ResearchSpace Deir el-Medina: Documenting the Ancient Egyptian Tomb of the Sculptor Ipuy (TT 217)
Research Project
- 28.02.2023
The tomb TT 217 is located in Deir el-Medina, opposite modern Luxor, on the Theban Westbank. It was built in the Late Bronze Age, in the first half of the reign of Ramesses II (1279-1250 BC), and reused in later periods. It is famous for its first room - the chapel - which contains polychrome wall paintings depicting various ancient Egyptian professionals at work. The tomb and its contents have been poorly researched, in spite of their exceptional value to researchers, the public, and the cultural heritage of Egypt. The twelve-month pilot phase (between March 2022 and February 2023) has three goals. 1 . To develop the digital architecture for a new open-access online platform, ResearchSpace Deir el-Medina , that will ultimately allow the seamless collection, documentation, research, and publication of Egyptological and archaeological data from Deir el-Medina using just one tool. TT 217 will serve as a test-case for the development of this platform. 2. To prepare the data collected thus far from TT 217 (both primary sources in Egypt and digitally accessible objects from museums and archives) to be imported into the new tool and to create the first results and output. 3. To prepare and submit a larger project grant application for which steps 1. and 2. will lay the necessary groundwork.
ResearchSpace Deir el-Medina: Documenting the Ancient Egyptian Tomb of the Sculptor Ipuy (TT 217)