Nanomechanical mass and viscosity measurement platform for cell imaging
Research Project
- 30.06.2020
During recent years we developed a real-time nanomechanical sensing platform to measure liquid viscosities and fluid densities based on cantilever technology, decreasing time and user interaction required for such measurements. It features (i) a droplet-generating automatic sampler for two-phase microfluidics producing microliter sample plugs, (ii) a microfluidic measurement cell containing the microcantilever sensors, (iii) dual phase-locked loop frequency tracking of a higher-mode resonance to achieve millisecond time resolution, and (iv) signal processing to extract the resonance parameters, namely the eigenfrequency and quality factor. By applying a hydrodynamic model, viscosity and density of the small liquid droplets can be measured with high temporal resolution. The platform uses an optical actuation and read-out system, which mechanically separates the transducer platform from the measurement chamber. We now will exchange the cantilevers with fully clamped Si 3 N 4 -windows. By using such a membrane-resonator at different vibrational modes, it will be possible to calculate the mass and viscosity distribution on the membrane surface. Such a platform can be used for the imaging of cell growth.