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Madùwwe : Collecting Egyptian Words

Research Project
 - 31.12.2024

Madùwwe (/maˈduwwə/, the likely early New Kingdom pronunciation of 𓌃𓌃𓌃 : mdw.w = "words") is a project aiming at collecting digital lexical datasets for the Ancient Egyptian language. I have conceived the Madùwwe datasets to be used both by Egyptologists, by general historical linguists, and by computational linguists, and they are thus developped within an interdisciplinary, collaborative and opensource frame. This philosophy is reflected in the use of standardised transcriptions and transliterations, in coherent and regular encoding that makes the data easily accessible through scripts and digital methods, and in the multiple crossreferences to the databases of other major linguistic and egyptological projects. Madàwwe is a work-in-progress project - and so are the datasets that are currently hosted here. Details on the status of the different datasets are provided in the corresponding pages.

Members (1)

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Marwan Kilani

Principal Investigator