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Increasing habitual walking by promoting purposeful activities in the neighbourhood: effects of a personalized, GIS-based intervention for mobility-limited and chronically ill older adults (MOBITEC-Routes)

Research Project
 - 30.11.2027


There is growing evidence that even low-intensity physical activity (e.g., walking at a “normal” pace) produces substantial health benefits. Walking is “universally accessible”, even for mobility-limited and chronically ill older people. To date, little consideration has been given to the environment and individual preferences of older people when promoting walking. A personalized approach based on geographic information systems (GIS) could help address the problem of low long-term adherence to walking programs.


MOBITEC-Routes aims to investigate the effects of an individualized GIS-based intervention on walking, physical activity, physical function, life space, participation in social activities, and quality of life.


In the target group of chronically ill, mobility limited older people (aged 65 years and older), the experimental intervention will be compared with a control intervention in a randomized controlled trial.


If successful, the personalized GIS-based approach can be easily implemented in preventive health promotion.


Increasing habitual walking by promoting purposeful activities in the neighborhood: effects of a personalized, GIS-based intervention for mobility-limited and chronically ill older adults (MOBITEC-Routes)

Velux Stiftung, 12.2023-11.2027 (48)
PI : Hinrichs, Timo.
CI : Infanger, Denis,Rantanen, Taina,Schmidt-Trucksäss, Arno,Schuster-Amft, Corina,Weibel, Robert.

Members (7)

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Timo Hinrichs

Principal Investigator
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Denis Infanger

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Arno Schmidt-Trucksäss

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Corina Schuster-Amft

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Erja Portegijs

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Robert Weibel

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