UNIverse - Public Research Portal

[FG] Hemkens Lars

Research Group Lars Hemkens

Research Focus: Clinical Epidemiology, Public Health & Health Systems



… works at the intersection of clinical research, evidence-based medicine, and digital health.

  • We focus on pragmatic trials providing randomized real-world evidence, facilitated by digital biomarkers and routinely collected data.
  • We apply our work across the full spectrum of clinical medicine and public health, with a focus on complex, rapidly evolving areas such as neuroscience.


… is to make evidence most useful for healthcare.

  • We investigate the nature and physiology of pragmatic evidence.
  • We analyze the processes and functions that determine pragmatism.
  • We explore novel methods and study designs that better integrate research in routine care.


… fall within four main themes:

  • Pragmatic trials and real-world evidence – designing studies to generate evidence that is most useful for patient care.
  • Evidence-based decision making – providing evidence to inform healthcare decisions and regulatory science.
  • Digital health – integrating research into routine care through innovative tools.
  • Meta-research – promoting and exploring good research practices, Open Science and how research is being conducted, reported and interpreted.

Beyond these

…. we are teaching concepts of pragmatic trials, real-world evidence, comparative effectiveness research, good research practices, evidence syntheses, and evidence-based practice.


  • We are part of the “Pragmatic Trials and Real-World Evidence” workstream, dedicated to translating innovation into research and care.
  • We leverage RC2NB’s interdisciplinary clinical, technological and methodological expertise to develop, evaluate, and apply novel approaches to pragmatic, decentralized, and remote trials using real-world data.
  • We aim to establish a learning research and care system to rapidly integrate and continually evaluate research findings in routine care.

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