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FIBsuperProbes / Focused Ion Beam fabrication of superconducting scanning Probes

Research Project
 - 31.03.2024

Our vision is to enable a new era in scanning probe microscopy (SPM), in which nanometer-scale sensing devices - specifically superconducting devices - can be directly patterned on-tip and used to reveal new types of contrast. To realize this vision, we will use focused ion beam (FIB) techniques to produce sensors with unprecedented size, functionality, and sensitivity directly on the tips of custom-designed cantilevers. The key to this undertaking will be the unique capability of FIB to mill, grow, or structurally modify materials - especially superconductors - at the nanometer-scale and on non-planar surfaces. Our FIB-fabricated probes will include on-tip nanometer-scale Josephson junctions (JJs) and superconducting quantum interference devices (SQUIDs) for mapping magnetic fields, magnetic susceptibility, electric currents, and dissipation. Crucially, the custom-built cantilevers, on which the sensors will be patterned, will enable nanometer-scale distance control, endowing our probes with exquisite spatial resolution and simultaneous topographic contrast. The resulting imaging techniques will significantly surpass state-of-the-art SPM and help us to unravel poorly understood phenomena in physics, chemistry, and material science, which are impossible to address with today's technology.

Collaborations & Cooperations

2024 - Participation or Organization of Collaborations on a national level
Knoll, Armin, Researcher, IBM Research Zürich, Research cooperation
2024 - Participation or Organization of Collaborations on an international level
De Terersa, Jose María, Professor, University of Zaragoza, Research cooperation
2024 - Participation or Organization of Collaborations on an international level
Köelle, Dieter, Professor, University of Tübingen, Research cooperation


FIBsuperProbes / Focused Ion Beam fabrication of superconducting scanning Probes

Horizon 2020 Collaborative Projects (GrantsTool), 10.2020-03.2024 (42)
PI : Poggio, Martino.

Members (3)

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Martino Poggio

Principal Investigator
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Kousik Bagani

Project Member
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Daniel Martin Jetter

Project Member