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A Gauss-Jacobi Kernel Compression Scheme for Fractional Differential Equations

Research Project
 - 04.10.2018

A scheme for approximating the kernel $w$ of the fractional $a$-integral by a linear combination of exponentials is proposed and studied. The scheme is based on the application of a composite Gauss-Jacobi quadrature rule to an integral representation of $w$. This results in an approximation of $w$ in an interval $[del,T]$, with $00$, and $delin(0,T)$.


Baffet, Daniel Henri (2018) ‘A Gauss-Jacobi Kernel Compression Scheme for Fractional Differential Equations’, Journal of scientific computing, 79, pp. 227–248. Available at: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10915-018-0848-x.


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Daniel Henri Baffet

Principal Investigator