the clean-room.
ASTERIQS Research Project | 1 Project MembersASTERIQS will exploit quantum sensing based on the NV centre in ultrapure diamond to bring solutions to societal and economical needs for which no solution exists yet. Its objectives are to develop: 1) Advanced applications based on magnetic field measurement: fully integrated scanning diamond magnetometer instrument for nanometer scale measurements, high dynamics range magnetic field sensor to control advanced batteries used in electrical car industry, labonChip Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) detector for early diagnosis of disease, magnetic field imaging camera for biology or robotics, instantaneous spectrum analyser for wireless communications management; 2) New sensing applications to sense temperature within a cell, to monitor new states of matter under high pressure, to sense electric field with ultimate sensitivity; 3) New measurement tools to elucidate the chemical structure of single molecules by NMR for pharmaceutical industry or the structure of spintronics devices at the nanoscale for new generation spin-based electronic devices. ASTERIQS will develop enabling tools to achieve these goals: highest grade diamond material with ultralow impurity level, advanced protocols to overcome residual noise in sensing schemes, optimized engineering for miniaturized and efficient devices. ASTERIQS will disseminate its results towards academia and industry and educate next generation physicists and engineers. It will contribute to the strategic objectives of the Quantum Flagship to expand European leadership in quantum technologies, deliver scientific breakthroughs, make available European technological platforms and develop synergetic collaborations with them, and finally kick-start a competitive European quantum industry. The ASTERIQS consortium federates world leading European academic and industrial partners to bring quantum sensing from the laboratory to applications for the benefit of European citizens.
NanoMAGIQ Research Project | 1 Project MembersMagnetic imaging is a tool widely used in a large variety of applications ranging from basic material science, to electronic device testing, to medical diagnostic. But classical technologies fail to provide good enough resolution to address the nanometer scale. Yet today, this corresponds to the process size in the semiconductor industry: the new generations of transistors and memory cells all have features in the 10 nm range. Therefore, there is a critical demand for solutions going beyond current capabilities. Qnami develops sensors for magnetic imaging based on a quantum technology. This brings unique sensitivity and unique resolution. Our quantum sensors operate under ambient conditions, which simplifies use and maintains operation costs at a low level. Qnami's ambition is to provide the semiconductor industry with analytical tools for design testing and failure analysis, and to help researchers exploring new avenues in material and life sciences. Our first product is a magnetic sensor with optical read-out, which combines nanometer resolution with a sensitivity to just a hundred atoms, limited by quantum noise. It is carved out of ultra-pure diamond, which brings two further advantages: robustness and bio-compatibility. The goal of this proposal is to evaluate the business potential of our innovation and prepare for investment rounds. The three main objectives of this proposal are 1) to deploy our technology and address a short list of >10 customers from a first market of expert academic users, 2) to evaluate the potential of the semiconductor segment and to engage with a first customer 3) to rationalize production costs and optimize the revenue model in order to ensure a sustainable and profitable business, and attract private investment.
Exploring nanoscale magnetic phenomena using a quantum microscope Research Project | 2 Project MembersQuantum sensors harness quantum phenomena, such as superposition or entanglement to yield powerful sensors for quantities such as electric and magnetic fields, strain fields or temperature. Over the last years, such quantum sensors and in particular magnetometers based on individual spins in diamond have seen remarkable progress, in part based on the successful research and technological developments by the applicant's group at the University of Basel. Todays state-of-the art quantum magnetometers, such as the ones we currently operate in Basel, offer spatial resolutions ~10 nm, magnetic field sensitivities up to 20 nT/Hz^0.5 and operate from cryogenic to ambient conditions. In this project, we will build on the outstanding performance of our existing magnetometers to address interesting and pressing questions in condensed matter and mesoscopic physics. The performance of our instruments are ideally suited to address these topics in a way impossible with other existing technologies. Our project will on one hand focus on open problems in spintronics and nano-magnetism and on the other hand address challenges in mesoscopic physics of superconductors and low-dimensional electronic systems. Our powerful new technology and the scientific insights it will generate will have far-reaching impact in physics and material sciences and will offer new views on magnetism on the nanoscale. Specifically, we will employ our magnetometers to study high-frequency dynamics in nanoscale magnetic systems. Examples include ferromagnetic resonance and spin-wave propagation that we will both study on the nanoscale. These phenomena are central to spintronics and quantum information processing and our results will thereby contribute to progress in both these fields. In a second line of experiments, we will address mesoscopic, condensed matter systems at cryogenic temperatures. A particular focus will lie on the imaging of current-distributions in superconductors and low-dimensional electronic systems, such as graphene. A broad range of open questions exist in these domains - questions that our NV magnetometers will allow us to address for the first time. We will thereby bring significant new understanding to these diverse aspects of condensed matter physics at the nanoscale.
A diamond quantum fibre pigtail Research Project | 2 Project MembersIndividual, optically active quantum systems form central building blocks for many attractive schemes in quantum communication and precision sensing. However, efficient photon extraction from these systems remains a major challenge, currently hindering the practical implementation of a variety of proposed applications in quantum sensing, communication and information processing. Efficient and robust optical interfacing of a single photon source or an optically active single spin is therefore highly desired and relevant to many emerging quantum technologies, which are currently pursued worldwide.
Quantum sensing and imaging of core-shell magnetic nanotubes Research Project | 2 Project MembersNanoscale magnetic structures with non-trivial spin-textures are of great practical interest for applications in compact classical data storage or in quantum-technologies such as spin-qubits or quantum sensors. Recent cantilever and nanoSQUID magnetometry experiments on ferromagnetic nanotubes (NTs) carried out by the Poggio group suggest the existence of non-trivial magnetic vortex states. Despite their potential usefulness, these magnetic configurations remain underexplored due to limitations in conventional sensing and imaging approaches. Here, we propose to gain further insight into these nanometer-scale magnetic structures using scanning quantum sensors based on nitrogen vacancy (NV) centers in diamond recently developed in the Maletinsky lab 4 . On the one hand, our study will benchmark these quantum sensing tools against state-of-the-art, classical imaging approaches. On the other hand, the experiments will shed new light on magnetic configurations and reversal in nanometer-scale magnets. These insights may, in turn, have an impact on quantum-technologies, either in the application of strong nanomagnets for spin-manipulation and magnetic resonance force microscopy, or in the resonant enhancement of weak magnetic fields for quantum sensing.
Cooling and control of a nanomechanical membrane with cold atoms Research Project | 2 Project MembersThe goal of this PhD project is to realize a hybrid optomechanical system in which ultracold neutral atoms are strongly coupled to the vibrations of a nanomechanical membrane inside an optical cavity. Laser light will provide a long-distance coupling between the two systems, enabling a modular setup where the membrane-cavity system is placed in a cryostat while the atoms are prepared in a separate room-temperature vacuum chamber. This system will be used to explore cooling and quantum control of the nanomechanical membrane with the atoms. Mechanical oscillators in the quantum regime offer new perspectives for precision force sensing, the realization of quantum transducers, and tests of quantum mechanics in massive systems.
Single spin imaging of strongly correlated electron systems Research Project | 1 Project MembersStrongly correlated electron systems form a vibrant research field at the heart of condensed matter physics. They are of fundamental interest and highly promising for a broad range of applications from high temperature superconductivity to novel solid-state memory devices. However, despite significant efforts, full understanding of these fascinating materials remains an outstanding challenge. A central bottleneck for further progress is the lack of suitable tools to directly assess microscopic origins and manifestations of electronic correlations down to the level of single electrons. Here, I propose to apply a completely novel approach based on quantum-coherent sensing technologies to explore strongly correlated electron systems on the nanoscale and thereby promote our understanding of quantum matter to a new level. My group will engineer and apply an ultralow temperature scanning probe apparatus that uses single electrons as highly sensitive magnetometers. This approach combines nanometric imaging resolution, single electron spin sensitivity, and quantitative magnetic imaging - performance-characteristics that no existing method offers. My project focuses on the study of unexplored local magnetic phenomena, which emerge as Hallmarks of electronic correlations. Examples include spontaneous symmetry-breaking in quantum Hall states, fractional vortices in superconductors and magnetism in oxide interfaces. Our nanoscale studies of these phenomena will offer unprecedented insight into these complex states and my proposal thus has the potential to revolutionise our understanding of exotic quantum matter. This project combines key technological innovations with experiments of far-reaching scientific impact. It is highly interdisciplinary as it combines quantum-control and quantum-engineering with fundamental questions in condensed matter physics. This challenging project goes well beyond the state-of-the-art and could define the beginning of a new era in the field of quantum-sensing. I will thereby further strengthen Switzerland's position at the forefront of this vibrant research area. My project requires a several year commitment, significant investment in instrumentation and a team of two graduate students plus one postdoctoral fellow.
NCCR QSIT: Quantum Information and Communication Research Project | 3 Project MembersA central theme in Project 3 is the development of small-scale coupled quantum systems for applications in quantum information processing and quantum communication. The proposed activities range from trapped ion and Josephson-junction based quantum information processing, through hybrid systems interfacing solid-state qubits with photons, atoms or ions, to the development of new single-photon detectors.