Health Economics (Felder)
51 found
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Brunner, Sascha Sebastian (2024) ‘Cost and Quality Differences in Elective Total Hip Arthroplasty between Swiss Hospital Departments’, WWZ Working Paper [Preprint]. Basel: WWZ (WWZ Working Paper, 12).
Brunner, Sascha Sebastian (2024) ‘Cost and Quality Differences in Elective Total Hip Arthroplasty between Swiss Hospital Departments’, WWZ Working Paper [Preprint]. Basel: WWZ (WWZ Working Paper, 12).
Felder, Stefan and Dilek, Sevim (2024) ‘Value and demand for genetic information and ambiguity aversion revisited’, Risk Management and Insurance Review, 27(2), pp. 161–181. Available at:
Felder, Stefan and Dilek, Sevim (2024) ‘Value and demand for genetic information and ambiguity aversion revisited’, Risk Management and Insurance Review, 27(2), pp. 161–181. Available at:
Felder, Stefan (2024) ‘Was sind (uns) das Leben und die Gesundheit wert?’, in Entwicklung im Medizinrecht - Vom klassischen Arztrecht zu One Health. Stämpfli (Entwicklung im Medizinrecht - Vom klassischen Arztrecht zu One Health), pp. 593–600.
Felder, Stefan (2024) ‘Was sind (uns) das Leben und die Gesundheit wert?’, in Entwicklung im Medizinrecht - Vom klassischen Arztrecht zu One Health. Stämpfli (Entwicklung im Medizinrecht - Vom klassischen Arztrecht zu One Health), pp. 593–600.
Felder, Stefan (2024) ‘Was ist (uns) das Leben wert?’, in Wirtschaft verstehen - Zukunft gestalten. (Wirtschaft verstehen - Zukunft gestalten), pp. 157–163.
Felder, Stefan (2024) ‘Was ist (uns) das Leben wert?’, in Wirtschaft verstehen - Zukunft gestalten. (Wirtschaft verstehen - Zukunft gestalten), pp. 157–163.
Foster‐Witassek, Fabienne et al. (2023) ‘Longitudinal Changes in Health-Related Quality of Life in Patients With Atrial Fibrillation’, Journal of the American Heart Association, 12(21). Available at:
Foster‐Witassek, Fabienne et al. (2023) ‘Longitudinal Changes in Health-Related Quality of Life in Patients With Atrial Fibrillation’, Journal of the American Heart Association, 12(21). Available at:
Blankart, Katharina E. and Felder, Stefan (2022) ‘Do Medicine Shortages Reduce Access and Increase Pharmaceutical Expenditure? A Retrospective Analysis of Switzerland 2015-2020’, Value in Health, 25(7), pp. 1124–1132. Available at:
Blankart, Katharina E. and Felder, Stefan (2022) ‘Do Medicine Shortages Reduce Access and Increase Pharmaceutical Expenditure? A Retrospective Analysis of Switzerland 2015-2020’, Value in Health, 25(7), pp. 1124–1132. Available at:
Felder, Stefan (2022) ‘Es fehlen verlässliche Daten’, Neue Zürcher Zeitung, 1 January, pp. 18–18.
Felder, Stefan (2022) ‘Es fehlen verlässliche Daten’, Neue Zürcher Zeitung, 1 January, pp. 18–18.
Felder, Stefan (2022) ‘Ärzte sind auch nur Menschen’, Finanz und Wirtschaft, 1 January, pp. 3–3.
Felder, Stefan (2022) ‘Ärzte sind auch nur Menschen’, Finanz und Wirtschaft, 1 January, pp. 3–3.
Felder, Stefan (2022) ‘Tauschen im Dreieck’, Weltwoche, 1 January, p. 1.
Felder, Stefan (2022) ‘Tauschen im Dreieck’, Weltwoche, 1 January, p. 1.
Felder, Stefan (2022) ‘Sankt-Florians-Politik in der Spitalversorgung’, Finanz und Wirtschaft, 1 January, p. 1.
Felder, Stefan (2022) ‘Sankt-Florians-Politik in der Spitalversorgung’, Finanz und Wirtschaft, 1 January, p. 1.
Felder, Stefan (2022) ‘Klima hui, Pillen pfui’, Finanz und Wirtschaft, 1 January, p. 1.
Felder, Stefan (2022) ‘Klima hui, Pillen pfui’, Finanz und Wirtschaft, 1 January, p. 1.
Felder, Stefan (2022) ‘Zukunft des Ameos Spitals Einsiedeln ungewiss [Fernsehinterview]’, SRF. Switzerland (SRF). Available at:
Felder, Stefan (2022) ‘Zukunft des Ameos Spitals Einsiedeln ungewiss [Fernsehinterview]’, SRF. Switzerland (SRF). Available at:
Felder, Stefan (2022) ‘Krankenkassenprämien steigen im Schnitt 6.6 Prozent [Fernsehinterview]’, SRF. Switzerland (SRF). Available at:
Felder, Stefan (2022) ‘Krankenkassenprämien steigen im Schnitt 6.6 Prozent [Fernsehinterview]’, SRF. Switzerland (SRF). Available at:
Felder, Stefan and Mayrhofer, Thomas (2022) Medical Decision Making: A Health Economic Primer: Third Edition. 3 edn. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg. Available at:
Felder, Stefan and Mayrhofer, Thomas (2022) Medical Decision Making: A Health Economic Primer: Third Edition. 3 edn. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg. Available at:
Fink, Günther, Tediosi, Fabrizio and Felder, Stefan (2022) ‘Burden of Covid-19 restrictions: National, regional and global estimates’, EClinicalMedicine, 45, p. 101305. Available at:
Fink, Günther, Tediosi, Fabrizio and Felder, Stefan (2022) ‘Burden of Covid-19 restrictions: National, regional and global estimates’, EClinicalMedicine, 45, p. 101305. Available at:
Sevim, Dilek and Felder, Stefan (2022) ‘Decision Thresholds for Medical Tests Under Ambiguity Aversion’, Frontiers in Health Services, 2, p. 825315. Available at:
Sevim, Dilek and Felder, Stefan (2022) ‘Decision Thresholds for Medical Tests Under Ambiguity Aversion’, Frontiers in Health Services, 2, p. 825315. Available at:
Amann, Erwin and Felder, Stefan (2021) ‘Survival of altruistic gatekeepers: Kickbacks in medical markets’, German Economic Review, 21, p. 25. Available at:
Amann, Erwin and Felder, Stefan (2021) ‘Survival of altruistic gatekeepers: Kickbacks in medical markets’, German Economic Review, 21, p. 25. Available at:
Felder, Stefan (2021) ‘Decision thresholds with genetic testing’, European Journal of Health Economics, p. 8. Available at:
Felder, Stefan (2021) ‘Decision thresholds with genetic testing’, European Journal of Health Economics, p. 8. Available at:
Felder, Stefan (2021) ‘Utilitarismus: Die richtige Medizin für die Pandemie’, Sozialer Fortschritt, 70(10-11), pp. 615–627. Available at:
Felder, Stefan (2021) ‘Utilitarismus: Die richtige Medizin für die Pandemie’, Sozialer Fortschritt, 70(10-11), pp. 615–627. Available at:
Felder, Stefan (2021) ‘Impfen kräftig fördern’, Finanz und Wirtschaft, 1 January, p. 3.
Felder, Stefan (2021) ‘Impfen kräftig fördern’, Finanz und Wirtschaft, 1 January, p. 3.
Felder, Stefan (2021) ‘«Im Vergleich zum Ausland haben Mediziner in der Schweiz noch paradiesische Zustände»’, Neue Zürcher Zeitung, 1 January, pp. 10–10.
Felder, Stefan (2021) ‘«Im Vergleich zum Ausland haben Mediziner in der Schweiz noch paradiesische Zustände»’, Neue Zürcher Zeitung, 1 January, pp. 10–10.
Felder, Stefan (2021) ‘Sollen die Corona-Impfpatente fallen?’, Telebasel. Switzerland (Telebasel). Available at:
Felder, Stefan (2021) ‘Sollen die Corona-Impfpatente fallen?’, Telebasel. Switzerland (Telebasel). Available at:
Schär, Fabian (2021) ‘Decentralized Finance - Steht das Finanzwesen vor einem Umbruch?’, avenir suisse, Podcast, 1 January, p. 1.
Schär, Fabian (2021) ‘Decentralized Finance - Steht das Finanzwesen vor einem Umbruch?’, avenir suisse, Podcast, 1 January, p. 1.
Straumann, Rachel (2021) Three Essays in Empirical Health Economics. Dissertation.
Straumann, Rachel (2021) Three Essays in Empirical Health Economics. Dissertation.
Felder, Stefan (2020) ‘The treatment decision under uncertainty: The effects ofhealth, wealth and the probability of death’, Journal of Health Economics, 69(102253), p. 9. Available at:
Felder, Stefan (2020) ‘The treatment decision under uncertainty: The effects ofhealth, wealth and the probability of death’, Journal of Health Economics, 69(102253), p. 9. Available at:
Felder, Stefan and Robra, Bernt-Peter (2020) ‘Effectiveness of Corona Lockdowns: Homburg’s Flawed Analysis’, WWZ Working Paper. WWZ (WWZ Working Paper, 08).
Felder, Stefan and Robra, Bernt-Peter (2020) ‘Effectiveness of Corona Lockdowns: Homburg’s Flawed Analysis’, WWZ Working Paper. WWZ (WWZ Working Paper, 08).
Robra, Bernt-Peter and Felder, Stefan (2020) ‘Homburg’s Lockdown Analysis: Conclusions without Data and an Appropriate Estimation Model’, The Economists” Voice, 17(1), p. 9. Available at:
Robra, Bernt-Peter and Felder, Stefan (2020) ‘Homburg’s Lockdown Analysis: Conclusions without Data and an Appropriate Estimation Model’, The Economists” Voice, 17(1), p. 9. Available at:
Robra, Bernt-Peter and Felder, Stefan (2020) ‘Rejoinder to Homburg’, The Economists” Voice, 17(1), p. 1. Available at:
Robra, Bernt-Peter and Felder, Stefan (2020) ‘Rejoinder to Homburg’, The Economists” Voice, 17(1), p. 1. Available at:
Zimmermann, Markus et al. (2019) Das Lebensende in der Schweiz - Individuelle und gesellschaftliche Perspektiven. Basel: Schwabe Verlag. Available at:
Zimmermann, Markus et al. (2019) Das Lebensende in der Schweiz - Individuelle und gesellschaftliche Perspektiven. Basel: Schwabe Verlag. Available at:
Felder, Stefan and Kirchgässner, Gerhard (2019) ‘Switzerland (The Swiss Confederation)’, in Greer, Scott L.; Elliott, Heather (ed.) Federalism and Social Policy: Patterns of Redistribution in 11 Democracies. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press (Federalism and Social Policy: Patterns of Redistribution in 11 Democracies), pp. 193–210.
Felder, Stefan and Kirchgässner, Gerhard (2019) ‘Switzerland (The Swiss Confederation)’, in Greer, Scott L.; Elliott, Heather (ed.) Federalism and Social Policy: Patterns of Redistribution in 11 Democracies. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press (Federalism and Social Policy: Patterns of Redistribution in 11 Democracies), pp. 193–210.
Amler, Nadja et al. (2018) ‘Instrumente zur Messung von Effekten einer Frühintervention auf den Erhalt bzw. Wiederherstellung der Arbeitsfähigkeit in Deutschland - Stellungnahme einer interdisziplinären Arbeitsgruppe’, Das Gesundheitswesen, 80(1), pp. 79–86. Available at:
Amler, Nadja et al. (2018) ‘Instrumente zur Messung von Effekten einer Frühintervention auf den Erhalt bzw. Wiederherstellung der Arbeitsfähigkeit in Deutschland - Stellungnahme einer interdisziplinären Arbeitsgruppe’, Das Gesundheitswesen, 80(1), pp. 79–86. Available at:
Felder, Stefan (2018) ‘Ökonomische Überlegungen zum Kontrahierungszwang in der Obligatorischen Krankenpflegeversicherung’, Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Sozialversicherung und berufliche Vorsorge, 62(1), pp. 95–99. Available at:
Felder, Stefan (2018) ‘Ökonomische Überlegungen zum Kontrahierungszwang in der Obligatorischen Krankenpflegeversicherung’, Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Sozialversicherung und berufliche Vorsorge, 62(1), pp. 95–99. Available at:
Felder, Stefan and Mayrhofer, Thomas (2018) ‘Threshold analysis in the presence of both the diagnostic and the therapeutic risk’, The European journal of health economics, 19(7), pp. 1019–1026. Available at:
Felder, Stefan and Mayrhofer, Thomas (2018) ‘Threshold analysis in the presence of both the diagnostic and the therapeutic risk’, The European journal of health economics, 19(7), pp. 1019–1026. Available at:
Felder, Stefan and Mayrhofer, Thomas (2017) Medical Decision Making. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg. Available at:
Felder, Stefan and Mayrhofer, Thomas (2017) Medical Decision Making. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg. Available at:
Felder, Stefan (2016) ‘How powerful is demography? The Serendipity Theorem revisited - comment on de la Croix et al. (2012)’, Journal of Population Economics, 29(3), pp. 957–967. Available at:
Felder, Stefan (2016) ‘How powerful is demography? The Serendipity Theorem revisited - comment on de la Croix et al. (2012)’, Journal of Population Economics, 29(3), pp. 957–967. Available at:
Meyer, Stefan (2016) Three Essays in Empirical Health Economics. Dissertation.
Meyer, Stefan (2016) Three Essays in Empirical Health Economics. Dissertation.
Meyer, Stefan (2016) ‘Obesity and Health-Care Costs in Switzerland: Dealing with Endogeneity in Non-Linear Regression Models’, Swiss Journal of Economics and Statistics, 152(3), pp. 243–286. Available at:
Meyer, Stefan (2016) ‘Obesity and Health-Care Costs in Switzerland: Dealing with Endogeneity in Non-Linear Regression Models’, Swiss Journal of Economics and Statistics, 152(3), pp. 243–286. Available at:
Meyer, Stefan (2016) ‘Dispensing physicians, asymmetric information supplier-induced demand: evidence from the Swiss Health Survey’, International Journal of Health Economics and Management, 16(3), pp. 215–245. Available at:
Meyer, Stefan (2016) ‘Dispensing physicians, asymmetric information supplier-induced demand: evidence from the Swiss Health Survey’, International Journal of Health Economics and Management, 16(3), pp. 215–245. Available at:
Sossong, Björn et al. (2016) ‘Evaluating the consequences of rheumatoid arthritis’, European Journal of Health Economics, 18(6), pp. 685–696. Available at:
Sossong, Björn et al. (2016) ‘Evaluating the consequences of rheumatoid arthritis’, European Journal of Health Economics, 18(6), pp. 685–696. Available at:
Meyer, Stefan (2015) ‘Payment schemes and cost efficiency: evidence from Swiss public hospitals’, International Journal of Health Economics and Management, 15(1), pp. 73–97. Available at:
Meyer, Stefan (2015) ‘Payment schemes and cost efficiency: evidence from Swiss public hospitals’, International Journal of Health Economics and Management, 15(1), pp. 73–97. Available at:
Felder, Stefan and Mayrhofer, Thomas (2014) ‘Risk Preferences: Consequences for Test and Treatment Thresholds and Optimal Cut-offs’, Medical decision making, 34(1), pp. 33–41. Available at:
Felder, Stefan and Mayrhofer, Thomas (2014) ‘Risk Preferences: Consequences for Test and Treatment Thresholds and Optimal Cut-offs’, Medical decision making, 34(1), pp. 33–41. Available at:
Krieger, Miriam and Felder, Stefan (2013) ‘Can Decision Biases Improve Insurance Outcomes? An Experiment on Status Quo Bias in Health Insurance Choice’, International journal of environmental health research, 10(6), pp. 2560–77. Available at:
Krieger, Miriam and Felder, Stefan (2013) ‘Can Decision Biases Improve Insurance Outcomes? An Experiment on Status Quo Bias in Health Insurance Choice’, International journal of environmental health research, 10(6), pp. 2560–77. Available at:
Ahlert, Marlies, Felder, Stefan and Vogt, Bodo (2012) ‘Which patients do I treat? An experimental study with economists and physicians’, Health economics review, 2(1), p. 1. Available at:
Ahlert, Marlies, Felder, Stefan and Vogt, Bodo (2012) ‘Which patients do I treat? An experimental study with economists and physicians’, Health economics review, 2(1), p. 1. Available at:
Felder, S. (2012) ‘Gesundheitsausgaben und demografischer Wandel’, Bundesgesundheitsblatt, Gesundheitsforschung, Gesundheitsschutz, 55(5), pp. 614–621. Available at:
Felder, S. (2012) ‘Gesundheitsausgaben und demografischer Wandel’, Bundesgesundheitsblatt, Gesundheitsforschung, Gesundheitsschutz, 55(5), pp. 614–621. Available at:
Felder, Stefan (2012) ‘A wise and just decision, comment on the swiss supreme court ruling on myozyme’, Bioethica-Forum, 4(3), p. 2.
Felder, Stefan (2012) ‘A wise and just decision, comment on the swiss supreme court ruling on myozyme’, Bioethica-Forum, 4(3), p. 2.
Augurzky, Boris, Felder, Stefan and Wasem, Jürgen (2012) ‘Mengensteuerung über das G-DRG-Preissystem’, in Klauber, J.,; Geraedts, M.;Friedrich, J.; Wasem, J. (ed.) Krankenhaus-Report 2013 : Mengendynamik: Mehr Menge, mehr Nutzen? Stuttgart: Schattauer (Krankenhaus-Report 2013 : Mengendynamik: Mehr Menge, mehr Nutzen?), p. S. 13.
Augurzky, Boris, Felder, Stefan and Wasem, Jürgen (2012) ‘Mengensteuerung über das G-DRG-Preissystem’, in Klauber, J.,; Geraedts, M.;Friedrich, J.; Wasem, J. (ed.) Krankenhaus-Report 2013 : Mengendynamik: Mehr Menge, mehr Nutzen? Stuttgart: Schattauer (Krankenhaus-Report 2013 : Mengendynamik: Mehr Menge, mehr Nutzen?), p. S. 13.
Felder, Stefan (2012) ‘Auswirkungen der älter werdenden Gesellschaft auf das Gesundheitswesen - Bleibt es bezahlbar?’, in Günster, Ch.;, Klose, J.; Schmacke, N. (ed.) Versorgungsreport 2012. Schwerpunkt: Gesundheit im Alter. Stuttgart: Schattauer (Versorgungsreport 2012. Schwerpunkt: Gesundheit im Alter), p. S. 10.
Felder, Stefan (2012) ‘Auswirkungen der älter werdenden Gesellschaft auf das Gesundheitswesen - Bleibt es bezahlbar?’, in Günster, Ch.;, Klose, J.; Schmacke, N. (ed.) Versorgungsreport 2012. Schwerpunkt: Gesundheit im Alter. Stuttgart: Schattauer (Versorgungsreport 2012. Schwerpunkt: Gesundheit im Alter), p. S. 10.
Felder, Stefan, Meyer, Stefan and Mennicken, Roman (2012) ‘Die Mengenentwicklung in der stationären Versorgung und Erklärungsansätze’, in Klauber, J.,; Geraedts, M.;Friedrich, J.; Wasem, J. (ed.) Krankenhaus-Report 2013 : Mengendynamik: Mehr Menge, mehr Nutzen? Stuttgart: Schattauer (Krankenhaus-Report 2013 : Mengendynamik: Mehr Menge, mehr Nutzen?), p. S. 16.
Felder, Stefan, Meyer, Stefan and Mennicken, Roman (2012) ‘Die Mengenentwicklung in der stationären Versorgung und Erklärungsansätze’, in Klauber, J.,; Geraedts, M.;Friedrich, J.; Wasem, J. (ed.) Krankenhaus-Report 2013 : Mengendynamik: Mehr Menge, mehr Nutzen? Stuttgart: Schattauer (Krankenhaus-Report 2013 : Mengendynamik: Mehr Menge, mehr Nutzen?), p. S. 16.
Breyer, Friedrich, Costa I Font, Joan and Felder, Stefan (2011) ‘Ageing, health, and health care’, Oxford Review of Economic Policy, 26(4), pp. 674–690. Available at:
Breyer, Friedrich, Costa I Font, Joan and Felder, Stefan (2011) ‘Ageing, health, and health care’, Oxford Review of Economic Policy, 26(4), pp. 674–690. Available at:
Felder, Stefan and Mayrhofer, Thomas (2011) Medical decision making : a health economic primer. Berlin: Springer. Available at:
Felder, Stefan and Mayrhofer, Thomas (2011) Medical decision making : a health economic primer. Berlin: Springer. Available at:
Felder, Stefan and Tauchmann, Harald (2011) ‘Federal state differentials in the efficiency of health production in Germany: an artifact of spatial dependence?’, European Journal of Health Economics, 14(1), pp. 21–39. Available at:
Felder, Stefan and Tauchmann, Harald (2011) ‘Federal state differentials in the efficiency of health production in Germany: an artifact of spatial dependence?’, European Journal of Health Economics, 14(1), pp. 21–39. Available at: