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Experimental Physics (Warburton)

Projects & Collaborations

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Electro-optics of semiconductor nanostructures III

Research Project  | 5 Project Members

Quantum communication and quantum computation offer compelling advantages over their classical counterparts. Quantum communication over short distances is a reality; over long distances it is not. A fully-fledged quantum computer remains a very distant prospect but its potential to solve hard problems in chemistry and materials science make it an extremely important goal. Application of these quantum concepts with semiconductors offers a route to creating small, fast and scalable devices. However, while the materials have powerful advantages they are also complex with several inter-connected sub-systems (electronic charge, electronic spin, nuclear spins, phonons, photons). The physics of these materials, particularly with structure on the nano-scale, needs to be understood. The overriding goal of this project is to make leading contributions to the development of semiconductor-based quantum technology. There are three inter-linked strands, development of a quantum device, an investigation into some of the key physics, and an exploration of new materials.Tunable quantum dots in a tunable micro-cavityA self-assembled quantum dot has emerged as a leading contender for a source of single photons. The photons should be bright, pure and indistinguishable. Quantum dots far beneath the surface of the semiconductor emit pure and highly indistinguishable photons but the brightness is poor on account of the difficulties of extracting photons from the high-index semiconductor. High-brightness devices rely on nano-fabrication. In many cases, the nano-fabrication is both complex and invasive such that device yield is poor, and the photon purity and indistinguishable suffer. The proposal here is to solve this conundrum by embedding electrically-contacted quantum dots in a vertical micro-cavity: tunable quantum dots in a tunable micro-cavity. Nano-fabrication is bypassed: the quantum dots in the device are guaranteed to have ultra-high quality; contacting the device is trivial. The mirrors are built with known, ultra-high quality materials and techniques. Calculations show that two ideal limits can be reached, optimized photon collection and strong coupling. Remarkably, only a modest micro-cavity finesse (~1,000) is required for ultra-high photon extraction. These ideas will be implemented paying attention to all the crucial details which have hindered progress in the past. The technology will be simplified in order to create a device. An efficient spin-photon interface will be built by trapping a single spin (either electron or hole) in the quantum dot. Spin-photon entanglement protocols will be applied, and, on success, entanglement swapping operations to create high-rate spin-spin entanglements.Phononics with an embedded quantum dotThe electron-phonon interaction results in spin dephasing in a semiconductor. This is not inevitable. The phonon modes and their occupations can be controlled, a process of "phononics". Compared to "photonics", phononics has received almost no attention in the context of quantum dots. A phononic crystal will be created with a gap in the density of states in the few-GHz regime. When the electron spin Zeeman frequency lies in this gap, phonon-related spin relaxation should be suppressed. Conversely, the spin relaxation rate will be used to probe the local phonon density of states. A localized high-Q phonon mode will be created by using a phononic crystal to shield a small element from the bulk phonon modes. An embedded quantum dot will couple to the localized phonon mode. The aim is to reach the resolved sideband regime which allows the phonon number to be controlled, possibly to the phonon ground state, by optically driving the quantum dot.Quantum photonics with 2D semiconductorsThe only known way of "wiring up" self-assembled quantum dots is via photons. A "circuit" of self-assembled quantum dots does not exist largely because the quantum dots must be located deep below the surface. A tantalizing prospect is to create a quantum dot circuit with a two-dimensional semiconductor where, by its very nature, all the action takes place on or very close to the surface. Only the most rudimentary quantum dot-like elements exist in this materials class, for instance confined excitons in WSe2. The aim here is to create quantum dots in pre-defined locations with an electrical technique.

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Research Project  | 1 Project Members

This four year network (starting in January 2017) brings together an exceptionally strong team of world-leading experts in nano-science and technology from 6 European countries in order to achieve breakthroughs in understanding and successful utilization of photonic based nano-systems in emerging quantum technologies. The consortium of 8 academic and 3 industrial groups will deliver top international level multidisciplinary training to 15 early stage researchers, offering them an extended program of multinational exchanges and secondments. The training will be provided by world class research and industry institutions from Italy, UK, Germany, France, Switzerland, Netherlands. Full members of the network are the University of Milano Bicocca, Universities of Sheffield and University College of London, Technical University of Eindhoven, University of Wurzburg, National Centre for Scientific Research, University of Hamburg and Universities of Basel together with the industrial beneficiaries Toshiba Research Europe Ltd, Single Quantum and attocube systems AG. The associated partners are Ioffe Institute (Russia), National Institute of Materials Science (Japan), University of Firenze (Italy), EPSRC III-V Semiconductor Technology Facility (UK), Université d'Aix-Marseille de Provence et de Toulon (France), Kunglig Tekniska Hogskola (Sweden) and Think Ahead (UK). Network-wide training course in transferable skills will be specially developed and delivered by the Think Ahead (Sheffield), an award winning programme supporting Early Career Researchers (award by the Times Higher Education, 2014).

Project cover

A Novel Mesoscopic Cavity Device

Research Project  | 1 Project Members

The study of levitated nanoparticles recently gained tremendous interest for its potential application in high precision sensing and quantum information science. One of the eld's challenges is to increase the particle light coupling while maintaining good optical access for trapping beams. Here we propose a mesoscopic cavity device that closes a technical gap between ber-based microcavities and conventional glass substrate cavities. The device enables cutting-edge research with levitated nanoparticles and trapped ions: For the rst time, both species can be coupled to an integrated single mode, small mode volume cavity with good optical access. The mesoscopic cavity will be implemented in the Novotny group for experiments with levitated nanoparticles. We envision specic applications for quantum limited sensing and transduction. In this context we foresee a high impact of the device for other modern quantum experiments.

Project cover


Research Project  | 2 Project Members

This network brings together an exceptionally strong team of world-leading experts in nano-science and technology from 6 European countries in order to achieve breakthroughs in understanding and successful utilization of nanoscale solid-state spin systems in emerging quantum technologies. The proposed innovative science in the supra-disciplinary field of physics and applications of spin nano-systems will underpin breakthrough developments in quantum computing, quantum communications and networks, and nano-imaging. An important innovative step consolidating the joint effort of the whole consortium in the studies of spin nano-systems is the focus on crystalline solids where detrimental magnetic interactions of electron spins with lattice nuclei are negligible and wellcontrolled. We will develop electrically-controlled spin-quantum-bits (qubits) in Si-Ge quantum dots and nanowires; will optically manipulate spin impurities in diamond in applications for quantum computing and networks and in nano-magnetometry; will achieve new understanding of quantum phenomena due to the spinvalley coupling in atomically thin 2D semiconductors, an emerging class of materials with a promise for quantum technologies using a new quantum degree of freedom, the valley index. Such wide material base emphasizes the truly multidisciplinary character of this collaboration opening opportunities for crossing the boundaries between several areas of solid-state physics and technology. The consortium of 14 academic and 7 industrial groups will deliver top international level multidisciplinary training to 15 early stage researchers, offering them an extended program of multinational exchanges and secondments. Network-wide training course in transferable skills will be specially developed and delivered by the Think Ahead (Sheffield), an award winning programme supporting Early Career Researchers (award by the Times Higher Education, 2014). The new network builds on the success of FP7 ITN S3NANO (also coordinated by A Tartakovskii), which has delivered excellent training to 16 researchers as well as state-of-the-art nano-science and technology. The current proposal is designed to advance this multidisciplinary research field significantly beyond the state-of-the-art, and train a new cohort of researchers capable of developing spin-based solid-state quantum technologies towards real-life applications in the next 5 to 10 years.