Advanced Methods for Computational Electromagnetics
Research Project | 01.10.2008 - 30.09.2010
- 30.09.2010
Diaz, Julien and Grote, Marcus J. (2009) ‘Energy conserving explicit local time-stepping for second-order wave equations’, SIAM journal on scientific computing, 31(3), pp. 1985–2014. Available at: https://doi.org/10.1137/070709414.
Diaz, Julien and Grote, Marcus J. (2009) ‘Energy conserving explicit local time-stepping for second-order wave equations’, SIAM journal on scientific computing, 31(3), pp. 1985–2014. Available at: https://doi.org/10.1137/070709414.
Grote, Marcus J. and Schoetzau, Dominik (2009) ‘Optimal error estimates for the fully discrete interior penalty DG method for the wave equation’, Journal of scientific computing, 40(1-3), pp. 257–272. Available at: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10915-008-9247-z.
Grote, Marcus J. and Schoetzau, Dominik (2009) ‘Optimal error estimates for the fully discrete interior penalty DG method for the wave equation’, Journal of scientific computing, 40(1-3), pp. 257–272. Available at: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10915-008-9247-z.
Grote, Marcus J. and Sim, Imbo (2009) ‘On local nonreflecting boundary conditions for time-dependent wave propagation’, Chinese annals of mathematics. Ser. B, 30(5), pp. 589–606. Available at: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11401-009-0203-5.
Grote, Marcus J. and Sim, Imbo (2009) ‘On local nonreflecting boundary conditions for time-dependent wave propagation’, Chinese annals of mathematics. Ser. B, 30(5), pp. 589–606. Available at: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11401-009-0203-5.
Grote, M. and Mitkova, T. (2009) ‘Explicit local time-stepping for transient electromagnetic waves’, in Barucq, H.; Bonnet-Bendhia, A.-S.; Cohen, G.; Diaz, J.; Ezziani, A.; Joly, P. (ed.). INRIA: INRIA.
Grote, M. and Mitkova, T. (2009) ‘Explicit local time-stepping for transient electromagnetic waves’, in Barucq, H.; Bonnet-Bendhia, A.-S.; Cohen, G.; Diaz, J.; Ezziani, A.; Joly, P. (ed.). INRIA: INRIA.