LIMC/SALSAH: Digitale Plattform für antike Mythologie
Research Project
- 28.02.2017
The wealth of ancient myths and legends which we call Classical Mythology is one of the major elements of our cultural heritage. The Foundation for the LIMC prepared and published 10 volumes of the Lexicon Iconographicum Mythologiae Classicae (LIMC) between 1981 and 2009. This work has been continued by the Thesaurus Cultus et Rituum Antiquorum (ThesCRA; 10 volumes), focused on the domain of cult and rite. The digital archives of the LIMC will make accessible what we know of the iconography of Greek, Etruscan and Roman mythology, as well as of the neighbouring Mediterranean cultures, to all people interested in classical antiquity. The existing databases are currently being migrated to a new platform called SALSAH (System for Annotation and Linkage of Sources in Arts and Humanities ). This modern and flexible platform will grant access to and public availability of the digitised LIMC data in the future. New information not yet included in the database will be added. The new technology will allow the tagging of photographs, the connection of our data with different kinds of web information (e.g. geo system information, photos) and the linking of our data to other databases. The Virtual Research environment of SALSAH makes it possible to work with digital information that can be linked and annotated openly or individually within a so-called Region of Interest (ROI). This means that it will be possible to share personal information within a group of selected users. The project is hosted both at the Department of Ancient Civilisations and the Digital Humanities Lab of the University of Basel.
LIMC/SALSAH: Digitale Plattform für antike Mythologie