UNIverse - Public Research Portal

[FG] Marzolini Catia

HIV pharmacology

Research Focus

Clinical Pharmacology

Area of Research

HIV pharmacology with a focus on drug interactions and pharmacokinetics in specialized populations

Approved Research Projects

  • Use of PBPK modelling to simulate bictegravir pharmacokinetics and DDIs in elderly patients living with HIV
  • Use of PBPK modelling to simulate dosing requirements of long-acting intramuscular antiretroviral drugs in special populations and to manage DDIs
  • Real-life clinical management of DDIs between antiretrovirals and various comedications in patients of the SHCS
  • Impact of non-HIV drugs on neurocognitive performance in the NAMACO patients
  • Anticholinergic drug use in elderly patients of the SHCS
  • Recognition of clinically relevant DDIs in the KIULARCO Cohort
  • Prevalence of potentially inappropriate medication use in elderly patients of the SHCS
  • Development of permeability rate limited PBPK models to simulate DDIs at the hepatic level
  • Use of PBPK modelling to simulate DDIs between antiretrovirals and commonly prescribed comedications in the aging HIV population


National Collaborations

  • Prof. L. Decosterd and Dr. F. Livio. Division of clinical pharmacology, University Hospital Lausanne
  • Prof. M. Cavassini. Division of Infectious Diseases, University Hospital Lausanne
  • Prof. M. Penny; PD Dr. M. Weisser and Dr. A. Kummerle. Swiss Tropical Institute, Basel
  • Representatives of the HIV centers participating to the SHCS
  • Prof. H. Bucher. Basel Institute for Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics, University Hospital of Basel
  • Prof. G. Moffa. Department of Mathematics, University of Basel

International Collaborations

  • Prof. D. Back; Prof. S. Khoo and Dr. M. Siccardi. Department of Molecular and Clinical Pharmacology, University of Liverpool, UK
  • Prof. B. Jakeman. Department of Pharmaceutical Practice and Administrative Sciences, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, USA

Ongoing Research Projects

  • Simulation of the pharmacokinetics in elderly patients living with HIV and management of DDIs for the novel antiretroviral drug bictegravir
  • Gender differences in the pharmacokinetics of antiretroviral drugs
  • Prevalence of DDIs in the patients of the SHCS in the era of integrase inhibitors. Unboosted integrase inhibitors are characterized by a lower potential for DDIs. This project aims at evaluating whether the use of unboosted integrase inhibitors has led to a significant reduction in the prevalence of DDIs in patients of the SHCS. Results of this analysis will be compared to a previous analysis of the SHCS conducted 10 years ago (Marzolini C et al. Antivir Ther 2010)