Cost of HCV treatment in SwitzerlandResearch Project | 01.09.2015 - 31.12.2016 Feasibility assessment for a study to assess the cost of hepatatis C treatment in Switzerland.FundingCost of HCV treatment in SwitzerlandIndustriegelder, Sonstige Forschungskooperationen (GrantsTool), 09.2015-12.2016 (16) PI : Schwenkglenks, Matthias.CI : Szucs, Thomas.Members (3) Matthias SchwenkglenksPrincipal Investigator Thomas SzucsCo-InvestigatorPatricia R. BlankProject MemberResearch Groups European Center of Pharmaceutical Medicine (ECPM) Pharmazeutische Medizin (Szucs)
FundingCost of HCV treatment in SwitzerlandIndustriegelder, Sonstige Forschungskooperationen (GrantsTool), 09.2015-12.2016 (16) PI : Schwenkglenks, Matthias.CI : Szucs, Thomas.
Cost of HCV treatment in SwitzerlandIndustriegelder, Sonstige Forschungskooperationen (GrantsTool), 09.2015-12.2016 (16) PI : Schwenkglenks, Matthias.CI : Szucs, Thomas.
Members (3) Matthias SchwenkglenksPrincipal Investigator Thomas SzucsCo-InvestigatorPatricia R. BlankProject Member