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Transforming Memories of Collective Violence in the Hebrew Bible

Research Project
 - 31.12.2024

Violence in biblical texts is often disturbing to the modern reader. To counter this ethical indignation, current biblical scholarship has pointed out that biblical texts often emerged in reaction to experiences of collective violence and were written from the perspective of the vanquished. Moreover, narratives of past violence - such as narratives of the conquest of Canaan or the book of Esther - are recognized as ideological fiction rather than reliable historical accounts. A growing consensus in biblical scholarship holds that the biblical texts were written mainly after the Babylonian conquest of Jerusalem. The fictional narratives of violence can thus be explained as "counterpresent" memory, stemming from a time when the producers of these texts were in no actual position of power. But as we can see in biblical texts like the books of Maccabees, the counter-historical construction of memory might also go the other way round, producing victimological rather than triumphalist narratives. Comparative evidence from ancient Near Eastern and Greek historical narratives confirms the existence of such patterns. In this project, we will argue that biblical memories of vanquishing and being vanquished are intertwined and need to be studied together as interrelated aspects of the cultural memory of collective violence. In recent years, biblical scholars have increasingly used literary and cultural trauma theories to describe the relationship between experiences of collective violence and their reflection in biblical texts. Building on insights from recent trauma research within and beyond biblical studies, we will explore the cultural function of biblical narratives of collective violence as part of Israel's cultural memory in post-monarchic times. We will draw on V. Volkan's concepts of "chosen trauma" and "chosen glory" as a tool for analysing texts produced by a group that has experienced collective violence and that, through imaginary literature, copes with the violent potential within the group. The four sub-projects focus each on one specific area of biblical narratives which led to the commemoration of a "trauma" or "glory" in the later history of reception: the Babylonian conquest of Jerusalem (2 Kgs 24-25; 2 Chr 36; Jer 37-43; Jer 52; 1 Esdras 1); the conquest of the land of Canaan in the book of Joshua (Josh 6-11); the religious persecution and subsequent triumph of the Maccabees (1-2 Macc); and the collective violence at the end of the book of Esther (Esth 8-9). The research team will work together to develop an integrated view on how ancient Israel coped with collective violence - including its own violent potential - through the literary construction of an imagined history of violence. The project will test the following working hypotheses: 1) memories of vanquishing and of being vanquished are interrelated in biblical narratives of collective violence; 2) biblical narratives of collective violence evolve in relation to historical changes and, as part of shared cultural memory, contribute to identity formation or the legitimation of power in different historical contexts; 3) biblical narratives of collective violence are a means of coping both with violence experienced and with the group's own violent potential. We anticipate that the results of this project will a) provide new and historically-grounded interpretations of difficult biblical texts, b) provide insights into strategies of coping with experiences of collective violence and with a group's own violent potential, and c) reassess and contribute to contemporary trauma studies.

Collaborations & Cooperations

2023 - Participation or Organization of Collaborations within own University
Bieler, Andrea, Prof., Universität Basel, Research cooperation
2023 - Participation or Organization of Collaborations on an international level
Berlejung, Angelika, Prof., Universität Leipzig, Research cooperation
2023 - Participation or Organization of Collaborations on an international level
Honigman, Sylvie, Prof., Tel Aviv University, Research cooperation


Transforming Memories of Collective Violence in the Hebrew Bible

SNF Eccellenza (GrantsTool), 01.2019-12.2024 (72)
PI : Ammann, Sonja.


Germany, Stephen (2025) ‘Arameans in the Books of Samuel: Literary, Historical, and Archaeological Perspectives (with Assaf Kleiman)’, in Germany, Stephen; Hensel, Benedikt (ed.) Israel, Judah, and Neighboring Groups in the Books of Samuel: Historical and Textual Approaches. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck (RIAB/ORA), pp. 168–202.

Germany, Stephen and Hensel Benedikt (2025) Israel, Judah, and Neighboring Groups in the Books of Samuel: Historical and Textual Approaches, RIAB/ORA. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck (RIAB/ORA).

Bezold, Helge (2024) ‘Esther’s Power Play: Negotiating Power and Violence in the Ancient Esther Tradition’, Judaica. Neue digitale Folge, 5(1). Available at: https://doi.org/10.36950/jndf.2024.1.16.


Ammann, Sonja and Dirnberger, Anita (2024) ‘Horror’, prospektiv – Beilage zum evangelischen Magazin Bref, 21 June. Available at: http://www.theologie.unibas.ch/de/fakultaet/publikationen/prospektiv/.

Ammann, Sonja (2024) ‘Introduction’, in Ammann, Sonja; Bezold, Helge; Germany, Stephen; Rhyder Julia (ed.) Collective Violence and Memory in the Ancient Mediterranean. Leiden: Brill (Culture and History of the Ancient Near East), pp. 1–20. Available at: https://doi.org/10.1163/9789004683181_002.


Ammann, Sonja (2024) Der zerbrochene Spiegel. Die babylonische Eroberung Jerusalems als kulturelles Trauma, Studies in Cultural Contexts of the Bible. Paderborn: Brill Schöningh (Studies in Cultural Contexts of the Bible, 9). Available at: https://doi.org/10.30965/9783657793839.


Ammann, Sonja et al. (2024) Collective Violence and Memory in the Ancient Mediterranean, Culture and History of the Ancient Near East. Leiden: Brill (Culture and History of the Ancient Near East, 135). Available at: https://doi.org/10.1163/9789004683181.


Bezold, Helge (2024) ‘Fighting Annihilation: The Justification of Violence in the Book of Esther and in its Cultural Context’, in Ammann, Sonja; Bezold, Helge; Germany, Stephen; Rhyder, Julia (ed.) Collective Violence and Memory in the Ancient Mediterranean. Leiden: Brill (Culture and History of the Ancient Near East), pp. 71–91. Available at: https://doi.org/10.1163/9789004683181_005.


Germany, Stephen (2024) ‘Reconsidering the Religio-Historical Background of the Uncircumcised Philistine’ Motif in the Books of Samuel’, in Klein, Johannes; Shepherd, David J. (ed.) Zwischen Fiktion und Fakten / Between Fiction and Facts: Geschichte und Religion in den Samuelbüchern / History and Religion in the Books of Samuel. Stuttgart: Kohlhammer (Beiträge zur Wissenschaft vom Alten und Neuen Testament), pp. 112–123.

Germany, Stephen (2024) ‘Israelite and Judahite Involvement in Transjordan during the Monarchic Period: A Synthesis of the Biblical and Extrabiblical Sources’, in Transjordan and the Southern Levant: New Approaches Regarding the Iron Age and the Persian Period from Hebrew Bible Studies and Archaeology. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck (Transjordan and the Southern Levant: New Approaches Regarding the Iron Age and the Persian Period from Hebrew Bible Studies and Archaeology), pp. 99–126. Available at: https://doi.org/10.1628/978-3-16-163452-9.


Germany, Stephen (2024) ‘Memorializing Saul’s Wars in Samuel and Chronicles’, in Ammann, Sonja; Bezold, Helge; Germany, Stephen; Rhyder, Julia (ed.) Collective Violence and Memory in the Ancient Mediterranean. Leiden: Brill (Culture and History of the Ancient Near East), pp. 56–70. Available at: https://doi.org/10.1163/9789004683181_004.


Rhyder, Julia (2024) ‘Hellenizing Hanukkah: The Commemoration of Military Victory in the Books of the Maccabees’, in Ammann, Sonja; Bezold, Helge; Germany, Stephen; Rhyder Julia (ed.) Collective Violence and Memory in the Ancient Mediterranean. Leiden: Brill (Culture and History of the Ancient Near East), pp. 92–109. Available at: https://doi.org/10.1163/9789004683181_006.


Ammann, Sonja (2024) ‘Zeit ohne Geschichte? Das Exil als Leerstelle biblischer Geschichtserzählungen’, in Zimmermann, Ruben; Erbele-Küster, Dorothea; Meyer zu Horste-Bührer, Raphaela J.; Roth, Michael; Volp, Ulrich (ed.) Ethik der Zeit – Zeiten der Ethik. Ethische Temporalität in Antike und Christentum. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck (Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament), pp. 131–144. Available at: https://doi.org/10.1628/978-3-16-160722-6.


Ammann, Sonja (2023) ‘Das judäische Heer in den biblischen Erzählungen der babylonischen Eroberung’, Theologische Zeitschrift, 79(4), pp. 296–315. Available at: https://www.e-periodica.ch/digbib/view?pid=thz-001%3A2023%3A79%3A%3A311#332.

Bezold, Helge (2023) Ester - eine Gewaltgeschichte. Die Gewaltdarstellungen in der hebräischen und griechischen Esterüberlieferung, BZAW. Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter (BZAW). Available at: https://doi.org/10.1515/9783110792263.


Bezold, Helge (2023) ‘Völker, die zu Juden werden? Zur Bedeutung des Hitpa’el-Partizips מתיהדים in Est 8,17’, in Von Elephantine bis Ugarti: Festschrift für Hanna Jenni. Münster (Von Elephantine bis Ugarti: Festschrift für Hanna Jenni).

Germany, Stephen (2023) ‘Biblische Darstellungen von Israel und Juda als Subjekte kollektiver Gewalt – Biblical Representations of Israel and Judah as Subjects of Collective Violence’, Theologische Zeitschrift, 79(4).

Germany, Stephen (2023) ‘Einleitung/Introduction’, Theologische Zeitschrift, 79(4), pp. 279–295. Available at: https://www.e-periodica.ch/digbib/view?pid=thz-001%3A2023%3A79%3A%3A311#315.

Germany, Stephen (2023) ‘Les guerres menées par Juda et Israël dans les livres des Chroniques’, Theologische Zeitschrift, 79(4), pp. 345–368. Available at: https://www.e-periodica.ch/digbib/view?pid=thz-001%3A2023%3A79%3A%3A311#381.

Germany,Stephen (2023) ‘The Literary and Theological Function of the Philistines and Arameans in Chronicles’, Religions, 14(446), pp. 1–9. Available at: https://www.mdpi.com/2077-1444/14/4/446.

Kemp, Jenna (2023) ‘From Annihilation to Dispossession: Transforming Memories of חרם in the Book of Joshua’, Theologische Zeitschrift, 79(4), pp. 316–344. Available at: https://www.e-periodica.ch/digbib/view?pid=thz-001%3A2023%3A79%3A%3A311#352.

Rhyder, Julia (2023) ‘Politics and Theology in Second Maccabees: Epiphanies, Prayers, and Deaths of Martyrs Revisited’, in Brett, Mark G.; Gilmour, Rachelle (ed.) Political Theologies in the Hebrew Bible. Paderborn: Brill | Schöningh (Journal of Ancient Judaism - Supplements), pp. 257–271. Available at: https://doi.org/10.30965/9783657790838_017.


Ammann, Sonja (2023) ‘Das Schicksal des Volkes. Transformationsprozesse alttestamentlicher Geschichtserzählungen am Beispiel der babylonischen Eroberung Jerusalems’, in Schmid, Konrad (ed.) Heilige Schriften in der Kritik. XVII. Europäischer Kongress für Theologie (5.–8. September 2021 in Zürich). Leipzig (Veröffentlichungen der Wissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft für Theologie), pp. 207–218.

Germany, Stephen (2023) ‘Die “alten” Hebräer und die Anfänge des Königtums. Komposition, Funktion und Datierung der “Hebräer”-Passagen in 1 Samuel’, in Gautschy, Rita; Grütter, Nesina; Müller, Matthias (ed.) Von Elephantine bis Ugarit. Festschrift für Hanna Jenni. Münster: Zaphon (Von Elephantine bis Ugarit. Festschrift für Hanna Jenni), pp. 39–51.


Germany, Stephen (2023) ‘Gilead in 2 Samuel and the Discourse on Diaspora during the Persian Period’, in Hensel, Benedikt; Adamczewski, Bartosz; Nocquet, Dany (ed.) Social Groups behind Biblical Traditions: Identity Perspectives from Egypt, Transjordan, Mesopotamia, and Israel in the Second Temple Period. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck (Forschungen zum Alten Testament), pp. 175–189.

Ammann, Sonja (2022) ‘Transforming Memories of Collective Violence in the Hebrew Bible. Vorstellung des SNF-Forschungsprojekts’, prospektiv – Beilage zum evangelischen Magazin Bref , 10 June, p. 3. Available at: https://theologie.unibas.ch/de/fakultaet/publikationen/prospektiv.

Ammann, Sonja et al. (2022) ‘Gewalt’, prospektiv - Beilage zum evangelischen Magazin Bref, 10 June. Available at: http://www.theologie.unibas.ch/de/fakultaet/publikationen/prospektiv/.

Germany, Stephen (2022) ‘Der Feind im Inneren. Alttestamentliche Kriegserzählungen als Beitrag zu Identitätsbildung’, prospektiv – Beilage zum evangelischen Magazin Bref , 10 June, p. 7. Available at: https://theologie.unibas.ch/de/fakultaet/publikationen/prospektiv.

Helge, Bezold (2022) ‘Gute Gewalt, schlechte Gewalt? Die Bewertung von Gewalt im Alten Testament’, prospektiv - Beilage zum evangelischen Magazin Bref, 10 June, p. 6. Available at: https://www.theologie.unibas.ch/de/fakultaet/publikationen/prospektiv.

Kemp, Jenna and Bezold, Helge (2022) ‘Biblische Gewalt zwischen Antike und Gegenwart: Interview mit Prof. Dr. Sylvie Honigman Tel Aviv University’, prospektiv – Beilage zum evangelischen Magazin Bref , 10 June, p. 8. Available at: https://theologie.unibas.ch/de/fakultaet/publikationen/prospektiv/.

Rhyder, Julia (2022) ‘Vergissmeinnicht. Siegesfeiern im Hellenistischen Judentum’, prospektiv – Beilage zum evangelischen Magazin Bref , 10 June, p. 9. Available at: https://theologie.unibas.ch/de/fakultaet/publikationen/prospektiv.

Ammann, Sonja (2022) ‘The Fall of Jerusalem: Cultural Trauma as a Process’, Open Theology, 8(1), pp. 362–371. Available at: https://doi.org/10.1515/opth-2022-0212.


Germany, Stephen (2022) ‘Saul and David, Israel and Judah: The Book of Samuel as Paradigmatic History’, Vetus Testamentum [Preprint]. Available at: https://doi.org/10.1163/15685330-bja10110.


Kemp, Jenna (2022) ‘Forgetting to remember: Theorizing the role of the forgotten in the production of biblical text and tradition’, Biblical Interpretation, 31(4), pp. 415–439. Available at: https://doi.org/10.1163/15685152-20221591.


Rhyder, Julia (2022) ‘Le porc et les interactions d’Antiochos IV avec les Juifs : une comparaison nouvelle des sources’, Revue de Théologie et de Philosophie, (154), pp. 383–409. Available at: https://doi.org/10.47421/rthph154_4_389-409.


Ammann, Sonja (2022) ‘What Follows the Death of the Author? Introduction’, in Ammann, Sonja and Pyschny, Katharina and Rhyder, Julia (ed.) Authorship and the Hebrew Bible. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck (Forschungen zum Alten Testament), pp. 1–16.

Germany, Stephen (2022) ‘The “Edom Texts” in Samuel-Kings in Inner- and Extrabiblical Perspective’, in Hensel, Benedikt; Ben Zvi, Ehud; Edelman, Diana (ed.) About Idumea and Edom in the Persian Period: Recent Research and Approaches from Archaeology, Hebrew Bible Studies and Ancient Near Eastern Studies. Sheffield: Equinox (About Idumea and Edom in the Persian Period: Recent Research and Approaches from Archaeology, Hebrew Bible Studies and Ancient Near Eastern Studies), pp. 363–391.

Ammann, Sonja (2021) ‘Second Kings 24-25 and Jeremiah 52 as Diverging and Converging Memories of the Babylonian Conquest’, Hebrew Bible and Ancient Israel, 10(1), pp. 11–29. Available at: https://doi.org/10.1628/hebai-2021-0003.


Ammann, Sonja and Rhyder, Julia (2021) ‘Transforming Memories of Collective Violence’, Hebrew Bible and Ancient Israel, 10(1). Available at: https://doi.org/10.1628/hebai-2021-0001.


Ammann, Sonja and Rhyder, Julia (2021) ‘Editorial Introduction: Transforming Memories of Collective Violence. Key Methods and Future Directions’, Hebrew Bible and Ancient Israel, 10(1), pp. 1–10.

Bezold, Helge (2021) ‘Violence and Empire: Hasmonean Perspectives on Imperial Power and Collective Violence in the Book of Esther’, Hebrew Bible and Ancient Israel, 10(1), pp. 45–62. Available at: https://doi.org/10.1628/hebai-2021-0005.


Germany, Stephen (2021) ‘Self-Defense as a casus belli in Ancient Mesopotamian and Hittite Literature and in the Hebrew Bible’, Hebrew Bible and Ancient Israel, 10(1), pp. 30–44.

Germany, Stephen (2021) ‘Scribal Cartography in Numbers 32, Deuteronomy 2-3, and Joshua 12-13’, Zeitschrift des Deutschen Palästina-Vereins, 137(2), pp. 142–166.

Rhyder, Julia (2021) ‘The Commemoration of War in Early Jewish Festivals’, Bible Odyssey. (Bible Odyssey). Available at: https://www.bibleodyssey.org/articles/the-commemoration-of-war-in-early-jewish-festivals/.

Rhyder, Julia (2021) ‘Festivals and Violence in 1 and 2 Maccabees: Hanukkah and Nicanor’s Day’, Hebrew Bible and Ancient Israel (HeBAI), (10), pp. 63–76. Available at: https://doi.org/10.1628/hebai-2021-0006.


Bezold, Helge (2021) ‘Art. Gewalt (AT)’, WiBiLex – Das wissenschaftliche Bibellexikon im Internet. (WiBiLex – Das wissenschaftliche Bibellexikon im Internet). Available at: https://www.bibelwissenschaft.de/stichwort/19496/.

Ammann, Sonja (2019) ‘Voting with One’s Feet : Emigration as a Matter of Choice in the Jeremiah Narratives’, in Høgenhaven, Jesper; Poulsen, Frederik; Power, Cian (ed.) Images of Exile in the Prophetic Literature. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck (Forschungen zum Alten Testament), pp. 121–135.


Ammann, Sonja (2018) ‘Oszillationen eines Traumas. Biblische Erzählungen der Eroberung Jerusalems’, Theologische Zeitschrift, 74(4), pp. 319–337.


Members (6)

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Sonja Ammann

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Anita Dirnberger

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Stephen Germany

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Jenna Stover

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Helge Bezold

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Julia Rhyder

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