Professur für Kognitive Linguistik und Spracherwerbsforschung
84 found
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Pfänder, Stefan et al. (2024) ‘Participation practices in mother-child interactions: longitudinal case studies’, European Journal of Psychology of Education, 39(3), pp. 1673–1697. Available at:
Pfänder, Stefan et al. (2024) ‘Participation practices in mother-child interactions: longitudinal case studies’, European Journal of Psychology of Education, 39(3), pp. 1673–1697. Available at:
Dreyer, Florian et al. (2024) ‘Joint responses to crying How mothers and their children comfort crying babies’, Research on Children and Social Interaction, 1(8), pp. 57–90. Available at:
Dreyer, Florian et al. (2024) ‘Joint responses to crying How mothers and their children comfort crying babies’, Research on Children and Social Interaction, 1(8), pp. 57–90. Available at:
Pfänder, Stefan et al. (2024) ‘Participation practices in mother-child interactions: longitudinal case studies’, European Journal of Psychology of Education , 39, p. pages 1673–1697. Available at:
Pfänder, Stefan et al. (2024) ‘Participation practices in mother-child interactions: longitudinal case studies’, European Journal of Psychology of Education , 39, p. pages 1673–1697. Available at:
Behrens, H. and Pfänder, S. (2022) ‘Cognitive Linguistics meets Interactional Linguistics: Language development in the arena of language use’, Yearbook of the German Cognitive Linguistics Association, 10(1), pp. 217–238. Available at:
Behrens, H. and Pfänder, S. (2022) ‘Cognitive Linguistics meets Interactional Linguistics: Language development in the arena of language use’, Yearbook of the German Cognitive Linguistics Association, 10(1), pp. 217–238. Available at:
Madlener-Charpentier, Karin and Behrens, Heike (2022) ‘Konstruktion(en) erst- und zweitsprachlichen Wissens: Lernprozesse und Steuerungsoptionen aus gebrauchsbasierter Perspektive’, in Madlener-Charpentier, Karin; Pagonis, Giulio (ed.) Aufmerksamkeitslenkung und Bewusstmachung in der Sprachvermittlung. Kognitive und didaktische Perspektiven auf Deutsch als Erst-, Zweit- und Fremdsprache. Tübingen: Narr Francke Attempto Verlag (Basler Studien zur deutschen Sprache und Literatur), pp. 31–64. Available at:
Madlener-Charpentier, Karin and Behrens, Heike (2022) ‘Konstruktion(en) erst- und zweitsprachlichen Wissens: Lernprozesse und Steuerungsoptionen aus gebrauchsbasierter Perspektive’, in Madlener-Charpentier, Karin; Pagonis, Giulio (ed.) Aufmerksamkeitslenkung und Bewusstmachung in der Sprachvermittlung. Kognitive und didaktische Perspektiven auf Deutsch als Erst-, Zweit- und Fremdsprache. Tübingen: Narr Francke Attempto Verlag (Basler Studien zur deutschen Sprache und Literatur), pp. 31–64. Available at:
Behrens, Heike (2022) ‘Die Enkodierung von Zeitkonzepten in der frühkindlichen Sprachentwicklung’, in Mesch, Birgit; Uhl, Benjamin (ed.) Tempus und Temporalität. Empirische Zugänge zum Erwerb von Zeitlichkeit. Münster: Waxmann Verlag (Didaktik der deutschen Sprache und Literatur), pp. 27–44.
Behrens, Heike (2022) ‘Die Enkodierung von Zeitkonzepten in der frühkindlichen Sprachentwicklung’, in Mesch, Birgit; Uhl, Benjamin (ed.) Tempus und Temporalität. Empirische Zugänge zum Erwerb von Zeitlichkeit. Münster: Waxmann Verlag (Didaktik der deutschen Sprache und Literatur), pp. 27–44.
Behrens, Heike and Pfänder, Stefan (2022) ‘Cognitive Linguistics meets Interactional Linguistics: Language development in the arena of language use’, in Hampe, Beate; Binanzer, Anja (ed.) Yearbook of the German Cognitive Linguistics Association. Berlin; Boston: de Gruyter (Yearbook of the German Cognitive Linguistics Association), pp. 217–238.
Behrens, Heike and Pfänder, Stefan (2022) ‘Cognitive Linguistics meets Interactional Linguistics: Language development in the arena of language use’, in Hampe, Beate; Binanzer, Anja (ed.) Yearbook of the German Cognitive Linguistics Association. Berlin; Boston: de Gruyter (Yearbook of the German Cognitive Linguistics Association), pp. 217–238.
Luginbühl, Martin, Weder, Mirjam and Behrens, Heike (2022) ‘Germanistische Sprachwissenschaft in Basel - Empirie-basierte Sprachgebrauchsanalyse’, in VSDL - Verein Schweizer Deutschlehrerinnen und Deutschlehrer (ed.) Germanistik heute. Derendingen: dt. (Fachpublikation für zeitgemässen Deutschunterricht), pp. 64–72.
Luginbühl, Martin, Weder, Mirjam and Behrens, Heike (2022) ‘Germanistische Sprachwissenschaft in Basel - Empirie-basierte Sprachgebrauchsanalyse’, in VSDL - Verein Schweizer Deutschlehrerinnen und Deutschlehrer (ed.) Germanistik heute. Derendingen: dt. (Fachpublikation für zeitgemässen Deutschunterricht), pp. 64–72.
Behrens, Heike (2021) ‘Constructivist Approaches to First Language Acquisition’, Journal of Child Language, 48(5), pp. 959–983. Available at:
Behrens, Heike (2021) ‘Constructivist Approaches to First Language Acquisition’, Journal of Child Language, 48(5), pp. 959–983. Available at:
Behrens, Heike (2020) ‘From grammatical categories to processes of categorization: The acquisition of morphosyntax from a usage-based perspective’, in Rowland, Caroline F.; Theakston, Anna L.; Ambridge, Ben; Twomey, Katherine E. (ed.) Current Perspectives on Child Language Acquisition. How children use their environment to learn. Amsterdam: Benjamins (Trends in language acquisition research), pp. 91–111. Available at:
Behrens, Heike (2020) ‘From grammatical categories to processes of categorization: The acquisition of morphosyntax from a usage-based perspective’, in Rowland, Caroline F.; Theakston, Anna L.; Ambridge, Ben; Twomey, Katherine E. (ed.) Current Perspectives on Child Language Acquisition. How children use their environment to learn. Amsterdam: Benjamins (Trends in language acquisition research), pp. 91–111. Available at:
Dankel, Philipp and Gutiérrez Maté, Miguel (2020) ‘Vuestra atención, por favor “your attention, please”. Some remarks on the usage and history of plural vuestro/a in Cusco Spanish (Peru)’, in Hummel, Martin; dos Santos Lopes, Célia Regina (ed.) Address in Portuguese and Spanish. Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter (Studies in Diachrony and Diachronic Reconstruction), pp. 317–360. Available at:
Dankel, Philipp and Gutiérrez Maté, Miguel (2020) ‘Vuestra atención, por favor “your attention, please”. Some remarks on the usage and history of plural vuestro/a in Cusco Spanish (Peru)’, in Hummel, Martin; dos Santos Lopes, Célia Regina (ed.) Address in Portuguese and Spanish. Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter (Studies in Diachrony and Diachronic Reconstruction), pp. 317–360. Available at:
Allen, S.E.M. and Behrens, H. (2019) ‘Insights into Understanding Human Language from Children’s Acquisition of Morphology and Syntax: A Historical and Current Perspective on Central Questions in the Field’. The MIT Press, pp. 127–146. Available at:
Allen, S.E.M. and Behrens, H. (2019) ‘Insights into Understanding Human Language from Children’s Acquisition of Morphology and Syntax: A Historical and Current Perspective on Central Questions in the Field’. The MIT Press, pp. 127–146. Available at:
Dankel, Philipp and Satti, Ignacio (2019) ‘Multimodale Listen. Form und Funktion von Aufzählungen in französischen, spanischen und italienischen Interaktionen’, Romanistisches Jahrbuch, 70(1), pp. 58–104. Available at:
Dankel, Philipp and Satti, Ignacio (2019) ‘Multimodale Listen. Form und Funktion von Aufzählungen in französischen, spanischen und italienischen Interaktionen’, Romanistisches Jahrbuch, 70(1), pp. 58–104. Available at:
Allen, Shanley E. M. and Behrens, Heike (2019) ‘Insights into understanding human language from children’s acquisition of morphology and syntax: a historical and current perspective on central questions in the field’, in Hagoort, Peter (ed.) Human Language: From Genes and Brains to Behavior. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press (Human Language: From Genes and Brains to Behavior), pp. 127–145.
Allen, Shanley E. M. and Behrens, Heike (2019) ‘Insights into understanding human language from children’s acquisition of morphology and syntax: a historical and current perspective on central questions in the field’, in Hagoort, Peter (ed.) Human Language: From Genes and Brains to Behavior. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press (Human Language: From Genes and Brains to Behavior), pp. 127–145.
Dankel, Philipp and Soto Rodríguez, Mario (2018) ‘Patrones prosódicos en construcciones enumerativas - una visión desde la perspectiva del contacto Español - Quechua’, Revista Internacional de Lingüística Iberoamericana, 32(2), pp. 35–51.
Dankel, Philipp and Soto Rodríguez, Mario (2018) ‘Patrones prosódicos en construcciones enumerativas - una visión desde la perspectiva del contacto Español - Quechua’, Revista Internacional de Lingüística Iberoamericana, 32(2), pp. 35–51.
Behrens, Heike (2017) ‘The role of analogy in language acquisition’, in Hundt, Marianne; Mollin, Sandra; Pfenniger, Simone (ed.) The changing English Language: Psycholinguistic Perspectives. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press (Studies in English Language), pp. 215–239. Available at:
Behrens, Heike (2017) ‘The role of analogy in language acquisition’, in Hundt, Marianne; Mollin, Sandra; Pfenniger, Simone (ed.) The changing English Language: Psycholinguistic Perspectives. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press (Studies in English Language), pp. 215–239. Available at:
Dankel, Philipp (2017) ‘El desarrollo del evidencial dizque en las variedades del español andino en contacto con el quechua - Experiencia local y potencialidades estructurales’, in Speranza, Adriana (ed.) Cuestiones de Sociolingüística. Aproximaciones a la lengua en uso. Buenos Aires: UNM Editora (Biblioteca de comunicación), pp. 19–50.
Dankel, Philipp (2017) ‘El desarrollo del evidencial dizque en las variedades del español andino en contacto con el quechua - Experiencia local y potencialidades estructurales’, in Speranza, Adriana (ed.) Cuestiones de Sociolingüística. Aproximaciones a la lengua en uso. Buenos Aires: UNM Editora (Biblioteca de comunicación), pp. 19–50.
Behrens, Heike and Pfänder, Stefan (2016) Experience Counts : Frequency Effects in Language, Linguae & litterae. Berlin: De Gruyter (Linguae & litterae). Available at:
Behrens, Heike and Pfänder, Stefan (2016) Experience Counts : Frequency Effects in Language, Linguae & litterae. Berlin: De Gruyter (Linguae & litterae). Available at:
Flubacher, Mi-Cha, Diederich, Catherine and Dankel, Philipp (2016) Neue Perspektiven in der empirischen Linguistik: Arbeiten von jungen Forschenden in der Schweiz, Bulletin suisse de linguistique appliquée. Neuchâtel: Centre de linguistique appliquée (Bulletin suisse de linguistique appliquée).
Flubacher, Mi-Cha, Diederich, Catherine and Dankel, Philipp (2016) Neue Perspektiven in der empirischen Linguistik: Arbeiten von jungen Forschenden in der Schweiz, Bulletin suisse de linguistique appliquée. Neuchâtel: Centre de linguistique appliquée (Bulletin suisse de linguistique appliquée).
Flubacher, Mi-Cha, Diederich, Catherine and Dankel, Philipp (2016) ‘Einführung’, in Flubacher, Mi-Cha; Diederich, Catherine; Dankel, Philipp (ed.) Neue Perspektiven in der empirischen Linguistik. Arbeiten von jungen Forschenden in der Schweiz. Neuchâtel: Centre de linguistique appliquée (Bulletin Vals Asla), pp. 1–7.
Flubacher, Mi-Cha, Diederich, Catherine and Dankel, Philipp (2016) ‘Einführung’, in Flubacher, Mi-Cha; Diederich, Catherine; Dankel, Philipp (ed.) Neue Perspektiven in der empirischen Linguistik. Arbeiten von jungen Forschenden in der Schweiz. Neuchâtel: Centre de linguistique appliquée (Bulletin Vals Asla), pp. 1–7.
Pfänder, Stefan and Behrens, Heike (2016) ‘Experience counts. An introduction to frequency effects in language.’, in Behrens, Heike; Stefan , Pfänder (ed.) Experience Counts: Frequency Effects in Language. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter (linguae & litterae), pp. 1–20. Available at:
Pfänder, Stefan and Behrens, Heike (2016) ‘Experience counts. An introduction to frequency effects in language.’, in Behrens, Heike; Stefan , Pfänder (ed.) Experience Counts: Frequency Effects in Language. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter (linguae & litterae), pp. 1–20. Available at:
Behrens, H. (2015) ‘Introduction (Journal of Child Language (2014) 41:SI (i-iv) 10.1017/S0305000914000385)’, Journal of Child Language, 42(1). Available at:
Behrens, H. (2015) ‘Introduction (Journal of Child Language (2014) 41:SI (i-iv) 10.1017/S0305000914000385)’, Journal of Child Language, 42(1). Available at:
Dankel, Philipp (2015) Strategien unter der Oberfläche. Die Emergenz von Evidentialität im Sprachkontakt Spanisch - Quechua, Freiburger Romanistische Arbeiten. Freiburg, Berlin, Wien: Rombach (Freiburger Romanistische Arbeiten, 10).
Dankel, Philipp (2015) Strategien unter der Oberfläche. Die Emergenz von Evidentialität im Sprachkontakt Spanisch - Quechua, Freiburger Romanistische Arbeiten. Freiburg, Berlin, Wien: Rombach (Freiburger Romanistische Arbeiten, 10).
Diederich, Catherine (2015) Sensory adjectives in the discourse of food : a frame-semantic approach to language and perception, Converging evidence in language and communication research. Amsterdam : Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing Company (Converging evidence in language and communication research). Available at:
Diederich, Catherine (2015) Sensory adjectives in the discourse of food : a frame-semantic approach to language and perception, Converging evidence in language and communication research. Amsterdam : Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing Company (Converging evidence in language and communication research). Available at:
Perek, Florent and Goldberg, Adele (2015) ‘Generalizing beyond the input: the functions of the constructions matter’, Journal of Memory and Language, 84, pp. 108–127. Available at:
Perek, Florent and Goldberg, Adele (2015) ‘Generalizing beyond the input: the functions of the constructions matter’, Journal of Memory and Language, 84, pp. 108–127. Available at:
Schmidlin, Regula, Behrens, Heike and Bickel, Hans (2015) Sprachgebrauch und Sprachbewusstsein : Implikationen für die Sprachtheorie. Berlin: De Gruyter. Available at:
Schmidlin, Regula, Behrens, Heike and Bickel, Hans (2015) Sprachgebrauch und Sprachbewusstsein : Implikationen für die Sprachtheorie. Berlin: De Gruyter. Available at:
Behrens, Heike (2015) ‘Sprachgebrauch und Sprachbewusstsein: Implikationen der empirischen Linguistik für die Sprachtheorie’, in Schmidlin, Regula; Behrens, Heike; Bickel, Hans (ed.) Sprachgebrauch und Sprachbewusstsein: Implikationen für die Sprachtheorie. Berlin: De Gruyter (Sprachgebrauch und Sprachbewusstsein: Implikationen für die Sprachtheorie), pp. 1–15. Available at:
Behrens, Heike (2015) ‘Sprachgebrauch und Sprachbewusstsein: Implikationen der empirischen Linguistik für die Sprachtheorie’, in Schmidlin, Regula; Behrens, Heike; Bickel, Hans (ed.) Sprachgebrauch und Sprachbewusstsein: Implikationen für die Sprachtheorie. Berlin: De Gruyter (Sprachgebrauch und Sprachbewusstsein: Implikationen für die Sprachtheorie), pp. 1–15. Available at:
Behrens, Heike (2015) ‘The acquisition of grammatical categories’, in Bavin, Edith L.; Naigles, Letitia R. (ed.) The Cambridge Handbook of Child Language. 2 edn. Cambrigde: Cambridge University Press (Cambridge Handbooks in Linguistics), pp. 250–270. Available at:
Behrens, Heike (2015) ‘The acquisition of grammatical categories’, in Bavin, Edith L.; Naigles, Letitia R. (ed.) The Cambridge Handbook of Child Language. 2 edn. Cambrigde: Cambridge University Press (Cambridge Handbooks in Linguistics), pp. 250–270. Available at:
Behrens, Heike (2014) Reflections : 40 Years of JCL, Journal of Child Language. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press (Journal of Child Language, Supplement 1). Available at:
Behrens, Heike (2014) Reflections : 40 Years of JCL, Journal of Child Language. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press (Journal of Child Language, Supplement 1). Available at:
Behrens, Heike (2014) ‘Introduction’, Journal of Child Language, 41(SupplementS1), pp. i–iv. Available at:
Behrens, Heike (2014) ‘Introduction’, Journal of Child Language, 41(SupplementS1), pp. i–iv. Available at:
Behrens, H. (2014) ‘Editoral’, Journal of Child Language, 41(1). Available at:
Behrens, H. (2014) ‘Editoral’, Journal of Child Language, 41(1). Available at:
Berkefeld, Henrike and Behrens, Heike (2014) ‘Fragen Sie nur: Der Kontext hilft beim Verstehen’, Badische Zeitung, 1 January. Available at:
Berkefeld, Henrike and Behrens, Heike (2014) ‘Fragen Sie nur: Der Kontext hilft beim Verstehen’, Badische Zeitung, 1 January. Available at:
Perek, Florent (2014) ‘Vector spaces for historical linguistics : using distributional semantics to study syntactic productivity in diachrony’. Association for Computational Linguistics: Association for Computational Linguistics. Available at:
Perek, Florent (2014) ‘Vector spaces for historical linguistics : using distributional semantics to study syntactic productivity in diachrony’. Association for Computational Linguistics: Association for Computational Linguistics. Available at:
Perek, Florent and Hilpert, Martin (2014) ‘Constructional tolerance : cross-linguistic differences in the acceptability of non-conventional uses of constructions’, Constructions and frames, 6(2), pp. 266–304. Available at:
Perek, Florent and Hilpert, Martin (2014) ‘Constructional tolerance : cross-linguistic differences in the acceptability of non-conventional uses of constructions’, Constructions and frames, 6(2), pp. 266–304. Available at:
Perek, Florent (2014) ‘Rethinking constructional polysemy : the case of the English conative construction’, in Glynn, Dylan; Robinson, Justyna (ed.) Corpus methods for semantics : quantitative studies in polysemy and synonymy. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company (Human cognitive processing), p. S. 61–85. Available at:
Perek, Florent (2014) ‘Rethinking constructional polysemy : the case of the English conative construction’, in Glynn, Dylan; Robinson, Justyna (ed.) Corpus methods for semantics : quantitative studies in polysemy and synonymy. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company (Human cognitive processing), p. S. 61–85. Available at:
Behrens, H. (2013) ‘Editorial’, Journal of Child Language, 40(1). Available at:
Behrens, H. (2013) ‘Editorial’, Journal of Child Language, 40(1). Available at:
Pfänder, Stefan et al. (2013) ‘Erfahrung zählt. Frequenzeffekte in der Sprache - ein Werkstattbericht = (Frequency as a Determinant in Usage-Based Models of Language Change, Language Processing and Language Acquisition)’, Zeitschrift für Literaturwissenschaft und Linguistik, 43(169), pp. 7–32. Available at:
Pfänder, Stefan et al. (2013) ‘Erfahrung zählt. Frequenzeffekte in der Sprache - ein Werkstattbericht = (Frequency as a Determinant in Usage-Based Models of Language Change, Language Processing and Language Acquisition)’, Zeitschrift für Literaturwissenschaft und Linguistik, 43(169), pp. 7–32. Available at:
Behrens, Heike and Pfänder, Stefan (2013) ‘Die Entstehung von Sprache’, in Peter Auer (ed.) Sprachwissenschaft : Grammatik - Interaktion - Kognition. Stuttgart: Metzler (Sprachwissenschaft : Grammatik - Interaktion - Kognition), p. S. 319–346.
Behrens, Heike and Pfänder, Stefan (2013) ‘Die Entstehung von Sprache’, in Peter Auer (ed.) Sprachwissenschaft : Grammatik - Interaktion - Kognition. Stuttgart: Metzler (Sprachwissenschaft : Grammatik - Interaktion - Kognition), p. S. 319–346.
Behrens, H. and Pfänder, S. (2013) ‘Die Entstehung von Sprache’. Stuttgart: J.B. Metzler, pp. 319–346. Available at:
Behrens, H. and Pfänder, S. (2013) ‘Die Entstehung von Sprache’. Stuttgart: J.B. Metzler, pp. 319–346. Available at:
Lieven, E. and Behrens, H. (2012) ‘Dense Sampling’. Wiley-Blackwell, pp. 226–239. Available at:
Lieven, E. and Behrens, H. (2012) ‘Dense Sampling’. Wiley-Blackwell, pp. 226–239. Available at:
Behrens, H. (2012) ‘Editorial’, Journal of Child Language, 39(1). Available at:
Behrens, H. (2012) ‘Editorial’, Journal of Child Language, 39(1). Available at:
Brandt, Silke, Nitschke, Sanjo and Kidd, evan (2012) ‘Experience and processing of relative clauses in German’, Proceedings of the Boston University Conference on Language Development, pp. 87–100.
Brandt, Silke, Nitschke, Sanjo and Kidd, evan (2012) ‘Experience and processing of relative clauses in German’, Proceedings of the Boston University Conference on Language Development, pp. 87–100.
Dankel, Philipp (2012) Rosa Alcira Cuenca Quirós - Más que una heroína, NIHIN : new ideas in human interaction : stories. Freiburg, Basel: Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg, Universitätsbibliothek (NIHIN : new ideas in human interaction : stories).
Dankel, Philipp (2012) Rosa Alcira Cuenca Quirós - Más que una heroína, NIHIN : new ideas in human interaction : stories. Freiburg, Basel: Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg, Universitätsbibliothek (NIHIN : new ideas in human interaction : stories).
Dankel, Philipp et al. (2012) Neue Romania 41 - El español de los Andes: estrategias cognitivas en interacciones situadas, Neue Romania. München: Lincom (Neue Romania, 41).
Dankel, Philipp et al. (2012) Neue Romania 41 - El español de los Andes: estrategias cognitivas en interacciones situadas, Neue Romania. München: Lincom (Neue Romania, 41).
Perek, Florent (2012) ‘Alternation-based generalizations are stored in the mental grammar: Evidence from a sorting task experiment’, Cognitive linguistics, 23(3), pp. 601–635. Available at:
Perek, Florent (2012) ‘Alternation-based generalizations are stored in the mental grammar: Evidence from a sorting task experiment’, Cognitive linguistics, 23(3), pp. 601–635. Available at:
Perek, Florent (2012) Verbs, Constructions, Alternations: Usage-based perspectives on argument realization. Dissertation.
Perek, Florent (2012) Verbs, Constructions, Alternations: Usage-based perspectives on argument realization. Dissertation.
Behrens, Heike (2012) ‘Corpus analysis of child language’, in Chapelle, Carol A. (ed.) The encyclopedia of applied linguistics. Malden: Wiley-Blackwell (The encyclopedia of applied linguistics), p. S. 1214–1222. Available at:
Behrens, Heike (2012) ‘Corpus analysis of child language’, in Chapelle, Carol A. (ed.) The encyclopedia of applied linguistics. Malden: Wiley-Blackwell (The encyclopedia of applied linguistics), p. S. 1214–1222. Available at:
Dankel, Philipp et al. (2012) ‘El español de los Andes: estrategias cognitivas en interacciones situadas’, in Dankel, Philipp; Fernández Mallat, Víctor; Godenzzi, Juan Carlos; Pfänder, Stefan (ed.) El español de los Andes: estrategias cognitivas en interacciones situadas. München: Lincom (Neue Romania), pp. 1–4.
Dankel, Philipp et al. (2012) ‘El español de los Andes: estrategias cognitivas en interacciones situadas’, in Dankel, Philipp; Fernández Mallat, Víctor; Godenzzi, Juan Carlos; Pfänder, Stefan (ed.) El español de los Andes: estrategias cognitivas en interacciones situadas. München: Lincom (Neue Romania), pp. 1–4.
Dankel, Philipp and Soto Rodríguez, Mario (2012) ‘Convergencias en el área andina: la testimonialidad y la marcación de la evidencialidad en el español andino y en el quechua’, in Dankel, Philipp; Fernández Mallat, Víctor; Godenzzi, Juan Carlos; Pfänder, Stefan (ed.) Neue Romania 41 - El español de los Andes: estrategias cognitivas en interacciones situadas. München: Lincom (Neue Romania 41 - El español de los Andes: estrategias cognitivas en interacciones situadas), pp. 89–120. Available at:
Dankel, Philipp and Soto Rodríguez, Mario (2012) ‘Convergencias en el área andina: la testimonialidad y la marcación de la evidencialidad en el español andino y en el quechua’, in Dankel, Philipp; Fernández Mallat, Víctor; Godenzzi, Juan Carlos; Pfänder, Stefan (ed.) Neue Romania 41 - El español de los Andes: estrategias cognitivas en interacciones situadas. München: Lincom (Neue Romania 41 - El español de los Andes: estrategias cognitivas en interacciones situadas), pp. 89–120. Available at:
Lieven, Elena and Behrens, Heike (2012) ‘Dense sampling’, in Erika Hoff (ed.) Research methods in child language : a practical guide. Malden: Wiley-Blackwell (Guides to research methods in language and linguistics), p. S. 226–239.
Lieven, Elena and Behrens, Heike (2012) ‘Dense sampling’, in Erika Hoff (ed.) Research methods in child language : a practical guide. Malden: Wiley-Blackwell (Guides to research methods in language and linguistics), p. S. 226–239.
Brandt, Silke et al. (2011) ‘German children’s productivity with simple transitive and complement-clause constructions : testing the effects of frequency and diversity’, Cognitive Linguistics, 22(2), pp. 325–357. Available at:
Brandt, Silke et al. (2011) ‘German children’s productivity with simple transitive and complement-clause constructions : testing the effects of frequency and diversity’, Cognitive Linguistics, 22(2), pp. 325–357. Available at:
Lieven, Elena and Brandt, Silke (2011) ‘The constructivist approach’, Infancia y Aprendizaje, 34(3), pp. 281–296. Available at:
Lieven, Elena and Brandt, Silke (2011) ‘The constructivist approach’, Infancia y Aprendizaje, 34(3), pp. 281–296. Available at:
Behrens, Heike (2011) ‘Grammatik und Lexikon im Spracherwerb : Konstruktionsprozesse’, in Engelberg, Stefan; Holler, Anke; Proost, Kristel (ed.) Sprachliches Wissen zwischen Lexikon und Grammatik. Berlin: de Gruyter (Jahrbuch / Institut für deutsche Sprache), p. S. 375–396. Available at:
Behrens, Heike (2011) ‘Grammatik und Lexikon im Spracherwerb : Konstruktionsprozesse’, in Engelberg, Stefan; Holler, Anke; Proost, Kristel (ed.) Sprachliches Wissen zwischen Lexikon und Grammatik. Berlin: de Gruyter (Jahrbuch / Institut für deutsche Sprache), p. S. 375–396. Available at:
Behrens, Heike (2011) ‘Erstspracherwerb’, in Die Matrix der menschlichen Entwicklung. Berlin: De Gruyter (Linguistik - Impulse und Tendenzen), pp. 252–273. Available at:
Behrens, Heike (2011) ‘Erstspracherwerb’, in Die Matrix der menschlichen Entwicklung. Berlin: De Gruyter (Linguistik - Impulse und Tendenzen), pp. 252–273. Available at:
Behrens, Heike (2011) ‘Sprache’, in Gerhard Lauer; Christine Ruhrberg (ed.) Lexikon Literaturwissenschaft : hundert Grundbegriffe. Stuttgart: Reclam (Lexikon Literaturwissenschaft : hundert Grundbegriffe), p. S. 304–308.
Behrens, Heike (2011) ‘Sprache’, in Gerhard Lauer; Christine Ruhrberg (ed.) Lexikon Literaturwissenschaft : hundert Grundbegriffe. Stuttgart: Reclam (Lexikon Literaturwissenschaft : hundert Grundbegriffe), p. S. 304–308.
Behrens, Heike (2011) ‘Cues to form and function in the acquisition of german number and case inflection’, in Eve V. Clark; Inbal Arnon (ed.) Experience, variation and generalization : learning a first language. Amsterdam: John Benjamins (Trends in language acquisition research), p. S. 35–51. Available at:
Behrens, Heike (2011) ‘Cues to form and function in the acquisition of german number and case inflection’, in Eve V. Clark; Inbal Arnon (ed.) Experience, variation and generalization : learning a first language. Amsterdam: John Benjamins (Trends in language acquisition research), p. S. 35–51. Available at:
Behrens, Heike (2011) ‘Die Konstruktion von Sprache im Spracherwerb’, in Alexander Lasch; Alexander Ziem (ed.) Konstruktionsgrammatik. Tübingen: Stauffenburg (Stauffenburg-Linguistik), p. S. 165–179.
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