Mechanistic dynamics of the chaperone network in the endoplasmatic reticulumResearch Project | 01.08.2022 - 31.07.2026 Mechanistic dynamics of the chaperone network in the endoplasmatic reticulumFundingMechanistic dynamics of the chaperone network in the endoplasmatic reticulumSNF Projekt (GrantsTool), 08.2022-07.2026 (48) PI : Hiller, Sebastian.Members (1) Sebastian HillerPrincipal InvestigatorResearch Groups NMR spectroscopy to unravel biomolecular mechanisms
Mechanistic dynamics of the chaperone network in the endoplasmatic reticulumResearch Project | 01.08.2022 - 31.07.2026
FundingMechanistic dynamics of the chaperone network in the endoplasmatic reticulumSNF Projekt (GrantsTool), 08.2022-07.2026 (48) PI : Hiller, Sebastian.
Mechanistic dynamics of the chaperone network in the endoplasmatic reticulumSNF Projekt (GrantsTool), 08.2022-07.2026 (48) PI : Hiller, Sebastian.