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EMILIA (eMedikationsplan nach Spitalaustritt im Kanton Aargau)

Research Project
 - 31.12.2019

In Switzerland at hospital discharge most of the patients receive a discharge prescription and some hospital provide additionally a medication plan to the patients. There is limited data about the journey of the patients in the health care system after discharge and about the strategies used to overcome difficulties after discharge from Swiss hospitals. To our knowledge no systematic analysis of interventions performed by the community pharmacy during the counselling of patients discharged from hospital are published so far. Furthermore, an electronic patient record will be legally required to be offered to patients by Swiss law until the year 2020 for hospitals and in 2022 for specific health care professionals.( https://www.admin.ch/opc/de/classified-compilation/20111795/index.html ) Thus, evaluation of the new e‑medication plan in a pilot study would provide valuable information for the implementation and further improvement of the electronic tool in view of the release of the electronic patient record. The goal of our project is to evaluate the new e‑medication plan with respect to acceptance and satisfaction of different stakeholders and to investigate the related interventions performed by community pharmacies in patients accepting the new e-medication plan upon discharge from the Kantonsspital Baden.

Members (2)

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Kurt Hersberger

Principal Investigator
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Tamara Imfeld-Isenegger
