SuperMaMa / Superconducting Mass Spectrometry and Molecule Analysis
Research Project
- 31.12.2022
SuperMaMa is an EU-FET OPEN Research & Innovation project working on new technologies for mass spectrometry and analysis of lowly charged and neutral high-mass proteins. It comprises the development of neutral and lowly-charged biomolecular beam generation and detection. To this end arrays of superconducting detectors for molecular ions and neutrals will be designed and installed in a converted mass spectrometer, and methods for charge reduction of biomolecular ions in high vacuum devised. The team includes three academic research groups (M. Arndt, U. Vienna; E. Charbon, EPFL; M. Mayor, U. Basel) and two industrial partner (Single Quantum, Delft; MS Vision, Almere). The contribution from UNIBAS is primarily concerned with the development of suitable tags for biomolecules to enable charge manipulation in the gas phase by photochemical methods.
SuperMaMa / Superconducting Mass Spectrometry and Molecule Analysis