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Physical Geography and Environmental Change (Kuhn)

Projects & Collaborations

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Contribution to the Swiss science exploitation of the CLose-UP Imager on the ExoMars 2022 rover mission

Research Project  | 2 Project Members

The close-up imager CLUPI is one of the instruments that will be onboard ESA's "Rosalind Franklin" rover, searching for signs of life in the framework of the joint ESA-Roscosmos "ExoMars 2022" mission. CLUPI will acquire high-resolution images essential to investigate the geology of Mars, selecting samples with a high potential to contain biomarkers. This project includes CLUPI- science validation/training activities aimed at optimizing the scientific return of the instrument during the primary mission on Mars (e.g., determining the ideal lighting conditions and positions relative to rock surfaces, developing drive paths and imaging options enabling the identification of rock types and mineralogy,...). These simulations will be mostly carried out in the "Marslabor" of the Uni Basel, a state-of-the-art Marsyard. The project will also include the development of new image analysis approaches (e.g. using software for determining size and shape of rock forming particles or rock structures such as thickness and patterns of laminae). Starting from the third year of the project, the PhD candidate will have the opportunity to participate in the primary mission and contribute to the interpretation of the images that will be acquired on Mars. Interactions with the Space Exploration Institute of Neuchâtel (headed by Dr. Jean-Luc Josset, PI of the CLUPI instrument), the Naturhistorisches Museum Bern (affiliation of the CLUPI Co-PI Prof. Beda Hofmann), plus collaborations with the international CLUPI science team are foreseen in this highly multidisciplinary project.

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Trinationale Kooperationsplattform für Nachhaltigkeitsinitiativen, Einrichtungen Sozialer Arbeit und nachhaltigkeitsorientierte Unternehmen

Research Project  | 4 Project Members

TRICOP aims to build a cooperation platform that connects sustainability initiatives, businesses and social work institutions, opening up spaces for trinational cooperation and innovation. There are numerous possibilities for networking, such as linking urban gardening with day centres for people with mental illnesses or marginalized groups such as refugees. TRICOP is conceived as a trinational study and cooperation project of the University of Basel and the EH Freiburg and is funded by the Intercantonal Coordination Office at the Regio Basiliensis (IKRB) as representative of the Swiss Confederation within the framework of the New Regional Policy and the Canton of Basel-Landschaft. This project is realized through various student project at the EH Freiburg and the University of Basel. Specifically, through different seminars and workshops students learn different skills to research and identify various cooperation potentials, using literature/internet research, interviews or focus groups. Accompanying this, concrete cooperations are initiated by contacting actors, setting impulses for trinational cooperations and, as far as possible, consolidating them within a cooperation platform. The aim of the project is that the online platform functions as a networking/communication and search platform through which potential cooperation partners can be found and networked.

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Food democracy and meta-organizations

Research Project  | 3 Project Members

The purpose of the project is to create a consortium of researchers from the Upper Rhine (UHA, UdS, Basel and Fribourg), to respond to an INTEREG and ANR project contributing to the "food and food systems" axis (environmental sciences field) and "innovation/inequality, discrimination" (human and social sciences field). A group of ten researchers from four EUCOR universities (UHA, UdS, Basel and Freiburg) are already collaborating on research about food democracy issues: how actors (citizens, social movements, institutions, urban farmers, associations, consumer activists, agricultural producers, business foundations) are mobilizing and organizing to promote an alternative agri-food model (Deverre & Lamine 2010). Meta-organizations are new meeting places in which these actors try to restore a social link, responsibility and justice between producers and consumers (i.e., fair prices for both parties, maintenance of peasant agriculture) and towards the environment (Allen, FitzSimmons, Goodman, 2003).

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ExoMars CLUPI Operation Testing

Research Project  | 4 Project Members

CLUPI (CLose Up Imager) is a camera system installed on ESA' ExoMars rover designed to acquire high-resolution, colour, close-up images of outcrops, rocks, soils, drill fines and drill core samples. The visual information obtained by CLUPI will be similar to what a geologist would get using a hand lens. The information will be used to identify rocks types and potential biosignatures in those rocks. Nikolaus Kuhn is part of the CLUPI science team. This allows the members of his Physcial Geography and Environmental Science Research Group exclusive access to the data generated by CLUPI after the landing of ExoMars on Mars in March 2021. The preparation of the use fo CLUPI during the ExoMars mission is conducted in the framework of an extensive operations testing in the Marslabor of the University of Basel. A Flight Representative Test Model (FRTM) is provided by the Science Directorate of the European Space Agency to the the CLUPI Science Team lead by Prof. Jean-Luc Josset of the Space Exploration Institute in Neuchâtel. This SRTM will be used for operation testing and mission preparation in the Marslabor of the University of Basel. The cost of CLUPI are an estimated 10 million Euro and paid by the Swiss Space Office. The SRTM provided to the Marslabor of the University of Basel costs approximately 500'000 Euro.

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Space in Time: Landscape narratives and land management changes in a Southern African cross-border region

Research Project  | 4 Project Members

The areas on both sides of the Orange River (the present border between Namibia and South Africa) constitute the historical region of Namaqualand. The bi-national region's land and patterns of resource use have experienced profound changes over the last 200 years; amongst them is the region's inclusion into the global trade systems in the 19th century, and the South African apartheid and segregation politics in the 20th century. Today, large-scale nature conservation and agriculture projects are the driving forces behind a further restructuring of the region, in which large parts of the population are poor. This project examines the history of these changes in land use and the land claims that are based on them. We aim to show how this history affected the landscape, and how the landscape has reflected these changes. We will develop and apply a multidisciplinary methodological approach that we call a "landscape archive". Such an archive should consist of representations of the landscape (e.g. written and oral descriptions) and of representations in the landscape (e.g. sediments or ruins). We aim to create a tool that provides for the complexity of the history of land uses and land claims, and that enables to scrutinize claims on land and resources presently formulated by powerful nature conservation organisations and global companies. The project brings together researchers from the fields of social sciences, humanities, and natural science, which are based in South Africa, Namibia, and Switzerland. It contributes to on-going socio-political debates regarding land uses and land rights, and to a conceptual and methodological discussion of space, archives and digital humanities.

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Mars Sedimentation Experiment Settling Tube Photometer Rack

Research Project  | 1 Project Members

The search for past life on Mars, such as planned for ESA's ExoMars mission, depends on understanding where traces of microorganisms living 3.5 billion years ago can be found today. Typical sites for deposition and preservation are sediments deposited by running water. Their movement is strongly affected gravity, requiring the re-calibration of models developed for Earth. MarsSedEx-STP aims at generating the required data on sediment movement in water on Mars, using the partial gravity during the Martian parabolas offered on board Novespace's A 310 during the 2 nd Swiss Microgravity Campaign. The instrument used for the experiment was developed with support of the Swiss Space Centre by the Physical Geography and Environmental Change research group. it consists of a set of eight settling tubes equipped wit photometers which enable the detection of settling velocities of clouds of fine sediment. Apart from applications on Mars, the technology developed for MarsSedEx-STP can be used on Earth for the rapid detection of the settling of naturally occurring sediments.

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Exchanging mobility for intensification modes of livestock production in African pastoral systems: trade-offs and challenges for pastoralists' climate change adaptive capacity

Research Project  | 2 Project Members

Rangeland systems in drylands support 200 million pastoralists globally who opportunistically make use of scarce and scattered resources by moving their livestock. Mobility is an efficient strategy to cope with increasing drought events induced by climate change. Development models nevertheless promote the intensification of pastoral systems to supply a growing global meat market and support pastoralists' livelihoods. Intensified means of livestock production are often incompatible with a mobility strategy, especially when privatised land tenures prompt pasture fragmentation and underpin long-term ecosystem service diversity losses. The improved livelihood prospects of pastoralists opting for intensification is hence potentially challenged by higher vulnerability to climate change. The proposed consortium seeks to understand pastoralists' climate change adaptive capacity in Africa's drylands under the above transformation process. With intensification, means of livestock production tend to rely on costly inputs, investments, and uncertain external markets (i.e. volatile prices, export bans due to livestock diseases). High-input and output livestock breeds are fed on costly fodder and substitute indigenous genetic livestock resources. Indigenous breeds however have substantial climate change adaptive traits since they require low maintenance, have higher reproductive rates and resistance to diseases. Livestock mobility in resource-scarce environments is critical for seed dispersal and reduces concentration of livestock, contributing to sustainable land management. Institutions and power relations are challenged due to the above transformation. Those who keep mobile modes of production are often marginalized and left with little alternative but to opt for intensification as well, since this economic environment imposes standards and cultural changes. While intensification is gaining momentum globally, subsequent climate change adaptive capacity of pastoralists remains under-studied. There is a scientific and policy knowledge gap on the physical and socio-economic impact of this transformation. Understanding trade-offs, challenges and opportunities of foregoing mobility is critical to inform policy and development actors endorsing an intensification path. This transformation process raises two research questions: 1-How does the climate change adaptive capacity of pastoralists opting for an intensified mode of production compare to those who keep a mobile mode of production? 2-How does an intensification path in African pastoral systems impact physical (land management and land degradation), and socio-economic dynamics (aversion to risk, preparedness and response to climate shocks, institutions, land tenures)? This multidisciplinary WUN consortium of researchers sharing dryland pastoral systems research interests will convene a workshop and a fieldtrip in Botswana's drylands where intensification has been occurring for 40 years. The workshop will reflect on climate change adaptive capacity experiences across African countries due to intensification and deliver a scientific review article and a policy brief. The consortium will establish long-term institutional links between the three partners by jointly drafting a research proposal to bid for a long-term grant. The expected outcome will be an improved and integrated understanding of pastoral systems transformation towards an intensified mode of livestock production, and the resulting impact on climate change adaptive capacity of pastoralists and their livelihoods. This knowledge will further future-proof policy supporting African pastoral communities.

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Building the Institutional Capacity for Assessment and Management of Soil Erosion and Reservoir Siltation Processes

Research Project  | 3 Project Members

In der Republik Moldau verursacht Bodenerosion einen hohen Sedimenteintrag in Wasserwege und Stauseen. Der Eintrag ist so hoch, dass die Stauseen schnell an Kapazität verlieren und dadurch die Wasserversorgung des Landes gefährdet ist. Um Lösungen für dieses Problem zu finden soll die Forschungs- und Managementkapazität des Instituts für Ökologie und Geographie Moldawiens (IEG) im Bereich der Erosion und Sedimentation gestärkt werden. Das IEG soll insbesondere in die Lage versetzt werden angepasste Landnutzungsstrategien auszuarbeiten und umzusetzen. Dazu werden in Zusammenarbeit mit der Uni Basel folgende Aktivitäten durchgeführt: Training für Moldawische Wissenschaftler in aktueller Theorie und Praxis zu Erosionsbekämpfung, einschliesslich Feldarbeit in von Erosion und Sedimentation betroffenen Einzugsgebieten. Einführung moldawischer Partner in Landschafts- und Wassereinzugsgebietsmanagement und Umwelt-Governancestrukturen in der Schweiz. Organisation eines Ergebnisworkshops in Moldawien mit der Präsentation der Ergebnisse des Projekts und dem Ziel, die Zusammenarbeit des IEG mit anderen nationalen Organisationen im Bereich Landnutzung und Umweltmanagement zu verbesser

Project cover

Erosion and transport behaviour of substrates on inclined slopes by raindrop impacted flow

Research Project  | 2 Project Members

Soil erosion is recognised as a major source of sediment, nutrients, and soil organic carbon that links the terrestrial eco-system with the atmosphere and ocean on a global and regional scale (Quinton et al. 2010, Kuhn 2010). The University of Basel has developed a unique rainfall erosion laboratory to study the role of raindrop impacts and flow on the mobilization and movements of these materials and chemicals that, upon reaching streams and rivers, may have appreciable impacts on water quality and the biogeochemical cycle. Peter Kinnell is recognised internationally for his work on the forms of and physics involved in rainfall erosion that dominate in these source areas (Kinnell 2011a,b; 2009a,b), whereas Nikolaus Kuhn is known for his work regarding carbon and nutrient transport by rainfall erosion (Kuhn et al. 2011; Kuhn 2010; Kuhn et al. 2009). Bringing together both aspects could create a more holistic understanding of the natural processes involved and make it possible to estimate their importance in respect to climate change, water quality, and the biogeochemical cycle on a local, regional, and global perspective. Rainfall has a certain power to cause erosion and soils have a certain capacity to resist that power. In the rain-impacted flows that are often involved in eroding surfaces rich in carbon, nutrients and pollutants, the power to cause erosion depends on raindrop size, raindrop velocity, flow depth and flow velocity. In the majority of experiments reported in the literature, the power of the rain-impacted flows and falling raindrops to cause erosion is largely unknown and, as a consequence, the results of the experiments are of very limited value (Torri et al. 1987; Kuhn 2002). Therefore the main aim of this collaboration is the Design and commencement of various pilot experiments to further increase the understand-ing of fundamental soil erosion processes, i.e. the interaction between rainfall and suface flow characteristics in shallow surface flows.