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Projects & Collaborations
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Understanding the deep groundwater system and methane origins in the Bushveld Igneous Complex using environmental noble gas tracers
Research Project  | 4 Project Members

The ICDP-funded Bushveld Drilling Project (BVDP) aims to generate a continuous vertical stratigraphic sequence of the mineral and resources-rich Bushveld Igneous Complex (BIC) in South Africa. Within this framework, a specific focus is directed towards gathering water-related data, aimed at enhancing the understanding of deep groundwater systems in relation to water and energy security. The present project complements the already ongoing and funded collaborative activities between the Hydrogeology group of UniBas, the main partner's group at University of the Free State, and the BVDP, via the addition of state-of-the-art measurements of radio-noble gases dissolved in water. The determination of the radio-noble gas isotope concentrations of 39Ar, 37Ar, 85Kr, and 81Kr, alongside the already planned analyses of classic environmental tracers [i.e., stable water isotopes (∂18O, ∂2H), atmospheric noble gas concentrations (He, Ar, Kr, Xe), and other ratio isotopes (3H,3He, and 4He)] will allow the characterization (i) of the residence times and flow dynamics of the suspected hundreds-of-thousands- to millions-of-years old deep groundwater, which in turn enables the assessment of the spatial extents and hydraulic properties of the different lithological units in the BIC, (ii) of the origins of suspected large amounts of dissolved CH4, which in turn enables assessment of the potential for using CH4 from the BIC for sustainable energy production, and (iii) enable estimating the quantity, quality, and vulnerability of groundwater and therefore the suitability for using it as a drinking water source.

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Integrated Hydrological Modelling for Operational Forecasting and Decision-making
Research Project  | 6 Project Members

80% of Switzerland's drinking water is originating from groundwater. Climate change-induced droughts and increased demand for irrigation put groundwater under considerable pressure and cause widespread concern. In 2021, two popular initiatives were launched to protect groundwater and 2 parliamentary motions concerning groundwater were accepted in 2022/23. Now, for more than 3000 wells capture zones have to be delineated until 2035, and 4000km of rivers have to be restored within the next 70 years. Groundwater modelling plays an important role in tackling these challenges. However, the robustness of the current modelling practice is undermined by the poor characterisation of the subsurface, the computational challenges to jointly simulate surface- and groundwater and by the large resulting uncertainties. Consequently, stakeholders have to deal with complex issues but cannot fully exploit the potential of modelling to help them make relevant decisions.

In this project, we are addressing these shortcomings by (1) Employing cutting-edge mass-spectrometry technology to expand the available tracer methods with non-toxic gas tracers injected into the subsurface. This will greatly expand the spatial and temporal scales of available tracer methods and open new pathways to subsurface characterisation. (2) Building on the latest generation of integrated surface-subsurface hydrological models (ISSHM). This will allow joint consideration of the surface, the subsurface, and the operational infrastructure. Through the direct simulation of tracers, the model calibration is also far more robust and unique. (3) Providing the technological and computational means for real-time data assimilation in ISSHMs. This will guarantee that the model is always close to the real system state and thus can be continuously used to support operational decision-making. We have demonstrated the technical feasibility of all of these developments in our previous work.

This BRIDGE Discover project allows us to move this fundamental research to an operational level by collaborating among the three institutions through 12 coordinated work packages. In close collaboration with the relevant stakeholders, we develop and assess the efficiency of our hydrogeological service for two pilot studies: one to increase the efficiency of irrigation for agriculture, and the second one to predict the influence of a renaturation on well capture zones.

Project cover
Slow Water
Research Project  | 3 Project Members

Mountainous countries like Switzerland are overproportionally affected by climate change, with temperature rise and increasing weather extremes such as heat waves, droughts, and torrential rainfalls already being more pronounced than elsewhere. Under these circumstances, water supply is becoming a major challenge for agriculture, be it for crop production or animal husbandry. In addition, water in mountain communities becomes increasingly scarce during summer months. This is where the Swiss Federal Office of Agriculture FOAG-funded "Slow Water" project comes in: In 3 hydrologically and geographically distinct pilot regions of Switzerland, farm-specific, catchment-related water retention strategies are developed together with municipalities and farmers in a co-creative process, and their impacts on increased water availability and decreased streamflow extremes assessed. The Slow Water project consortium consists of the Hydrogeology and the Global and Regional Land-Use Change groups of University of Basel, the regional authorities of the Cantons of Basel-Landschaft and Luzern, municipalities, farming associations and the private sector.

Project cover
Sustainable nitrogen fertilization for agricultural crops developed based on open lab and field experiments with integrated hydrological modelling in near-real-time
Research Project  | 3 Project Members

Humanity has reached a point where the capacity to live without irreversibly compromising Earth’s resources is questioned. Since the 1980s, both Earth’s population and global food production have been constantly increasing. To face the challenges of increasing food and water demand, agricultural production efficiency must be improved. Initiatives like the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) describe major challenges for clean water and food production. Accordingly, food production and access to clean water must be a priority in the context of sustainable development. To tackle these important challenges to sustainable development, the present project will build on a combination of agricultural field and integrated hydrological modelling experiments. The knowledge obtained in the field and modelling experiments will be ultimately combined to enable the creation of a prototype near-real time decision support tool for sustainable and resilient management of nitrogen fertilization.

In Poland, cereal production is a major component of the national economy. Even though fertilizer use has been restricted since 2017, in 2020 the Polish government still reported a significant trend of increasing nitrogen concentrations in water bodies. Climate change makes agricultural production even more vulnerable and challenging, pushing farmers to overfertilization. Given the fact that 30% of Polish agricultural soils consist of soils highly prone to fertilizer leaching, it comes as no surprise that excessive nutrient loadings are still widely observed. Due to its high mobility, the most applied agricultural fertilizer Nitrogen (N) is the most prone to leaching, and as a result, N (primarily in the form of nitrate) is by far the most widely observed agricultural contaminant in water bodies worldwide, including in Poland and Switzerland.

To tackle these important challenges to sustainable development, the project will build on a combination of field and modelling experiments. The Swiss project partner will focus on the integrated simulation of hydrological fluxes, crop dynamics and nitrogen-cycling. The Polish project partner will focus its research on field experiments in agricultural fields and in the university's outdoor agricultural laboratory. The knowledge obtained in the field and modelling experiments will be ultimately combined to enable the creation of a prototype near-real time decision support tool for sustainable and resilient management of nitrogen fertilization.

Project cover
Advancing the characterization of cryosphere-groundwater interactions in Alpine spaces for resilient water management: A study combining dissolved gases, water isotopes, eDNA and trace elements analyses with fully-integrated modelling
Research Project  | 6 Project Members

In this project, the dynamics and climate change-related hydrological impacts on Cryosphere-Groundwater interactions in Alpine spaces will be investigated through a combination of multi-tracer-analyses and integrated surface-subsurface hydrological modelling. The project is specifically aimed at the development of a decision support tool for the Upper Engadine region. Tracer analyses will include a combination of citizen-science supported classical hydrological measurements (i.e., hydrochemistry, water temperature, stable water isotopes), state-of-the-art tracer analyses (online dissolved gas and microbial monitoring plus noble gas radioisotope analyses) and fully coupled 3-D surface-subsurface hydrological modeling. The project arose from a collaboration with the Swiss supra community Region Maloja of in the canton Grisons, for which O. Schilling acted as an external expert in the regional water management planning effort "Wassermanagement Region Maloja 2024+". During this multi-year planning effort, which launched in November 2023 with a large stakeholder meeting and co-creation process, it became apparent that there are many unresolved questions about the interactions between glacial melt, snowmelt, rain, lakes, streams, springs, shallow groundwater and deep groundwater in the region, especially with respect to the origins of the spring water, which supports 80% of the region's drinking water. Due to the fact that the Upper Engadine valley is one of Switzerland's two inner-Alpine dry valleys and thus one of the regions most strongly affected by climate change in Switzerland, research into the cryosphere-groundwater dynamics of the region and the development of a hydrological decision support tool based on state-of-the-art models is a top priority. Moreover, the special hydrogeological setting of the Upper Engadine, which is characterized by multiple, arsenic enriched lakes, a quaternary aquifer exceptionally large for Alpine regions, many pristine freshwater springs and widespread upwelling of acidic, CO2-rich thermal groundwater all along the valley bottom, provides for a unique opportunity to develop new tracer and hydrogeological modelling methods. The research project started with the setup of a long-term continuous tracer monitoring station at Europe's oldest captured spring in St. Moritz (https://www.kempinski.com/en/grand-hotel-des-bains/alpine-spa/pools-water/the-mauritius-spring), as this spring has been known for millennia to provide a unique mix of a CO2-enriched and old deep groundwater and a shallow, younger and likely predominantly meltwater-derived groundwater component.

Project cover
Baugrundklassenkarte Basel-Landschaft
Research Project  | 3 Project Members
In Teilen des Kantons Basel-Landschaft bestehet eine Erdbebenmikrozonierung (EBMZ). Diese wurde im Rahmen des Projekts "INTERREG III Erdbebenmikrozonierung am südlichen Oberrhein" (2002-2006) und in Folgeprojekten bis 2009 federführend durch den Schweizer Erdbebendienst (SED) gemeinsam mit der Abteilung Angewandte und Umweltgeologie der Universität Basel (AUG) erstellt. Bis 2026 wird die bestehende Erdbebenmikrozonierung nun überarbeitet. Davon abgesehen wird in einem zweiten Projekt für das restliche Kantongebiet eine Baugrundklassenkarte erstellt. Sie soll gewährleisten, dass auch ausserhalb des Mikrozonierungsgebiets Grundlagen entsprechend der neuen Norm SIA 261.1 kantonsweit vorliegen. Für die Erarbeitung einer Baugrundklassenkarte verfügt die AUG über eine langjährige Erfahrung aus seit den `90 Jahren bestehenden Zusammenarbeit in Erdbebenvorsorge-Projekten mit dem SED. Bei der Erstellung der Baugrundklassenkarte kann die AUG auf Grundlagen aus der geologischen Datenbank (Geodata) und dem geologischen 3D Modell der Region Basel zurückgreifen, die von ihr erarbeitet und gepflegt werden.
Project cover
Development of a membrane inlet system for in-situ and continuous monitoring of noble and greenhouse gas fluxes in snowpacks & soils with a portable mass spectrometer system
Research Project  | 2 Project Members
A crucial element in better understanding climate change and its impact on hydrological, biogeochemical and ecosystem dynamics lies in the accurate monitoring of hydrological and biogeochemical processes. Most available analytical techniques for the measurement of (greenhouse) gases in the environment, however, are either laboratory based or based on instrumentation that is built for in-field applications in warm and temperate climates. In (sub)polar and high-altitude regions, existing analytical techniques face significant challenges related to the very cold and typically harsh weather. Currently, there is no existing system to measure the (greenhouse) gas concentrations and fluxes all the way from the subsurface, through soils, water bodies and snowpacks, to the atmosphere in very cold environments. With this SPI Technogrant, we will develop a new membrane system for continuous and automated measurements of the gas composition of interstitial air in snowpacks and soils as well as in surface waters and groundwaters in sub-arctic to arctic environments. The new system will extend a recently developed portable gas equilibrium-membrane inlet mass spectrometer (GE-MIMS), a breakthrough technology for the on-site and near real-time, continuous measurement of 4 He, 40 Ar, 84 Kr, N 2 , O 2 , CO 2 , CH 4 and H 2 in air and dissolved in water [1]. Our new extended gas monitoring system will, for the first time, enable continuous and autonomous on-site monitoring of greenhouse gas fluxes, sources and sinks in and through soils, snowpacks, surface water and groundwater in subarctic to arctic regions, thus providing a critical missing piece in the global greenhouse gas puzzle. The new system will be assembled and systematically tested at the University of Basel, and subsequently implemented in collaboration with Oulu University and the Finnish Meteorological Institute for continuous and automated in-situ monitoring of noble and greenhouse gases in snowpack, soils, groundwater, and surface water at the largest atmosphere watch site of the circumpolar region, the Pallas atmosphere-ecosystem super site [2]. References [1] Brennwald et al. (2016). A portable and autonomous mass spectrometric system for on-site environmental gas analysis. Environ. Sci. Technol., 50, 13455-12463. https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.est.6b03669 [2] Marttila et al. (2021). Subarctic catchment water storage and carbon cycling - Leading the way for future studies using integrated datasets at Pallas, Finland. Hydrol. Process., 35, e14350. https://doi.org/10.1002/hyp.14350 Coordinates of the implementation location: Pallas atmosphere-ecosystem super site, 67°59'50.2"N 24°12'33.8"E
Project cover
Characterizing managed aquifer recharge systems with state-of-the-art tritium and noble gas measurement techniques and integrated surface-subsurface hydrological modelling
Research Project  | 3 Project Members

The broad focus of this research project is the improvement of the conceptual and quantitative understanding of surface water-groundwater interactions via state-of-the-art tritium measurement techniques and integrated surface-subsurface hydrological modelling. The specific goal is the development of a dissolved gases and water stable and tritium isotopes based method for the continuous monitoring of managed aquifer recharge (MAR) systems, which are considered the most important mitigation measures against the negative impacts of climate change on water availability. The field site is Switzerland's largest managed aquifer recharge (MAR) site Hardwald in Muttenz, Basel. Continuous analysis of the spatial and temporal distribution of tritium in the river Rhine and in the groundwater wellfield is achieved with the deployment of portable mass spectrometers for dissolved gas analyses and automated sampling devices for the sampling for water for isotopic analyses. In addition, within the framework of the project a new state-of-the-art tritium enrichment line is being built within Eawag's environmental tracer laboratory. The new enrichment line is combining recent methodological developments of IAEA's isotope hydrology laboratory and of Eawag's environmental isotope tracer group. The measurement of low-level tritium concentrations will thus be made possible via an improved electrolytic enrichment method for tritium in small volume water samples, followed by low level liquid scintillation counting. The efficient measurement system for natural to ultra low level tritium concentrations, the online monitoring of dissolved gases and the integrated modelling method will provide a new toolbox for the near real-time quantification of the flow and mixing of different groundwater sources in MAR systems. The numerical modelling is based on a high resolution 3-D geological model incorporated into an integrated surface-subsurface hydrological model (ISSHM). The modelling software HydroGeoSphere, the inverse modelling software PEST++ and the data assimilation software PDAF will be used for model construction, model calibration and real time modelling.

Project cover
Resilient water management in tectonically active, intensely used watersheds - Combining online tracer & seismic monitoring with integrated hydrological modelling of climate change & water use
Research Project  | 6 Project Members
Out of all our natural resources, water underpins sustainable development by far the most, and is thus critical in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) defined by the United Nations in 2015. While water is the focus of only 1 of the 17 SDG, guaranteeing safe and sustainable drinking water resources to future societies is elementary for achieving every single SDG. Groundwater (GW) - the most elusive component of the water cycle - comprises more than 30% of the word's freshwater resources. While often overlooked or dramatically over-simplified in hydrological analyses, a robust assessment of the temporal and spatial distribution of GW quantity, quality and renewal rates was identified as a key factor in designing resilient and sustainable water resources management plans for future societies. One of the hydrologic systems most in need of improved methods for the development of integrated water management plans are tectonically active, volcanic watersheds, particularly volcanic island states, as volcanic systems represent an important and highly valuable source of clean water, owing to their typically large subsurface permeability & porosity (i.e., outstanding filtering capacity) and good water quality. The water cycle of the volcanic island nation Japan (JP) with its over 100 active volcanos, for example, is deeply linked to the volcanic activity of the Pacific Ring of Fire. The tendency of volcanic systems to form complex networks of faults, fissures, and clinkers makes Japan's watersheds some of the most complex on Earth, with groundwater-surface water (GW-SW) interactions being even more dynamic than elsewhere and GW flow paths extremely difficult to identify and characterize. To design resilient and sustainable water resources management plans of volcanic watersheds for future societies, a robust conceptual understanding and accurate quantification of GW recharge rates, flow paths, and SW-GW interactions are indispensable. However, most of the widely employed hydrological tracer and modelling methods are unsuitable for a robust assessment of GW circulation, renewal rates, and GW-SW interactions in volcanic systems, and conceptual gaps in understanding volcanic GW circulation exist. Considering the accelerated anthropogenic and climate-induced changes to our environment, international crises and increasing water use conflicts, an interdisciplinary understanding of volcanic GW systems is more important than ever before. To overcome these impediments and provide guidance for the design of resilient sustainable integrated water resources management plans for future societies, new hydrological tracer and modelling methods that can be used to detect and quantify deep GW circulation in tectonically active, volcanic watersheds must be developed. In this research project, we thus develop a framework for the integrated assessment of water resources in volcanic regions, building on technologies that only recently became accessible for watershed-scale hydrological studies: Integrated surface-subsurface hydrological modelling, high-resolution 3-D models of complex geological systems, continuous on-site monitoring of dissolved gases and microbes in water, and high resolution local/regional projections of climate change until the end of the 21 st century. The watershed of Mt. Fuji, JP, where deep GW was found to flow up along the tectonically most active fault system of JP and enrich shallow GW and springs based on the aforementioned tracers, will serve as experimental site. Continuous monitoring stations of deep and shallow GW and spring sites will be setup, combining novel gas-equilibrium membrane-inlet portable mass spectrometry and online flow cytometry technologies. The continuous tracer analyses will be complemented with a large body of additional tracer analyses and hydraulic observations, serve to detect the influence of seismicity on deep GW circulation, and be used for calibration of an integrated SW-GW flow model of Fuji watershed. Climate change and water use projections will then be used for predictive modelling with the calibrated model, and based thereon, resilient and sustainable water resources management strategies designed.
Project cover
Integrated analysis of solute and microbial transport in surface water-groundwater systems and during river restoration via state-of-the-art tracer, modelling and inversion methods
Research Project  | 3 Project Members
In this PhD project, the aim is the investigation of the transport behavior of different solutes and microbes in groundwater and surface water on a wellfield scale, with the goal to improve the quantification of river-aquifer interactions with tracers and the delineation of groundwater wellhead protection zones. To this end, recent methodological developments of three separate domains will be combined: Online microbial and solute tracer monitoring (i.e., analytics), integrated hydrological flow and transport simulations (i.e., numerical flow modelling), and fully-automated model calibration (i.e., mathematical inversion). Through the combination of these recent developments, it will finally become possible to delineate protection zones for drinking water supply wells that robustly reflect the pathways and travel times of both microbial pathogens and contaminants. The current protection zone delineation approaches for drinking water wells are exclusively based on solutes and never on microbial tracers, although it is well understood that microbes travel faster than solutes and protection zones should primarily protect against microbial contamination. An important part of the project will focus on the implementation of a modified colloid filtration theory approach for microbial transport simulations in the integrated surface-subsurface hydrological model HydroGeoSphere. The project is conducted in close collaboration with Université Laval (Prof. R. Therrien), Université de Neuchâtel (Prof. P. Brunner & Prof. D. Hunkeler) and Eawag (Prof. R. Kipfer).