Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Department of Arts, Media, Philosophy OverviewResearch UnitsPublicationsProjects & CollaborationsResearch Units OverviewResearch UnitsPublicationsProjects & Collaborations Research Units Show only active 19 foundShow per page21 21 42 105 Early Modern Art History (Beyer) Photographic media in the digital age (Blaschke) History of Philosophy (Hindrichs) Medieval philosophy (Hoenen) Project ‘Just Parenthood’ (Hohl) Media aesthetics (Holl) Ambition ‘Healing Arts’ (Holler) Kunstgeschichte Frühe Neuzeit Art theory (Klammer) History and theory of the media (Krajewski) Practical philosophy (Krebs) Ancient Art History (Kumler) Laurenz-Professur zeitgenössische Kunst (Baier) Lectureship Media Studies (Maye) History and aesthetics of music (Schmidt) Modern Art History (Ubl) Older music history (Walsdorf) Theoretical philosophy (Wild) Ambizione "Art of Reason" 1 1 OverviewResearch UnitsPublicationsProjects & Collaborations
Research Units Show only active 19 foundShow per page21 21 42 105 Early Modern Art History (Beyer) Photographic media in the digital age (Blaschke) History of Philosophy (Hindrichs) Medieval philosophy (Hoenen) Project ‘Just Parenthood’ (Hohl) Media aesthetics (Holl) Ambition ‘Healing Arts’ (Holler) Kunstgeschichte Frühe Neuzeit Art theory (Klammer) History and theory of the media (Krajewski) Practical philosophy (Krebs) Ancient Art History (Kumler) Laurenz-Professur zeitgenössische Kunst (Baier) Lectureship Media Studies (Maye) History and aesthetics of music (Schmidt) Modern Art History (Ubl) Older music history (Walsdorf) Theoretical philosophy (Wild) Ambizione "Art of Reason" 1 1