Allgemeine Ethnologie (Meiu)
63 found
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Stasik, Michael (2025) Bus Station Hustle: Transport Work in Urban Ghana, The International African Library. Edited by Cambridge University Press. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press (The International African Library, 72). Available at:
Stasik, Michael (2025) Bus Station Hustle: Transport Work in Urban Ghana, The International African Library. Edited by Cambridge University Press. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press (The International African Library, 72). Available at:
Jallo, Zainabu. (2025) Diasporic Consciousness in the Material Culture of Brazilian Candomblé, Routledge Studies in Anthropology. London: Routledge (Routledge Studies in Anthropology). Available at:
Jallo, Zainabu. (2025) Diasporic Consciousness in the Material Culture of Brazilian Candomblé, Routledge Studies in Anthropology. London: Routledge (Routledge Studies in Anthropology). Available at:
Michael Stasik (2025) ‘Emplacing Arrivals: The Infrastructural Accommodation of Migratory Difference in Urban West Africa’, in Winters, Nanneke; Drotbohm, Heike; González,Yaatsil Guevara (ed.) (Un)Settling Place: Diverse and Divergent Place-Making of People on the Move. Berghahn (Worlds in Motion), pp. 50–69. Available at:
Michael Stasik (2025) ‘Emplacing Arrivals: The Infrastructural Accommodation of Migratory Difference in Urban West Africa’, in Winters, Nanneke; Drotbohm, Heike; González,Yaatsil Guevara (ed.) (Un)Settling Place: Diverse and Divergent Place-Making of People on the Move. Berghahn (Worlds in Motion), pp. 50–69. Available at:
Jallo, Zainabu and Ulysse, Gina Athena (2024) ‘The Meditation on Rasanblaj Questionnaire (MRQ) #2’, Anthropology Now, 16(1), pp. 40–44. Available at:
Jallo, Zainabu and Ulysse, Gina Athena (2024) ‘The Meditation on Rasanblaj Questionnaire (MRQ) #2’, Anthropology Now, 16(1), pp. 40–44. Available at:
Amrith, Megha et al. (2024) ‘Locus’, in Michael Stasik (ed.) Basel Anthropology Papers. Institute of Social Anthropology (Basel Anthropology Papers).
Amrith, Megha et al. (2024) ‘Locus’, in Michael Stasik (ed.) Basel Anthropology Papers. Institute of Social Anthropology (Basel Anthropology Papers).
Jallo, Zainabu (2024) ‘Felicity Bodenstein, Damiana Oţoiu, and Eva-Maria Troelenberg (eds.), Contested Holdings. Museum Collections in Political, Epistemic and Artistic Processes of Return’, 21: INQUIRIES INTO ART, HISTORY, AND THE VISUAL BEITRÄGE ZUR KUNSTGESCHICHTE UND VISUELLEN KULTUR, 5(1). Available at:
Jallo, Zainabu (2024) ‘Felicity Bodenstein, Damiana Oţoiu, and Eva-Maria Troelenberg (eds.), Contested Holdings. Museum Collections in Political, Epistemic and Artistic Processes of Return’, 21: INQUIRIES INTO ART, HISTORY, AND THE VISUAL BEITRÄGE ZUR KUNSTGESCHICHTE UND VISUELLEN KULTUR, 5(1). Available at:
Jallo, Zainabu (2024) ‘Eco-Spirituality in Abdias do Nascimento`s Paintings’, in Denise Bertschi, Pedro Zylbersztajn (ed.) Export Quality Poetry (1924-2024). CAN Centre d’art Neuchâtel (Export Quality Poetry (1924-2024)).
Jallo, Zainabu (2024) ‘Eco-Spirituality in Abdias do Nascimento`s Paintings’, in Denise Bertschi, Pedro Zylbersztajn (ed.) Export Quality Poetry (1924-2024). CAN Centre d’art Neuchâtel (Export Quality Poetry (1924-2024)).
Jallo, Zainabu and Ursula Regehr (2024) ‘In Full View: Benin, Nigeria. Dialogue and Multi-perspectivity’, in Mobilizing - Benin Heritage in Swiss Museums . (Mobilizing - Benin Heritage in Swiss Museums ). Available at:
Jallo, Zainabu and Ursula Regehr (2024) ‘In Full View: Benin, Nigeria. Dialogue and Multi-perspectivity’, in Mobilizing - Benin Heritage in Swiss Museums . (Mobilizing - Benin Heritage in Swiss Museums ). Available at:
Meiu, George Paul (2024) On Hate, its Objects, and the Poetics of Sexuality. Institute of Social Anthropology. Available at:
Meiu, George Paul (2024) On Hate, its Objects, and the Poetics of Sexuality. Institute of Social Anthropology. Available at:
Stasik, Michael (2024) ‘Aloneness and the terms of detachment in West African migration’, Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, p. Online ahead of print. Available at:
Stasik, Michael (2024) ‘Aloneness and the terms of detachment in West African migration’, Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, p. Online ahead of print. Available at:
Stasik, Michael and Meiu, George Paul (2024) ‘Drawing potentiality’, Basel Anthropology Papers [Preprint], (1). Available at:
Stasik, Michael and Meiu, George Paul (2024) ‘Drawing potentiality’, Basel Anthropology Papers [Preprint], (1). Available at:
Crima Bellini, Kaue Felipe Nogarotto and Okasawara, Diogo Sussumu (2023) ‘Psychological vulnerability in times of uncertainty: Brazilian LGBTQIA+ populations and conservative discourse’, in ASA2023: An unwell world? Anthropology in a speculative mode. London (ASA2023: An unwell world? Anthropology in a speculative mode). Available at:
Crima Bellini, Kaue Felipe Nogarotto and Okasawara, Diogo Sussumu (2023) ‘Psychological vulnerability in times of uncertainty: Brazilian LGBTQIA+ populations and conservative discourse’, in ASA2023: An unwell world? Anthropology in a speculative mode. London (ASA2023: An unwell world? Anthropology in a speculative mode). Available at:
Crima Bellini, Kaue Felipe Nogarotto and Rakotomanana, Claudine (2023) ‘Embodied practices and political actions of migrants and LGBTQIA+ people: dealing with social relations and anthropological challenges’, in ASA2023: An unwell world? Anthropology in a speculative mode. London (ASA2023: An unwell world? Anthropology in a speculative mode). Available at:
Crima Bellini, Kaue Felipe Nogarotto and Rakotomanana, Claudine (2023) ‘Embodied practices and political actions of migrants and LGBTQIA+ people: dealing with social relations and anthropological challenges’, in ASA2023: An unwell world? Anthropology in a speculative mode. London (ASA2023: An unwell world? Anthropology in a speculative mode). Available at:
Jallo, Zainabu (2023) Material Culture in Transit, Routledge Studies in Anthropology and Museums. Routledge (Routledge Studies in Anthropology and Museums). Available at:
Jallo, Zainabu (2023) Material Culture in Transit, Routledge Studies in Anthropology and Museums. Routledge (Routledge Studies in Anthropology and Museums). Available at:
Jallo, Z. (2023) ‘Moving Matter’. London: Routledge, pp. 1–16. Available at:
Jallo, Z. (2023) ‘Moving Matter’. London: Routledge, pp. 1–16. Available at:
Dankwa, S.O. (2023) ‘Desiring Queer Motherhood and Mothering Ourselves’, Journal of African Cultural Studies, 35(2), pp. 165–175. Available at:
Dankwa, S.O. (2023) ‘Desiring Queer Motherhood and Mothering Ourselves’, Journal of African Cultural Studies, 35(2), pp. 165–175. Available at:
Jallo, Zainabu (2023) Material Culture in Transit: Theory and Practice. 1 edn., Routledge Studies in Anthropology and Museums. 1 edn. London: Routledge (Routledge Studies in Anthropology and Museums).
Jallo, Zainabu (2023) Material Culture in Transit: Theory and Practice. 1 edn., Routledge Studies in Anthropology and Museums. 1 edn. London: Routledge (Routledge Studies in Anthropology and Museums).
Jallo, Zainabu and Jebens, Holger. (2023) ‘Acquisition and Display Ethics’, PAIDEUMA Zeitschrift für kulturanthropologische, 68, pp. 293–305. Available at:
Jallo, Zainabu and Jebens, Holger. (2023) ‘Acquisition and Display Ethics’, PAIDEUMA Zeitschrift für kulturanthropologische, 68, pp. 293–305. Available at:
Meiu, George Paul (2023) ‘Waiting Out the Rush: On the Durability of Wealth in Kenya’s Coastal Sex Economies’, in Masquelier, Adeline; Durham, Deborah (ed.) In the Meantime: Toward an Anthropology of the Possible. New York: Berghahn Books (In the Meantime: Toward an Anthropology of the Possible), pp. 219–223.
Meiu, George Paul (2023) ‘Waiting Out the Rush: On the Durability of Wealth in Kenya’s Coastal Sex Economies’, in Masquelier, Adeline; Durham, Deborah (ed.) In the Meantime: Toward an Anthropology of the Possible. New York: Berghahn Books (In the Meantime: Toward an Anthropology of the Possible), pp. 219–223.
Dankwa, S.O. (2022) ‘Politics and Poetics’, Comparative Studies of South Asia, Africa and the Middle East, 42(3), pp. 685–688. Available at:
Dankwa, S.O. (2022) ‘Politics and Poetics’, Comparative Studies of South Asia, Africa and the Middle East, 42(3), pp. 685–688. Available at:
Jallo, Zainabu (2022) ‘Life of the Miniature Queen Idia Ivory Pendant Mask. In Conversation with Victor Ehikamenor’, Colophon - Magazin für Kunst, 01(01), pp. 16–27.
Jallo, Zainabu (2022) ‘Life of the Miniature Queen Idia Ivory Pendant Mask. In Conversation with Victor Ehikamenor’, Colophon - Magazin für Kunst, 01(01), pp. 16–27.
Jallo, Zainabu and Dougher, Patrick (2022) ‘On Visual Art and Diasporic [un]Consciousness’. The Sacred and the Spectacular. Available at:
Jallo, Zainabu and Dougher, Patrick (2022) ‘On Visual Art and Diasporic [un]Consciousness’. The Sacred and the Spectacular. Available at:
Stasik, Michael (2022) ‘The migrant in a house of mirrors: some reflections on the reflexive turn in migration studies’, Merian Institute for Advanced Studies in Africa Blog. Merian Institute for Advanced Studies in Africa (Merian Institute for Advanced Studies in Africa Blog), 1 January. Available at:
Stasik, Michael (2022) ‘The migrant in a house of mirrors: some reflections on the reflexive turn in migration studies’, Merian Institute for Advanced Studies in Africa Blog. Merian Institute for Advanced Studies in Africa (Merian Institute for Advanced Studies in Africa Blog), 1 January. Available at:
Meiu, George Paul (2022) ‘Queer Futures, National Utopias: Notes on Objects, Intimacy, Time, and the State’, in Greiner, Clemens; Van Wolputte, Steven; Bollig, Michael (ed.) African Futures. Leiden: Brill (Africa-Europe Group for Interdisciplinary Studies), pp. 320–330.
Meiu, George Paul (2022) ‘Queer Futures, National Utopias: Notes on Objects, Intimacy, Time, and the State’, in Greiner, Clemens; Van Wolputte, Steven; Bollig, Michael (ed.) African Futures. Leiden: Brill (Africa-Europe Group for Interdisciplinary Studies), pp. 320–330.
Dankwa, S.O. (2021) Knowing Women. 1 edn., Same-Sex Intimacy, Gender, and Identity in Postcolonial Ghana. 1 edn. Cambridge University Press (Same-Sex Intimacy, Gender, and Identity in Postcolonial Ghana). Available at:
Dankwa, S.O. (2021) Knowing Women. 1 edn., Same-Sex Intimacy, Gender, and Identity in Postcolonial Ghana. 1 edn. Cambridge University Press (Same-Sex Intimacy, Gender, and Identity in Postcolonial Ghana). Available at:
Meiu, George Paul (2020) ‘Panics over Plastics: A Matter of Belonging in Kenya’, American Anthropologist, 122(2), pp. 222–235. Available at:
Meiu, George Paul (2020) ‘Panics over Plastics: A Matter of Belonging in Kenya’, American Anthropologist, 122(2), pp. 222–235. Available at:
Stasik, Michael, Hänsch, Valerie and Mains, Daniel (2020) ‘Temporalities of waiting in Africa: introduction to special issue’, Critical African Studies. 02.03.2020, 12(1), pp. 1–9. Available at:
Stasik, Michael, Hänsch, Valerie and Mains, Daniel (2020) ‘Temporalities of waiting in Africa: introduction to special issue’, Critical African Studies. 02.03.2020, 12(1), pp. 1–9. Available at:
Jallo, Zainabu (2020) ‘Does the ‘Sensory Turn’ mean the End of Ethnographic Storytelling?’ The Sacred and the Spectacular.
Jallo, Zainabu (2020) ‘Does the ‘Sensory Turn’ mean the End of Ethnographic Storytelling?’ The Sacred and the Spectacular.
Jallo, Zainabu and Atiku, Jelili (2020) ‘Sacred Objects and Feminine Mysticism in Yoruba Thought System.’ The Sacred and the Spectacular. Available at:
Jallo, Zainabu and Atiku, Jelili (2020) ‘Sacred Objects and Feminine Mysticism in Yoruba Thought System.’ The Sacred and the Spectacular. Available at:
Meiu, George Paul (2020) ‘Underlayers of Citizenship: Queer Objects, Intimate Exposures, and the Rescue Rush in Kenya’, Cultural Anthropology, 35(4), pp. 575–601. Available at:
Meiu, George Paul (2020) ‘Underlayers of Citizenship: Queer Objects, Intimate Exposures, and the Rescue Rush in Kenya’, Cultural Anthropology, 35(4), pp. 575–601. Available at:
Meiu, George Paul (2020) ‘Queerly Kenyan: On the Political Economy of Queer Possibilities’, HAU: Journal of Ethnographic Theory, 10(2), pp. 613–617. Available at:
Meiu, George Paul (2020) ‘Queerly Kenyan: On the Political Economy of Queer Possibilities’, HAU: Journal of Ethnographic Theory, 10(2), pp. 613–617. Available at:
Stasik, Michael, Hänsch, Valerie and Debele, Serawit (2020) ‘Temporalities of Waiting in Africa’, Critical African Studies , 1(12). Available at:
Stasik, Michael, Hänsch, Valerie and Debele, Serawit (2020) ‘Temporalities of Waiting in Africa’, Critical African Studies , 1(12). Available at:
Meiu, George Paul (2020) ‘On Branding, Belonging, and the Violence of a Phallic Imaginary: Maasai Warriors in Kenyan Tourism’, in Meiu, George Paul; Comaroff, Jean; Comaroff, John L. (ed.) Ethnicity, Commodity, In/Corporation. Bloomington: Indiana University Press (Ethnicity, Commodity, In/Corporation), pp. 35–66. Available at:
Meiu, George Paul (2020) ‘On Branding, Belonging, and the Violence of a Phallic Imaginary: Maasai Warriors in Kenyan Tourism’, in Meiu, George Paul; Comaroff, Jean; Comaroff, John L. (ed.) Ethnicity, Commodity, In/Corporation. Bloomington: Indiana University Press (Ethnicity, Commodity, In/Corporation), pp. 35–66. Available at:
Meiu, George Paul, Comaroff, Jean and Comaroff, John L. (2020) ‘Introduction: Ethnicity, Inc. Revisited’, in Meiu, George Paul; Comaroff, Jean; Comaroff, John L. (ed.) Ethnicity, Commodity, In/Corporation. Bloomington: Indiana University Press (Ethnicity, Commodity, In/Corporation), pp. 1–35. Available at:
Meiu, George Paul, Comaroff, Jean and Comaroff, John L. (2020) ‘Introduction: Ethnicity, Inc. Revisited’, in Meiu, George Paul; Comaroff, Jean; Comaroff, John L. (ed.) Ethnicity, Commodity, In/Corporation. Bloomington: Indiana University Press (Ethnicity, Commodity, In/Corporation), pp. 1–35. Available at:
STASIK, MICHAEL (2019) ‘Book Review: AFRICAN MOBILITY AND MOTOR TRANSPORT IN GHANA - Ghana on the Go: African Mobility in the Age of Motor Transportation. By Jennifer Hart. Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press, 2016. Pp. xi + 250. $85.00, hardback (ISBN: 978-0-253-02277-6); $35.00, paperback (ISBN: 978-0-253-02307-0); $9.99 e-book (ISBN: 978-0-253-02325-4).’, The Journal of African History. 20.08.2019, 60(2), pp. 321–323. Available at:
STASIK, MICHAEL (2019) ‘Book Review: AFRICAN MOBILITY AND MOTOR TRANSPORT IN GHANA - Ghana on the Go: African Mobility in the Age of Motor Transportation. By Jennifer Hart. Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press, 2016. Pp. xi + 250. $85.00, hardback (ISBN: 978-0-253-02277-6); $35.00, paperback (ISBN: 978-0-253-02307-0); $9.99 e-book (ISBN: 978-0-253-02325-4).’, The Journal of African History. 20.08.2019, 60(2), pp. 321–323. Available at:
Plümecke, Tino and Wilopo, Claudia (2019) ‘Die Kontrolle der ‘Anderen’: Intersektionalität rassistischer Polizeipraktiken’, in Wa Baile, Mohamed; Dankwa, Serena O.; Naguib, Tarek; Purtschert, Patricia; Schilliger, Sarah (ed.) Racial Profiling: Struktureller Rassismus und antirassistischer Widerstand. Bielefeld: Transcript (Postcolonial Studies), pp. 139–154. Available at:
Plümecke, Tino and Wilopo, Claudia (2019) ‘Die Kontrolle der ‘Anderen’: Intersektionalität rassistischer Polizeipraktiken’, in Wa Baile, Mohamed; Dankwa, Serena O.; Naguib, Tarek; Purtschert, Patricia; Schilliger, Sarah (ed.) Racial Profiling: Struktureller Rassismus und antirassistischer Widerstand. Bielefeld: Transcript (Postcolonial Studies), pp. 139–154. Available at:
Stasik, Michael (2019) ‘Les bus ghanéens, entre attente, ruses et petits arrangements’, Le Monde Afrique, 1 January. Available at:
Stasik, Michael (2019) ‘Les bus ghanéens, entre attente, ruses et petits arrangements’, Le Monde Afrique, 1 January. Available at:
Meiu, George Paul (2019) ‘Who Are the New Natives? Ethnicity and Emerging Idioms of Belonging in Africa.’, in Grinker, R.; Gonçalves, E.F.; Steiner, C.B.; Lubkemann, S. (ed.) A Companion to the Anthropology of Africa. Oxford: Wiley (A Companion to the Anthropology of Africa), pp. 147–172. Available at:
Meiu, George Paul (2019) ‘Who Are the New Natives? Ethnicity and Emerging Idioms of Belonging in Africa.’, in Grinker, R.; Gonçalves, E.F.; Steiner, C.B.; Lubkemann, S. (ed.) A Companion to the Anthropology of Africa. Oxford: Wiley (A Companion to the Anthropology of Africa), pp. 147–172. Available at:
Stasik, Michael and Cissokho, Sidy (2018) ‘Introduction to special issue: Bus stations in Africa’, Africa Today, 65(2), pp. vii–xxiv. Available at:
Stasik, Michael and Cissokho, Sidy (2018) ‘Introduction to special issue: Bus stations in Africa’, Africa Today, 65(2), pp. vii–xxiv. Available at:
Stasik, Michael and Klaeger, Gabriel (2018) ‘Station Waka-Waka: The temporalities and temptations of (not) working in ghanaian bus stations’, Africa Today, 65(2), pp. 92–109. Available at:
Stasik, Michael and Klaeger, Gabriel (2018) ‘Station Waka-Waka: The temporalities and temptations of (not) working in ghanaian bus stations’, Africa Today, 65(2), pp. 92–109. Available at:
Stasik, Michael (2018) ‘The popular niche economy of a ghanaian bus station: Departure from informality Die populäre Nischenökonomie eines ghanaischen Busbahnhofs: Abreise aus der informalität’, Africa Spectrum, 53(1), pp. 37–59. Available at:
Stasik, Michael (2018) ‘The popular niche economy of a ghanaian bus station: Departure from informality Die populäre Nischenökonomie eines ghanaischen Busbahnhofs: Abreise aus der informalität’, Africa Spectrum, 53(1), pp. 37–59. Available at:
Stasik, Michael and Cissokho, Sidy (2018) ‘Bus Stations in Africa’, Africa Today , 2(65). Available at:
Stasik, Michael and Cissokho, Sidy (2018) ‘Bus Stations in Africa’, Africa Today , 2(65). Available at:
Stasik, Michael and Klaeger, Gabriel (2018) ‘Reordering Ghana’s Roadside Spaces: Hawking in Times of Infrastructural Renewal’, in Engel, Ulf;Boeckler, Marc;Müller-Mahn, Detlef (ed.) Spatial Practices: Territory, Border and Infrastructure in Africa . BRILL (Africa-Europe Group for Interdisciplinary Studies,), pp. 153–172. Available at:
Stasik, Michael and Klaeger, Gabriel (2018) ‘Reordering Ghana’s Roadside Spaces: Hawking in Times of Infrastructural Renewal’, in Engel, Ulf;Boeckler, Marc;Müller-Mahn, Detlef (ed.) Spatial Practices: Territory, Border and Infrastructure in Africa . BRILL (Africa-Europe Group for Interdisciplinary Studies,), pp. 153–172. Available at:
Stasik, Michael (2017) ‘Rhythm, Resonance and Kinaesthetic Enskilment in a Ghanaian Bus Station’, Ethnos, 82(3), pp. 545–568. Available at:
Stasik, Michael (2017) ‘Rhythm, Resonance and Kinaesthetic Enskilment in a Ghanaian Bus Station’, Ethnos, 82(3), pp. 545–568. Available at:
Beck, Kurt, Klaeger, Gabriel and Stasik, Michael (2017) The Making of the African Road, Africa-Europe Group for Interdisciplinary Studies. Leiden: BRILL (Africa-Europe Group for Interdisciplinary Studies, 18). Available at:
Beck, Kurt, Klaeger, Gabriel and Stasik, Michael (2017) The Making of the African Road, Africa-Europe Group for Interdisciplinary Studies. Leiden: BRILL (Africa-Europe Group for Interdisciplinary Studies, 18). Available at:
Beck, Kurt, Klaeger, Gabriel and Stasik, Michael (2017) ‘An Introduction to the African Road’, in Beck, Kurt;Klaeger, Gabriel;Stasik, Michael (ed.) The Making of the African Road. Leiden: BRILL (Africa-Europe Group for Interdisciplinary Studies), pp. 1–23. Available at:
Beck, Kurt, Klaeger, Gabriel and Stasik, Michael (2017) ‘An Introduction to the African Road’, in Beck, Kurt;Klaeger, Gabriel;Stasik, Michael (ed.) The Making of the African Road. Leiden: BRILL (Africa-Europe Group for Interdisciplinary Studies), pp. 1–23. Available at:
Meiu, George Paul (2017) Ethno-erotic Economies: Sexuality, Money, and Belonging in Kenya. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Meiu, George Paul (2017) Ethno-erotic Economies: Sexuality, Money, and Belonging in Kenya. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Stasik, Michael (2017) ‘Roadside involution, or how many people do you need to run a lorry park?’ Brill Academic Publishers, pp. 24–57. Available at:
Stasik, Michael (2017) ‘Roadside involution, or how many people do you need to run a lorry park?’ Brill Academic Publishers, pp. 24–57. Available at:
Stasik, Michael (2017) ‘How to dance to Beethoven in Freetown: the social, sonic, and sensory organisation of sounds into music and noise’, Anthropology Matters , 2(17), pp. 10–27. Available at:
Stasik, Michael (2017) ‘How to dance to Beethoven in Freetown: the social, sonic, and sensory organisation of sounds into music and noise’, Anthropology Matters , 2(17), pp. 10–27. Available at:
Stasik, Michael (2017) ‘Alltagsspektakel am Straßenrand: Körpertechniken von Busausrufern in Accra, Ghana’, in Ivanov; P. Treiber, M.; Verne, M. (ed.) Körper Technik Wissen. Kreativität und Aneignungsprozesse in Afrika - In den Spuren Kurt Becks. Berlin: LIT (Körper Technik Wissen. Kreativität und Aneignungsprozesse in Afrika - In den Spuren Kurt Becks).
Stasik, Michael (2017) ‘Alltagsspektakel am Straßenrand: Körpertechniken von Busausrufern in Accra, Ghana’, in Ivanov; P. Treiber, M.; Verne, M. (ed.) Körper Technik Wissen. Kreativität und Aneignungsprozesse in Afrika - In den Spuren Kurt Becks. Berlin: LIT (Körper Technik Wissen. Kreativität und Aneignungsprozesse in Afrika - In den Spuren Kurt Becks).
Thiel, Alena and Stasik, Michael (2016) ‘Market men and station women: changing significations of gendered space in Accra, Ghana’, Journal of Contemporary African Studies, 34(4), pp. 459–478. Available at:
Thiel, Alena and Stasik, Michael (2016) ‘Market men and station women: changing significations of gendered space in Accra, Ghana’, Journal of Contemporary African Studies, 34(4), pp. 459–478. Available at:
Stasik, Michael (2016) ‘REAL LOVE VERSUS REAL LIFE: YOUTH, MUSIC and UTOPIA in Freetown, Sierra Leone’, Africa, 86(2), pp. 215–236. Available at:
Stasik, Michael (2016) ‘REAL LOVE VERSUS REAL LIFE: YOUTH, MUSIC and UTOPIA in Freetown, Sierra Leone’, Africa, 86(2), pp. 215–236. Available at:
Stasik, Michael (2016) ‘Contingent constellations: African urban complexity seen through the workings of a Ghanaian bus station’, Social Dynamics, 42(1), pp. 122–142. Available at:
Stasik, Michael (2016) ‘Contingent constellations: African urban complexity seen through the workings of a Ghanaian bus station’, Social Dynamics, 42(1), pp. 122–142. Available at:
Meiu, George Paul (2016) ‘Belonging in Ethno-erotic Economies: Adultery, Alterity, and Ritual in Postcolonial Kenya.’, American Ethnologist, 43(2), pp. 215–229. Available at:
Meiu, George Paul (2016) ‘Belonging in Ethno-erotic Economies: Adultery, Alterity, and Ritual in Postcolonial Kenya.’, American Ethnologist, 43(2), pp. 215–229. Available at:
Stasik, Michael (2015) ‘Vernacular neoliberalism: How private entrepreneurship runs public transport in Ghana’, Sociologus, 65(2), pp. 177–200. Available at:
Stasik, Michael (2015) ‘Vernacular neoliberalism: How private entrepreneurship runs public transport in Ghana’, Sociologus, 65(2), pp. 177–200. Available at:
Meiu, George Paul (2015) ‘Beach-Boy Elders and Young Big-Men: Subverting the Temporalities of Ageing in Kenya’s Ethno-Erotic Economies.’, Ethnos: Journal of Anthropology, 80(4), pp. 472–496. Available at:
Meiu, George Paul (2015) ‘Beach-Boy Elders and Young Big-Men: Subverting the Temporalities of Ageing in Kenya’s Ethno-Erotic Economies.’, Ethnos: Journal of Anthropology, 80(4), pp. 472–496. Available at:
Meiu, George Paul (2015) ‘Colonialism and Sexuality’, The International Encyclopedia of Human Sexuality. Edited by Whelehan, Patricia; Bolin, Anne. Malden, Oxford: Wiley (The International Encyclopedia of Human Sexuality). Available at:
Meiu, George Paul (2015) ‘Colonialism and Sexuality’, The International Encyclopedia of Human Sexuality. Edited by Whelehan, Patricia; Bolin, Anne. Malden, Oxford: Wiley (The International Encyclopedia of Human Sexuality). Available at:
Stasik, Michael (2013) ‘Freetown’s Jamaican reggae: further notes on audiences in Africa and on the social meanings of music’, in The Making of Meaning in Africa: Discourse, Image and Text. (The Making of Meaning in Africa: Discourse, Image and Text).
Stasik, Michael (2013) ‘Freetown’s Jamaican reggae: further notes on audiences in Africa and on the social meanings of music’, in The Making of Meaning in Africa: Discourse, Image and Text. (The Making of Meaning in Africa: Discourse, Image and Text).
Stasik, Michael (2012) DISCOnnections: Popular Music Audiences in Freetown, Sierra Leone. Bamenda, Cameroon ; Leiden: Langaa RPCIG ; African Studies Centre. Available at:
Stasik, Michael (2012) DISCOnnections: Popular Music Audiences in Freetown, Sierra Leone. Bamenda, Cameroon ; Leiden: Langaa RPCIG ; African Studies Centre. Available at:
Meiu, George Paul (2011) ‘On Difference, Desire, and the Aesthetics of the Unexpected: “The White Masai” in Kenyan Tourism.’, in Skinner, Jonathan; Theodossopoulos, Dimitrios (ed.) Great Expectations: Imagination and Anticipation in Tourism. Oxford: Berghahn Books (Great Expectations: Imagination and Anticipation in Tourism), pp. 96–115.
Meiu, George Paul (2011) ‘On Difference, Desire, and the Aesthetics of the Unexpected: “The White Masai” in Kenyan Tourism.’, in Skinner, Jonathan; Theodossopoulos, Dimitrios (ed.) Great Expectations: Imagination and Anticipation in Tourism. Oxford: Berghahn Books (Great Expectations: Imagination and Anticipation in Tourism), pp. 96–115.
Meiu, George Paul (2009) ‘Mombasa Morans: Embodiment, Sexual Morality, and Samburu Men in Kenya’, Canadian journal of African studies, 43(1), pp. 105–128.
Meiu, George Paul (2009) ‘Mombasa Morans: Embodiment, Sexual Morality, and Samburu Men in Kenya’, Canadian journal of African studies, 43(1), pp. 105–128.
Meiu, George Paul (2008) ‘Riefenstahl on Safari: Embodied Contemplation in East Africa’, Anthropology today, 24(2), pp. 18–22.
Meiu, George Paul (2008) ‘Riefenstahl on Safari: Embodied Contemplation in East Africa’, Anthropology today, 24(2), pp. 18–22.
Meiu, George Paul (2004) Vin feciorii cu turca! Schimbări semiologice în obiceiurile cetei de feciori din Comăna. Brașov: Arania.
Meiu, George Paul (2004) Vin feciorii cu turca! Schimbări semiologice în obiceiurile cetei de feciori din Comăna. Brașov: Arania.