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[FG] Zeller Andreas

Research Group Andreas Zeller

Research Focus

Immunology & Infectious Diseases

Area of Research

Research in primary care setting, specifically on hypertension, cardiovascular primary and secondary prevention and end of life care

Approved Research Projects

"Oral corticosteroids for post-infectious cough in adults: A double-blind randomised placebo-controlled trial in Swiss family practices (OSPIC)"

Authors: Jörg Leuppi, Christoph Merlo, Stefan Essig Benjamin Speich, Lars G. Hemkens

Project number: 33IC30_185592 (P3: http://p3.snf.ch/project-185592). Start 2018, PI: Andreas Zeller

"Implementation of an integrated community-based care program for home-dwelling senior

citizens (INSPIRE)"

Swiss National Science Foundation. Start 2019, Role Zeller A: Co-investigator; PI Mike Deschodt.

"Nurse-led care models in Swiss nursing homes: improving interdisciplinary care for better

resident outcomes (INTERCARE)"

Institut für Pflegewissenschaft Universität Basel Hochschule Universität Basel - BS, Hauptdisziplin Geriatrie. Start 2017, Role Zeller A: Co-investigator; PI: Michael Simon.

"Determinants of vaccine hesitancy and under-immunization with childhood and Human

Papilloma Virus vaccines in Switzerland"

Medizinische Universitätsklinik Kantonsspital Bruderholz Hochschule Universität Basel - BS

Hauptdisziplin Infektionskrankheiten, Role Zeller A: Co-investigator; PI: Tarr Philip.

"Establishing a nationwide collection of medical routine data in primary care - expanding

the FIRE project"

Institut für Hausarztmedizin Universitäts-Spital Zürich Universität Zürich Hochschule Universität Zürich - ZH Hauptdisziplin Die Gesundheit und ihre Infrastruktur. Start 2017. Role Zeller A: Co-investigator; PI: Chmiel Corinne.

"Glucocorticoid withdrawal and glucocorticoid-induced adrenal insufficiency: a randomized

controlled multicenter trial (TOAAST)" 

Forschungseinrichtung Medizinische Universitätsklinik Kantonsspital Bruderholz, Universität Basel Hochschule Universität Basel - BS Hauptdisziplin Klinische Endokrinologie, Start 2017, Role Zeller A: Co-investigator PI: Rutishauser Jonas.

"Routine antibiotic prescription and resistance monitoring in primary care physicians: A

nationwide pragmatic randomized controlled trial"

Forschungseinrichtung Institut für klinische Epidemiologie Universitätsspital Basel Hochschule, Universität Basel - BS Hauptdisziplin Infektionskrankheiten, Role Zeller A: Co-investigator; PI: Heiner Bucher.


National Collaborations

  • Institutes of Primary Health Care in Switzerland: University of Zurich, Bern, Lausanne, Geneva, Lucerne
  • Institute of Nursing Science, University of Basel
  • Departement für Sport, Bewegung und Gesundheit (DSBG), University of Basel
  • Department of Urology, University of Basel
  • Department of General Internal Medicine, Liestal, University of Basel
  • Department of Health, Kanton of Basel-Land and Basel-City
  • Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute (SwissTPH)
  • Federal Office for Public Health, Swiss Confederation, Bern (BAG)

International Collaborations

  • Professor Alastair D Hay, Centre for Academic Primary Care, University of Bristol, United Kingdom (consultancy role of Prof. Hay), regarding the OSPIC Trail

Ongoing Research Projects

  • Quality and Outcome of Diabetes Care During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Switzerland
  • Loneliness and mental well-being in the elderly population (INSPIRE project Basel-Landschaft)
  • Development and implementation of an ADVANced Practice Nurse-led interprofessional
  • Transitional cAre model for frail GEriatric adults (AdvantAGE)
  • Colon Cancer Screening of the Canton of Basel-Stadt (Krebsliga beider Basel)
  • CAUTIon – catheter-associated urinary tract infection online survey among GPs of the Sentinella network