Aussenwirtschaft und Europ. Integration (Weder)
246 found
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Taylor, M. Scott and Weder, Rolf (2025) ‘How humans are accelerating possible mass extinctions - and a plan to stop it’, VoxDev, 28 January. Available at:
Taylor, M. Scott and Weder, Rolf (2025) ‘How humans are accelerating possible mass extinctions - and a plan to stop it’, VoxDev, 28 January. Available at:
Weder, Rolf (2025) ‘Zur Ambivalenz des internationalen Handels’, Die Volkswirtschaft, 1 January.
Weder, Rolf (2025) ‘Zur Ambivalenz des internationalen Handels’, Die Volkswirtschaft, 1 January.
Filimonovic, Dragan et al. (2024) ‘Innoscape Talk #10 with Philippe Aghion’, Video CIEB Innoscape Talks . Switzerland (Video CIEB Innoscape Talks ). Available at:
Filimonovic, Dragan et al. (2024) ‘Innoscape Talk #10 with Philippe Aghion’, Video CIEB Innoscape Talks . Switzerland (Video CIEB Innoscape Talks ). Available at:
Filimonovic, Dragan et al. (2024) ‘Does Early Regional Scientific Leadership Translate Into Lasting Innovation Advantage?’, WWZ Working Paper [Preprint]. Basel: WWZ (Aussenwirtschaft und Europäische Integration, 11).
Filimonovic, Dragan et al. (2024) ‘Does Early Regional Scientific Leadership Translate Into Lasting Innovation Advantage?’, WWZ Working Paper [Preprint]. Basel: WWZ (Aussenwirtschaft und Europäische Integration, 11).
Goel, Tirupam, Lewrick, Ulf and Mathur, Aakriti (2024) ‘Does Regulation Only Bite the Less Profitable? Evidence from the Too‐Big‐To‐Fail Reforms’, Journal of Money, Credit and Banking [Preprint]. Available at:
Goel, Tirupam, Lewrick, Ulf and Mathur, Aakriti (2024) ‘Does Regulation Only Bite the Less Profitable? Evidence from the Too‐Big‐To‐Fail Reforms’, Journal of Money, Credit and Banking [Preprint]. Available at:
Weder, Rolf (2024) ‘Wir sollten so viele Daten wie möglich sammeln’, Basler Zeitung, 4 September. Available at:
Weder, Rolf (2024) ‘Wir sollten so viele Daten wie möglich sammeln’, Basler Zeitung, 4 September. Available at:
Scott, Taylor, M. and Weder, Rolf (2024) ‘On the Economics of Extinction and Possible Mass Extinctions’, Journal of Economic Perspectives, 38(3), pp. 237–260. Available at: https10.1257/jep.38.3.237.
Scott, Taylor, M. and Weder, Rolf (2024) ‘On the Economics of Extinction and Possible Mass Extinctions’, Journal of Economic Perspectives, 38(3), pp. 237–260. Available at: https10.1257/jep.38.3.237.
Weder, Rolf and Bentele, Riccardo (2024) ‘Patientendaten für die Forschung nutzen’, Neue Zürcher Zeitung, 24 July. Available at:
Weder, Rolf and Bentele, Riccardo (2024) ‘Patientendaten für die Forschung nutzen’, Neue Zürcher Zeitung, 24 July. Available at:
Weder, Rolf (2024) ‘Dass Regierung zu Kosten schweigt, ist überraschend.’, Prime News – das Onlineportal aus und für die Region Basel, 4 July. Available at:
Weder, Rolf (2024) ‘Dass Regierung zu Kosten schweigt, ist überraschend.’, Prime News – das Onlineportal aus und für die Region Basel, 4 July. Available at:
Macher, Jeffrey T., Rutzer, Christian and Weder, Rolf (2024) ‘Is there a secular decline in disruptive patents? Correcting for measurement bias’, Research Policy, 53(5), p. 104992. Available at:
Macher, Jeffrey T., Rutzer, Christian and Weder, Rolf (2024) ‘Is there a secular decline in disruptive patents? Correcting for measurement bias’, Research Policy, 53(5), p. 104992. Available at:
Rutzer, Christian and Weder, Rolf (2024) ‘Verliert die weltweite Forschung an Innovationskraft?’, Die Volkswirtschaft, 28 May. Available at:
Rutzer, Christian and Weder, Rolf (2024) ‘Verliert die weltweite Forschung an Innovationskraft?’, Die Volkswirtschaft, 28 May. Available at:
Ignatov, Augustin (2024) ‘European highways and the geographic diffusion of economic activities from agglomerations to less urbanised areas’, Empirica, 51(2), pp. 351–377. Available at:
Ignatov, Augustin (2024) ‘European highways and the geographic diffusion of economic activities from agglomerations to less urbanised areas’, Empirica, 51(2), pp. 351–377. Available at:
Filimonovic, Dragan et al. (2024) ‘Innoscape Talk #9 with Simon Ittig’, Innoscape Talks. Switzerland (Innoscape Talks). Available at:
Filimonovic, Dragan et al. (2024) ‘Innoscape Talk #9 with Simon Ittig’, Innoscape Talks. Switzerland (Innoscape Talks). Available at:
Filimonovic, Dragan and Rutzer, Christian (2024) ‘Switzerland’s Inventor Demographic Could Boost its Global Competitiveness’, Innoscape Interactive Reports [Preprint]. CIEB University of Basel (Innoscape Interactive Reports). Available at:
Filimonovic, Dragan and Rutzer, Christian (2024) ‘Switzerland’s Inventor Demographic Could Boost its Global Competitiveness’, Innoscape Interactive Reports [Preprint]. CIEB University of Basel (Innoscape Interactive Reports). Available at:
Ignatov, Augustin (2024) ‘European highway networks, transportation costs, and regional income’, Regional Science and Urban Economics, 104, p. 103969. Available at:
Ignatov, Augustin (2024) ‘European highway networks, transportation costs, and regional income’, Regional Science and Urban Economics, 104, p. 103969. Available at:
Ignatov, Augustin (2024) Four Essays on Infrastructure Investments, International Trade, and the Environment. University of Basel.
Ignatov, Augustin (2024) Four Essays on Infrastructure Investments, International Trade, and the Environment. University of Basel.
Rutzer, Christian (2024) ‘AI in Pharmaceutical Science – A Quantitative Perspective Based on the Analysis of Scientific Papers’, Innoscape Interactive Reports [Preprint]. CIEB University of Basel (Innoscape Interactive Reports). Available at:
Rutzer, Christian (2024) ‘AI in Pharmaceutical Science – A Quantitative Perspective Based on the Analysis of Scientific Papers’, Innoscape Interactive Reports [Preprint]. CIEB University of Basel (Innoscape Interactive Reports). Available at:
Weder, Rolf (2024) ‘Wie kann eine Grenzregion international wettbewerbsfähig bleiben?’, Metrobasel Report 2024. 260′000, 1 January, pp. 18–19.
Weder, Rolf (2024) ‘Wie kann eine Grenzregion international wettbewerbsfähig bleiben?’, Metrobasel Report 2024. 260′000, 1 January, pp. 18–19.
Camera, Gabriele, Hohl, Lukas and Weder, Rolf (2023) ‘Inequality as a barrier to economic integration? An experiment’, Experimental Economics, 26(3), pp. 383–411. Available at:
Camera, Gabriele, Hohl, Lukas and Weder, Rolf (2023) ‘Inequality as a barrier to economic integration? An experiment’, Experimental Economics, 26(3), pp. 383–411. Available at:
Filimonovic, Dragan et al. (2022) ‘Innoscape Talk #3: Productivity and New Technologies with Erik Brynjolfsson’, Video CIEB Innoscape Talks. Switzerland (Video CIEB Innoscape Talks). Available at:
Filimonovic, Dragan et al. (2022) ‘Innoscape Talk #3: Productivity and New Technologies with Erik Brynjolfsson’, Video CIEB Innoscape Talks. Switzerland (Video CIEB Innoscape Talks). Available at:
Filimonovic, Dragan et al. (2022) ‘Innoscape Talk #4: IP and Innovation with Catherine Chammartin’, Video CIEB Innoscape Talks. Switzerland (Video CIEB Innoscape Talks). Available at:
Filimonovic, Dragan et al. (2022) ‘Innoscape Talk #4: IP and Innovation with Catherine Chammartin’, Video CIEB Innoscape Talks. Switzerland (Video CIEB Innoscape Talks). Available at:
Filimonovic, Dragan et al. (2022) ‘Innoscape Talk #5: Overcoming challenges in the Swiss innovation system’, Video CIEB Innoscape Talks. Switzerland (Video CIEB Innoscape Talks). Available at:
Filimonovic, Dragan et al. (2022) ‘Innoscape Talk #5: Overcoming challenges in the Swiss innovation system’, Video CIEB Innoscape Talks. Switzerland (Video CIEB Innoscape Talks). Available at:
Filimonovic, Dragan and Rutzer, Christian (2022) ‘From scientific paper to patent: The role of basic research for mRNA innovations’, Innoscape Interactive Reports [Preprint]. CIEB University of Basel (Innoscape Interactive Reports). Available at:
Filimonovic, Dragan and Rutzer, Christian (2022) ‘From scientific paper to patent: The role of basic research for mRNA innovations’, Innoscape Interactive Reports [Preprint]. CIEB University of Basel (Innoscape Interactive Reports). Available at:
Lobsiger, Michael and Rutzer, Christian (2022) ‘Grüne Wirtschaft braucht Ingenieure’, Die Volkswirtschaft, 1 January. Available at:
Lobsiger, Michael and Rutzer, Christian (2022) ‘Grüne Wirtschaft braucht Ingenieure’, Die Volkswirtschaft, 1 January. Available at:
Niggli, Matthias (2022) ‘Spreading Out: The Adoption of Disruptive Technologies in Switzerland’, Innoscape Interactive Reports [Preprint]. CIEB University of Basel (Innoscape Interactive Reports). Available at:
Niggli, Matthias (2022) ‘Spreading Out: The Adoption of Disruptive Technologies in Switzerland’, Innoscape Interactive Reports [Preprint]. CIEB University of Basel (Innoscape Interactive Reports). Available at:
Niggli, Matthias and Rutzer, Christian (2022) ‘Too little, too late? Switzerland is losing ground in fast-improving technologies’, Innoscape Interactive Reports [Preprint]. CIEB University of Basel (Innoscape Interactive Reports). Available at:
Niggli, Matthias and Rutzer, Christian (2022) ‘Too little, too late? Switzerland is losing ground in fast-improving technologies’, Innoscape Interactive Reports [Preprint]. CIEB University of Basel (Innoscape Interactive Reports). Available at:
Weder, Rolf (2022) ‘Die Freundin der Haie’, Die Volkswirtschaft, 1 January. Available at:
Weder, Rolf (2022) ‘Die Freundin der Haie’, Die Volkswirtschaft, 1 January. Available at:
Weder, Rolf (2022) ‘Handelstheorie nach Lehrbuch’, Die Volkswirtschaft, 1 January. Available at:
Weder, Rolf (2022) ‘Handelstheorie nach Lehrbuch’, Die Volkswirtschaft, 1 January. Available at:
Weder, Rolf (2022) ‘Gestern Maschinen, morgen Ideen?’, Tribune, 1 January, pp. 6–7. Available at:
Weder, Rolf (2022) ‘Gestern Maschinen, morgen Ideen?’, Tribune, 1 January, pp. 6–7. Available at:
Weder, Rolf (2022) ‘Lob des Freihandels’, Weltwoche, 1 January, pp. 46–47. Available at:
Weder, Rolf (2022) ‘Lob des Freihandels’, Weltwoche, 1 January, pp. 46–47. Available at:
Weder, Rolf (2022) ‘War das der richtige Zeitpunkt für die Anhebung des Leitzins?’, Telebasel. Switzerland (Telebasel).
Weder, Rolf (2022) ‘War das der richtige Zeitpunkt für die Anhebung des Leitzins?’, Telebasel. Switzerland (Telebasel).
Weder, Rolf (2022) ‘Die Globalisierung: Fluch oder Segen?’, Primenews. Switzerland (Primenews).
Weder, Rolf (2022) ‘Die Globalisierung: Fluch oder Segen?’, Primenews. Switzerland (Primenews).
Weder, Rolf (2022) ‘Langfristig fördert der Handel umweltschonendes Verhalten’, Handelskammer beider Basel online, 1 January, p. 1.
Weder, Rolf (2022) ‘Langfristig fördert der Handel umweltschonendes Verhalten’, Handelskammer beider Basel online, 1 January, p. 1.
Weder, Rolf (2022) ‘Droht eine neue Euro-Krise [Fernsehinterview]’, SRF. Switzerland (SRF). Available at:
Weder, Rolf (2022) ‘Droht eine neue Euro-Krise [Fernsehinterview]’, SRF. Switzerland (SRF). Available at:
Weder, Rolf (2022) ‘Leidet unser gegenseitiges Vertrauen unter Long Covid?’, WWZ Faculty Blog, 1 January, p. 2. Available at:
Weder, Rolf (2022) ‘Leidet unser gegenseitiges Vertrauen unter Long Covid?’, WWZ Faculty Blog, 1 January, p. 2. Available at:
Eichenauer, Vera Z. et al. (2021) ‘Obtaining consistent time series from Google Trends’, Economic Inquiry, pp. 1–12. Available at:
Eichenauer, Vera Z. et al. (2021) ‘Obtaining consistent time series from Google Trends’, Economic Inquiry, pp. 1–12. Available at:
Filimonovic, Dragan et al. (2021) ‘Innoscape Talk #1: Innovation in the Swiss pharma industry with Severin Schwan’, Video CIEB Innoscape Talks. Switzerland (Video CIEB Innoscape Talks). Available at:
Filimonovic, Dragan et al. (2021) ‘Innoscape Talk #1: Innovation in the Swiss pharma industry with Severin Schwan’, Video CIEB Innoscape Talks. Switzerland (Video CIEB Innoscape Talks). Available at:
Filimonovic, Dragan et al. (2021) ‘Innoscape Talk #2: The Economics of Innovation with Paul Romer’, Video CIEB Innoscape Talks. Switzerland (Video CIEB Innoscape Talks). Available at:
Filimonovic, Dragan et al. (2021) ‘Innoscape Talk #2: The Economics of Innovation with Paul Romer’, Video CIEB Innoscape Talks. Switzerland (Video CIEB Innoscape Talks). Available at:
Filimonovic, Dragan and Rutzer, Christian (2021) ‘The rise of mRNA technology’, Innoscape Interactive Reports [Preprint]. CIEB University of Basel (Innoscape Interactive Reports). Available at:
Filimonovic, Dragan and Rutzer, Christian (2021) ‘The rise of mRNA technology’, Innoscape Interactive Reports [Preprint]. CIEB University of Basel (Innoscape Interactive Reports). Available at:
Filimonovic, Dragan and Rutzer, Christian (2021) ‘International collaboration and the quality of innovations: It matters whom you partner with!’, Innoscape Interactive Reports [Preprint]. CIEB University of Basel (Innoscape Interactive Reports). Available at:
Filimonovic, Dragan and Rutzer, Christian (2021) ‘International collaboration and the quality of innovations: It matters whom you partner with!’, Innoscape Interactive Reports [Preprint]. CIEB University of Basel (Innoscape Interactive Reports). Available at:
Goel, Tirupam, Lewrick, Ulf and Mathur, Aakriti (2021) ‘Does regulation only bite the less profitable? Evidence from the too-big-to-fail reforms’, Staff Working Paper. Bank of England (Staff Working Paper). Available at:
Goel, Tirupam, Lewrick, Ulf and Mathur, Aakriti (2021) ‘Does regulation only bite the less profitable? Evidence from the too-big-to-fail reforms’, Staff Working Paper. Bank of England (Staff Working Paper). Available at:
Lobsiger, Michael and Rutzer, Christian (2021) ‘Jobs with green potential in Switzerland: Demand and possible skills shortages’, WWZ Working Paper. WWZ (WWZ Working Paper, 01).
Lobsiger, Michael and Rutzer, Christian (2021) ‘Jobs with green potential in Switzerland: Demand and possible skills shortages’, WWZ Working Paper. WWZ (WWZ Working Paper, 01).
Lobsiger, Michael and Rutzer, Christian (2021) ‘Green potential of Europe’s labour force: Relative share and possible skills imbalances’, WWZ Working Paper. WWZ (WWZ Working Paper, 04).
Lobsiger, Michael and Rutzer, Christian (2021) ‘Green potential of Europe’s labour force: Relative share and possible skills imbalances’, WWZ Working Paper. WWZ (WWZ Working Paper, 04).
Lobsiger, Michael and Rutzer, Christian (2021) ‘The green potential of occupations in Switzerland’, Swiss Journal of Economics and Statistics, 157(8), pp. 1–21. Available at:
Lobsiger, Michael and Rutzer, Christian (2021) ‘The green potential of occupations in Switzerland’, Swiss Journal of Economics and Statistics, 157(8), pp. 1–21. Available at:
Niggli, Matthias (2021) On Inventors, Skills and the Labor Market: Three Essays Using Supervised Learning for Economic Analysis. Dissertation.
Niggli, Matthias (2021) On Inventors, Skills and the Labor Market: Three Essays Using Supervised Learning for Economic Analysis. Dissertation.
Niggli, Matthias and Rutzer, Christian (2021) ‘A Gender Gap to More Innovation in Switzerland’, Innoscape Interactive Reports [Preprint]. CIEB University of Basel (Innoscape Interactive Reports). Available at:
Niggli, Matthias and Rutzer, Christian (2021) ‘A Gender Gap to More Innovation in Switzerland’, Innoscape Interactive Reports [Preprint]. CIEB University of Basel (Innoscape Interactive Reports). Available at:
Niggli, Matthias and Rutzer, Christian (2021) ‘Mind the Gap: Non-Western Origin Inventors in the USA and Europe’, Innoscape Interactive Reports [Preprint]. CIEB University of Basel (Innoscape Interactive Reports). Available at:
Niggli, Matthias and Rutzer, Christian (2021) ‘Mind the Gap: Non-Western Origin Inventors in the USA and Europe’, Innoscape Interactive Reports [Preprint]. CIEB University of Basel (Innoscape Interactive Reports). Available at:
Niggli, Matthias, Rutzer, Christian and Weder, Rolf (2021) ‘Viele Erfinder wohnen jenseits der Grenze’, Die Volkswirtschaft, 1 January, pp. 14–17.
Niggli, Matthias, Rutzer, Christian and Weder, Rolf (2021) ‘Viele Erfinder wohnen jenseits der Grenze’, Die Volkswirtschaft, 1 January, pp. 14–17.
Rutzer, Christian (2021) ‘«Massarbeit»: Warum die Industrie den Frankenschock so gut verkraftet hat’, Handelszeitung, 1 January, p. 1. Available at:
Rutzer, Christian (2021) ‘«Massarbeit»: Warum die Industrie den Frankenschock so gut verkraftet hat’, Handelszeitung, 1 January, p. 1. Available at:
Rutzer, Christian and Niggli, Matthias (2021) ‘Arbeitgeberbarometer 2021’. Center for International Economics and Business. Available at:
Rutzer, Christian and Niggli, Matthias (2021) ‘Arbeitgeberbarometer 2021’. Center for International Economics and Business. Available at:
Rutzer, Christian and Niggli, Matthias (2021) ‘R&D specialization’, Innoscape Interactive Reports [Preprint]. CIEB University of Basel (Innoscape Interactive Reports). Available at:
Rutzer, Christian and Niggli, Matthias (2021) ‘R&D specialization’, Innoscape Interactive Reports [Preprint]. CIEB University of Basel (Innoscape Interactive Reports). Available at:
Rutzer, Christian and Weder, Rolf (2021) De-Industrialisierung der Schweiz? Fakten, Gründe und Strategien im internationalen Vergleich. 1 edn. Wiesbaden: Springer Gabler. Available at:
Rutzer, Christian and Weder, Rolf (2021) De-Industrialisierung der Schweiz? Fakten, Gründe und Strategien im internationalen Vergleich. 1 edn. Wiesbaden: Springer Gabler. Available at:
Rutzer, Christian and Weder, Rolf (2021) ‘De - Industrialisierung? Nein: Digitalisierung!’, twice, 1 January, pp. 14–15. Available at:
Rutzer, Christian and Weder, Rolf (2021) ‘De - Industrialisierung? Nein: Digitalisierung!’, twice, 1 January, pp. 14–15. Available at:
Rutzer, Christian and Weder, Rolf (2021) ‘Gefährdet das Fehlen von Mint-Absolventinnen den Innovationsstandort Schweiz?’, Neue Zürcher Zeitung, 1 January, p. 1. Available at:
Rutzer, Christian and Weder, Rolf (2021) ‘Gefährdet das Fehlen von Mint-Absolventinnen den Innovationsstandort Schweiz?’, Neue Zürcher Zeitung, 1 January, p. 1. Available at:
Rutzer, Christian and Weder, Rolf: (2021) ‘Der Innovationsstandort Schweiz braucht mehr Frauen’, Neue Zürcher Zeitung, 1 January, p. 21. Available at:
Rutzer, Christian and Weder, Rolf: (2021) ‘Der Innovationsstandort Schweiz braucht mehr Frauen’, Neue Zürcher Zeitung, 1 January, p. 21. Available at:
Weder, Rolf (2021) ‘Verständnis für den Entscheid des Bundesrates zum Rahmenabkommen’. WWZ Faculty Blog.
Weder, Rolf (2021) ‘Verständnis für den Entscheid des Bundesrates zum Rahmenabkommen’. WWZ Faculty Blog.
Weder, Rolf (2021) ‘Verständnis für den Entscheid des Bundesrates zum Rahmenabkommen’, WWZ Faculty Blog - Der Ökonomieblog der Universität Basel, 1 January, p. 1. Available at:
Weder, Rolf (2021) ‘Verständnis für den Entscheid des Bundesrates zum Rahmenabkommen’, WWZ Faculty Blog - Der Ökonomieblog der Universität Basel, 1 January, p. 1. Available at:
Weder, Rolf (2021) ‘Pensionierung nein danke sagt fast die Hälfte der 55-70 Jährigen [Fernsehinterview]’, SRF. Switzerland (SRF). Available at:
Weder, Rolf (2021) ‘Pensionierung nein danke sagt fast die Hälfte der 55-70 Jährigen [Fernsehinterview]’, SRF. Switzerland (SRF). Available at:
Weder, Rolf and Kägi, Wolfram (2021) Umbau der Schweiz in eine ‘Grüne Wirtschaft’: Herausforderungen für den Arbeitsmarkt. Basel: Oeschger Druck AG. Available at:
Weder, Rolf and Kägi, Wolfram (2021) Umbau der Schweiz in eine ‘Grüne Wirtschaft’: Herausforderungen für den Arbeitsmarkt. Basel: Oeschger Druck AG. Available at:
Weder, Rolf and Rutzer, Christian (2021) ‘Mint-Fächer für Nachhaltigkeit’, Finanz & Wirtschaft, 1 January, p. 1. Available at:
Weder, Rolf and Rutzer, Christian (2021) ‘Mint-Fächer für Nachhaltigkeit’, Finanz & Wirtschaft, 1 January, p. 1. Available at:
Erhardt, Tobias and Weder, Rolf (2020) ‘Shark Hunting: On the Vulnerability of Resources with Heterogeneous Species’, Resource and Energy Economics, 61(101181). Available at:
Erhardt, Tobias and Weder, Rolf (2020) ‘Shark Hunting: On the Vulnerability of Resources with Heterogeneous Species’, Resource and Energy Economics, 61(101181). Available at:
Felder, Guido and Weder, Rolf (2020) ‘EU-Gipfel Die Grossen sind nicht mehr die Grössten’, Blick, 1 January, pp. 8–8.
Felder, Guido and Weder, Rolf (2020) ‘EU-Gipfel Die Grossen sind nicht mehr die Grössten’, Blick, 1 January, pp. 8–8.
Filimonovic, Dragan (2020) Estimating Causal Effects of Public Policies: Three Essays on Consumption, Labour Supply and Enforcement. Dissertation.
Filimonovic, Dragan (2020) Estimating Causal Effects of Public Policies: Three Essays on Consumption, Labour Supply and Enforcement. Dissertation.
Filimonovic, Dragan, Niggli, Matthias and Rutzer, Christian (2020) ‘The pharmaceutical industry: a driver of innovation and growth in Switzerland’. Center for International Economics and Business | CIEB. Available at:
Filimonovic, Dragan, Niggli, Matthias and Rutzer, Christian (2020) ‘The pharmaceutical industry: a driver of innovation and growth in Switzerland’. Center for International Economics and Business | CIEB. Available at:
Niggli, Matthias and Rutzer, Christian (2020) ‘Greening and the Labor Market’. Center for International Economics and Business | CIEB. Available at:
Niggli, Matthias and Rutzer, Christian (2020) ‘Greening and the Labor Market’. Center for International Economics and Business | CIEB. Available at:
Niggli, Matthias, Rutzer, Christian and Filimonovic, Dragan (2020) ‘Cross-border commuting and inventions ‘Made in Switzerland’’. Center for International Economics and Business | CIEB. Available at:
Niggli, Matthias, Rutzer, Christian and Filimonovic, Dragan (2020) ‘Cross-border commuting and inventions ‘Made in Switzerland’’. Center for International Economics and Business | CIEB. Available at:
Rutzer, Christian and Niggli, Matthias (2020) ‘Environmental Policy and Heterogeneous Labor Market Effects: Evidence from Europe’, WWZ Working Paper. WWZ (WWZ Working Paper, 09).
Rutzer, Christian and Niggli, Matthias (2020) ‘Environmental Policy and Heterogeneous Labor Market Effects: Evidence from Europe’, WWZ Working Paper. WWZ (WWZ Working Paper, 09).
Rutzer, Christian and Niggli, Matthias (2020) ‘Corona-Lockdown und Homeoffice in der Schweiz’. Center for International Economics and Business | CIEB. Available at:
Rutzer, Christian and Niggli, Matthias (2020) ‘Corona-Lockdown und Homeoffice in der Schweiz’. Center for International Economics and Business | CIEB. Available at:
Rutzer, Christian and Niggli, Matthias (2020) ‘What’s next? The Swiss Pharmaceutical Industry in the International Innovation Race’. Center for International Economics and Business | CIEB. Available at:
Rutzer, Christian and Niggli, Matthias (2020) ‘What’s next? The Swiss Pharmaceutical Industry in the International Innovation Race’. Center for International Economics and Business | CIEB. Available at:
Rutzer, Christian, Niggli, Matthias and Weder, Rolf (2020) ‘Estimating the Green Potential of Occupations: A New Approach Applied to the U.S. Labor Market’, WWZ Working Paper. WWZ (WWZ Working Paper, 03).
Rutzer, Christian, Niggli, Matthias and Weder, Rolf (2020) ‘Estimating the Green Potential of Occupations: A New Approach Applied to the U.S. Labor Market’, WWZ Working Paper. WWZ (WWZ Working Paper, 03).
Rutzer, Christian and Weder, Rolf (2020) ‘Coronavirus und Home-Office: Die Gewinner von heute könnten die Verlierer von morgen sein’, Neue Zürcher Zeitung, 1 January, p. 1.
Rutzer, Christian and Weder, Rolf (2020) ‘Coronavirus und Home-Office: Die Gewinner von heute könnten die Verlierer von morgen sein’, Neue Zürcher Zeitung, 1 January, p. 1.
Spirig, Beat and Weder, Rolf (2020) ‘Das Rüstzeug für die Gratwanderung’, Schweizer Monat, Sonderpublikation «150 Jahre Economiesuisse», 1 January, pp. 29–31.
Spirig, Beat and Weder, Rolf (2020) ‘Das Rüstzeug für die Gratwanderung’, Schweizer Monat, Sonderpublikation «150 Jahre Economiesuisse», 1 January, pp. 29–31.
Weder, Rolf (2020) ‘Ricardos Handelstheorie im Jahr 2020’, Die Volkswirtschaft, 1 January, pp. 37–39. Available at:
Weder, Rolf (2020) ‘Ricardos Handelstheorie im Jahr 2020’, Die Volkswirtschaft, 1 January, pp. 37–39. Available at:
Weder, Rolf (2020) ‘Neue Handelsvereinbarungen zwischen Schweiz und EU’, ZDF. Germany (ZDF).
Weder, Rolf (2020) ‘Neue Handelsvereinbarungen zwischen Schweiz und EU’, ZDF. Germany (ZDF).
Weder, Rolf (2020) ‘Lehren der tragischen Haifischjagd’, Finanz und Wirtschaft, 1 January, p. 3.
Weder, Rolf (2020) ‘Lehren der tragischen Haifischjagd’, Finanz und Wirtschaft, 1 January, p. 3.
Weder, Rolf (2020) ‘It’s not going to be the same for quite some time’, tribune, 1 January, pp. 6–7.
Weder, Rolf (2020) ‘It’s not going to be the same for quite some time’, tribune, 1 January, pp. 6–7.
Weder, Rolf (2020) ‘Ökonomie und Klima’, Finanz und Wirtschaft, 1 January, pp. 3–3.
Weder, Rolf (2020) ‘Ökonomie und Klima’, Finanz und Wirtschaft, 1 January, pp. 3–3.
Weder, Rolf, Niggli, Matthias and Rutzer, Christian (2020) ‘Grenzgänger - ein wichtiger Pfeiler für Patente ‘Made in Switzerland’’. WWZ Faculty Blog. Available at:
Weder, Rolf, Niggli, Matthias and Rutzer, Christian (2020) ‘Grenzgänger - ein wichtiger Pfeiler für Patente ‘Made in Switzerland’’. WWZ Faculty Blog. Available at:
Weder, Rolf, Rutzer, Christian and Niggli, Matthias (2020) ‘Grenzgänger - ein wichtiger Pfeiler für Innovationen «Made in Switzerland»’, Basler Zeitung, 1 January, pp. 21–21.
Weder, Rolf, Rutzer, Christian and Niggli, Matthias (2020) ‘Grenzgänger - ein wichtiger Pfeiler für Innovationen «Made in Switzerland»’, Basler Zeitung, 1 January, pp. 21–21.
Camera, Gabriel, Hohl, Lukas and Weder, Rolf (2019) ‘Breaking Up: Experimental Insights into Economic (Dis)Integration’, WWZ Working Papers. WWZ (WWZ Working Papers, 21).
Camera, Gabriel, Hohl, Lukas and Weder, Rolf (2019) ‘Breaking Up: Experimental Insights into Economic (Dis)Integration’, WWZ Working Papers. WWZ (WWZ Working Papers, 21).
Hohl, Lukas (2019) Insights into international (dis)integration and group formation. Dissertation.
Hohl, Lukas (2019) Insights into international (dis)integration and group formation. Dissertation.
Kaiser, Boris, Möhr, Thomas and Rutzer, Christian (2019) ‘Alterung prägt den Strukturwandel’, Die Volkswirtschaft, 1 January, pp. 41–44.
Kaiser, Boris, Möhr, Thomas and Rutzer, Christian (2019) ‘Alterung prägt den Strukturwandel’, Die Volkswirtschaft, 1 January, pp. 41–44.
Kaiser, Boris, Möhr, Thomas and Rutzer, Christian (2019) ‘Der Einfluss des demografischen Wandels auf die Wirtschaftsstruktur der Schweiz’, Grundlagen für die Wirtschaftspolitik. Staatssekretariat für Wirtschaft, 4.
Kaiser, Boris, Möhr, Thomas and Rutzer, Christian (2019) ‘Der Einfluss des demografischen Wandels auf die Wirtschaftsstruktur der Schweiz’, Grundlagen für die Wirtschaftspolitik. Staatssekretariat für Wirtschaft, 4.
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