Understanding and engineering of phonon propagation in nanodevices by employing energy resolved phonon emission and adsorption spectroscopy
Research Project
- 30.06.2021
With this PhD project we address phononics in nanodevices, a new field with great prospects for applications relating to sound and heat. While there is excellent control over electromagnetic degrees of freedom, the control of phonon transport in nanostructures is in its infancy. We propose a new scheme with which phonon transport in nanowires (NWs) can be studied with high spectroscopic resolution. This is done by embedding quantum dots (QDs) into the NW. Inelastic transport through states in the QDs can be used to both emit and detect phonons. This can be done energy resolved, allowing to characterize the energy-dependent phonon transmission. Once established, a periodic axial material modulation can be realized during NW growth, allowing to tune the phonon bandstructure. A challenging milestone would be the demonstration and engineering of phononic band-gaps.