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Theoretical investigations of Bell tests with a split BEC

Research Project
 - 31.05.2017

While Bell tests have been initially proposed to show that correlations cannot be explained by local strategies, they are nowadays seen as trustworthy techniques - techniques which do not need a detailed description of experimental setups - to certify the presence of entanglement or to generate truly random bit strings. Bell tests, however, have been implemented on small systems only, involving at most 14 ions or 4 photons, and implementation in many-body systems has thus become a central challenge in quantum information theory. In this project we carry out theoretical studies aiming to provide a detailed recipe to realize the first Bell test using a split Bose-Einstein condensate made up of hundreds of pseudo-spin-1/2 bosons.

Members (2)

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Nicolas Sangouard

Principal Investigator
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Philipp Treutlein

Principal Investigator