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Are mediators norm entrepreneurs?

Research Project
 - 31.08.2019

Norms play an increasingly important role in mediation processes. Mediators are no longer supposed to only bring a conflict to an end, they are also asked to integrate certain norms into mediation processes. However, although the role and diffusion of norms have been widely researched in international relations and peacebuilding literature, the same does not count for the field of mediation. While the conditions under which mediation leads to a sustainable agreement have been assessed, the role of mediators in norm diffusion has only been treated in a largely prescriptive way in policy debates. This is surprising given the fact that mediation is at the core of a wider peacebuilding process. This project seeks to shed light on the role of mediators in norm diffusion by asking to what extent mediators are norm entrepreneurs defined by Finnemore and Sikkink (1998: 895) as actors who "attempt to convince a critical mass of [actors] to embrace new norms". More specifically, it addresses the questions of what norms belong to the normative framework for mediation processes; whether mediators promote and imitate norms and how; and which norms have been internalized in mediation processes. Thereby, the project responds to three biases in current research on norm diffusion. First, it also allows insights into those norms that have not diffused in contrast to earlier research which has largely neglected instances of non-diffusion. Second, norm diffusion will neither be seen as a priori positive or negative compared to current analyses which often portray it as inherently positive. Third, the project allows for agency of actors while earlier research mainly focused on the influence of the structure on agents. Methodologically, the project is based on a combination of case study and process-tracing. Three cases of mediators are chosen which are mandated by the most typical actors in the mediation field: an intergovernmental organization (the United Nations (UN)), a regional organization (the African Union (AU)) and a state (Switzerland). On the basis of these three cases, a two-level analysis is conducted. First, and most importantly, the project assesses causal processes at the within-case level focusing on the agency of mediators. It does this through process-tracing because it allows for an in-depth description of a trajectory of change, namely the process of norm diffusion, and analyzes closely the sequences of independent, dependent, and intervening variables. Second, it conducts a comparison at the cross-case level examining how the role of mediators as norm entrepreneurs varies between the three cases. Data is collected through content analysis, interviews, focus group discussions as well as participant observation. The main contribution of the proposed research project is twofold. First, it addresses three important gaps in academic literature on norm diffusion and second, it adds empirical evidence to an often merely policy-based prescriptive debate on the role of mediators in norm diffusion. As such, this project makes a coherent and highly important contribution to scientific debates.


Are mediators norm entrepreneurs?

SNF Projekt (GrantsTool), 04.2015-03.2018 (36)
PI : Goetschel, Laurent.


Hellmüller, Sara Anna (2020) ‘Meaning‐Making in Peace‐Making: The Inclusion Norm at the Interplay between the United Nations and Civil Society in the Syrian Peace Process’, Swiss Political Science Review, 26(4), pp. 384–405. Available at: https://doi.org/10.1111/spsr.12413.


Hellmüller, Sara, Pring, Jamie and Richmond, Oliver P. (2020) ‘How Norms Matter in Mediation: An Introduction’, Swiss Political Science Review, 26(4), pp. 345–363. Available at: https://doi.org/10.1111/spsr.12425.


Hellmüller, Sara (2020) ‘Inclusion and Performance as Sources of Legitimacy: The UN Mediation on Syria’, in Richmond, Oliver P.; Mac Ginty, Roger (ed.) Local Legitimacy and International Peacebuilding. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press (Local Legitimacy and International Peacebuilding), pp. 160–179.


Hellmüller, Sara (2020) ‘Civil society inclusion in peace processes’, in Richmond, Oliver; Visoka, Gëzim (ed.) The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Peace and Conflict Studies. Cham: Springer (The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Peace and Conflict Studies), pp. 1–7. Available at: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-11795-5_136-2.


Hellmüller, Sara (2020) ‘Mediation’, in Richmond, Oliver; Visoka, Gëzim (ed.) The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Peace and Conflict Studies. Cham: Springer (The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Peace and Conflict Studies), pp. 1–10. Available at: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-11795-5_135-1.


Hellmüller, Sara (2020) ‘The Role of Civil Society Actors in Peacemaking and Peacebuilding’, in Hampson, Fen Osler; Özerdem, Alpaslan; Kent, Jonathan (ed.) Routledge handbook of peace, security and development. London: Routledge (Routledge handbooks), pp. 407–419. Available at: https://doi.org/10.4324/9781351172202-36.


Hellmüller, Sara (2020) ‘DR Congo: Local and international peacebuilders” interaction’, in Richmond, Oliver; Visoka, Gëzim (ed.) The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Peace and Conflict Studies. Cham: Springer (The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Peace and Conflict Studies), pp. 1–13.

Hellmüller, Sara and Zahar, Marie-Joëlle (2019) ‘UN-led mediation in Syria and civil society. Inclusion in a multi-layered conflict’, Accord : an international review of peace initiatives, (28), pp. 84–87.


Hellmüller, Sara (2019) ‘Beyond Buzzwords: Civil Society Inclusion in Mediation’, in Ho-Won, Jeong (ed.) Conflict Management and Transformation: Theory and Practice. Maryland: Rowman & Littlefield (Conflict Management and Transformation: Theory and Practice), pp. 47–63.


Hellmueller, Sara, Palmiano Federer, Julia and Pring, Jamie (2017) ‘Are Mediators Norm Entrepreneurs? Exploring the Role of Mediators in Norm Diffusion’, swisspeace Working Paper. swisspeace (swisspeace Working Paper). Available at: http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:0168-ssoar-53852-7.


Abo Naser, Metwaly et al. (2016) ‘Inside Syria: What Local Actors Are Doing For Peace’. swisspeace, Conflict Dynamics International, FarikBeirut.net.


Hellmüller, Sara, Palmiano Federer, Julia and Zeller, Mathias (2015) ‘The Role of Norms in International Peace Mediation’. swisspeace / NOREF. Available at: https://www.swisspeace.ch/fileadmin/user_upload/Media/Publications/The_Role_of_Norms_in_International_Peace_Mediation.pdf.


Hellmüller, Sara, Palmiano, Julia and Siegfried, Matthias (2015) ‘Norm-Pushers or Deal-Brokers? Normative Challenges of Modern-Day Mediators’, Background Paper for the Oslo Forum 2015 [Preprint]. swisspeace (Background Paper for the Oslo Forum 2015).


Members (2)

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Laurent Goetschel

Principal Investigator
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Sara Anna Hellmüller

Project Member