Mobility decisions in the context of a sustainable develop-ment - depedencies and potentials of influence (Dissertation)
Research Project
- 31.07.2021
The proposed doctoral thesis aims at improving the understanding of the dependencies regarding environmentally sound mobility behaviour as well as long-term and short-term mobility decisions. The former are understood as strategic decisions with effect on a longer period, such as residential choice, car purchase, or public transport subscriptions. The latter are decisions on concrete trips, i.e the choice of destination, transportation mean or route, often predetermined by the former long-term mobility decisions. Based on a deeper understanding of mobility decisions, it's planned to come up with dependencies of values, attitudes, needs, and surrounding conditions on sustainable mobility decisions, in order to formulate recommendations for well-adjusted sustainable policies. In detail, the following research questions could be focused on: How can long-term and short-term sustainable mobility decisions be operationalized ? Are there indications for behavioral changes towards sustainability oriented mobility decisions, triggered by specific, target-group adjusted policies ? How do people react to incremental changes of the political framework in order to foster a more sustainable mobility behavior In what way do values influence mobility decisions, on the short and long term, of citizens, professional experts and politicians? Could « value-education / reflection» move forward sustainability in the transport sector ?