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Research Project
 - 31.12.2020

This four year network (starting in January 2017) brings together an exceptionally strong team of world-leading experts in nano-science and technology from 6 European countries in order to achieve breakthroughs in understanding and successful utilization of photonic based nano-systems in emerging quantum technologies. The consortium of 8 academic and 3 industrial groups will deliver top international level multidisciplinary training to 15 early stage researchers, offering them an extended program of multinational exchanges and secondments. The training will be provided by world class research and industry institutions from Italy, UK, Germany, France, Switzerland, Netherlands. Full members of the network are the University of Milano Bicocca, Universities of Sheffield and University College of London, Technical University of Eindhoven, University of Wurzburg, National Centre for Scientific Research, University of Hamburg and Universities of Basel together with the industrial beneficiaries Toshiba Research Europe Ltd, Single Quantum and attocube systems AG. The associated partners are Ioffe Institute (Russia), National Institute of Materials Science (Japan), University of Firenze (Italy), EPSRC III-V Semiconductor Technology Facility (UK), Université d'Aix-Marseille de Provence et de Toulon (France), Kunglig Tekniska Hogskola (Sweden) and Think Ahead (UK). Network-wide training course in transferable skills will be specially developed and delivered by the Think Ahead (Sheffield), an award winning programme supporting Early Career Researchers (award by the Times Higher Education, 2014).



Horizon 2020 (GrantsTool), 01.2017-12.2020 (48)
PI : Warburton, Richard.

Members (1)

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Richard Warburton

Principal Investigator