Professur für Französische und Allgemeine Linguistik
480 found
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Mondada, L. (2025) ‘Transcription’, in The Routledge International Handbook of Ethnomethodology. 1 edn. London: Routledge (The Routledge International Handbook of Ethnomethodology), pp. 248–258. Available at:
Mondada, L. (2025) ‘Transcription’, in The Routledge International Handbook of Ethnomethodology. 1 edn. London: Routledge (The Routledge International Handbook of Ethnomethodology), pp. 248–258. Available at:
Mondada, L. (2025) ‘Maximizing participation while preserving the normative order of the service: The autonomy and porosity of service encounters’, Discourse Studies [Preprint]. Available at:
Mondada, L. (2025) ‘Maximizing participation while preserving the normative order of the service: The autonomy and porosity of service encounters’, Discourse Studies [Preprint]. Available at:
Hänggi, P. and Mondada, L. (2025) ‘“What is this?”: Multisensorial explorations of food with and without sight’, Appetite, 205. Available at:
Hänggi, P. and Mondada, L. (2025) ‘“What is this?”: Multisensorial explorations of food with and without sight’, Appetite, 205. Available at:
De Stefani, E. and Mondada, L. (2024) ‘Revisiting talk in space’, in Handbook of Pragmatics. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company (Handbook of Pragmatics), pp. 215–241. Available at:
De Stefani, E. and Mondada, L. (2024) ‘Revisiting talk in space’, in Handbook of Pragmatics. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company (Handbook of Pragmatics), pp. 215–241. Available at:
Küttner, U.-A. et al. (2024) ‘Introducing the “Parallel European Corpus of Informal Interaction” (PECII)’, in A novel resource for exploring cross-situational and cross-linguistic variability in social interaction. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company (A novel resource for exploring cross-situational and cross-linguistic variability in social interaction), pp. 132–160. Available at:
Küttner, U.-A. et al. (2024) ‘Introducing the “Parallel European Corpus of Informal Interaction” (PECII)’, in A novel resource for exploring cross-situational and cross-linguistic variability in social interaction. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company (A novel resource for exploring cross-situational and cross-linguistic variability in social interaction), pp. 132–160. Available at:
Mondada, L. (2024) ‘Requesting in shop encounters’, in Multimodal gestalts and their interactional and institutional accountability. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company (Multimodal gestalts and their interactional and institutional accountability), pp. 278–309. Available at:
Mondada, L. (2024) ‘Requesting in shop encounters’, in Multimodal gestalts and their interactional and institutional accountability. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company (Multimodal gestalts and their interactional and institutional accountability), pp. 278–309. Available at:
Mondada, L. (2024) ‘The semantics of taste in interaction’, Interactional Linguistics [Preprint]. Available at:
Mondada, L. (2024) ‘The semantics of taste in interaction’, Interactional Linguistics [Preprint]. Available at:
Lorenza Mondada, Burak S. Tekin and David Monteiro (2024) ‘Instructing Hugs for the Photograph: The Local Achievement of Haptic Compositions and Their Public Visibility’, Discourse Processes. 12.01.2024, 61(3), pp. 117–141. Available at:
Lorenza Mondada, Burak S. Tekin and David Monteiro (2024) ‘Instructing Hugs for the Photograph: The Local Achievement of Haptic Compositions and Their Public Visibility’, Discourse Processes. 12.01.2024, 61(3), pp. 117–141. Available at:
Mondada, L. and Miranda da Cruz, F. (2024) ‘Requesting a Colleague’s Independent Opinion at Work’, Research on Language and Social Interaction, 57(4), pp. 372–398. Available at:
Mondada, L. and Miranda da Cruz, F. (2024) ‘Requesting a Colleague’s Independent Opinion at Work’, Research on Language and Social Interaction, 57(4), pp. 372–398. Available at:
Mondada, L. and Tekin, B.S. (2024) ‘The intelligibility of mobile trajectories: walking in public space’, Mobilities, 19(6), pp. 1076–1098. Available at:
Mondada, L. and Tekin, B.S. (2024) ‘The intelligibility of mobile trajectories: walking in public space’, Mobilities, 19(6), pp. 1076–1098. Available at:
Mondada, L. (2023) ‘The normative order of sensing: enacting the tasting sheet in tasting training sessions’, Text & Talk, 0(0). Available at:
Mondada, L. (2023) ‘The normative order of sensing: enacting the tasting sheet in tasting training sessions’, Text & Talk, 0(0). Available at:
Mondada, L. (2023) ‘Between sensorial pleasure and economic reason: Accepting or rejecting sellers” offers to taste at the market’. Taylor and Francis, pp. 40–84. Available at:
Mondada, L. (2023) ‘Between sensorial pleasure and economic reason: Accepting or rejecting sellers” offers to taste at the market’. Taylor and Francis, pp. 40–84. Available at:
Mondada, L. (2023) ‘Chapter 11. From the sensing body to language, and back’, in Tasting and expressing taste. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company (Tasting and expressing taste), pp. 250–280. Available at:
Mondada, L. (2023) ‘Chapter 11. From the sensing body to language, and back’, in Tasting and expressing taste. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company (Tasting and expressing taste), pp. 250–280. Available at:
Lee, Y. and Mlynář, J. (2023) ‘“For Example” Formulations and the Interactional Work of Exemplification’, Human Studies, 46(3), pp. 607–633. Available at:
Lee, Y. and Mlynář, J. (2023) ‘“For Example” Formulations and the Interactional Work of Exemplification’, Human Studies, 46(3), pp. 607–633. Available at:
Lefebvre, A. and Mondada, L. (2023) ‘Interactional Contingencies in Rehearsing a Theater Scene: The Consequentiality of Body Arrangements as Action Unfolds’, Human Studies, 46(2), pp. 303–335. Available at:
Lefebvre, A. and Mondada, L. (2023) ‘Interactional Contingencies in Rehearsing a Theater Scene: The Consequentiality of Body Arrangements as Action Unfolds’, Human Studies, 46(2), pp. 303–335. Available at:
Merlino, Sara, Mondada, Lorenza and Söderström, O (2023) ‘Walking through the city soundscape: an audio-visual analysis of sensory experience for people with psychosis’, Visual Communication, 22(1), pp. 71–95. Available at:
Merlino, Sara, Mondada, Lorenza and Söderström, O (2023) ‘Walking through the city soundscape: an audio-visual analysis of sensory experience for people with psychosis’, Visual Communication, 22(1), pp. 71–95. Available at:
Mondada, L. (2023) ‘Mobile body arrangements in public space: Revisiting “withs” as local accomplishments’. Taylor and Francis, pp. 241–275. Available at:
Mondada, L. (2023) ‘Mobile body arrangements in public space: Revisiting “withs” as local accomplishments’. Taylor and Francis, pp. 241–275. Available at:
Mondada, L. (2023) ‘Demonstrating and guiding how to smell in tasting sessions: .nhHHHhh and the audible-visible production of sensorial intersubjectivity’, Language and Communication, 88, pp. 111–128. Available at:
Mondada, L. (2023) ‘Demonstrating and guiding how to smell in tasting sessions: .nhHHHhh and the audible-visible production of sensorial intersubjectivity’, Language and Communication, 88, pp. 111–128. Available at:
Mondada, L. (2023) ‘Tasting vs. Eating: The Methodic and Situated Differentiation of Embodied Multisensorial Activities in Social Interaction’. Cham: Springer Nature, pp. 29–64. Available at:
Mondada, L. (2023) ‘Tasting vs. Eating: The Methodic and Situated Differentiation of Embodied Multisensorial Activities in Social Interaction’. Cham: Springer Nature, pp. 29–64. Available at:
Mondada, L. (2023) ‘The limits of vision’. Taylor and Francis, pp. 199–226. Available at:
Mondada, L. (2023) ‘The limits of vision’. Taylor and Francis, pp. 199–226. Available at:
Mondada, L. (2023) ‘Asking questions in the operating room’. Taylor and Francis, pp. 102–129. Available at:
Mondada, L. (2023) ‘Asking questions in the operating room’. Taylor and Francis, pp. 102–129. Available at:
Mondada, L. and Peräkylä, A. (2023) ‘Body, participation, self: New perspectives on Goffman and social interaction’. Taylor and Francis, pp. 1–26. Available at:
Mondada, L. and Peräkylä, A. (2023) ‘Body, participation, self: New perspectives on Goffman and social interaction’. Taylor and Francis, pp. 1–26. Available at:
Mondada, L. and Peräkylä, A. (2023) New Perspectives on Goffman in Language and Interaction: Body, Participation and the Self. Taylor and Francis. Available at:
Mondada, L. and Peräkylä, A. (2023) New Perspectives on Goffman in Language and Interaction: Body, Participation and the Self. Taylor and Francis. Available at:
Mondada, L. and Tekin, B.S. (2023) ‘Joining the Queue as a Newcomer: The Instructably Visible Order of Queuing’. Taylor and Francis, pp. 73–99. Available at:
Mondada, L. and Tekin, B.S. (2023) ‘Joining the Queue as a Newcomer: The Instructably Visible Order of Queuing’. Taylor and Francis, pp. 73–99. Available at:
D’Antoni, F. et al. (2022) ‘Encounters in public places: The establishment of interactional space in face-to-face openings’. De Gruyter, pp. 281–315. Available at:
D’Antoni, F. et al. (2022) ‘Encounters in public places: The establishment of interactional space in face-to-face openings’. De Gruyter, pp. 281–315. Available at:
Mondada, Lorenza and Meguerditchian, A. (2022) ‘Sequence organization and embodied mutual orientations: openings of social interactions between baboons’, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 377(1859), p. 20210101. Available at:
Mondada, Lorenza and Meguerditchian, A. (2022) ‘Sequence organization and embodied mutual orientations: openings of social interactions between baboons’, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 377(1859), p. 20210101. Available at:
Hoey, Elliott and Raymond, Chase Wesley (2022) ‘Managing conversation analysis data’, in Berez-Kroeker, Andrea; McDonnell, Bradley; Koller, Eve (ed.) The Open Handbook of Linguistic Data Management. Cambridge: The MIT Press (The Open Handbook of Linguistic Data Management), pp. 257–266. Available at:
Hoey, Elliott and Raymond, Chase Wesley (2022) ‘Managing conversation analysis data’, in Berez-Kroeker, Andrea; McDonnell, Bradley; Koller, Eve (ed.) The Open Handbook of Linguistic Data Management. Cambridge: The MIT Press (The Open Handbook of Linguistic Data Management), pp. 257–266. Available at:
Mondada, Lorenza (2022) ‘Adjusting step-by-step trajectories in public space: the micro-sequentiality of approaching and refusing to be approached’, Gesprächsforschung, 23, pp. 36–65.
Mondada, Lorenza (2022) ‘Adjusting step-by-step trajectories in public space: the micro-sequentiality of approaching and refusing to be approached’, Gesprächsforschung, 23, pp. 36–65.
Mondada, Lorenza (2022) ‘Appealing to the senses: approaching, sensing and interacting at the market’s stall’, Discourse & Communication, 16(2), pp. 160–199.
Mondada, Lorenza (2022) ‘Appealing to the senses: approaching, sensing and interacting at the market’s stall’, Discourse & Communication, 16(2), pp. 160–199.
Mondada, L. (2022) ‘The Situated and Methodic Production of Accountable Action: The Challenges of Multimodality’. Oxford University Press, pp. 289–321. Available at:
Mondada, L. (2022) ‘The Situated and Methodic Production of Accountable Action: The Challenges of Multimodality’. Oxford University Press, pp. 289–321. Available at:
Mondada, Lorenza and Meguerditchian, A. (2022) ‘Ouvertures et salutations entre babouins : organisation de la séquence et orientation incarnée vers l’autre’, Langage et Société, 176, pp. 127–160.
Mondada, Lorenza and Meguerditchian, A. (2022) ‘Ouvertures et salutations entre babouins : organisation de la séquence et orientation incarnée vers l’autre’, Langage et Société, 176, pp. 127–160.
Mondada, Lorenza, Monteiro, David and Tekin, Burak (2022) ‘Collaboratively videoing mobile activities’, Visual Studies, p. 1. Available at:
Mondada, Lorenza, Monteiro, David and Tekin, Burak (2022) ‘Collaboratively videoing mobile activities’, Visual Studies, p. 1. Available at:
Mondada, Lorenza (2022) ‘The Situated and Methodic Production of Accountable Action’, in Heritage, J.; Maynard, D. (ed.) The Ethnomethodology Program: Legacies and Prospects. Oxford: Oxford University Press (The Ethnomethodology Program: Legacies and Prospects), pp. 289–321.
Mondada, Lorenza (2022) ‘The Situated and Methodic Production of Accountable Action’, in Heritage, J.; Maynard, D. (ed.) The Ethnomethodology Program: Legacies and Prospects. Oxford: Oxford University Press (The Ethnomethodology Program: Legacies and Prospects), pp. 289–321.
Mondada, Lorenza (2022) ‘Attributing the decision to buy: Action ascription, local ecology, and multimodality in shop encounters.’, in Deppermann, A.; Haugh, M. (ed.) Action Ascription in Social Interaction. Cambridge: CUP (Action Ascription in Social Interaction), pp. 105–134.
Mondada, Lorenza (2022) ‘Attributing the decision to buy: Action ascription, local ecology, and multimodality in shop encounters.’, in Deppermann, A.; Haugh, M. (ed.) Action Ascription in Social Interaction. Cambridge: CUP (Action Ascription in Social Interaction), pp. 105–134.
Mondada, Lorenza (2022) ‘Working with Video Data’, in Flick. U. et al. (ed.) Sage Handbook on Methods in Qualitative Research. London: Sage (Sage Handbook on Methods in Qualitative Research), p. 1.
Mondada, Lorenza (2022) ‘Working with Video Data’, in Flick. U. et al. (ed.) Sage Handbook on Methods in Qualitative Research. London: Sage (Sage Handbook on Methods in Qualitative Research), p. 1.
Mondada, L. (2021) Sensing in Social Interaction. 1 edn., The Taste for Cheese in Gourmet Shops. 1 edn. Cambridge University Press (The Taste for Cheese in Gourmet Shops). Available at:
Mondada, L. (2021) Sensing in Social Interaction. 1 edn., The Taste for Cheese in Gourmet Shops. 1 edn. Cambridge University Press (The Taste for Cheese in Gourmet Shops). Available at:
Greco, L. and Mondada, L. (2021) ‘Charles Goodwin, le langagier, le corporel et la socialité en interaction’, Langage et société, N° 173(2), pp. 9–23. Available at:
Greco, L. and Mondada, L. (2021) ‘Charles Goodwin, le langagier, le corporel et la socialité en interaction’, Langage et société, N° 173(2), pp. 9–23. Available at:
Mondada, L. (2021) ‘Organisation multimodale de la participation au sein du couple : corporéité, matérialité et sensorialité dans l’interaction sociale’, Langage et société, N° 173(2), pp. 25–55. Available at:
Mondada, L. (2021) ‘Organisation multimodale de la participation au sein du couple : corporéité, matérialité et sensorialité dans l’interaction sociale’, Langage et société, N° 173(2), pp. 25–55. Available at:
Camus, L. and Mondada, L. (2021) ‘Long distance anaphora: Multimodal, epistemic and normative aspects in social interaction L’anaphore à distance: Enjeux multimodaux, épistémiques et normatifs en interaction’, Langue Francaise, 210(2), pp. 77–100. Available at:
Camus, L. and Mondada, L. (2021) ‘Long distance anaphora: Multimodal, epistemic and normative aspects in social interaction L’anaphore à distance: Enjeux multimodaux, épistémiques et normatifs en interaction’, Langue Francaise, 210(2), pp. 77–100. Available at:
Mondada, L. (2021) ‘Te:mos o serra cura::do, temos o ni:sa, temos o serpa do:p. Suggesting products to buy, shaping materiality and multisensoriality in shop encounters’, Calidoscopio, 19(2), pp. 278–301. Available at:
Mondada, L. (2021) ‘Te:mos o serra cura::do, temos o ni:sa, temos o serpa do:p. Suggesting products to buy, shaping materiality and multisensoriality in shop encounters’, Calidoscopio, 19(2), pp. 278–301. Available at:
Mondada, L. (2021) ‘The NHI and the emergence of video-based multimodal studies of social interaction: Response to Wendy Leeds-Hurwitz and Adam Kendon’. Language Science Press, pp. 205–228. Available at:
Mondada, L. (2021) ‘The NHI and the emergence of video-based multimodal studies of social interaction: Response to Wendy Leeds-Hurwitz and Adam Kendon’. Language Science Press, pp. 205–228. Available at:
Betz, E. et al. (2021) OKAY across languages. Towards a comparative approach of its use in talk-in-interaction. Amsterdam: Benjamins.
Betz, E. et al. (2021) OKAY across languages. Towards a comparative approach of its use in talk-in-interaction. Amsterdam: Benjamins.
Camus, Laurent (2021) ‘Le technicien invisible de l’événement médiatique’, Questions de communication, (39), p. p. 209–238. Available at:
Camus, Laurent (2021) ‘Le technicien invisible de l’événement médiatique’, Questions de communication, (39), p. p. 209–238. Available at:
Camus, Laurent (2021) ‘Le problème de la fidélité au réel dans la réalisation télévisée du football’, Télévision, 12, pp. 103–120.
Camus, Laurent (2021) ‘Le problème de la fidélité au réel dans la réalisation télévisée du football’, Télévision, 12, pp. 103–120.
Camus, Laurent (2021) ‘LA PRODUCTION TÉLÉVISUELLE DE L’OBJECTIVITÉ: La révélation du hors-jeu en football’, Reseaux, 230(6), pp. 141–170. Available at:
Camus, Laurent (2021) ‘LA PRODUCTION TÉLÉVISUELLE DE L’OBJECTIVITÉ: La révélation du hors-jeu en football’, Reseaux, 230(6), pp. 141–170. Available at:
Camus, Laurent and Mondada, Lorenza (2021) ‘L’anaphore à distance : enjeux multimodaux, épistémiques et normatifs en interaction’, Langue française, 210(2), p. p. 77–100. Available at:
Camus, Laurent and Mondada, Lorenza (2021) ‘L’anaphore à distance : enjeux multimodaux, épistémiques et normatifs en interaction’, Langue française, 210(2), p. p. 77–100. Available at:
Deppermann, A, Mondada, L. and Pekarek Doehler, S. (2021) Early Responses in Human Communication. Online: Discourse Processes (4). Available at:
Deppermann, A, Mondada, L. and Pekarek Doehler, S. (2021) Early Responses in Human Communication. Online: Discourse Processes (4). Available at:
Deppermann, A. and Mondada, L. (2021) ‘Data and methods used in the study of OKAY across languages’. John Benjamins Publishing Company, pp. 29–54. Available at:
Deppermann, A. and Mondada, L. (2021) ‘Data and methods used in the study of OKAY across languages’. John Benjamins Publishing Company, pp. 29–54. Available at:
Deppermann, A., Mondada, L. and Doehler, S.P. (2021) ‘Early Responses: An Introduction’, Discourse Processes, 58(4), pp. 293–307. Available at:
Deppermann, A., Mondada, L. and Doehler, S.P. (2021) ‘Early Responses: An Introduction’, Discourse Processes, 58(4), pp. 293–307. Available at:
Greco, L. and Mondada, Lorenza (2021) ‘Charles Goodwin, le langagier, le corporel et la socialité en interaction. Introduction au numéro spécial sur Charles Goodwin’, Langage et Société, 173, pp. 9–23.
Greco, L. and Mondada, Lorenza (2021) ‘Charles Goodwin, le langagier, le corporel et la socialité en interaction. Introduction au numéro spécial sur Charles Goodwin’, Langage et Société, 173, pp. 9–23.
Mondada, Lorenza (2021) ‘Orchestrating Multi-sensoriality in Tasting Sessions: Sensing Bodies, Normativity, and Language’, Symbolic Interaction, 44(1), pp. 63–86. Available at:
Mondada, Lorenza (2021) ‘Orchestrating Multi-sensoriality in Tasting Sessions: Sensing Bodies, Normativity, and Language’, Symbolic Interaction, 44(1), pp. 63–86. Available at:
Mondada, Lorenza (2021) Sensing in Social Interaction. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Mondada, Lorenza (2021) Sensing in Social Interaction. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Mondada, Lorenza (2021) ‘Language and the Sensing Body: HowSensoriality Permeates Syntax in Interaction’, Frontiers in Communication, 6, p. 5 :664430. Available at:
Mondada, Lorenza (2021) ‘Language and the Sensing Body: HowSensoriality Permeates Syntax in Interaction’, Frontiers in Communication, 6, p. 5 :664430. Available at:
Mondada, Lorenza (2021) ‘Organisation multimodale de la participation au sein du couple : corporéité, matérialité et sensorialité dans l’interaction sociale.’, Langage et Société, 173, pp. 25–55.
Mondada, Lorenza (2021) ‘Organisation multimodale de la participation au sein du couple : corporéité, matérialité et sensorialité dans l’interaction sociale.’, Langage et Société, 173, pp. 25–55.
Mondada, Lorenza (2021) ‘Te:mos o serra cura::do, temos o ni:sa, temos o serpa do:p. Suggesting products to buy, shaping materiality and multisensoriality in shop encounters’, Calidoscopio, 19(2), pp. 278–301. Available at:
Mondada, Lorenza (2021) ‘Te:mos o serra cura::do, temos o ni:sa, temos o serpa do:p. Suggesting products to buy, shaping materiality and multisensoriality in shop encounters’, Calidoscopio, 19(2), pp. 278–301. Available at:
Mondada, L. (2021) ‘Achieving the intersubjectivity of sensorial practices: Body, language, and the senses in tasting activities’, Pragmatics and Beyond New Series, 326, pp. 279–302. Available at:
Mondada, L. (2021) ‘Achieving the intersubjectivity of sensorial practices: Body, language, and the senses in tasting activities’, Pragmatics and Beyond New Series, 326, pp. 279–302. Available at:
Mondada, Lorenza et al. (2021) ‘The local and filmed accountability of sensorial practices. The intersubjectivity of touch as an interactional accomplishment. Social Interaction.’, Social Interaction, 4(3), p. 30.
Mondada, Lorenza et al. (2021) ‘The local and filmed accountability of sensorial practices. The intersubjectivity of touch as an interactional accomplishment. Social Interaction.’, Social Interaction, 4(3), p. 30.
Mondada, Lorenza et al. (2021) ‘The local and filmed accountability of sensorial practices: The intersubjectivity of touch as an interactional achievement’, Social Interaction. Video-Based Studies of Human Sociality, 4(3), p. 30. Available at:
Mondada, Lorenza et al. (2021) ‘The local and filmed accountability of sensorial practices: The intersubjectivity of touch as an interactional achievement’, Social Interaction. Video-Based Studies of Human Sociality, 4(3), p. 30. Available at:
Mondada, Lorenza and Fele, G. (2021) ‘Descrittori visivi per l’assaggio professionale: lessico, sensorialità e standardizzazione.’, Rivista Italiana di Linguistica Applicata, XLIX (3), pp. 651–681.
Mondada, Lorenza and Fele, G. (2021) ‘Descrittori visivi per l’assaggio professionale: lessico, sensorialità e standardizzazione.’, Rivista Italiana di Linguistica Applicata, XLIX (3), pp. 651–681.
Mondada, L. and Sorjonen, M.-L. (2021) ‘OKAY in closings and transitions’. John Benjamins Publishing Company, pp. 93–127. Available at:
Mondada, L. and Sorjonen, M.-L. (2021) ‘OKAY in closings and transitions’. John Benjamins Publishing Company, pp. 93–127. Available at:
Stefani, E.D. and Mondada, L. (2021) ‘A resource for action transition; OKAY and its embodied and material habitat’. John Benjamins Publishing Company, pp. 301–336. Available at:
Stefani, E.D. and Mondada, L. (2021) ‘A resource for action transition; OKAY and its embodied and material habitat’. John Benjamins Publishing Company, pp. 301–336. Available at:
Deppermann, A. and Mondada, Lorenza (2021) ‘Data and methods used in the study of OKAY across languages.’, in Betz, E.; Deppermann, A.; Mondada, L.; Sorjonen, M.L (ed.) OKAY across languages. Towards a comparative approach of its use in talk-in-interaction. Amsterdam: Benjamins (OKAY across languages. Towards a comparative approach of its use in talk-in-interaction.), pp. 29–51.
Deppermann, A. and Mondada, Lorenza (2021) ‘Data and methods used in the study of OKAY across languages.’, in Betz, E.; Deppermann, A.; Mondada, L.; Sorjonen, M.L (ed.) OKAY across languages. Towards a comparative approach of its use in talk-in-interaction. Amsterdam: Benjamins (OKAY across languages. Towards a comparative approach of its use in talk-in-interaction.), pp. 29–51.
Deppermann, A. and Mondada, Lorenza (2021) ‘Data and methods used in the study of OKAY across languages.’, in Betz, E.; Deppermann, A.; Mondada, Lorenza; Sorjonen, M.L. (ed.) OKAY across languages. Towards a comparative approach of its use in talk-in-interaction. Amsterdam: Benjamins (OKAY across languages. Towards a comparative approach of its use in talk-in-interaction.), pp. 29–51.
Deppermann, A. and Mondada, Lorenza (2021) ‘Data and methods used in the study of OKAY across languages.’, in Betz, E.; Deppermann, A.; Mondada, Lorenza; Sorjonen, M.L. (ed.) OKAY across languages. Towards a comparative approach of its use in talk-in-interaction. Amsterdam: Benjamins (OKAY across languages. Towards a comparative approach of its use in talk-in-interaction.), pp. 29–51.
De Stefani, E. and Mondada, Lorenza (2021) ‘A resource for action transition. OKAY and its embodied and material habitat.’, in Betz, E.; Deppermann, A.; Mondada, L.; Sorjonen, M.L (ed.) OKAY across languages. Towards a comparative approach of its use in talk-in-interaction. Amsterdam: Benjamins (OKAY across languages. Towards a comparative approach of its use in talk-in-interaction.), pp. 295–330.
De Stefani, E. and Mondada, Lorenza (2021) ‘A resource for action transition. OKAY and its embodied and material habitat.’, in Betz, E.; Deppermann, A.; Mondada, L.; Sorjonen, M.L (ed.) OKAY across languages. Towards a comparative approach of its use in talk-in-interaction. Amsterdam: Benjamins (OKAY across languages. Towards a comparative approach of its use in talk-in-interaction.), pp. 295–330.
De Stefani, E. and Mondada, Lorenza (2021) ‘A resource for action transition. OKAY and its embodied and material habitat.’, in Betz, E.; Deppermann, A.; Mondada, L.; Sorjonen, M.L (ed.) OKAY across languages. Towards a comparative approach of its use in talk-in-interaction. Amsterdam: Benjamins (OKAY across languages. Towards a comparative approach of its use in talk-in-interaction), pp. 295–330.
De Stefani, E. and Mondada, Lorenza (2021) ‘A resource for action transition. OKAY and its embodied and material habitat.’, in Betz, E.; Deppermann, A.; Mondada, L.; Sorjonen, M.L (ed.) OKAY across languages. Towards a comparative approach of its use in talk-in-interaction. Amsterdam: Benjamins (OKAY across languages. Towards a comparative approach of its use in talk-in-interaction), pp. 295–330.
Hoey, Elliott (2021) ‘Gaze’, in Stanlaw, James (ed.) The International Encyclopedia of Linguistic Anthropology. Hoboken: Wiley Blackwell (The International Encyclopedia of Linguistic Anthropology), pp. 580–584. Available at:
Hoey, Elliott (2021) ‘Gaze’, in Stanlaw, James (ed.) The International Encyclopedia of Linguistic Anthropology. Hoboken: Wiley Blackwell (The International Encyclopedia of Linguistic Anthropology), pp. 580–584. Available at:
Mondada, Lorenza (2021) ‘Membership categories and the sequential multimodal organization of action: walking, perceiving, and talking in material-spatial ecologies’, in R.J. Smith, R. Fitzgerald, W. Housley (ed.) On Sacks. Methodology, Materials, and Inspirations. London: Routledge (On Sacks. Methodology, Materials, and Inspirations), pp. 101–117.
Mondada, Lorenza (2021) ‘Membership categories and the sequential multimodal organization of action: walking, perceiving, and talking in material-spatial ecologies’, in R.J. Smith, R. Fitzgerald, W. Housley (ed.) On Sacks. Methodology, Materials, and Inspirations. London: Routledge (On Sacks. Methodology, Materials, and Inspirations), pp. 101–117.
Mondada, Lorenza (2021) ‘The accomplishment of gender in interaction.’, in Angouri, J.; Baxter J. (ed.) The Routledge Handbook of Language, Gender and Sexuality. London: Routledge (The Routledge Handbook of Language, Gender and Sexuality.), pp. 243–257.
Mondada, Lorenza (2021) ‘The accomplishment of gender in interaction.’, in Angouri, J.; Baxter J. (ed.) The Routledge Handbook of Language, Gender and Sexuality. London: Routledge (The Routledge Handbook of Language, Gender and Sexuality.), pp. 243–257.
Mondada, Lorenza (2021) ‘The Natural History of an Interview and the emergence of video-based multimodal studies of social interaction.’, in McElvenny, J.; Ploder, A (ed.) Holisms of communication: the early history of audio-visual sequence analysis. Berlin: Language Science Press (Holisms of communication: the early history of audio-visual sequence analysis), pp. 205–229.
Mondada, Lorenza (2021) ‘The Natural History of an Interview and the emergence of video-based multimodal studies of social interaction.’, in McElvenny, J.; Ploder, A (ed.) Holisms of communication: the early history of audio-visual sequence analysis. Berlin: Language Science Press (Holisms of communication: the early history of audio-visual sequence analysis), pp. 205–229.
Mondada, Lorenza (2021) ‘Achieving the intersubjectivity of sensorial practices. Body, language, and the senses in tasting activities.’, in Lindström, J.; Laury, R.; Peräkylä, A.; Sorjonen, M.-L (ed.) Intersubjectivity in Action. Studies in language and social interaction. Amsterdam: Benjamins (Intersubjectivity in Action. Studies in language and social interaction), pp. 279–302.
Mondada, Lorenza (2021) ‘Achieving the intersubjectivity of sensorial practices. Body, language, and the senses in tasting activities.’, in Lindström, J.; Laury, R.; Peräkylä, A.; Sorjonen, M.-L (ed.) Intersubjectivity in Action. Studies in language and social interaction. Amsterdam: Benjamins (Intersubjectivity in Action. Studies in language and social interaction), pp. 279–302.
Mondada, Lorenza (2021) ‘Membership categories and the sequential multimodal organization of action: walking, perceiving, and talking in material-spatial ecologies’, in Smith, R.J.; Fitzgerald, R.; Housley, W. (ed.) On Sacks. Methodology, Materials, and Inspirations. London: Routledge (On Sacks. Methodology, Materials, and Inspirations.), pp. 101–117.
Mondada, Lorenza (2021) ‘Membership categories and the sequential multimodal organization of action: walking, perceiving, and talking in material-spatial ecologies’, in Smith, R.J.; Fitzgerald, R.; Housley, W. (ed.) On Sacks. Methodology, Materials, and Inspirations. London: Routledge (On Sacks. Methodology, Materials, and Inspirations.), pp. 101–117.
Mondada, Lorenza (2021) ‘The accomplishment of gender in interaction,. Ethnomethodological and conversartion analytic approaches to gender’, in Angouri, J.; Baxter J. (ed.) The Routledge Handbook of Language, Gender and Sexuality. London: Routledge (The Routledge Handbook of Language, Gender and Sexuality.), pp. 243–257.
Mondada, Lorenza (2021) ‘The accomplishment of gender in interaction,. Ethnomethodological and conversartion analytic approaches to gender’, in Angouri, J.; Baxter J. (ed.) The Routledge Handbook of Language, Gender and Sexuality. London: Routledge (The Routledge Handbook of Language, Gender and Sexuality.), pp. 243–257.
Mondada, Lorenza (2021) ‘The Natural History of an Interview and the emergence of video-based multimodal studies of social interaction.’, in McElvenny, J.; Ploder, A. (ed.) Holisms of communication: the early history of audio-visual sequence analysis. Berlin: Language Science Press (Holisms of communication: the early history of audio-visual sequence analysis.), pp. 205–229.
Mondada, Lorenza (2021) ‘The Natural History of an Interview and the emergence of video-based multimodal studies of social interaction.’, in McElvenny, J.; Ploder, A. (ed.) Holisms of communication: the early history of audio-visual sequence analysis. Berlin: Language Science Press (Holisms of communication: the early history of audio-visual sequence analysis.), pp. 205–229.
Mondada, Lorenza (2021) ‘Achieving the intersubjectivity of sensorial practices. Body, language, and the senses in tasting activities.’, in Lindström, J.; Laury, R.; Peräkylä, A.; Sorjonen, M.-L. (ed.) Intersubjectivity in Action. Studies in language and social interaction. Amsterdam: Benjamins (Intersubjectivity in Action. Studies in language and social interaction), pp. 279–302.
Mondada, Lorenza (2021) ‘Achieving the intersubjectivity of sensorial practices. Body, language, and the senses in tasting activities.’, in Lindström, J.; Laury, R.; Peräkylä, A.; Sorjonen, M.-L. (ed.) Intersubjectivity in Action. Studies in language and social interaction. Amsterdam: Benjamins (Intersubjectivity in Action. Studies in language and social interaction), pp. 279–302.
Mondada, Lorenza and Sorjonen, M.L. et al (2021) ‘OKAY in closings and transitions’, in Betz, E.; Deppermann, A.; Mondada, Lorenza; Sorjonen, M.L. (ed.) OKAY across languages. Towards a comparative approach of its use in mond21talk-in-interaction. Amsterdam: Benjamins (OKAY across languages. Towards a comparative approach of its use in mond21talk-in-interaction), pp. 93–127.
Mondada, Lorenza and Sorjonen, M.L. et al (2021) ‘OKAY in closings and transitions’, in Betz, E.; Deppermann, A.; Mondada, Lorenza; Sorjonen, M.L. (ed.) OKAY across languages. Towards a comparative approach of its use in mond21talk-in-interaction. Amsterdam: Benjamins (OKAY across languages. Towards a comparative approach of its use in mond21talk-in-interaction), pp. 93–127.
Mondada, Lorenza and Sorjonen, M.L. et al. (2021) ‘OKAY in closings and transitions.’, in Betz, E.; Deppermann, A.; Mondada, L.; Sorjonen, M.L. (ed.) OKAY across languages. Towards a comparative approach of its use in talk-in-interaction. Amsterdam: Benjamins (OKAY across languages. Towards a comparative approach of its use in talk-in-interaction.), pp. 93–127.
Mondada, Lorenza and Sorjonen, M.L. et al. (2021) ‘OKAY in closings and transitions.’, in Betz, E.; Deppermann, A.; Mondada, L.; Sorjonen, M.L. (ed.) OKAY across languages. Towards a comparative approach of its use in talk-in-interaction. Amsterdam: Benjamins (OKAY across languages. Towards a comparative approach of its use in talk-in-interaction.), pp. 93–127.
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Harjunpää, K., Mondada, L. and Svinhufvud, K. (2020) ‘Multimodaalinen litterointi keskusteluanalyysissä’, Puhe ja kieli, (3), pp. 195–220. Available at:
Cekaite, Asta and Mondada, Lorenza (2020) Touch in Social Interaction. Touch, Language, and Body. London: Routledge. Available at:
Cekaite, Asta and Mondada, Lorenza (2020) Touch in Social Interaction. Touch, Language, and Body. London: Routledge. Available at:
Hoey, Elliott (2020) ‘Waiting to inhale: Sniffing in social interaction’, Research on Language and Social Interaction, 53(1), pp. 118–139. Available at:
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Mondada, Lorenza (2020) ‘Audible Sniffs: Smelling-in-Interaction’, Research on Language and Social Interaction, 53(1), pp. 140–163. Available at:
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Mondada, Lorenza et al. (2020) ‘Human sociality in the times of the Covid-19 pandemic: A systematic examination of change in greetings’, Journal of Sociolinguistics, 24(4), pp. 441–468. Available at:
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Mondada, Lorenza (2019) ‘Participants” orientations to material and sensorial features of objects: looking, touching, smelling and tasting while requesting products in shops’, Gesprächsforschung - Online-Zeitschrift zur verbalen Interaktion, (20), pp. 461–494.
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Mondada, Lorenza (2019) ‘Practices for showing, looking and videorecording: the interactional establishment of a common focus of attention’, in Reber, Cornelia; Gerhard, Elisabeth (ed.) Embodied Activities in Face-to-face and Mediated Settings. Social Encounters in Time and Space. London: Palgrave Macmillan (Embodied Activities in Face-to-face and Mediated Settings. Social Encounters in Time and Space), pp. 63–104. Available at:
Mondada, Lorenza (2019) ‘Practices for showing, looking and videorecording: the interactional establishment of a common focus of attention’, in Reber, Cornelia; Gerhard, Elisabeth (ed.) Embodied Activities in Face-to-face and Mediated Settings. Social Encounters in Time and Space. London: Palgrave Macmillan (Embodied Activities in Face-to-face and Mediated Settings. Social Encounters in Time and Space), pp. 63–104. Available at:
Mondada, Lorenza (2019) ‘Rethinking bodies and objects in social interaction: A multimodal and multisensorial approach to tasting.’, in Kissmann, Ulrike Tikvah; van Loon, Joost (ed.) Discussing New Materialism: Methodological Implications for the Study of Materialities. Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien (Discussing New Materialism: Methodological Implications for the Study of Materialities), pp. 109–134. Available at:
Mondada, Lorenza (2019) ‘Rethinking bodies and objects in social interaction: A multimodal and multisensorial approach to tasting.’, in Kissmann, Ulrike Tikvah; van Loon, Joost (ed.) Discussing New Materialism: Methodological Implications for the Study of Materialities. Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien (Discussing New Materialism: Methodological Implications for the Study of Materialities), pp. 109–134. Available at:
Mondada, Lorenza (2019) ‘Multimodality’, in Schnettler, Bernt; Tuma, René; vom Lehn, Dirk; Traue, Boris; Eberle, Thomas S. (ed.) Kleines Al(e)phabet des Kommunikativen Konstruktivismus. Fundus Omnium Communicativum - Hubert Knoblauch zum 60. Geburtstag. Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien (Kleines Al(e)phabet des Kommunikativen Konstruktivismus. Fundus Omnium Communicativum - Hubert Knoblauch zum 60. Geburtstag), pp. 317–325.
Mondada, Lorenza (2019) ‘Multimodality’, in Schnettler, Bernt; Tuma, René; vom Lehn, Dirk; Traue, Boris; Eberle, Thomas S. (ed.) Kleines Al(e)phabet des Kommunikativen Konstruktivismus. Fundus Omnium Communicativum - Hubert Knoblauch zum 60. Geburtstag. Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien (Kleines Al(e)phabet des Kommunikativen Konstruktivismus. Fundus Omnium Communicativum - Hubert Knoblauch zum 60. Geburtstag), pp. 317–325.
Mondada, Lorenza (2019) ‘Goodwin, Charles, and Marjorie Harness Goodwin’, in Atkinson, Paul; Delamont, Sara; Cernat, Alexandru; Sakshaug, Joseph W.; Williams, Richard A. (ed.) Goodwin, Charles, and Marjorie Harness Goodwin. London: SAGE Research Methods Foundations (Goodwin, Charles, and Marjorie Harness Goodwin), p. –. Available at:
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Deppermann, Arnulf, Laurier, Eric and Mondada, Lorenza (2018) ‘Overtaking as an interactional achievement : video analyses of participants” practices in traffic’, Gesprächsforschung, 19, pp. 1–131.
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