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Publikationsprojekt "Insulae in Context"

Research Project
 - 31.12.2023

In den Akten zum Internationales Kolloquium «Insulae in context» (25.-28.09.2019), die zur Zeit für die Drucklegung in der Reihe "Forschungen in Augst" vorbereitet werden, sollen die Beiträge der verschiedenen Referent*innen veröffentlicht werden: Axel Gering, The Insula as an architectural form: its features and development Johannes Michael Rainer, Roman Building Law Peter-Andrew Schwarz, Insulae in Augusta Raurica - an overview Sven Straumann, The Insula 30 in the Roman Town of Augusta Raurica Antonella Coralini, Insulatim? Study and edition strategies of a Roman city: Pompeii Jesús Bermejo, New Kids on the Block: The Application of Space Syntax Tools for the Analysis of Roman Insulae and Neighbourhoods Paula Uribe, The Insulae in Hispania: an overview Clara Forn et al., Adapt or perish! An example of development and adaptation to an urban planning in the northern insuale of Baetulo Janet DeLaine, Variety and individuality in the second century insulae of Ostia: four case studies from around the Capitolium Beatrice Fochetti, Multifunctional insulae with tabernae in the urban landscape of Ostia Mark A. Locicero, As Below, so Above: an insula-based approach to sewers and drainage in Roman Volubilis (Morocco) Caterina Previato et al., Insulae of Northern Italy and the case study of Aquileia Domenico Esposito, Interrelation and interdependency between property units within the Insulae of Pompeii Benjamin Clément, Live and work in the roman colonies of Lugdunum (Lyon - F) and Vienna (Vienne - F) Pierre Blanc, Insulae in Aventicum/Avenches Sven Straumann, Peter-A. Schwarz, Conclusion

Members (3)

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Peter-Andrew Schwarz

Principal Investigator
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Sven Straumann

Principal Investigator
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Debora Schmid
